The Eagle head large boulder from below goes up to the entrance area from below at 75 degrees but since I cannot see it from above I cant verify that it aligns through the second boulder that is just below the entrance, but it is a very good possibility.

Sandy1, if the eagle head boulder does align to the Treasure marker that is just below the entrance, then that is a good thing since it shows confirmation and is possibly an alignment directly to the entrance.

This would be one of the few instances were it would seem there's only 1 alignment to the "entrance," but by using the eagle head and skull that run almost horizontal to the treasure, and the kings throne directly above the treasure you are able to pinpoint.

If you didn't have the aura picture to work with on this site Sandy, do you think you would still have been able to pinpoint this one?

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Sandy1, thank you for showing me the way to get more out of the sites I have struggled for years with this. I have gone back thru my expeditions pictures and have uncovered some real promising leads to follow up on. The reason I asked you about if they process the ore on site or move it to different locations is I found a smelter. There was this blue to green dust in it I had once read they would sprinkle arsenic around to poison a person and you should wear protective clothing. I could not locate a mine our a depot anywhere around this area they had to be hauling from an area many miles away. I will go back there one of these days but it is a hike and very tough country I always keep in mine what my father use to tell me you can get over your head even in shallow water.

Sandy1, if the eagle head boulder does align to the Treasure marker that is just below the entrance, then that is a good thing since it shows confirmation and is possibly an alignment directly to the entrance.

This would be one of the few instances were it would seem there's only 1 alignment to the "entrance," but by using the eagle head and skull that run almost horizontal to the treasure, and the kings throne directly above the treasure you are able to pinpoint.

If you didn't have the aura picture to work with on this site Sandy, do you think you would still have been able to pinpoint this one?

Even if I could have pinpointed it without an aura there would have been absolutely no reason to exert so much effort in locating markers and digging considering the aura is one of the best electronic ways to verify that the cache/treasure is still buried in the ground at the site (of course the aura has to be verified by the markers before digging)
The amount of work it takes to dig some of these sites is staggering, I have dug at places for weeks at a time, so I consider it a must to use the auras and electronics and markers to verify the spot before digging.

One other thing I would like to point out, with this site it was a mine and is much less hidden than a storage area (where they accumulated the mined ore for the kings men to pick up) at these accumulation areas there wasn't hardly any foot traffic, so the trails are just about non existent now days.

cyzak mentioned that there are ledges just to the right of the vertical line (up at the entrance) and that is correct as they actually made/cut out trails in the cliffs at this location, this was a large scale operation when it was in full swing and there was alot of foot traffic along those ledges.

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Sandy 1 If I may ask what do Kings lions represent on a site I have never came across this type of reference or on any of my expeditions.

The Lion from my understanding represents the authority of the king or that the king is represented as the lion, of course this is going the biblical route which means I am bringing up King Solomon.

Here is a link that has as many questions as answers but you should get the idea of what I am saying from it.

Solomon's Unique Throne | A People for His Name

To me all of this is conjecture as there are many view points from different religions such as the Winged Lion representing Mark in the new testament

Then there is the Sphinx from the Egyptians

All we know for sure is that in the Middle East and Africa they revered the lion as fierce/courageous and the lion is generally related to royalty in some way.

One of the better theory's I have read is that the Lion represents Jesus's Resurrection which is a good possibility at these treasure sites.

Here is a excerpt from wiki

In Christian tradition,
Mark the Evangelist, the author of the second gospel is symbolized by a lion - a figure of courage and monarchy. It also represents Jesus' Resurrection (because lions were believed to sleep with open eyes, a comparison with Christ in the tomb)

The reason I would really go with the lion representing Christs resurrection is because I am certain that the Hummingbird that I have found at so many of these treasure sites is in reference to the Resurrection, so the lion could be as well.

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Thank you, thank you I really appreciate this info it is giving me more understanding into the thinking of how the sites were laid out and how to follow the monuments.

Just as a curiosity, this shadow image looks to me like a King sitting, possibly on his throne.
Happens to be inside a small shallow opening, looking or facing outward.
... :sunny: :fish:

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It looks like to me if you expand the picture of the bird. The beak of the bird is actually a turtle head with the body pointing down??

Sandy 1 If I may ask what do Kings lions represent on a site I have never came across this type of reference or on any of my expeditions.

The lion was used in scripture to represent "Judah", one of the 12 sons of Israel. It was through his lineage that all kings of Judah were born. Even Jesus was of the Tribe of Judah, thus his royal linage. Scriptures refer to Jesus as "The Lion ot the Tribe of Judah". (Revelations 5:5)

MODS: Not a religious post, but an explanation.

Chadeaux, take a look click on the link (the last paragraph in the link) in post 2854.

Sites have a theme. I have seen a site that uses lions. This site had multiple lion heads/faces. Some markers were just the lips/mouth. Think of a triangle with @ J's back to back under it. Like a house cat nose and lips. I spotted several, and once I caught on I could find them easily. I also had some faces, just 1 eye type that were not lions but had the mouth and lips accented. A few had a heart for one eye and a pentagon for the other. One was cartoonish looking.
If you see something repeated, look for it. It is a clue.

Chadeaux, take a look click on the link (the last paragraph in the link) in post 2854.

I'll listen, but much of the info in that article is lore. That is, it has no basis in fact and in fact much of history contradicts it.

That said, this is likely the frame of reference these folks had from their religious teaching. They would have used the things they were taught.

It seems to me that the entire reason that I am a treasure hunter is due to the fact that very little if any of our history is true and has had most of it altered to suit the rich and powerful, and yes this goes all the way back to the Jesus Christ era.

I actually find it comical that anybody would really believe that what they think they know of European history is correct from over 2000 years ago (Jesus Era) when we quite obviously don't even know what happened right here in our own country just 300 years ago.

History's writings/teachings were manipulated by the people who were in charge at the time its always been about politics, greed, power and religion.

This is why I consider History as purely hypothetical and not in the slightest bit historically accurate, especially when it comes to treasures as they were obviously highly secret at the time and still are to this day.

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It seems to me that the entire reason that I am a treasure hunter is due to the fact that very little if any of our history is true and has had most of it altered to suit the rich and powerful, and yes this goes all the way back to the Jesus Christ era.

I actually find it comical that anybody would really believe that what they think they know of European history is correct from over 2000 years ago (Jesus Era) when we quite obviously don't even know what happened right here in our own country just 300 years ago.

History's writings/teachings were manipulated by the people who were in charge at the time its always been about politics, greed, power and religion.

This is why I consider History as purely hypothetical and not in the slightest bit historically accurate, especially when it comes to treasures as they were obviously highly secret at the time and still are to this day.

I agree about most all that you said here sandy, all check about everything, except for spiritual events
& things that were diligently recorded (by people that were present at the events), even upon the strict
enforced penalty of death at the time. What some people have experienced, some others have NOT. That
doesn't necessarily make it fiction or made up, or anyone's imagination any more than what you have truly
& personally experienced & proven to be true with your knowledge & success in Treasure Hunting. Those are
many things others have omitted from history, lied or exaggerated about, that you have proven without doubt
with hard work & tangible evidence. The thing about some of the historical events from the so called era that you
named, is that they are many, expressly only intended to be acquired, by a spiritual encounter of the individual but
not intended to be openly proven to the masses. Just like you were chosen to learn about these things & pass the info
on to others, which is a very unusual & specialized thing. Others are chosen to learn acquired knowledge of other things,
but not everyone has the same experiences, so naturally the natural human thing to do, is doubt another's confirmations,
that were generated from another dimension, similar to the experience you personally had with the voices yelling, the birds
acting up. It's really nearly impossible to express with proof what you experienced in real life, while TH alone on that day.
What you were set up to experience from events apparently hundreds of years ago, some others have been selected to
experience something from events much older in precedence than a few centuries ago. It can't be proven to human
process, except as for known deeds in a statement of truths. From a spiritually known & understood standpoint.

~ In brief, some rare things that are unseen, non-provable, & virtually unexplainable in the Natural Realm,
are things that were long ago set up, pre-planned, destined for good reasons beforehand, in the Supernatural ~

~ I very strongly believe many of these unknown, unseen things, have significant pertinence to old, & modern
day Treasure Hunting. Or is it really just some kind of a skill or luck, as many say & think, I was just lucky ~

... :sunny: :fish:

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Here is a experience I had one time when up in the mountains cause that's were I like to hang out by myself cause I don't trust no one. I had the twin box 808 whackin on the ground had my big muff deep seeker head phones on the ones you can hear a mouse fart at a 100 yards. When all of a sudden the hair on the back of my neck stood up you know the feeling I was so focused on the ground when this happen and I look up and here is a boy scout troop about 25 of em as near as I could tell standing there looking at me about 20 feet.

Here is a experience I had one time when up in the mountains cause that's were I like to hang out by myself cause I don't trust no one. I had the twin box 808 whackin on the ground had my big muff deep seeker head phones on the ones you can hear a mouse fart at a 100 yards. When all of a sudden the hair on the back of my neck stood up you know the feeling I was so focused on the ground when this happen and I look up and here is a boy scout troop about 25 of em as near as I could tell standing there looking at me about 20 feet.

...so you said what to them 25 spirits...??? :laughing7:

Well it was more like a good moment of silence and then they spoke what the heck are you doing and what is that thing you are carrying out here in the middle of no were and what are you listing to. The troop leader is eye balling me so I am thinking what would is going to be a good reply to get them going on there way.

Sorry battery went dead on laptop, my reply was lost Rolex wristwatch while hiking and they went on there way. The thing is when your out exploring things happen anybody that has spent time on the Arizona strip or South West of Searchlight NV or up in Wyoming on the Immigrant trail has seen things just because a person has not had it happen to them does not mean that it does not exists.

I thought I would share this piece of advice as I have been asked on several occasions about what to do after catching an aura then finding good markers that verify that your aura is really a treasure aura,

So here is my advice, if you can't afford to buy equipment such as a GPR then your only real way is to use the poor boy method which is to try and capture as many treasure auras as possible, here is the reason why, eventually you should be able to catch an aura from a treasure that has very little topsoil meaning that within a week of scraping dirt from all around the aura you have a very good shot at uncovering a caprock, your odds are a million times better than playing the lotto
(Extremely Important: this only works providing that there are Good treasure markers at the aura site)

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