It seems to me that the entire reason that I am a treasure hunter is due to the fact that very little if any of our history is true and has had most of it altered to suit the rich and powerful, and yes this goes all the way back to the Jesus Christ era.
I actually find it comical that anybody would really believe that what they think they know of European history is correct from over 2000 years ago (Jesus Era) when we quite obviously don't even know what happened right here in our own country just 300 years ago.
History's writings/teachings were manipulated by the people who were in charge at the time its always been about politics, greed, power and religion.
This is why I consider History as purely hypothetical and not in the slightest bit historically accurate, especially when it comes to treasures as they were obviously highly secret at the time and still are to this day.
I agree about most all that you said here sandy, all check about everything, except for spiritual events
& things that were diligently recorded (by people that were present at the events), even upon the strict
enforced penalty of death at the time. What some people have experienced, some others have NOT. That
doesn't necessarily make it fiction or made up, or anyone's imagination any more than what you have truly
& personally experienced & proven to be true with your knowledge & success in Treasure Hunting. Those are
many things others have omitted from history, lied or exaggerated about, that you have proven without doubt
with hard work & tangible evidence. The thing about some of the historical events from the so called era that you
named, is that they are many, expressly only intended to be acquired, by a spiritual encounter of the individual but
not intended to be openly proven to the masses. Just like you were chosen to learn about these things & pass the info
on to others, which is a very unusual & specialized thing. Others are chosen to learn acquired knowledge of other things,
but not everyone has the same experiences, so naturally the natural human thing to do, is doubt another's confirmations,
that were generated from another dimension, similar to the experience you personally had with the voices yelling, the birds
acting up. It's really nearly impossible to express with proof what you experienced in real life, while TH alone on that day.
What you were set up to experience from events apparently hundreds of years ago, some others have been selected to
experience something from events much older in precedence than a few centuries ago. It can't be proven to human
process, except as for known deeds in a statement of truths. From a spiritually known & understood standpoint.
~ In brief, some rare things that are unseen, non-provable, & virtually unexplainable in the Natural Realm,
are things that were long ago set up, pre-planned, destined for good reasons beforehand, in the Supernatural ~
~ I very strongly believe many of these unknown, unseen things, have significant pertinence to old, & modern
day Treasure Hunting. Or is it really just some kind of a skill or luck, as many say & think, I was just lucky ~
