Hello Sandy,

I was referring to the Raven episode when you were hearing voices. The auras got thrown into the mix. By the way the Spanish used auras, lightning strikes, dowsing and scrying to find treasure. If you allow yourself to see an aura, you can do it without using a camera to record the event. I have used them to help find locations and to find problem areas within people.



A photograph of a ghostly conquistador on horseback with his right arm raised to whip a barefoot indian with a pack on his back. Enlarge the image to see the detail.

View attachment 1605825

What would you call this, some kind of a spiritual technique?

Here you Go, O,

Back in the early 2000s I was taken to a stone carved Thunderbird by my friend Mark, its around 40 to 50 feet tall (just a guesstimate), this large Thunderbird was made/carved in some small Black Hills (Sacred) next to a very old lakebed that has been dried up for centuries.

The body of the Thunderbird was carved as part of a cliff with a separate boulder placed on top of the cliff as the head of the bird, at the base of the cliff and the left foot of the Thunderbird was a cave that was filled in with caliche/clay.

Years before Mark took me to it he worked at digging out the very hard clay for several weeks and only got several feet into it, the clay had cacti embedded in it as well as guano which made it very nasty to touch and breath causing irritation to his throat, lungs and eyes as he breathed in the dust from digging.

He Never did get into the cave all the way but he did find something in another small cave just down the hill from this Thunderbird.

Mark took me to this cave as well (more to come)

Sounds very interesting, ready for more when you are.
Too bad about the caliche/cacti/guano filled in cave.
Probably some thing good in there, all that trouble.

My previous question. If a recovery team came to a site. They would recover all the caches? I ask so if there is one, most likely the site was not recovered and there will be more correct?

Hello sandy1,

Would it not have been easier to say that in the first place? When you say government in this day and age, what are people to think? Making a statement clear is important for all concerned in regard to searching and making recoveries. Actually you misinterpreted my question about digging up treasure from government land, BLM and/or the department of the interior lands and parks. At this point in time its neither here nor there, although the following is something to ponder:


At present I am deciphering the Las Lunas Decalogue Rock. I am studying what a jesuit priest wrote down on its face by using an archaic Phoenician and Greek alphabet. At present I have decoded only one part in it

"they are goading a serpent out of its home"

That is why I asked about the Society of Jesus signs and symbols.

I figured you knew? If you don't that is okay.

I am in to process of using mineral and other dictionaries to break down the symbols found in Spanish petroglyphs of the region.

Some may lead to treasure others do not.



"they are goading a serpent out of its home"

Have you interpreted what's meant by what they'd written so far?

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Sandy do you think they were knights templar's? I see this often in the pictures of others. Because who else beside them or the Jesuit would have Jesus's foot as symbolism.

Im going to the area tomorrow to look for more and ill get some new pictures i can PM if youd like!

Hello Sandy1,

You sound mighty paranoid and threatening with that statement. What are you afraid of? You admitted your involvement in this thread. Think about that and what you said and are saying. How do we know you are not a sentinel and are here to lure/mine the minds of unsuspecting treasure hunters to divulge their sites to you so you can profit from them?

We don't know who you really are and what your credentials are?

All I asked is information on the Society of Jesus signs and symbology. Personally, I thought you would know? If you don't know, the easiest thing you could have said was "I DON"T KNOW". But NO, you brought up the government. Due to your reluctance to clarify Old Spanish with new government. We would not be having this conversation. Nor that of your groupies that take your word as gospel?

I shake my head as you kids make me wonder.

Have a nice day sandy1.


You sound mighty paranoid and threatening with that statement. What are you afraid of? You admitted your involvement in this thread. Think about that and what you said and are saying. How do we know you are not a sentinel and are here to lure/mine the minds of unsuspecting treasure hunters to divulge their sites to you so you can profit from them?

We don't know who you really are and what your credentials are?

I noticed you keep saying "WE", as if you're trying to be
the leader, or hijack sandy's thread, divide, cause doubt &
or confusion, with those of us that know sandy, & have been
here talking to him for a long time. Thread-jacking, trying to
cause dissension, but it won't work. We easily see your spirit.

We would not be having this conversation. Nor that of
your groupies that take your word as gospel?

Do I detect jealousy, envy, pride, arrogance?

Totally wrong assumptions, with a very easy answer... "TEST THE SPIRITS"

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Sounds very interesting, ready for more when you are.
Too bad about the caliche/cacti/guano filled in cave.
Probably some thing good in there, all that trouble.

Thanks for reminding me CDS, I got sidetracked.

So after Mark took me to the Thunderbird on this Black Mountain he then took me to a small cave that was about a hundred feet down below the Thunderbird, we looked inside and it was mostly filled up with dirt.

I asked him what was so special about the cave and then he explained to me that years before he had dug out this little cave and it turned out to be a sacred Indian burial, the first things he found were several Indian Pots that were intact and were around 750 years old which he sold, then as he dug deeper he came across some very long Pine Needles (there are no pine needles around this area) and as he uncovered more he realized that the pine needles were actually a deathmat, as he continued to dig the last thing he ran into was a nest of scorpions that stung him several times so he decided to get out of there.

The story doesn't end there though.

Just recently I took a friend up to see the spot and as we were almost to the little cave bees started bouncing off my hat and they became very aggressive so much so that we ran back for the truck and several were still on my hat and stung me after I got into the truck, these bees must have been Africanized as there were hundreds of them bouncing off my windshield as we drove away.

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Thanks for reminding me CDS, I got sidetracked.

So after Mark took me to the Thunderbird on this Black Mountain he then took me to a small cave that was about a hundred feet down below the Thunderbird, we looked inside and it was mostly filled up with dirt.

I asked him what was so special about the cave and then he explained to me that years before he had dug out this little cave and it turned out to be a sacred Indian burial, the first thing he found were several Indian Pots that were intact and were around 750 years old which he sold, then as he dug deeper he came across some very long Pine Needles (there are no pine needles around this area) and as he uncovered more he realized that the pine needles were actually a deathmat, as he continued to dig the last thing he ran into was a nest of scorpions that stung him several times so he decided to get out of there.

The story doesn't end there though.

Just recently I took a friend up to see the spot and as we were almost to the little cave bees started bouncing off my hat and they became very aggressive so much so that we ran back for the truck and several were still on my hat and stung me after I got into the truck, these bees must have been Africanized as there were hundreds of them bouncing off my windshield as we drove away.

Good story sandy, too bad on the sticky ending though.
Sounds like a proper time to treat them to a little incense...8-)

BTW, how bad did them Africanized bees sting?

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Thanks for reminding me CDS, I got sidetracked.

So after Mark took me to the Thunderbird on this Black Mountain he then took me to a small cave that was about a hundred feet down below the Thunderbird, we looked inside and it was mostly filled up with dirt.

I asked him what was so special about the cave and then he explained to me that years before he had dug out this little cave and it turned out to be a sacred Indian burial, the first things he found were several Indian Pots that were intact and were around 750 years old which he sold, then as he dug deeper he came across some very long Pine Needles (there are no pine needles around this area) and as he uncovered more he realized that the pine needles were actually a deathmat, as he continued to dig the last thing he ran into was a nest of scorpions that stung him several times so he decided to get out of there.

The story doesn't end there though.

Just recently I took a friend up to see the spot and as we were almost to the little cave bees started bouncing off my hat and they became very aggressive so much so that we ran back for the truck and several were still on my hat and stung me after I got into the truck, these bees must have been Africanized as there were hundreds of them bouncing off my windshield as we drove away.

ill have to get a bee keeper suit!

They feel just like regular bee stings but they swarm you and when one stings you they all want to sting you.

View attachment 1611597View attachment 1611598View attachment 1611595View attachment 1611599Hello I am new to this site I would just like to say how much you have helped me your understanding of the ways of the Spaniards and Indians is awesome. I have spent some time in the mountains myself and I am asking if you can possibly help me with this photo that I want to show you. You have had way more experience doing this than what I have but I am learning new things everyday and want to learn more I know from books and pics that I have looked at that there is something of great importance here. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated and I really do appreciate all the help that you give on this site it is awesome to have some one with your experience you have built from being in the field.

Cyzak, I see a bunch of king lions with what looks like an large eagle. Maybe other see it different. It looks like a nest . From one angle I see the head of a turtle.

View attachment 1611597View attachment 1611598View attachment 1611595View attachment 1611599Hello I am new to this site I would just like to say how much you have helped me your understanding of the ways of the Spaniards and Indians is awesome. I have spent some time in the mountains myself and I am asking if you can possibly help me with this photo that I want to show you. You have had way more experience doing this than what I have but I am learning new things everyday and want to learn more I know from books and pics that I have looked at that there is something of great importance here. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated and I really do appreciate all the help that you give on this site it is awesome to have some one with your experience you have built from being in the field.

I can see what appears to be a face looking left (profile) which is a good sign that you have something more than just a miners monument (that is one of the things I do when I look at cairns, I look to see if there are any faces or triangles etc. in them, this is a must around my area because there are many old cairns that are for mining claims)

Here is a great example, tell me if you (or anybody else can) see the carving in this treasure marking cairn and what it is, then I will explain it.
1 (10).webp

Hello Cross De Sign,

I was asking a simple question.

Hardly on all four counts as you suggest. Do I need to test your spirit or are you easily swayed by others?

By the way, I have already found what I was looking for in sites of interest.

Once again. All I asked sandy1 to do is tell what he knows of the Society of Jesus signs and symbology to verify what I was seeing. Instead he came up with a convoluted government answer. Which threw to twisted wrench in the gears.

Do you know something about their signs and symbology that he doesn’t? If so please share.




Hello CDS,

If some one exposed his donkey’s butt I am sure you travel to Glendale to kiss it. Is that what I gather?

That is what groupies do and why would you change?



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Lue Hawn, you have done nothing for this thread to help anybody and are now becoming a major disruption, so I am asking you to go on your merry way and don't look back (I hope this is clear enough for you)

Sandy, it's a turtle head looking left with 3 stones for its shell I believe...

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A, your absolutely right about the Turtle Head (no shell though)
Lets wait to see if cyzak can see it as I have a point to make about it.

It looks like a face of a turtle looking to the left.

Your absolutely right cyzak, the reason this particular cairn has a turtle head is because it goes to a caches permanent marker that is less than a hundred feet away (just in this case though and I will explain how I knew it was a short distance in the picture below, however these cairns can be any distance as they are usually just trail markers)

In this picture the cairn with the turtle head is the one on the right, and as you can see there is a triangle made of cairns (which is why I knew it was the last cairn(s) on the way to the treasure location, if you follow the blue arrow at dead South on the compass you run into the major marker that is marking the treasure.

1 (9).webp

And here is the Permanent Marker that marks the treasure (circled in Blue) I am standing at the triangle while taking this picture.
1 (14).webp

By the way there are carved markers everywhere in this picture, everything from a horses head, owl, snakes, A-Frame rock, window, three fingers, devil etc.
Just for fun see if you guys can find the ones I just mentioned.
One other thing, most markers here as well as what you find in the field are just the heads not full bodies.

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