SS the Spanish recovery teams were forced to leave the country and go back to Europe due to the Mexicans Revolution, so the Spanish treasures that had been stored just before and during the revolution are still here unless the Mexicans or Sentinels were able to get them out before the United States took over the land, but there wasn't much time between the Mexicans Independence and the United states taking over for them to get much out considering they were using wagons and horses at that point and could really only work in the cooler and wetter months here in the South West.

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The last picture is the foot of Jesus. He is making His enemy his foot stool.
Only took 3 days to read through this and it is fascinating to say the least! I have a few pictures of some interesting formations all on the same ridge. These pictures are not mine just taken from google. Ive been on this ridge maybe a dozen times and never thought twice about any of it.
View attachment 1611260
View attachment 1611261
View attachment 1611264
not sure if these are natural or along the same lines as what you are talking about. The owls and the hole in the rock seem interesting!

Which groups did what within the Catholic Church is really not known and the Jesuit markers and carvings are not what I have shown even though the markers are heavily influenced by the Catholic Church such as the 3, the caches I go after are not Jesuit they are government owned hence the Kings Thrones.

Anyone who has really studied the guide & thread (I realize it's a lot of great info & commentary,
which is partly what makes it so excellent & first class), would've easily seen the honesty, along with
mention of Catholic #3 use, and then the meaning of government owned, used along with the King's
Throne. Nothing to do with current authority. Some of you guys aren't seeming to be really reading &
Studying the thread it seems, & would rather submit your ideas & experiences, which is ok, but for
wasting time. I'll tell you, we are lucky, because sandy has in the past disappeared at times, just
to let people to grasp it, cool off, & have the opportunity to rethink their hasty ways & behave...
I like it when he's taking the time to be on here commenting, patiently answering questions.

The great thing I have noticed consistently, is that our friend sandy is continually explaining
points even more specific & thoroughly, which is an awesome help & blessing in my opinion.
...:sunny: :fish:

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Dog, The sites tell a story from end to end. From the tree of Eden to the pit of Satan. It's all there. One just has to read it and know the Word of God.

Anyone who has really studied the guide & thread (I realize it's a lot of great info & commentary,
which is partly what makes it so excellent & first class), would've easily seen the honesty, along with
mention of Catholic #3 use, and then the meaning of government owned, used along with the King's
Throne. Nothing to do with current authority. Some of you guys aren't seeming to be really reading &
Studying the thread it seems, & would rather submit your ideas & experiences, which is ok, but for
wasting time. I'll tell you, we are lucky, because sandy has in the past disappeared at times, just
to let people to grasp it, cool off, & have the opportunity to rethink their hasty ways & behave...
I like it when he's taking the time to be on here commenting, patiently answering questions.

The great thing I have noticed consistently, is that our friend sandy is continually explaining
points even more specific & thoroughly, which is an awesome help & blessing in my opinion.
...:sunny: :fish:

Thank you CDS

Only took 3 days to read through this and it is fascinating to say the least! I have a few pictures of some interesting formations all on the same ridge. These pictures are not mine just taken from google. Ive been on this ridge maybe a dozen times and never thought twice about any of it.
View attachment 1611260
View attachment 1611261
View attachment 1611264
not sure if these are natural or along the same lines as what you are talking about. The owls and the hole in the rock seem interesting!

Thank You for reading the entire thread I hope you enjoyed it, as far as your markers I have seen large ones like yours but usually they were ancient and before the Spanish era.

Thank You for reading the entire thread I hope you enjoyed it, as far as your markers I have seen large ones like yours but usually they were ancient and before the Spanish era.
Sandy do you think they were knights templar's? I see this often in the pictures of others. Because who else beside them or the Jesuit would have Jesus's foot as symbolism.

Well this would be pure speculation on my part but I have said before that I think the Romans were here in the past, and of course they were the Creators of Roman Catholicism.

There were other orders of the Catholic church before the Jesuits. But from what I see. The only order that left their mark are the Jesuits. If not for the initials there are the hats. That is a big hit for those who look for it. They give those little marker that tell you. I've seen a few different types and I've not yet put those pieces together.


To start out we need some history of why the treasures even exist, so here is a brief summery of the reason for these treasures:

(It all starts with a revolt, The Reason for the Revolt)

The Spanish conquest of the Americas began with two renowned kidnappings for ransom, In 1519 in Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma was invited to lodge with the Spaniards under the command of Hernan Cortez and then was held for ransom. Moctezuma offered to fill a large room once with gold and twice with silver in return for his freedom. This enormous ransom was duly paid, along with a treasure of jewels, however the Spaniards (history is unclear on this point) either executed or allowed Moctezuma to be killed during an uprising by the Aztecs that started due to brutal mass assassinations of Aztec nobles by the Spanish.
Yet Again in 1531, the Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro seized the Inca Emperor Atahualpa during a negotiating session, slaughtering many nobles and taking the emperor hostage. Pizarro agreed to release the emperor for a ransom payment of a room twenty-two by sixteen feet filled with gold and silver, when the Incas complied and filled the room, Pizarro fabricated charges that Atahualpa was plotting a counter-revolution and publicly executed the emperor anyway.
Many Natives were tortured and killed in order to find any knowledge of Gold and Silver.
In 1545, silver ore was discovered in Peru, and it changed the way Spain extracted the treasures of the New World. Up to that point, (all precious metals were obtained by stealing it from the natives as well as many more years of looting other ancient places in what is now the USA) (The Spanish were thieves and butchers) After 1545, mining became the main method for the acquisition of precious metals from the Americas. Once mining for silver, became big business in the Colonies, gold took second place, as the metal of choice. In 1546, silver mines were discovered in Mexico, insuring two major sources of silver for Spain. Once mining became more common tens of thousands of Native Americans and Natives from both South and North America as well as Africans were enslaved to work the Spanish Mines. Over time the Spanish moved Northward and started mining in North America the area that would eventually become the USA.

The reason the treasures are still here:

(From 1810 to 1821 was the Mexican Revolution)

Father Migual Hidalgo gathered the Indians, peons, the enslaved and the Mexicans to revolt against Spain's rule. During this eleven year period the Mexicans won their independence from Spain.
Spain was forced to recall its soldiers from the northerly areas (USA) where they were protecting mining communities (because Mexico had won its Independence and would kill any Spaniards on sight after 1821) thousands of treasures large and small were hidden by miners with the intention of returning one day to recover what they hid.
The King had many mines that were worked by slaves and had accumulation rooms for ease of pickup that were not able to be retrieved.
The mines that were owned by individuals (not the king) had to pay taxes 10% to 20% to the king of what was mined and these taxes were put in accumulation rooms as well, many were never retrieved.
In 1846-1848 was the Mexican-American war where America took Mexico's Northernmost lands and thousands of treasure locations with the land, so even the Mexicans only retrieved a small amount of these treasures during the short time of their independence from Spain until America came along (1821-1848 27 years) however the Mexicans left many markers to relocate the treasures later (for themselves of course, not letting America in on their little secret)

Briefly looking at some of the info we have access to, pertaining to the activity of the early
Spanish Conquistadors & Catholic Church societies, missions construction projects, & the
extensive missionary & conversion efforts. Inquistadors & society removals, later societies,
land grants, Mexican revolution, & eventual loss of control & sale of New Spain's lands, etc.

The mine & cache info likely passed on through the years, that sandy makes reference to,
we can only really speculate about. Some info was apparently passed on somehow through
the transitions of power & control, & some knowledge of locations it seems was apparently
transferred forward. Thus, the caches observed to have been recently marked & remarked.

I understand why sandy doesn't get into all of this history, because it's unnecessary
to understand what he has figured out pertaining to the subject. Through over 32+
years of labor intensive field research, extensive evidence gathering & comparison,
data analyzing, serious technical equipment testing, & contemplative scientific studies.

Then, compiling all of this info accurately, completely into brief, easy to read & understand
guides, free for the reading. That's true patience & dedication my friends. Study, memorize,
& do what the author would hope you do, which is to take advantage, enjoy, & pass it on...









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The fact that you even posted this Link tells me (and hopefully any treasure hunter who would actually like to find a treasure) everything we need to know about you.

Hello Sandy1,

You sound mighty paranoid and threatening with that statement. What are you afraid of? You admitted your involvement in this thread. Think about that and what you said and are saying. How do we know you are not a sentinel and are here to lure/mine the minds of unsuspecting treasure hunters to divulge their sites to you so you can profit from them?

We don't know who you really are and what your credentials are?

All I asked is information on the Society of Jesus signs and symbology. Personally, I thought you would know? If you don't know, the easiest thing you could have said was "I DON"T KNOW". But NO, you brought up the government. Due to your reluctance to clarify Old Spanish with new government. We would not be having this conversation. Nor that of your groupies that take your word as gospel?

I shake my head as you kids make me wonder.

Have a nice day sandy1.




What do we really need to know about you sandy1? What is you are hiding that you would make an irrational statement like that?



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Hello Sandy1,

You sound mighty paranoid and threatening with that statement. What are you afraid of? You admitted your involvement in this thread. Think about that and what you said and are saying. How do we know you are not a sentinel and are here to lure/mine the minds of unsuspecting treasure hunters to divulge their sites to you so you can profit from them?

We don't know who you really are and what your credentials are?

All I asked is information on the Society of Jesus signs and symbology. Personally, I thought you would know? If you don't know, the easiest thing you could have said was "I DON"T KNOW". But NO, you brought up the government. Due to your reluctance to clarify Old Spanish with new government. We would not be having this conversation. Nor that of your groupies that take your word as gospel?

I shake my head as you kids make me wonder.

Have a nice day sandy1.



No one needs your harassment, umm uhh youngin'.
You apparently are the one that is having the problem,
so yer free to just go your way. No insults necessary.
Not a groupie, & not about to give you any further
clues, than what's been presented. Do your own
homework, leave your aptitude somewhere else.
Having to be so angry, & crying this child like
kind of insulting is quite telling, don't ya' think...

PS. I told sandy shortly after he started this thread,
that I would try to be learning all I could from him.
Still working on that, but've seen a lot of water go
under the bridge, before, during, & still learning.

Anybody who posts a link (to ponder) about a federal sting operation against treasure hunters should be scrutinized closely by treasure hunters.

Hello Sandy1,

You sound mighty paranoid and threatening with that statement. What are you afraid of? You admitted your involvement in this thread. Think about that and what you said and are saying. How do we know you are not a sentinel and are here to lure/mine the minds of unsuspecting treasure hunters to divulge their sites to you so you can profit from them?

We don't know who you really are and what your credentials are?

All I asked is information on the Society of Jesus signs and symbology. Personally, I thought you would know? If you don't know, the easiest thing you could have said was "I DON"T KNOW". But NO, you brought up the government. Due to your reluctance to clarify Old Spanish with new government. We would not be having this conversation. Nor that of your groupies that take your word as gospel?

I shake my head as you kids make me wonder.

Have a nice day sandy1.




What do we really need to know about you sandy1? What is you are hiding that you would make an irrational statement like that?



Really, your not the first to be scrutinized...
... :sunny: :fish:

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There are only 2 reasons why a treasure hunter would not be paranoid, one: they haven't found anything yet or two: they haven't been put in jail for treasure hunting yet.
Federal Sting Operations are something I do not take lightly at all, and neither should any other treasure hunters.

Hello All,

Here is some serious information in regard to signs and symbology. This is great information if you would like to study ancient languages and alphabets. Which I have been doing for ever it seems. This is one of the reasons I was asking about the Society of Jesus as they were some of the most brilliant minds to come to the new world as we know it as New Spain. The Society knew many languages of the ancients and placed their writing throughout the Americas. If you want a real puzzle try and decode the Las Lunas Decalogue Stone. I did not know about it until a few months ago and I have decoded some of it. It relates to Vault Hunting so don't be afraid to look at the following link. Hopefully it will open your eyes to some profound information you all seek.




[sandy1]: I have heard a lot of second hand stories about treasure auras, but nobody has ever come forward with the proof, which is why I am taking credit for being the originator of capturing long distance auras to treasures.

Some have also turned up closer results with your info & techniques.:thumbsup:

Here is an additional book you might like to read it was written in 1976 in regard to spirits, ghosts, phantasm and auras:

Some of this pertaining to spirits has been discussed at some length & significance
on this thread, & quite extensively on another TN thread a few years back.

Spirit Photographs at Treasure Sites: indian Signs and Symbols Hardcover — 1976 by Chester H. Heath

Auras, spirits, ghosts and phantasm can lead to treasure and are often pointers to such. There are many a story of such entities that guard treasure and what is written whether you believe it or not are out there.

Pointers? Can you explain? Do you refer to this to try & encourage, or discourage treasure hunters?

You don't test fate because most of the time it will end with your demise and you may become one of the guardians of that said treasure.

What exactly do you mean by not testing fate & it causing your demise?
The last part of your statement, is just simply not at all possible.

Ghostly Yours


Some of this just sounds like propaganda.

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