sdcifia I have a question for you? I am new here but I spent days going through all 170 plus pages and two years of this thread to learn. From my perspective as soon as you came on this thread you have done nothing to contribute or be positive on this thread. So my question to you is why are you here? It is obvious not to learn! I for one would appreciate it if you would contribute or just leave....

sdcifia I have a question for you? I am new here but I spent days going through all 170 plus pages and two years of this thread to learn. From my perspective as soon as you came on this thread you have done nothing to contribute or be positive on this thread. So my question to you is why are you here? It is obvious not to learn! I for one would appreciate it if you would contribute or just leave....

It's a forum wk, not a blog. When extraordinary claims are made, I tend to want to see some verification. My questions here have been fair. I have left the building for the most part, in that I have the Gang of Five on permanent IGNORE. Once in a while, I see something intelligent to respond to, but frankly, this entire catagory (Treasure Marks/Signs) is low on my interest list. So, cheer up - you likely won't see much of me here. Soldier on.

Who in the heck would brag about putting somebody on ignore on a public forum?
Seems like it's always been that anytime someone posts useful info on the subject, it's like , watch out, here they come!: AcP1iiO.gif That's why there's always been so little amount info put out there.

Ho,Ho, Ho, Santa klawz again -- '' It's a forum wk, not a blog. When extraordinary claims are made ''
Always the same old come back. Seems they just go in circles and spue that garbage out whether it fits or not.
'' Sorry sandy , could not keep quiet. They absolutely killed the thread - '' Digital cameras can see buried metal ''

Hello All,

Here is a great link to some interesting topics we all can use.

Gallery | ancient america

I think this would be helpful.



Here is what I meant about being stuck on the writings/graffiti on the rocks.

Many of the markers that you find in the field are used at multiple sites and will be in the same type of locations such as a base of a hill or in a wash, this was due to the fact that there were rules that were followed and therefore the people that came back for these caches knew what to do when they found a certain marker in a certain spot, in otherwords it was understood what to do once they found a Owl or Duck etc. in a specific area and there was no need for any explanations on the rocks/boulders themselves as too what to do next, this also prevents anybody outside the recovery people from figuring out what to do with the markers.

Now back to the picture.

The purpose of this boulder is simple, it is there to stop you as you are going along the base of the mountain and tells you to look up the mountain behind it, you might be wondering how I know what direction to look since there is nothing on the boulder that would indicate a direction to look, it was understood that the boulder is directly below/downhill from the Important cache that is up the hill from it and to ad to this info the closest 15 degrees on a compass that is going up this mountain from the boulder to the cache is 75 Degrees.

Here is the Boulder with the cache location, I am marking the cache location with a pentagon, this is how simple this stuff really is (until you get within 100 feet then it gets complicated), if you get hung up in all the writing/graffiti you will be completely lost and not even get close to where you should be.
View attachment 1609114

Sandy Amigo,

Those of us that have seen the light, or maybe even an aura,
are very much aware. Keep learning from your continuation of
teachings, explaining what you've figured out, & are extremely
grateful for your patience, time & very generous considerations.
Of course you know all this, cause we've told you, so others see...

Hope everthin' is going ok for y'all in the s/w lands, & them
crazy wildfires nowhere near, er botherin' too much, ifin 'tall.
Be good time ta' be soakin' that cool Colorado R. I wish... 8-)
Have few jet boats in there cruisin' round lookin' fer markers,
settin' cameras in the cool of the evenin', hmm might work..:laughing7:

It's a forum wk, not a blog. When extraordinary claims are made, I tend to want to see some verification. My questions here have been fair. I have left the building for the most part, in that I have the Gang of Five on permanent IGNORE. Once in a while, I see something intelligent to respond to, but frankly, this entire catagory (Treasure Marks/Signs) is low on my interest list. So, cheer up - you likely won't see much of me here. Soldier on.

...An' how refreshin' it is, when yer lost in space, & can't be seen, er heered of.:laughing7:

Who really cares about yer interest levels, when ye refuse to receive instruction...??? :icon_scratch:

Too bad, cause it looked from pics you shared mite be havin' a wee bit of potentials...:tongue3:

It's called git yer own hide out an' try it, not just want proof online. Anyone can look online...:laughing9::laughing7:

~The Gang Of Infinity~

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Sandy have you found any other instances were the duck was used other than for the kings cache sites? or is it safe to say if you find a large duck you are on to something?

WK, Everytime I have found a duck it has been in a cache area.

One other thing that I have mentioned before but its worth a repeat.

The treasure locations I have shown have always had a spring within a mile, out here in the desert it was necessary to have water nearby the work area as they had to water the horses cattle and of course the men.

When you have an area that has a good water source there will most always be more markers in the area as some markers are for the water and also the men would have spent more time in the area which meant more carving on rocks/boulders.

Sandy on seeing the duck. Has it every been just a ducks foot?

No, the ducks I have seen are either the entire body or just the head.

Hello Sandy1,

Fourth (4th) time asking: What do you know about Society of Jesus treasure signs and symbols. I am sure a lot of us would like to hear what you have to say about this subject in regard to vault hunting?



Lue-Hawn I have answered that question multiple times, I don't get involved with the hypothetical history of who as that is not really proovable since it was mostly all secret information and not for the most part written down for us today, all I can say is that the Spanish, French and Portuguese were here and they buried treasures.

I have not seen anybody as of yet be able to decipher Jesuit writings/symbols/carvings on rocks/boulders and figure out where they go to.

Anybody who can decipher the Jesuits Codes (writings/carvings on boulders) feel free to come forward at any time and show us what you got.

Which groups did what within the Catholic Church is really not known and the Jesuit markers and carvings are not what I have shown even though the markers are heavily influenced by the Catholic Church such as the 3, the caches I go after are not Jesuit they are government owned hence the Kings Thrones.

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Hello sandy1,

I go after are not Jesuit they are government owned hence the Kings Thrones. You are saying that most of the caches are on government land like BLM and department of the interior lands and parks?

Thank you for the response.



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Hello sandy1,

I go after are not Jesuit they are government owned hence the Kings Thrones. You are saying that most of the caches are on government land like BLM and department of the interior lands and parks?

Thank you for the response.



No I am talking about treasures going back to the government of Spain, that is why so many of these treasures are still here because when the governments men retreated from the Mexicans they had to leave the ground vaults with the treasures still in them and that is also why most of these treasures are from the late 1700s to the mid 1800s when Mexico took over.

By the way I do find it interesting how you zeroed in, took out of context and misinterpreted the most illegal aspect of what I said, its almost as if you would like me to admit to illegally digging up treasure from government land, BLM and/or the department of the interior lands and parks.

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Hello sandy1,

Would it not have been easier to say that in the first place? When you say government in this day and age, what are people to think? Making a statement clear is important for all concerned in regard to searching and making recoveries. Actually you misinterpreted my question about digging up treasure from government land, BLM and/or the department of the interior lands and parks. At this point in time its neither here nor there, although the following is something to ponder:


At present I am deciphering the Las Lunas Decalogue Rock. I am studying what a jesuit priest wrote down on its face by using an archaic Phoenician and Greek alphabet. At present I have decoded only one part in it "they are goading a serpent out of its home" That is why I asked about the Society of Jesus signs and symbols.

I figured you knew? If you don't that is okay.

I am in to process of using mineral and other dictionaries to break down the symbols found in Spanish petroglyphs of the region.

Some may lead to treasure others do not.



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I have a question. Are you implying that the church or whoever made all these sites, except the Spaniards due to fleeing, recovered their caches? I understand the mexicans may have stash things after 1821. My question is this. If I have a site that does not have a kings throne, but is a legitimate spanish site, It will most likely have been recovered? Also, when the recovery teams came to recover, I assume they would recover all stashes that were not moved by others and re-cached. Is that correct? I have a site with a few auras so far. Have not investigated them as of yet. I am teaching myself how the whole set up works. (they did not have auras, maps probably but I believe they did not need a paper map. At least that's my thinking at this point. Subject to change as info and proof comes to light). So at this point, if something is found according to the rock/carvings, then it is safe to assume the other caches at the same site will most likely be intact as the recovery team would take all or nothing?
Thanks for your time as always. I look forward to your reply.

Only took 3 days to read through this and it is fascinating to say the least! I have a few pictures of some interesting formations all on the same ridge. These pictures are not mine just taken from google. Ive been on this ridge maybe a dozen times and never thought twice about any of it.
not sure if these are natural or along the same lines as what you are talking about. The owls and the hole in the rock seem interesting!

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