I know you noticed that my above post, was in no way,
a disagreement with your methods whatsoever. But is,
simply my intention to use your suggested camera type,
just improvised to experiment & see if it will work in my
application, which is closer, maybe at 1/8 mile, and see
if I can capture a good aura. like you & Quinoa have...
That is all I was saying, & know that you alone happen
to know of the different card I have held back, & which
is not the same kind as you & Quinoa have captured.
Now that is why I haven't shown it, not considering it
to be the same kind of an aura, but was caught with
the same kind of camera, just much closer, & also
was quite unexpected, & lasted longer than normal.
And not considering it to be a good one, still trying
for one, that would be considered the same kind...
So why are we having to listen to this static again?
With a poster, that contributes nothing of value to
the topic, just looking for a supposed flaw, to go
on the attack about, stir up doubt & strife, that
is of
NO benefit to anyone whatsoever, strife.
Maybe if you report this poster, the mods will
do something about the useless nagging again.
That's of use to absolutely no one whatsoever,
& is only of a negative nature. Repeating, like
a broken, scratchy revolving irritating record.
Thanks in advance, for the other pic of the aura your dad caught...