capt dom said:
And, when I say 27 to 35 feet I am talking about from the existing surface of the sand depth... Not from the top of the water to the bottom of a blown hole. Are you saying you are getting depth readings from the waters surface of 42 feet at the bottom of your holes

And yet in your Jupiter Historic Shipwreck thread you say, and I quote (copy and paste) " Blowers in 10 to 15 feet of water can only dig a hole about another 10 feet deep. After that the ridge of the hole gets so high - the sand just can't lift out of the hole! If you try harder to go deeper... all you do is drive coins and artifacts deeper into the sand column."
It is your reply number twelve, if you want to check.
It is very hard to believe anything you say since it changes on a daily basis.
You have tried to make it appear as if I lied about the axe head, when in fact you and I found it together, working the same hole blown by my boat, and I brought it to the surface and still have it in my possesion to this very moment.
And don't apologize for my behaviour as I most certainly will not. Quite the opposite, I stand one hundred percent behind every word I have written on here.
Also Troy, the bipolar guy, is not to blame for anything between us nor is a difference in style, unless that is what you mean by your not being able to tell the truth.
When and if it becomes neccesary for me to apologize for telling the truth I will remove myself from this forum.
And Mariner while I understand how it may seem from another viewpoint I have learned my lessons well enough already, I do not need to repeat them.