A Fresh Approach to the Jupiter Shipwreck Site

If blowing a hole 30 to 40 feet deep in 10 to 15 feet of water is just driving the coins deeper or m

  • Do we use bigger blowers?

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  • Do we rely on suction dredges?

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  • How about a crain and barge?

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Yes Scot

Those gold bars were actually found by John Mc Cherry when we, JWI and Marex were in a joint venture.
I didn't claim to have found them.

The gold disc yes, in earlier days - when life was simpler we were together when it was found. It was lost but not on my watch. And oh by the way.... And, one of the things I found was an axe head while diving with you earlier this year... Remember the one you reported was found on your boat?

Seeing you are taking to attack me in this forum. . . Maybe you should get some others reflections on your postings... Some gentleman!

For going on 20 years I have been saving information, photos and video that though this forum I now can share with others interested in shipwreck exploration. You spent 19 of the past 20 years becoming a successful business man. Now you have a season of being an active treasure hunter and I am happy for you.

If you want to keep publicly attacking my character it is just beginning to shed light upon yours.
That is not what the spiritof this forum is all about.

And if it is... Then I choose not to take part in it

Yes, I believe my character is showing. I am a man who will stand his ground and tell the truth. Let the chips fall where they may. I tried for weeks to ignore your false statements but enough is enough. You stated that we came and anchored where you had been the day before, when in truth I was there for the previous two days and you had not been there in six days. You say you had been working there all summer, but I don't believe you even started til late July or early August. I started in late March or early April and almost immediately focused on that location as evidenced by my log sheets. You however started much closer to the jetty until you found out that I was finding coins at which time you anchored between my buoys and stayed twentyfour hours a day preventing me from even using my own anchors. You make it sound like we all came out there and jumped your claim, when actually the opposite is true. You are the one who came here to spread your negativity on something that was perfectly legitimate and a good time for all. Unlike you I never tried to take money from anyone for letting them enjoy the thrill of treasure hunting. You come here and try to lord it over everyone like you have twenty years of treasure hunting experience when in fact, that other than this year when you only found coins by following my trail and the 03 season, when you found nothing, you have not been treasure hunting since the early nineties. There are plenty of people on this forum with more experience than you and you have already alienated most of them. So if telling the truth and using your own pictures to prove my points is bothering you don't say things that are misleading or meant to deceive.

I never found out you were finding coins - as you say - until I heard about this forum just recently.
Scot I don't need your efforts to show me where to work. How full of yourself are you getting?

Well Mr. Seahunter good luck to you.

We developed a digging plan over two years ago and are continuing to follow it.
The digging pattern actually started with Bruce and I in 2003! I never asked Bob our Project Archeologist about your finds and our pictures and the pictures of the Jupiter inlet cam speak for themselves!

You dug the holes in close to the jetty - not me! We have the pictures of you digging them.

But this is really getting silly and I am really done with it!

Yes I dug holes close to the jetty, when you were anchored between my buoys. The pictures of your boat will almost always show you between my buoys. I am not that full of myself, but I will call you on every statement you make on here that is not truthful. Do I really need to go further?
You never answered my question - have you found anything in the last fifteen years?

Capt. Dom,
Who does your art work.
I would like some Art work for myself-if the price is right.
Peg Leg


I normally do not get involved with online arguments, but I have enjoyed reading the Jupiter Point story and the nexus of some of the members of TN getting together there. I find it sad that we have moved into and apple throwing contest on line. It seems you both live in the same vacinity and could go to the pub and sort this out without the detriment to the unfolding story of this treasure site.

We do not get any infomation from any other treasure site like this and although it does not seem to have the mega $ attached to the seach) it may come later), its a tonic to those who are not at the sharp end of the search these days.

Sort it out and get back to the point. Shared info, communial working, and hopefully a treasure chest for the participants. Life is to short to argue over these things. I know we do not have the full history of this but its in the past now.

Just my thoughts lets keep positive

Sorry for any spelling or grmma mistakes, I have miss placed my glasses


Michael Collins

A personal note to Seahunter and Capt. Dom

Gentlemen, I have enjoyed following your post on the Jupiter project (until recently), and while your comments to one another are beginning to border on the lack of civility test, and as a moderator, I have restrained myself from interfering with you disagreement in this public forum for a number of reasons.
Your disagreement on this matter has obviously been festering for some time, and now that the 2006 season has ended it is probably good therapy for both of you to get your feelings off your chest (damn, I’m starting to sound like on of those left wing therapists). However, I disagree with Cablava on the idea that the both of you should go to the pub and work this issue out, as it would most likely turn violent. It would be my recommendation that both sub-contractors sit down with the lease holder and get all your grievances out on the table, identify the problems and come up with a solution so that these problems do not extend into the 2007 season.
For all the rest of us who have to endure this public battle at the Jupiter site, I don't see anything FRESH about this approach, and let this serve as lesson that this type of problem has been around the treasure hunting business for a long time, and the only way to resolve these issues is with open lines of communication or deck guns. You have a situation with two sub-contractors working commercial salvage operations on the same wreck, in a relatively small space. Confrontation at some point is inevitable. I just hope that they are able to resolve there differences prior to the situation spinning out of control.


Thanks for the past two posts....

And, I apologise for Scot's and my personal differences, personalites and style to make this forum look more like some sort of grudge match between two spoiled children - who both have a bat and a ball they wish to share with others.

Thanks in point of fact for all the posts. Including you Scot.
Until such time as the Seahunter and I work out our differences privately - I will not use the forum as a
grievance airing post. Any communication with Scot, the Seahunter will be either at our JWI board meetings, over the internet personally or in person - should he so choose.

And I still even after this bullcrap - maintain - I rather have him as an activist partner - who really wants to work the site, as a principal/subcontractor - like me - than the former situation where only outside contractors came on board with their own agendas.

Capt Dom

Hear, Hear, Cablava.

I do not know either Capt Dom or Sea Hunter personally, but I think that both have a lot to offer this forum in terms of ideas and action. I hope you find a way of resolving your differences. It strikes me that while SeaHunter probably has the right to feel aggrieved about recent events, it is his attitude that is stopping these two from getting together to their mutual benefit, and to ours as forum members. Sometimes it takes a bigger man to put differences behind him and extend the hand of friendship.


capt dom said:
And, when I say 27 to 35 feet I am talking about from the existing surface of the sand depth... Not from the top of the water to the bottom of a blown hole. Are you saying you are getting depth readings from the waters surface of 42 feet at the bottom of your holes??? Routinely....?

And yet in your Jupiter Historic Shipwreck thread you say, and I quote (copy and paste) " Blowers in 10 to 15 feet of water can only dig a hole about another 10 feet deep. After that the ridge of the hole gets so high - the sand just can't lift out of the hole! If you try harder to go deeper... all you do is drive coins and artifacts deeper into the sand column."

It is your reply number twelve, if you want to check.

It is very hard to believe anything you say since it changes on a daily basis.

You have tried to make it appear as if I lied about the axe head, when in fact you and I found it together, working the same hole blown by my boat, and I brought it to the surface and still have it in my possesion to this very moment.

And don't apologize for my behaviour as I most certainly will not. Quite the opposite, I stand one hundred percent behind every word I have written on here.

Also Troy, the bipolar guy, is not to blame for anything between us nor is a difference in style, unless that is what you mean by your not being able to tell the truth.

When and if it becomes neccesary for me to apologize for telling the truth I will remove myself from this forum.

And Mariner while I understand how it may seem from another viewpoint I have learned my lessons well enough already, I do not need to repeat them.


I never called or implied you are or were a liar.
I was just trying to show you - not teach you - how a well meaning statement can be miss-interpreted.
You challenged me to make a statement of what finds have I (presumably personally) made recently.
I bring just one up and you get p.o.

Suggesting you will just leave the forum by making verbal or written miss-interpretations is just plain not necessary. Its kinda childish. All of out here make mistakes... occasionally say things we wish we didn't or get miss-intrpreted. This is not a poke. It is just another effort to. You have said this to me yourself.

I still maintain I am glad you are an active partner and contributor of JWI - irrespective of what you personally think of me.

So much of what you say is just pure bull. When confronted with the truth you just make up anoher story or change the subject. Do you even bother to try to keep track of all your stories? It does not appear that you do. Trying to make me look childish or make yourself look like you are the bigger man does not change the facts. On your website you state that you will be diving everyday May through September and yet weren't you actually on vacation in other states for almost 30 days during that time. I believe it also states , in what is basically a plea for money,that you will maintain a skeleton crew during the winter so that when the seas lay down you can go out there and dive. Yet this past month when there were quite a few good diving days, you did not make it out. Weren't you actually out of state more days than you were here? I see your boat quite often since you have moved it to the same marina where mine is and yet I see no evidence of your skeleton crew - are they dead and therefore actually skeletons? I noticed that you have taken the cruzan rum signs off your boat, didn't they give you thirty thousand dollars during the years when you weren't diving. What did they recieve for the money? Anything?
I think I have proven enough of your statements to be false, do you really want to keep baiting me until I expose all of your little schemes. I assume soon you hope to try to raise money here as you always do and that is really where our problems started. I believe that if you take peoples money they should get something in return besides stories.

Here is my a copy of post in regard to the axehead:

Maybe you can explain how this post was misleading. Or are you simply upset that I did not say that you were present.

You ought to quit while you are ahead.

I could go on forever pointing out misleading things.


Now it is getting a little tedious.



Since July, we logged about 30 days at the wreck site.
We started testing deflecting and overburden pumping equipment in May. We had major overheating problems and had to completely re-build both cooling systems on our main engines. We did this in house to save money.

During November my wife and I took a break to visit family.

Operating and maintaining any vessel costs money. Some people can afford to do both from their saved earnings or profits they have made in other areas over the years. In 2004 I was approached by Cruzan Rum company to place signage on my vessels as a form of advertisement. Their then CEO & President reasoned the profile of treasure hunting, boating and the pirate life went right along with rum drinking. Just like a floating NASCAR does - I agreed to place signage on my vessels for some operations capital. It was for a one year contract. I kept the signs on for two and one half years. The company, Cruzan Rum, last year was bought by Absolute Vodka.

Now, I though that was going to be a windfall for us because of the Vasa Project in Sweden. But after increasing the National Debt the Swedes are now shying away from other shipwreck recovery projects. I even tried to convince them our boat looked like an Absolute bottle! (It kinda does)Cruzan even once put together an Atocha Gold Rum line once!

The crutch of the problem of the common man being involved with any of these types of projects or undersea explorations is bigger projects require bigger boats and more complex equipment. Bigger boats and more complex equipment cost bigger money to maintain.

Its great - if there is an "angel" out there that can make this happen. Now Seahunter may just be or become that "Angel", who has the sufficent surplus capital resources & desire to not require outside capital infusions to make a project actually succeed. I sure hope so. If that is the case I will gladly step aside. After 20 years frankly I will enjoy moving on to other things. Paul Allen is such a man - who has the resources and maybe the interests in the sea & exploration. Have you seen his boats. Hell one of them has not one but two submarines on them!

Many think it should only be governments who oversee these types of projects. They see friends turning against friends. Outside armchair jealous dissidence, fueling the fires of disscontent don't help either. The problem of major organizations running these type of hitherto unexplored endeavors is that they require innovative individual initiative most large organizations just can not afford to have within its ranks. Meanwhile individual rights to explore are being pulled right from under us all. And if that happens a new dark age will begin.

The quest for individual freedom and alas profit has made the original american dream even make its way into the new burdgeoning middle class of mainland China! Now if you or anyone else wants to slam those who attempt to raise funding in innovative manners to pursue their own and others dreams and pursuits.

Well have at it.

Its an old saying, but true. Anybody getting involved with a shipwreck is likely to end up with a small fortune .... providing they start with a large one.


I too agree that Scott has every right to be upset based on what has been said. I've known Scott both personally and on the forum for about a year now, and have never seen anything from him but class and honesty. The fact that he is so adamantly defending his position tells me there must be something to it. I too took a bit of offense to Dom's post that we were encroaching on "his" site. I've read much about the Jupiter site and it's long history, many have laid claim to the site and the initial find.

If you read the other posts around here, you'll see that we really are a nice, civil bunch of guys, who share information and ideas freely. We all start first with honesty, and we generally attack any false or mis-leading statements. Just my opinion, and I hope you don't take it personally. Everyone knows that the way we type something is not nessecarily the way someone else is going to interpret it.

Err ah gentle men?? How about getting back to the original question of digging support? You are about as bad as G'boy and I in the Yamash-ta lead.

Have you ever thought of the large culvert's made for road construction arroyo/creek crossings? They come in both site half moon assembly sections and complete pre- one-piece assembled "o" sections. in almost any size and length.

Obviously, the sections that are assembled on site are more practical, since one can extend the depth as needed as well as minimizing handling problems. One could even extend the half moon sections laterally to double the working area. This is assuming removal of the bottom materiel completely for the moment, which would be sieved for artifacts before being deposited outside of the present workings - naturally where you do not intend to excavate later...

Needless to say they are extremely pressure resistant due to their shape and design..

Tropical Tramp

You're right TT...sorry. ::)

The culverts would require a good sized crane to be onsite. I don't recall seeing a crane on the Enterprise or any of the other boats there. I'm sure this is why Dom is thinking along the lines of something that can be assembled onsite.

Why not put a barge on site. One with adjustable legs and go from there.
Riobravo has plenty available. You can then put a crane on it and dig to the middle of the ocean.
I am planning to do this sometime this summer if the POWERS will allow me???????
Peg Leg

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