A Fresh Approach to the Jupiter Shipwreck Site

If blowing a hole 30 to 40 feet deep in 10 to 15 feet of water is just driving the coins deeper or m

  • Do we use bigger blowers?

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  • Do we rely on suction dredges?

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  • How about a crain and barge?

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Thank you for that reply Dom...some of these posts were beginning to shed a negative light on a great weekend. I'm glad that you can see the beauty in 9 guys getting to live the dream for a weekend. Many of us had never been treasure hunting like this before, and some of us will not get to go again. You, Scott, and Earl as the directors of JWI deserve a "thank you" from all of us.

Trez, That "ease" in which we got to go on this adventure was the result of 20 years of hard work by Scott (and Dom and Earl for that matter), several weeks of planning by Scott and Joseph, and a lot of good timing by some GOOD people here on TNet. If you must comment on the weekend, why not applaud Scott for his generosity in putting this thing together, or Joseph for bringing a nice big rig in to accomodate all of us. With so much generosity, comradery, and teamwork involved in the weekend, it's hard for me to understand where the heck you are coming from. Everyone was invited...yourself included...so what's the problem???

Nothing Negative was intended in the postings but I have to admit...
I was dying to to a "Paul Harvey" (and, folks here is the rest of the story....)

You are right on the money! Twenty years of hard work, money and heart ache have gone into this project!
I often kid the new people coming aboard and patrons by telling them, "you all get to benefit from 20 years of my mistakes!" The key is to survive your and others mistakes because in true exploration, they are going to happen. Egos are going to clash and unfortunately sometimes friendships are not going to stand the 'time & stress" of venturing into the unknown...

another one of those old sayings... if it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

Take a look at this set of photos...


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Now, look at these photos and time stamps...


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one more...


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No offence was taken, I figured he was jealous he wasn't there. Hell we all had to start somewhere. I'm grateful and appreciative Scott and Joe were able to provide an opportunity. In the near future I hope to have the opportunity to return the favor.

Thanks again guys, great weekend!!!

Everyone knows Trez has personal issues with me....I always try to avoid him........If I post on a thread and he comments on that thread I delete my posts just to avoid him.....he is always looking for the opportunity to start something with me.....but I have no interest in creating a problem with him I have better things to do....As you can see that was a direct attack to me.....but I don't care I totally ignore him....and that is exactly what I will do this time......It takes two to tango...

Its not the same thing to call the devil than to se him come....Trez let it go brother....grow up

All the best,


I was just posting a response to the post and quoting one...
I really enjoyed (enjoy) most all of the the Jupiter posts, they are tremendous, jealous...oh sure why not.
I am not sure how it started such a o'dor of bad feelings with some........not my attempt.
I guess it just goes to show that when reading posts...people interpret them in many ways and with mixed feelings.........
So don't look to much into this.
and Chagy, please. there you go...let's not go there, call the kettle black if you must but you'd be one of the first to get drunk from it by being so deep into it yourself.
example...your last sentence.
Come on, your still not upset about your fake coin are you? please accept my sincere apology OK? and to anyone else I may have offended by this Jupiter post.......
It must be the Holiday's that makes one want to start "afresh"



Great to see your post about the Jupiter site and your theories on where the bulk of the treasure may be. I was very shocked at the rubble we found along the drop off in the 18-21' range. We never really got much deeper. I think one hole was around 25' at the bottom. Most of the coins were of course found in the bottom of these boulder filled holes. But, Brad and I found a number of coins in the upper layers of the boulders that seemed to have slid down through cracks from above the boulders.

I like your theory, but getting to it could be difficult. Are there large boulders in the solution holes like we encountered at the drop-off?

Why not use long coring tubes to take samples and check the stratigraphic dispersement of the artifacts? This would give you a realistic depth and you would be able to see if there is any shipwreck debris in the areas you want to work. It can be tedious work, but would save you lots of time and headaches in the end. This method is tried and true, the only obstacles would be the large boulders!

Good luck and I look forward to seeing some more post on this topic.

Robert in SC

The only time I have worked anywhere else was when you found out I was finding coins and came and anchored between my anchor buoy's forcing me to go elsewhere. I see your twenty year old pictures of treasure, have you found anything in the last decade other than what you found by diving between my anchor buoy's this summer. Up until this summer you really have not dove for the last several years and when you did dive with Bruce four or five years ago you went a whole summer with out finding anything, at least that was the story you told me.


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Hi Scot,

Good to hear from you.

Yes, you are right. Bruce and I dug all summer in the year of 2003 (just 3 seasons ago) - testing the deep water theory and never got to the bottom of a hole. We did not bounce around - from spot to spot just checking to see if we could find coins anyplace. (That is what someone would have done just trying to satisfy an investor - we were looking for the rest of the ship!)

I am really happy that you gracoiusly set up a situation on the Rio Bravo where others could enjoy the passion you and I have for treasure hunting. We were just surprised the day we went out and the Rio was on Site right where we were digging the day before. The time stamped pictures I posted from the inlet cam clearly illustrate this. But all that worked out well. Everone ended up having a good time. The Rio Bravo proved itself to be an execellant digging machine and you found a great way to share the adventure of discovery with others.

We spent considerable money in 2005 before you were a JWI partner (as you also have this year, that you now are, on your own boat that I - as a friend, traveled with you around the state helping you to find; recognizing your geniune desire to take an active role in JWI) - - - equipping the "Enterprise", to follow the deep solution hole theory. (long sentence)

By the time we got the boat into the water Jupiter was hit with back to back hurrincanes at the tail end of the season - and the "Enterprise" ended up - after the first hurricane stuck under the Indiantown Road Bridge. (see photos) You know what happened as far as the permitting situation in 2005. The only thing we got to go was the Chirp sub bottom profile (you graciously paid for the Technian and electronic equipment - I supplied the boat, crew and fuel)

Also attached is a photo of the some of the coins we have found thus far this season. (around 5 or 6 dozen total)

After reading your posting you still are oviously still mad at me. I will publicly say I am sorry for our "falling out" last summer when that bi-polar guy entered our lives. I will take the blame for it. We both have our own personalities and ways of doing business. You have had your successes and failures - as so have I.

We can accomplish a lot more working together - even if it is seperately. With all that having been said - we can continue this conversation privately - if you wish.

I still maintain - i much rather have you as an activist partner - who cares about this project than one who just wants to be around when the cameras are rolling.

Capt Dom

We spent considerable money in 2005 (as you also have this year on your own boat that I - as a friend, traveled with you around the state helping you to find; recognizing your geniune desire to take an active role in JWI) equipping the "Enterprise", to follow the deep solution hole theory.

By the time we got the boat into the water Jupiter was hit with back to back hurrincanes at the tail end of the season - and the "Enterprise" ended up - after the first hurricane stuck under the Indiantown Road Bridge. (see photos)

Also attached is a photo of the coins we have found thus far this season.

After reading your posting you still are mad at me. I will publicly say I am sorry for our "falling out" last summer when that bi-polar guy entered our lives. I will take the blame for it. We both have our own personalities and ways of doing business. You have had your successes and failures - as so have I.

We can accomplish a lot more working together - even if it is seperately. With all that having been said - we can continue this conversation privately - if you wish.

I still maintain - i much rather have you as an activist partner - who cares about this project than one who just wants to be around when the cameras are rolling.

Capt Dom


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Capt Dom and SeaHunter,

Thanks to both of you for your very interesting inputs to this forum. I imagine you would make an awesome team if you were both pulling on the end of the same rope.

I hope that today of all days you can both count your blessings, and put whatever difficulties you had in the past behind you. Maybe this will be the year that you find that elusive motherlode. I hope so.

Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and to the rest of you guys (and gals) on this forum.


GOOD POST Mariner!

There is enough negative bullcrap in the universe!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Capt Dom, not to be confused with Capt Doom!

Once again you have not told the truth. Look at your own posts, you had not been there since October 14th, anchored between my anchor buoys. I was there October 18th and 19th. Posting pictures of me with my blowers up and setting anchors does not mean I was working further west. I have been working on the same east/west line since April. I believe you finally started working in August and at the point that I found coins you moved south and anchored between my buoys while I was at the marina. But when I found you anchored directly between my buoys I did not call Earl, the President of JWI, and cry about you doing it, as you have done twice this year, I simply moved somewhere else like a gentlemen.
On another point there are no clearly defined solution holes out there, simply depressions that are deeper than other areas. And according to the charts you have posted the closest one is hundreds of yards southeast from where the RioBravo was anchored . But we both know you did not overlay the charts correctly according to the latitude and longitude lines and so in reality the holes are even further away than that. I know, I have blown holes where you are talking about and hit bedrock in less than twentyfive feet of water. Your belief that no boat can dig deeper than twentyseven feet is wrong. I do it routinely and so do many other people on this forum.


The solution hole I am looking for is about 150 feet to 200 feet right infront of my digging pattern I have been working all summer. Look at our ariels. The holes to the left you dug.... The holes to the very far right you dug.

There is a difference between reading the old scatter pattern charts of the where the solution holes are in degrees minutes and seconds and interpeting them in degrees and then decimals. Yes - there are two solution holes further out but if you look at the ariels of our digging pattern it is plain to see where we are working for. The time stamps on the Jupiter Inlet Cam are what they are.

And, when I say 27 to 35 feet I am talking about from the existing surface of the sand depth... Not from the top of the water to the bottom of a blown hole. Are you saying you are getting depth readings from the waters surface of 42 feet at the bottom of your holes??? Routinely....?

We have been keeping an accurate photo record of all the positions with Jupiter Inlet time stamps. When we went out this summer we stayed on site 24 hours a day until the the weather pushed us off the site.

Think what you want...


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I have the solution you guys problem and that is to make a deal with whoever is in charge and dredge the WHOLE AREA and put fresh white sand back on the beach and recover treasure at the same time.
With money you have already spent and will no doubt spend in the future this will guarantee you will be able to recover almost everything that is there .
I believe that Riobravo has this type of equipment available.
It would sure beat the hell out of finding a few coins and spending all this time debating who is right and who is wrong and only finding a few coins each day.
Peg Leg

Peg Leg,

That is what we have been planning!

And no the Rio Bravo does not have hydraulic dredge equipment on board but we on the enterprise have been putting that equipment package together for over two years now.

The Rio Bravo has probably the best damn blowers in the business. It may have an airlift as well. To my knowledge they do not have a hydraulic suction dredge on board but I may be wrong.

That was what we were digging with the weekend they were here on site. But the weather got too rough for us to keep the hydraulic unit on a seperate work platform out on site.


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Yes I agree you anchored right between my buoys as your picture shows, and stayed there twentyfour hours a day so I could not get back on my site and use my anchors to finish the job I started. And as I told you and the picture shows I also blew the holes one hundred fifty feet in front of you and I can tell you what is there and it is not a solution hole.

The "high 2006 aerial shot" shows something of interest that a few of the salvors here like to do occasionally and get results...they like to go back to areas that have produced in the earlier years, especially areas that produced gold.
Look at all the area so close to the worked areas, even the existing overlap holes show potential areas, holes on top of holes will still create areas that will conceal...
If I had a day to work an area, I would go back to the plots and work the areas that already produced gold items...where there was a couple of g- bars areas so close to those holes may be hiding another 2, it only takes 2 feet of miss and they lay there for another couple hundred years.

Nice aerial...........and patterns.


Like These!

They actually came out west of the original cannon spatter bu in line with our scatter pattern is!


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Those were actually found by subcontractors weren't they. Actually the only significant find you ever made was the gold disc in your first picture which you and I both found and then mysteriously dissappeared, or do you still have it? Have you found anyhing in the last ten years, or even the last fifteen.

You know there is a button at the bottom where you can delete this whole thread if you don't enjoy what I am saying.

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