If Baird did find a pirate treasure chest it most likely would be filled with Spanish real's and escudo's. Those were legal tender in the U.S. until 1850. It would be very easy to liquidate those coins in 1897. I talked with the last person to conduct an excavation there last summer. Don Patterson believes it is pirate treasure.
Salvor6,I agree that if Baird found a pirate chest,it would have been filled with Spanish reals and escudos,and possibly specie from other nations and maybe jewels.Piracy had come to an end in Florida by 1830,so the deathbed
pirate" with the Scandanavian accent who gave Baird the treasure map would have been in his late 70's in 1897-but keep in mind,all versions of this story originated with Baird,and have been repeted and embellished in many publications.
Reals and escudos would indeed lead one to believe it to have been a pirate treasure,but no where is an inventory given of what was it Baird's chest,or the actual size of the chest for that matter.
Also,there is no definitive proof that Baird recovered a chest at Fowler's Bluff,only,once again,by what he claimed-it may have been found eleswhere.
From 1897 to the 1920's,what was called "Baird's pirate eagles",circulated in Alachua and Marion county,all were pre Cilvil War,without the "In God We Trust" motto.
Jefferson Davis did issue "Letters of Marque" to several private vessels,and the Union considered the Confederare blockade runners as "pirates".
When one looks at the KGC/Suwannee River gold legend I posted above,it is quite possible that Baird's "pirates" were Confederate,and in 1897,many CSA veterans were still living.Also,during the 1890's,many Florida newspapers had stories on pirates and buried treasure,including those by Adrian P Jordan,editor of THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD,and those of TAMPA TRIBUNE society editor,Mary Louise Dodge,who invented the Gaspar legend so Tampa could have its own style "Mardi Gras" festival.
Since Baird,there have been several digs at Fowler's Bluff,as you mentioned,but what has been found?
While I can not definitely state that it was a KGC treasure,neither can anyone definitely state it was pirate treasure based on Baird's word.
As for the pre Cilvil War gold double eagles-they came from somewhere.