Shortly before this time, Jefferson Davis was making a deal in Washington D.C. with the aide of blockade runner Benjamin Franklin Ficklin who had already ran the blockade with the first load of C.S.A. cotton in a boat that Davis had purchased for the deed. The deal had taken place sometime in March of 1865 following Singleton's trip to Richmond which was permitted by Lincoln through the sneaky leverage of Orville Browning. The Singleton cotton deal would have given Orville Browning, John Singleton and Ben Ficklin and Pres. Davis a chance to sell the C.S.A cotton without taking the oath of allegiance to the Union, not to mention a monopoly on cotton sales. Most of all, It would have also made the C.S.A. all a great deal of money to fuel the rebellion and continue the Civil War. Lincoln was savvy to the fact that he would only be fueling a flame he was trying to extinguish by allowing the C.S.A. (DAVIS) to sell cotton in the North without taking the oath. At one point in the discussions between he and Orville Browning, President Lincoln said " I would rather puke than sign the permit"

Great stuff ECS, L.C. :thumbsup:

Although Tallahassee was never taken during the War,Florida Governor,John Milton,who was all in for Florida's role in a "golden circle",now felt that Florida's secession had been a major mistake,lamenting-"She(Florida)has never recieved a musket from the Confederate States".Without resigning office,Milton fled to his 2600 acre Sylvania Plantation,at Marianna as the Union moved into Tallahassee,and shot himself through the head with a Navy Colt.The dreadful prospect of Yankee rule was more than Milton could endure.
Returning to Marion county,was CSA Capt John H Martin,who had served on the Confederate Congress,Dr G G Mathews,who had served as a field doctor for the CSA,and with several other Marion county families,migrate to Santos,Brazil.
CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock,having been severly wounded at the Battle at UTOY CREEK,returned to his Ocala home,Dec 1864.Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood would stay at Bullock's home during their time spent in Ocala.

Although Tallahassee was never taken during the War,Florida Governor,John Milton,who was all in for Florida's role in a "golden circle",now felt that Florida's secession had been a major mistake,lamenting-"She(Florida)has never recieved a musket from the Confederate States".Without resigning office,Milton fled to his 2600 acre Sylvania Plantation,at Marianna as the Union moved into Tallahassee,and shot himself through the head with a Navy Colt.The dreadful prospect of Yankee rule was more than Milton could endure.
Returning to Marion county,was CSA Capt John H Martin,who had served on the Confederate Congress,Dr G G Mathews,who had served as a field doctor for the CSA,and with several other Marion county families,migrate to Santos,Brazil.
CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock,having been severly wounded at the Battle at UTOY CREEK,returned to his Ocala home,Dec 1864.Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood would stay at Bullock's home during their time spent in Ocala.

REBELS/families were invited to Brazil, by the gov't there... becoming CONFEDERADOS; SOME Rebs/families returned to USA later... speaking SPANISH. They were WEALTHY, burying "treasures", along the "GULF", from Florida to California... AND! MEXICO! Using OLD SPANISH "signs"! HH! Good Luck! LATER still... DESPARADOS/OUTLAWS! Johnny Yuma... was a REBEL... a BAD, BAD man. Grew up watching those shows on the telly; now, I know the "history"...

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When word of the Davis captured reached Cottonwood Plantation,Mrs Nannie Wickiliffe Yulee had her 15yo son, C Wickiliffe with the help of CSA Lt John S Purviance,Co G,10th Florida Regiment carry one of Davis's trunks with contain gold coins into the stable area behind the house,which they buried in CWickiliffe's pony barn.The Mrs Yulee had the remainder of the Davis baggage,containing Jefferson and Varania's wardrobe,secret papers,a fine European hunting rifle,and $35,000 in gold coin to the railroad station master at Waldo,where CSA Capt J J Dickinson maintained a post for his Gulf coast raids.Mrs Yulee and son then traveled to Ocala,which was free from Union incursions because of Dickinson, and stayed with her husband's Benjamin cousins,who lived in the Tuscawilla section of Ocala.Yulee's other cousin,CSA Sec of State,Judah P Benjamin,was in Ocala to greet her.
US Capt O E Bryant captured all the items that were sent to Waldo.

Hart docked the JAMES BURT at Davenport Landing,the first high bluff on the Oklawaha River from the ST Johns to stck additional firewood for the final journey to the docks at Silver Springs.The Fillyaw family ran Davenport while patriarch,CSA Cpl Thomas Cassidy Fillyaw 10th Bn Georgia Inf,had no yey returned from the War.They were unaware of the identity of the James Burt's passengers,who were now dressed in mufti.
The second stop was Dickinson's Fort Brook,where Orange Creek meets the Oklawaha at Orange Springs.Dickinson gave Breckinridge,Wood,and Benjamin the lifeboat that he had captured from the USS Columbine,which was tied behind Hart's riverboat.The keg with the remaining Mexican silver dollars was buried at Fort Brook.
The James Burt continued down the Oklawaha to the Silver River,and docked at Silver Springs,where Bullock,Martin,and Howse were waiting.
For his efforts,Hubbard A Hart recieved $4500 in gold coin from the dwindeling CSA treasury.

Any more specifics regarding the Suwannee River? I have read that the loot was buried on a high spot on the Dixie County side. Great thread!!!

During the 2nd week in May,1865 that Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood spent at CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock's home,the ladies of Ocala modified the coats of the fleeing Confederates by sewing some of the gold coins into their linings.A mast and sail was added to the Columbine lifeboat,which Breckinridge and Wood would use.
CSA Capt John Taylor Wood was an able seaman,having served aboard the CSS VIRGINIA(Merrimack) during her battle at Hampton Roads with the USS MONITOR.Later on during the War,Wood was the captain of the highly successful Confederate raider,the CSS TALLAHASSEE.
Judah P Benjamin departed,heading southwest to the Gamble Plantation at Ellenton on the Gulf coast.Once there,he was aided by "Cow Calvalry" Captains McKay,Lesley,and Hendry,and CSA blockade runner,Capt Archibald McNeil sailed Benjamin to the Bahamas.
The Columbine lifeboat was loaded on a wagon,and using military trails from the Seminole Wars,transported it to CSA Fort Butler(Astor)on the St Johns River,early morning,May 29,1865.
(NOTE:The Florida Conferedrates used several of the old Seminole War forts and trails that were shown on the MAP of the SEAT OF WAR IN FLORIDA-US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINNERS 1839 that was complied and ordered by US Gen Zachery Taylor,Wood's grandfather.)
Wood and Breckinridge,still had a keg of gold coins in their possession,as they sailed and rowed down the St Johns to Lake Monroe and Fort Mellon(Sanford).Once again,the "Cow Cavalry" loaded the lifeboat onto a wagon and transported it to Carlisle's Landing on the Indian River Lagoon,June 2.Sailing down the intercoastal,they went into the Atlantic at Jupiter Inlet,reached Palm Beach on June 4th,and arrivied at Fort Dallas(Miami) on June 6th.
Rose Wagner was the 13yo daughter of William Wagner,sutler for Fort Dallas,in later years wrote a series of articles for the MIAMI NEWS concerning meeting Breckinridge and Wood,who gave her a $20 gold coin.
Breckinridge and commandered a Cuban fishing boat,and sailed to Cuba,staying with relatives of Palatka's,Lola Sanchez.

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Any more specifics regarding the Suwannee River? I have read that the loot was buried on a high spot on the Dixie County side. Great thread!!!
Many of the lost Confederate gold stories-the Abbey Bee,kegs of gold rolled off in the 2nd bend of the Suwannee,buried cache of gold at the Steinhatchee,etc,are lore derived from the events mentioned on this thread.The 1/2 ton of gold legend in the Everglades is derived from a lost 50lb gold coin cattle payment.
Now the $250,000 stolen at Chennault Plantation or what was buried at Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation has never been found,nor has the 1/2 keg of Mexican silver dollars at Fort Brook,or the remaining crates that made teir way to Silver Springs.
During the late 1950's,at the old deserted clapboard ODD FELLOWS HALL in Ocala,two CSA Artillery short swords,3 CSA copper pennies,and bundles of Confererate bills were found.The IOOF symbor on the building was a pyramid formed by 3 linking chains with an all seeing eye at center,and on its door was a carved heart surrounding an arrow pointing down.
Was this a KGC direction symbol to possible buried crates of the last of the CSA treasury?

I have in laws in Ocala and use to live there. Believe me when I tell you I am going to go looking up that way, ECS, having your research skills I will be happy to share anything I find with you. A few questions for all, where would be a good start, where is the Chennault plantation, where could we find old maps or layouts of the old barns on Yulee plantation. Where is the location of Ft brook exactly.

I have in laws in Ocala and use to live there. Believe me when I tell you I am going to go looking up that way, ECS, having your research skills I will be happy to share anything I find with you. A few questions for all, where would be a good start, where is the Chennault plantation, where could we find old maps or layouts of the old barns on Yulee plantation. Where is the location of Ft brook exactly.

"FIRE" in the belly, eh...?

I have in laws in Ocala and use to live there. Believe me when I tell you I am going to go looking up that way, ECS, having your research skills I will be happy to share anything I find with you. A few questions for all, where would be a good start, where is the Chennault plantation, where could we find old maps or layouts of the old barns on Yulee plantation. Where is the location of Ft brook exactly.
Chennault Plantation is in Washington,Ga.
Fort Brook was located in Orange Springs where Orange Creek meets the Oklawaha-its location is on an old 1898 Marion county map.
A smaller reboubt,Fort Fowle,was located on the east bank where the Silver River meets the Oklawaha.
Holley Farm and Marshall Plantation was located at Sharpes Ferry on the Oklawaha-today their is a nature trail though Marshall,just off of Sharpes Ferry Road.
The Odd Fellows Hall was located behind the Jewish Cemetary on North Magnolia St in Ocala.
Evergreen Cemetary,where Bullock and other Confederates are buried,is located two blocks north of the Marion county courthouse,and can be seen from the 441-301 RR overpass.
Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation in Archer is now privately owned,and the current owner does not allow tresspassers.
After the incidents of the flight,Hart's JAMES BURT was never seen again,rumour is that he scuttled the riverboat near Fort Brook in the Oklawaha.Hart later purchased the HIAWATHA,which continued to carry passengers from Palatka down the Oklawaha to Silver Springs,until she was drydocked at Hart's Point in Palatka and left to rot.The Hiawatha was still there in the early 1960's,and a mural painting depicting her,is on the outside wall of an antique store in Palatka.

Daivid Levy Yulee tried to reestabish a railroad,but never again regained the wealth and power he had before the War.
Judah P Benjamin,moved to London,became a barrister,and sent money to his former CSA associates,including $12,000 to Jefferson Davis.
After John C Breckinridge was pardoned,he retiuned to Tennessee and became involved in the railroad business.
John Taylor Wood moved to Nova Scotia and started a very successful shipping business.
Former US Gen Joshua L Chamberlane bought Yulee's Margarite Plantation with northern investors,today it is a Florida State Park and zoo with manatees,and Yulee's sugar mill still stands in the oaks on Yulee Drive in Homosassa.
In 1885,Chamberlane and his son lived on Fort King St in Ocala,and with Simon and Solomon Benjamin,and former CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock,buit the OCALA,SILVER SPINGS,& GULF RAILROAD COMPANY,a narrow guage rr that went from Silver Springs to Yulee's old plantation in Homosassa.
The Benjamin brothers also built the first ice plant in Ocala,near their homes in the Tuscawilla section.
Robert Bullock also went into the citrus business,but his groves died out after a Florida freeze.
J J Dickinson moved to south Florida and started a new plantation.
Elizabeth DeBruhl Marshall moved back to the family's Whitehall Plantation in Abbeville,SC.
During the early years of Reconstruction,Fort Brook was used as a meeting ground for a branch of the resistance group formed by Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Lola Sanchez's father died from complication from his incarceration at Fort Marion/Castillo de San Marcos(the Union believed he was the spy who fed information to Dickinson)-Lola Sanches never married.
Silver Springs was purchased by Ed Carmichael,who had a distillery next to Union Station in Ocala,and turned the spring into an attraction.Today,it also is a Florida State Park.

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I am pleased that you enjoyed this thread.So much of Florida's history during the War of Northern Aggression has been ignored,or mutated into treasure legends of lost Confederate gold.Most reenactments in Florida have nothing to do with actual events,merely dress ups with horses and the obligatory firing of a cannon-a Disneyesque entertainment performance with minimal historical import.

EXACTLY correct! Being from Virginia, ALL I have about YOUR state is "ENTERTAINMENT History"... I want FACTS!

This book removes the fabricated history that has grown in Florida over the years,from DeLeon/DeSoto to the present.
FINDING FLORIDA-The True History of the Sunshine State:T D Allman c2013 Grove Press

This book removes the fabricated history that has grown in Florida over the years,from DeLeon/DeSoto to the present.
FINDING FLORIDA-The True History of the Sunshine State:T D Allman c2013 Grove Press


I have yet to find a map with a ft brook in the Ocala area, now tampa has ft brooke though.

Did the James Burt make it to silver springs and was there too much gold to carry or was it possibly buried?

I have yet to find a map with a ft brook in the Ocala area, now tampa has ft brooke though.
Not the same fort,but I have seen the Fort Brook on the Oklawaha refered to as Brooks and Brooke.On an old Marion county map of the 1890's,part of what became HWY 40 was refered to as Ft Brook Road.
Fort Brook and other Marion county forts and roads are mentioned in:
The SILVER RIVER MUSEUM and a local model train club both have an 1890's Marion county map showing Fort Brook.
Old Oklawaha riverboat route maps-HARTLINE and LUCAS LINE also show Fort Brook.

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