This story has appeared in many treasure books and mags since the 1960's.
In 1862,Capt John Riley departed Galveston,Texas,with a shipment of gold coins in wooden kegs that were claimed to have been minted from KGC western gold mines.Also included in the shipment were the dies stolen from the federal mint at New Orleans,that were overstamped with "CSA".
As Capt Riley approached the bend in the Florida panhandle,he was spotted by a US gunboat,and the chase was on.
Riley sailed his ship up the Suwannee River,and after reaching the 2nd bend in the river,had his crew jetison the kegs of gold coins and dies into the river.
For the historical record:
Capt Riley,born John Riley Bless McIntosh,April 5,1819-died May 10,1901,was a successful CSA blockade runner,who dealt with the CSA Cow Calvary in Punta Rassa,Florida,and currency to the cow crackers was gold Spanish and Cuban coins.(Detailed on the "SWAMP GOLD" thread)Riley's blockade activity took him from Texas to Florida to Cuba and,France where he transported munitions back to the CSA.
Capt John Riley,as he was known to his crew and associates,did business with THE SOUTHERN MERCHANTS,said to be KGC,and was NEVER caught,captured,or lost a ship during his CSA blockade runniing during the WAR of NORTHERN AGGRESSION.
Which brings forth the question: This tale have validity?
Also,Capt John Riley's name appears in the lost Confederate gold in the Everglades story,AKA Swamp Gold.
Happenstance,coincidence,treasure writers fabrication?