Alleged contents of the iron box according to Beale in his May 9[SUP]th[/SUP] letter to Morriss; “You will find, in addition to the papers addressed to you, other papers which will be unintelligible without the aid of a key to assist you.”
Alleged quote from Morriss in regards to the contents of the iron box; “During that year I had the lock broken, and with the exception of the two letters addressed to myself, and some old receipts, found only some unintelligible papers, covered with figures, and totally incomprehensible to me.”
Alleged contents of the iron box according to the author after gaining possession; “The two letters given above were all the box contained that were intelligible; the others, consisted of papers closely covered with figures, which were, of course, unmeaning until they could be deciphered.”
What's missing? And why is there no consistency in these three alleged statements? Beale's alleged statement is vague. The alleged Morriss statement includes old receipts. And the alleged author statement includes no such “old receipts.”
And if you really want a HUGE tell-tell, just read the following alleged letter to Morriss, a letter that by its contents directly contradicts the entire narration. Who can spot it?
St. Louis, Mo., May 9th, 1822.
Robt. Morris, Esq.:
My Esteemed Friend: - Ever since leaving my comfortable quarters at your house I have been journeying to this place, and only succeeded in reaching it yesterday. I have had altogether a pleasant time, the weather being fine and the atmosphere bracing. I shall remain here a week or ten days longer, then "ho" for the plains, to hunt the buffalo and encounter the savage grizzlies. How long I may be absent I cannot now determine, certainly no less than two years, perhaps longer...
Read the opening paragraph, Beale says, “I shall remain here a week or ten days longer, then "ho" for the plains, to hunt the buffalo and encounter the savage grizzlies.” What the hell happened to his all-important and hugely wealthy mining enterprise?”
The author really blew it here...