3 reasons why not to buy a AT PRO....

Dorian is a monster. Please make a donation to your favorite hurricane relief place if at all possible. I will.

The Delaware coast should be ok, UNLESS they are wrong and it moves farther inland, in which case the trip there will be delayed. I haven't been there since March.

Too many places, not enough time.

Thanks for the shoutout! :thumbsup: Equinox is indeed a great metal finder and kudos to you for taking the time to learn it. You Dorian area folks stay safe!!!

if you seriously thought the garrett AT series was better, but a stranger on the Internet said that the equinox was better. It would behoove you to agree anonymously on the Internet but the equinox is better. If you actually thought the Garrett machine was better, then I wouldn’t want anyone else to own one, and I would be saying,” yeah, pick up an equinox“

I am not a self-proclaimed expert, but I Metal detecting like it’s a part-time job. I have owned two Garrett machines, and one mine lab equinox. I would say they are similar, but how is it controversial to make the proclamation, with evidence, that the equinox is simply better at picking up smaller deeper targets??

Mr. digger makes it very clear that this is his opinion. And then he backs it up with all his evidence, and all his labors of love for the hobby and the community.

Mr. digger is never disparaging to Garrett, or their products. He is simply pointing out that at a similar price point you can achieve different levels of functionality. The video is most helpful to Garrett fans. Yeah Garrett fans seem to be the most pissed off. Maybe I am not detecting sarcasm in people’s posts, or I’m reading into things incorrectly. But regardless of what machine we use, we all owe the original poster a big ‘thank you’

Why in the heck aren’t the metal detecting manufacturers creating wonderful test gardens like this, with adjacent iron, and a variety of early American signals. I would be burying even deeper signals, saturating the ground with freshwater, trying to mimic scenarios that I hunt In. If Garrett showed some initiative, or wanted to make their machine shine, they could show you the scenarios where their machine does great. And guess what, there are many scenarios where the machine does excellent.

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Dorian is a monster. Please make a donation to your favorite hurricane relief place if at all possible. I will.

The Delaware coast should be ok, UNLESS they are wrong and it moves farther inland, in which case the trip there will be delayed. I haven't been there since March.

Too many places, not enough time.

This! If one feels they are not in a position to donate cash - and many of us have been in that position at one time or another, please consider a donation of life-saving blood. Not bragging about it but I have donated blood approximately every 10 weeks since 1975 and sometimes in between regular blood donations during tragedies. I consider it my duty. When you feel helpless in the face of tragedies, this is something that most of us can do to make a difference and feel good about doing it.

And you could talk up your favorite detector brand or model while waiting to give blood or during the donation! (there - now post is on thread topic...)

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A person doesn't have to own both machines to realize that the way calabash swings the at pro is not the way anyone swings a metal detector and is clearly a biased video. Re-do the video, SLOW DOWN when swinging over the iron and start with the coil on the ground, not up in the air. Swing the AT coil in the opposite direction, like you did the EQ, as well. A proper comparison will still show the strengths of the EQ over the at pro but it won't show you are intentionally bashing the Garrett.

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No, please go fast as a rascally wabbit being chased by a coyote! It will leave more for me. Like one guy with a Nox did today! I had so much in my pouch (including sinkers which are getting expensive), it almost took my pants down! I lost weight since the winter. I'll post it after the happy nap. Guys just go play and have fun.

No, please go fast as a rascally wabbit being chased by a coyote! It will leave more for me. Like one guy with a Nox did today! I had so much in my pouch (including sinkers which are getting expensive), it almost took my pants down! I lost weight since the winter. I'll post it after the happy nap. Guys just go play and have fun.

You may have even more sinkers than I do! I wish there was some way to trade sinkers for permissions! Thanks for the reminder to get some suspenders before hunting DE all day (have a wedding to attend saturday so that day is out...)

I got about 20 today. Many more coins than sinkers today, and I got spiderman! IMG_0748.webp

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A person doesn't have to own both machines to realize that the way calabash swings the at pro is not the way anyone swings a metal detector and is clearly a biased video. Re-do the video, SLOW DOWN when swinging over the iron and start with the coil on the ground, not up in the air. Swing the AT coil in the opposite direction, like you did the EQ, as well. A proper comparison will still show the strengths of the EQ over the at pro but it won't show you are intentionally bashing the Garrett.

Which detector from the video would give you the best odds on picking up a masked target on the first pass???

I am a proud owner of several detectors that calabash repeatedly bashes.
I also refuse to watch videos that has commenting turned off.

ROFL, I'm not interested in either machine. My cat told me I had to use all my money on cat food and toys.

What Garrett does excel at is advertising skills and hiring shills on youtube. Some of the big names on youtube ran an XP Deus, T2 or E trac before they sold their soul to Garrett.

I owned an AT in the past and it is my opinion is that the AT is a solid, average detector that is good enough for 90% of the consumers out there.

I am in the other group..... the 10% that don't want a "good enough" detector.

I hunt often, it's my main hobby. I drive hours to sites, often taking multi day trips. I land hunt, wade and hookah dive. I want to try to maximize my chances when hunting.

I don't want to miss targets next to trash or lose a inch or 2 in depth.

I think that either the XP Deus or Equinox individually are a considerably better choice then a AT...... and as a combo..... they just cant be beat, at least in my area.

I appreciate the time and effort CD puts into making his vids. Test gardens may not be perfect and your swing might be different, but I agree with Calabash, then post a video of a AT repeatedly kicking butt on a Equinox or Deus.

No, please go fast as a rascally wabbit being chased by a coyote! It will leave more for me. Like one guy with a Nox did today! I had so much in my pouch (including sinkers which are getting expensive), it almost took my pants down! I lost weight since the winter. I'll post it after the happy nap. Guys just go play and have fun.

Smokey, how do you sell lead sinkers. I hunt a river where I could have all the lead I want. But I didnt think they were worth anything

I sent a big box to my daughter who has a scrap yard a couple block from her house. She sold them there. Now I have a bunch more and I may recast them into lead rounds to sell on the net - or go fishing, I'm not sure. yet.

What Garrett does excel at is advertising skills and hiring shills on youtube. Some of the big names on youtube ran an XP Deus, T2 or E trac before they sold their soul to Garrett.

I totally agree. While the AT series machines were legends in their own time, they are now old news. I've stopped watching many of my favorite detectorists on Youtube as there is absolutely no machine variation to keep things interesting. They all run AT's anymore, and frankly, it's tiring and a bit pathetic that so many have sold out.

I agree with these tests totally. The only thing I don't understand is the point? Or why anyone is surprised. It would be like car and driver testing a 2010 mustang vs a 2018 Corvette, for example.....then beating home the fact that the newer model out performs.

I've hunted beside AT pro's and TBH they just don't impress me.

I would say anyone as confident and sure they have the best machine would have no problem invite everyone down for a few hunts...using inferior machines of course.

And I think most of us here have learned in life there is Always someone better, no matter the circumstances or machine.

I hear ya Smokey love my Nox but like a car some people like minivan or a inexpensive car easy to use good on gas all the operator I know many people who own expensive cars and cant drive em or have the Corvette but the drive shaft is wobbly the tires are out of balance and the windows leak Calibash knows his machines and how to use em bet he doesn't use the nox in iron or water the XP he uses different machines different uses. Tons of gold silver and banner finds posted with Garrets. I would rather have a reliable car then one the breaks down a lot.

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To spend thousands of hours for nothing to promote one machine and get nothing out of it ???? your time your dime!!!! thats a little creepy, Air tests are totally worthless unless you detect through air not dirt and to do that to compare one machine to the other. I have the EQ 800 with the big ice cream cone control box that leaks on alot of people, and sucks in water its good on coins and iron not many people hunt in iron or want to but if you do than ho rah. Many people I could ask how to change tone pitch in 5 tone and dont have a clue about any functions or features of their machine or even haved used both machines you could drive a vette but if you dont know how to drive it Ill smoke you in a pinto. A treasure hunter has many tools if you just choose to use one. than more for me. We hunt in ground with high mineralization , some hunt in areas with high iron content an air test really!!!!!!lol The 800 is a great machine but the At is also I dont want to dig 1 ft down or more for a clad dime. The At can Id pop tops much better than the 800s solid signal with not waver, no roll tone. Different machines for different people just like cars, If you have a vette and dont know at what rpm to shift,or or how to take corners, or when to let off when you get squirrley then you wasted all that money on a car, and all the features that are useless because you dont know how to use them but you can stand on top of a building Vettes rule, yet you dont even know how to drive it. Then just Park it 1 or 2 ........like driving the vette in first or second gear all the time if you dont know how to use all those features you paid for then you wasted your money on them cause they are useless. lol

Tommy, sometimes having a Corvette just isn't for you! I saw a guy with a brand new one pulling it off the road. BRAND NEW and DOA! He blew the transmission the first week he had it.

Most of the time success is due to the operator. I won't watch an air test. They are useless.

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