To spend thousands of hours for nothing to promote one machine and get nothing out of it

? your time your dime!!!! thats a little creepy, Air tests are totally worthless unless you detect through air not dirt and to do that to compare one machine to the other. I have the EQ 800 with the big ice cream cone control box that leaks on alot of people, and sucks in water its good on coins and iron not many people hunt in iron or want to but if you do than ho rah. Many people I could ask how to change tone pitch in 5 tone and dont have a clue about any functions or features of their machine or even haved used both machines you could drive a vette but if you dont know how to drive it Ill smoke you in a pinto. A treasure hunter has many tools if you just choose to use one. than more for me. We hunt in ground with high mineralization , some hunt in areas with high iron content an air test really!!!!!!lol The 800 is a great machine but the At is also I dont want to dig 1 ft down or more for a clad dime. The At can Id pop tops much better than the 800s solid signal with not waver, no roll tone. Different machines for different people just like cars, If you have a vette and dont know at what rpm to shift,or or how to take corners, or when to let off when you get squirrley then you wasted all that money on a car, and all the features that are useless because you dont know how to use them but you can stand on top of a building Vettes rule, yet you dont even know how to drive it. Then just Park it 1 or 2 driving the vette in first or second gear all the time if you dont know how to use all those features you paid for then you wasted your money on them cause they are useless. lol