3 reasons why not to buy a AT PRO....

You brought up the gold coin and the magazine......If your that in love with your Garrett keep it. I showed you and the others it has a BIG weakness compared to the Equinox. BTW the Nox will handle hot ground better too ..

Garrett marketing is the best in the business as far as I am concerned. They have convinced the masses the AT Series is unrivaled in the detector world.....takes about 5 minutes with a Equinox to blow that out of the water.

BTW look at all the finds in my avatar. 97% came from the thick iron and have cases with hundreds of other relics that came from the iron. I think I qualify to speak on how machines handle the thick iron.

At least Andy Sabicsh thought so and asked me to put my Deus iron program in his book....

You might not like what I say but IF you would listen you would be a more proficient detectorist hunting in the iron. If for just one simple reason only, I showed you a more capable detector for pulling targets from the iron...

The Equinox with 11 inch stock coil will out separate the AT series with small coil that so many praise......showed it on video multiple times.

If all the Garrett fans want to keep swinging their AT pro s no sweat of my back ……..

Where are all the videos on youtube of the Garretts whipping the Minelabs????
They dont exist !
If my videos were flawed on the Garrett surely some Garrett fan boy would have made one to disprove my findings... In 2 years of Garrett testing videos I have not seen one yet!

My videos are not for the mere mortals who just want to FEEL good about their detectors. My videos are for the people who want KNOW about how their detectors perform.

If you want to promote the wonders of the NOX and the Deus go ahead, I'm sure they're both very good machines but why bash Garrett and the folks who use them? Most people who detect are basic hobbyists who are just looking to spend some time outdoors and dig a few coins so our "pinpointers on a stick" are all we need. Not everyone is after what you're after. And if Garrett has "convinced the masses" that their detector is the best in the business does that mean that the users are all a bunch of gullible fools? Why should I listen to you as you just mentioned? I'm not on this forum to listen to YOU.

If you want to promote the wonders of the NOX and the Deus go ahead, I'm sure they're both very good machines but why bash Garrett and the folks who use them? Most people who detect are basic hobbyists who are just looking to spend some time outdoors and dig a few coins so our "pinpointers on a stick" are all we need. Not everyone is after what you're after. And if Garrett has "convinced the masses" that their detector is the best in the business does that mean that the users are all a bunch of gullible fools? Why should I listen to you as you just mentioned? I'm not on this forum to listen to YOU.

Bravo to you Sir. I share your sentiment, and feel that the OP purposely "skews the reviews". It's click bait IMHO.

I'm not in the market for a machine. Looking at some of your recent new threads, I had to chuckle.

For instance: 3 Reasons not to buy an AT Pro

Also: And yet another flooded Equinox

Also: Another flooded Nox

and not to miss: My Nox is toast.

The picture you have painted all by yourself is the AT Pro is not up to the task of modern MD'ing, but the quality control and sturdiness of the Nox is icky.

Lovely. You wrote them. Don't complain.

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Bravo to you Sir. I share your sentiment, and feel that the OP purposely "skews the reviews". It's click bait IMHO.

I don’t really care if you think I skew the reviews now your calling me dishonest about a metal detector. Buy yourself a go pro and prove my results are wrong ... oh how far the brand loyal love affair people will go to defend their precious... give me a break !

If what I showed was false some Garrett fan boy would have posted a video to show it.

Just calling it how I see it. I’m sharing my opinion just the same as you. Welcome to my ignore list by the way.

Happy Hunting

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Got the alarm set for 4:30 to get to the park early. If you poke my Smoke cat, the 28 pound Russian Blue, he'll bite you. Repeatedly.

When we went to the vets last time, the beast stayed in his carrier, the vet threaded the stethoscope down through the top and had it rest against him. That was his exam! He is one bad arse cat and if you poke him, you are toast!

My two females combined weigh less than he does. Maybe 22 pounds combined. Both are easy at the vet although they complain about going. The older one, only 5 y.o., comes out to inspect the office - opens vet's cabinets, climbs to the highest spot, knocks evil pens away, looks out the window, etc. Both walk right over to the scale and lay down in the scale's weighing tray.

Good thread for those sitting back with a bowl of popcorn...

Just calling it how I see it. I’m sharing my opinion just the same as you. Welcome to my ignore list by the way.

I figured you were out in the yard with a GO PRO and your precious disproving my results.... as usual just INSULTS and no proof to the contrary as in ALL the other threads I have ever posted about how weak the Garretts are in iron

I figured you were out in the yard with a GO PRO and your precious disproving my results.... as usual just INSULTS and no proof to the contrary as in ALL the other threads I have ever posted about how weak the Garretts are in iron
As i said 4 years ago (when i upgraded to a Deus from an ATP)....the less people that have a Deus the better...Garret Lovers....please keep your ATP'S and keep buying them...Deus and NOX really suck....bad........you put tons of effort and videos out there showing what's the best...its human nature to defend why they spent 700 bucks on a machine and you show a 750 machine whipping it up and down / left and right.......let them waste their money and time and leave the good stuff for us! Thanks for all the video's but please STOP!! LOL....

Yeah, the Deus really sucks! And never upgrade to 5.0 and set it on beach and go in the salt water! No, don't do that! Super mega LOL's.

Gentlemen. Post by our rules, please keep replies polite and courteous.

Only good thing that came from Garret is their pinpointers.

Calabash please turn comments on YouTube. I know you dont have time to read them and reply, But others can read and reply. It makes it alot easier than coming here.


All the Pms I agree!!!! Thanks

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I think I'm going to the beach again tomorrow. I'll use my "pie pan on a stick". One day I'll learn how to use my machines. Vferrari keeps trying to teach me but it's like trying to teach my 16 year old cat a new trick!

That's funny smokey….might be some good beach hunting down here soon...

Can you guys tell me how to adjust/lower the Iron volume on my AT Pro? Id also like to turn up the recovery speed but I'm not sure how and cant find anything about it in the manual?

I only was at the beach I think once in 2019 until 10 days ago. Sometime between April and June I upgraded to version 5.2 on the Deus and didn't especially like they upped the mid frequency on Deus Fast. Now the surgery is history, and my cats allowed me, I've been three times to the beach. I can't walk too good on slopes, but the king tide took out the slope to the water and made it flat. I switched to wet beach and was shocked to see how well it went and how deep it went! What a shocker they did with the programming! Going back tomorrow if I can move.

All you guys on the south east coast Stay Safe. DORIAN looks like a monster.

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