3 reasons why not to buy a AT PRO....

I like your videos!

I wish the comments on you tube are enabled. I’m with you on the at series vs equinox. I’ve used both, and I have friends who find good stuff w both. But.. common... people seriously think theirs a debate!?

All the machines I've listed in my "profile" - I do still currently own and use. The key should be that you are comfortable with the machine you use.

My last dirt dig, I took out my Tejon. Could have taken the CTX, or the 800, but I took the Tejon.

Moral of the story, the machine you are most comfortable using is the machine you should use.

And, here I have these other machines I spent big bucks on.

Deepseeker ADS, I'd like to get another Tejon, but I can't justify another machine right now. The one I had was pretty good. I've had a long list of machines in the past.

I like your videos!

I wish the comments on you tube are enabled. I’m with you on the at series vs equinox. I’ve used both, and I have friends who find good stuff w both. But.. common... people seriously think theirs a debate!?

:icon_thumright: You hit the nail on the head......:laughing7: I dont hold to the comments above the one your most comfortable with....

You might be comfortable with a turd detector... and many are and think they are swinging a jewel and cleaning out the sites and parks...then the guy comes behind them and starts popping out targets...I have done it so many times on so called HAMMMERED sites that have been pounded by less performing detectors for years it aint even funny..

I used to play those silly detector wars years ago. Owned many, many detectors. I find just as much, and have just as much fun with what I have now than the thousands of $$$ I spent in the past. The best detector is the one that fulfills your needs.

What you call silly I call serious... The hobby is fun BUT in the end I am in it to find artifacts....
Saying you find just as much with a detector that tops out around 8 inches might hold true for your sites.....Come to some on my relic sites and you might get your feelings hurt with the guy swinging a detector that reaches down to a foot..

I think I will order an AT Pro today.

Funny. Also, even if they have a machine coming out that whoops an Equinox, Deus, V3I, AT Max, F75 or whatever I probably won't buy one. I have enough and am satisfied with what I have. Too little time, too many good sites.

Go ahead cut your nose off to spite your face....:BangHead:

Go ahead and cut your nose off to spite your face...:thumbsup:

What you call silly I call serious... The hobby is fun BUT in the end I am in it to find artifacts....
Saying you find just as much with a detector that tops out around 8 inches might hold true for your sites.....Come to some on my relic sites and you might get your feelings hurt with the guy swinging a detector that reaches down to a foot..
You are correct. I don't take it as seriously as you may. If I don't find much, I still enjoy the activity it provides. Like golf, some wrap their clubs around a tree if they mess up. I see the physical benefits, not the mental liabilities. Those 2 more inches I could get by spending 4 times as much money doesn't keep me up at nights.

I'm reminded of the find in India where a man and his son found a roman coin cache worth millions at 6" with an Ace 150. Some are deep. some not so. I have learned over the years that finding the right area to detect through education produces more than someone with a depth demon coming behind others to spend their time digging the deep stuff left behind.

BTW= Anyone who owns a LRP can testify that the AM mode (with TID) can find coins in the 10"/11" range.

It's all about what floats yer boat.

My boat floats different...am mode is useless on my sites unless of course you want dig a five gallon bucket of nails. To each his own I know what works for me .

You can believe this! I dont have a love affair with any brand and let someone bring a new machine to market that trumps the Deus and Equinox and I will be the first to have it.....Those guys posting above about the garrets are oblivious to whats going on and I bet have NEVER put them up against another detector.

Sites are number 1 but machines are very important too...Let a guy go to a iron loaded site with a subpar detector and let a skilled detectorist come in there with a GREAT performing detector. Someone is gonna be singing the blues...

So you criticize Garrett users by saying they're "oblivious" to what's going on. Maybe we don't care. They have never put them up against another detector? Why do we have to have a competition? Is this a hobby or a war? Every one of your replies shows the buttons, coins, and relics you most likely found using your "NOX" and you show a "Best Finds" issue of W&ET. Well buddy.....I happen to have a coin in that same issue, it's GOLD and I didn't find it with a NOX. So if you love the NOX I'm happy for you but as I said previously, thanks but no thanks, I'll use and enjoy my Garrett AT Pro.

Found those with my Deus....you really dont want me to put the garrets up against it..lol Gold coin nice ,I have two finds on the cover...GW R6 or R7 value 5 TO 6 known and a John Adams cufflink well under 10 examples known. Neither found with Equinox..

If you want to use a mediocre performing machine by all means go ahead....my threads are really for the ones looking for the top performing detectors made….tie a pinpointer to a stick and you will eventually find something...what does that prove?

Calabash I must admit I do watch your videos and what I think is happening is this. You went through several units and found what you like and want to tell the world about it so they too can get better results with that new unit your talking about on your video. However, some machines just work better in different parts of the USA than others do but a lot of guys do not see it this way. All they see is you bashing the AT pro from your video. Maybe that is why you do not allow comments on your videos. It is not that your not trying to get other people excited, it is just some guys are not going to change because they like their unit, and that is all.

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Found those with my Deus....you really dont want me to put the garrets up against it..lol Gold coin nice ,I have two finds on the cover...GW R6 or R7 value 5 TO 6 known and a John Adams cufflink well under 10 examples known. Neither found with Equinox..

If you want to use a mediocre performing machine by all means go ahead....my threads are really for the ones looking for the top performing detectors made….tie a pinpointer to a stick and you will eventually find something...what does that prove?

OK, so you found them with your Deus.....so what? tie a pinpointer to a stick? is that all you're about...bashing people who use a Garrett? And bragging about what you've found? if ANY or EVERY other detector is better than a Garrett who cares? YouTube videos don't make you a movie star so we mere mortals will use whatever machines we like and enjoy them. in the meantime you can go use your Deus and NOX and feed your ego.

I believe what Calabash has successfully and clearly demonstrated in his video is simply a comparison of older technology vs newer technology; single frequency vs multi frequency; slower processor vs faster processor.

It's true of any high tech piece of equipment...as technology marches on, things get better, faster, smaller, more capable and often times less expensive. E.G. was I able to make phone calls on my iPhone 3? Yes. Can it's capability compare to my iPhone 8? No. Can the AT Pro still find good targets? Yes Can it do it as efficiently as the EQX in the more challenging conditions that Calabash set up? No. Does that mean the AT Pro is junk? No. Has the AT Pro technology been improved upon and now surpassed? Yes.

I'm certainly not bashing the AT Pro or those who use it. I'm all for using what you like, are comfortable and proficient with and use to have fun with in this hobby.

As I always say, all this is just the view from my personal foxhole....soldier on and have fun doing it...regardless of what you swing. :occasion14:

OK, so you found them with your Deus.....so what? tie a pinpointer to a stick? is that all you're about...bashing people who use a Garrett? And bragging about what you've found? if ANY or EVERY other detector is better than a Garrett who cares? YouTube videos don't make you a movie star so we mere mortals will use whatever machines we like and enjoy them. in the meantime you can go use your Deus and NOX and feed your ego.

You brought up the gold coin and the magazine......If your that in love with your Garrett keep it. I showed you and the others it has a BIG weakness compared to the Equinox. BTW the Nox will handle hot ground better too ..

Garrett marketing is the best in the business as far as I am concerned. They have convinced the masses the AT Series is unrivaled in the detector world.....takes about 5 minutes with a Equinox to blow that out of the water.

BTW look at all the finds in my avatar. 97% came from the thick iron and have cases with hundreds of other relics that came from the iron. I think I qualify to speak on how machines handle the thick iron.

At least Andy Sabicsh thought so and asked me to put my Deus iron program in his book....

You might not like what I say but IF you would listen you would be a more proficient detectorist hunting in the iron. If for just one simple reason only, I showed you a more capable detector for pulling targets from the iron...

The Equinox with 11 inch stock coil will out separate the AT series with small coil that so many praise......showed it on video multiple times.

If all the Garrett fans want to keep swinging their AT pro s no sweat of my back ……..

Where are all the videos on youtube of the Garretts whipping the Minelabs????
They dont exist !
If my videos were flawed on the Garrett surely some Garrett fan boy would have made one to disprove my findings... In 2 years of Garrett testing videos I have not seen one yet!

My videos are not for the mere mortals who just want to FEEL good about their detectors. My videos are for the people who want KNOW about how their detectors perform.

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Interesting video, however one thing I noticed is that you used the stock coil on the Pro. I would think that it should have a greater chance at finding a coin/relic in an area loaded with iron if you used the smaller 5x8 inch coil. I know you wanted to show both machines with stock coils, but if you know you are searching an iron loaded site, wouldn't you want to switch to a smaller coil with any machine? Not criticism, just an observation. :thumbsup:

Smaller coil aint that good have videos showing how weak it is in iron...Contrary to popular belief!

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