Oroblanco said:
Dang amigo, some folks might take that last part as threatening. I presume you mean as in a verbal teaching, not anything violent? If you would clarify this it would be appreciated.
i have been in self defence most of my life ,, i am not a voilent man nor do i ever plain to be ... can i defend my self .. with out a doubt what so ever ...dont attack me and you will known ..
no i did not beleive the statement was threating at all .. i plain to set joe straight by translation of stones and unfolding the legend to the correct under standing .. its really sad that so many have beleived what little evidence there has been known .. only to find them self convienced there is no other answers to be found ... there are answer out there along with the truth about the legend .. look at joe's map .. he did not use the placer map for the stones . he did not use the full set of stones to create his map .. he has not translated the stones that he did use correctly ..
even if his location dose some what fit the stones it is not a direct match and i rated it less then 25% ...
i was not trying to disrespect joe . he has done more for the Rendenzous then some of the old timers have ,...
but i can not set back and watch why he him self degrades that by being wrong with a poor translations of the stones .. i wish he was correct i would not be head to AZ this month would i ..?
i am working a lot of things trying to get ready and have what i need for my vacation . i am not just going to the Rendenzous .. it is a part of vacation but its not all of it ...and i do plain to enjoy my self as well as help Helen see parts america by RV ...
my dad went all over the country in a big van and liked rock hounding that way for many years ..
no i would not threaten joe or anyone else here or anywhere else directly unless i was defending my self from phyiscal harm .. and then i must give them a fedral warning ...
from what under stand the Rendenzous is a famliy gathering i wish everyone here would stop and think about what they are saying before throwing words at me .. i am not your wipping boy and i am getting sick of it ....
i am not going to play 20 questions and i hope you all can get over it ..
if you want to know what i have found and what my transaltions are come hear what i have to say .. if you dont want to know then great , thats up to you ...
youask me to back down then most of you start the same attack again .. what did you exspect to say thank you for being the disrespect and set back and take it sorry .. not going to happen .. not today not tomorrow ..not at the Rendenzous ..
i will try to set in on the camp fire the night of the 21 st .. i will translate the stones the will and some other things on the morning of the 22 sd and i will be hikeing in at 9:00 ,if you want to know where i am going and see the mines i have found then hike in or wait in camp , thats up to you .. i dont care if you go in and see or not .,..i am going thats what i am plaining .. my brother daughter's husband mike is a MP in seira vista and will be up for the Rendenzous to help in the expedition his wife will help watch Helen why i am gone and we will be puting a muzzle on ashes our dog so she dose not bit anyone .. and i am plaining to have a great time .. it will be my last time to AZ and the end of my search for the evidence i needed to explain what i saw i n 1979 other then that .. i am going to drive away and you would see much of me after that ...
now if i am correct .. how will your Rendenzous explain why the man that found the real LDM dose not come to the Rendenzous ?
i agree with what i said . i dont like your culture and i dont like the out side world ..for many reasons . but they are my reasons and i am liveing my life the way i wish to .. do like what has taken place here at the site .. no i do not .. i did make a habbit to question everyone every chance i got ... i find it disrespectfull and rude ...
but it looks like everyone else here likes that kind of stuff .. good for them .. i hope they set by the camp fire till the end of days and enjoy their fredom to do as they wish .. good for them .. i wont be there and when i am ask why .. i will explain my over sight of the site and the disrespect i got here .. and that will be the end of it because i wont see you or care beyond that point ..
i am not trying to add to the chairs around the camp fire sorry ...
i came to solve a case i did , and good luck to you all ...