Cat Jockey said:
Search and Rescue updated us with more information about the three missing men, still missing, a few traces, more later.

??? Anyone care to share what S&R had to say about this incident at this point?

Cat Jockey (is that like in operating engineer?)

How much information would you like? The official part or the theory part? Officially. it is as stated above, “still missing.” A “few traces” are remains of shredded pants, a bone fragment that could be human tail bone and a hat believed to be belong to one of last three was found. All of these items were found in somewhat of a line stretching over a mile from what was believed to be Jesse’s campsite. There is other information about their personal background and such that was given but I don't feel comfortable posting that on this media. The investigation and search is still being conducted. After all, this "missing hikers" situation could evolve into a murder investigation.

Which brings me to why it’s important to be there next year for "who knows what" you may learn about the Superstition Mountains and the Dutchman legend. Someone may make an offhand statement that fills in a piece of the puzzle without realizing it. That’s probably why Greg keeps his audio recorder running most of the time when stories are being told and discussed at the gatherings. We are also treated to many private photos taken in the mountains with a story accompanying every one of them.

Hope to see you there next year.

Ken ‘dustcap’ Chichester

Roger showing the locations (4) Jessies camp.webp
Jessie's camp
Roger showing the locations (5) pants.webp
pants found in this location
Roger showing the locations (7) bone frag.webp
this is where the bone fragment was found
Roger showing the locations (8) hat.webp
the hat was found in this canyon


cactusjumper said:
Looked in on DUSA earlier today to see if there was anything posted about the Rendezvous. Did not look that hard, but didn't see anything at all. Since a number of people who post over there attended the Rendezvous, I can't imagine why no one advertised the event or mentioned the great turnout of Dutch Hunters.

A number of people who wrote what they believed on that site found themselves banned, including Roy, Beth and myself.......just to name a few. Others simply received a phone call telling them not to post on a particular subject, and calling them a few choice names. Now that's MODERATED! :D

Each year the Rendezvous get's bigger and better. People are coming from all over the U.S. It's truly a Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.

Take care,


Hi Joe,

Connie and I had a great time at the Rendezvous and she enjoyed putting faces and "real" names to many of the forum names she's seen and heard me talking about over the years. I'm sure she'll be back again and this time we'll actually get up in the morning and make it for the hike - I'm gonna feel badly about screwing that up for everyone for awhile. Neither of us have been on a real vacation for a year or more, so it was a real enjoyable week showing her around to some of the local sights and then heading to Sedona for a few days.

As far as DUSA goes, your "jab" wasn't provoked or necessary, but I know you know that.

I don't have any idea how many folks from there may or may not have been at the Rendezvous - I only know of Tom, Wayne (Somehiker) and myself for sure and at least 2 of us either just got home or haven't gotten back yet. I'll be posting some photos and thoughts on all 3 of the forums, and for what it's worth, the Rendezvous WAS promoted by myself on DUSA. I had an opportunity on Sunday to go on a long day hike with Wayne, Jim and a fellow named George who's an excellent hiker. We spent the day off trail on a trip up just short of Tortilla peak to look at some airplane crash wreckage from a 1972 crash - it was a LONG day hike ending well past dark.

Anyways - thanks so much for making Connie feel so welcome - I don't know if she's convinced to move to AZ yet, but she loved Gold Canyon and fell in love with Sedona as well, so I don't think I'll have to twist her arm too much :). My goal is still to quit the rat race in about 4 more years, so if all goes well, we'll end up out that way soon.

I'll post more later, but have alot to do this weekend.



Good to hear that Connie had a good time and that you made it home safely. She's a real lady and was a pleasure to have in camp. We look forward to having her join us again next year.

knew all about your hike with Jim and Mr. Washington. As I said, I didn't look at DUSA all that hard for your mentioning the Rendezvous. I was told that you had mentioned it there but did not see the post.

As for my "jab" not being "provoked or necessary", I must respectfully disagree with you. After being told about the email accusing me of cheating your friend out of some money on a business deal, when I have never even met him, I felt plenty "provoked".

There are certain human tl'iish's (snakes) in this world who make it a habit of trying to advance themselves by telling lies about folks, trying to created wedges between friends so they can step into the void.

In a number of cases, it's simply a devise to get to the notes and research of older Dutch Hunters when they take their last breath. I was told about this nasty little habit by a number of well respected Dutch Hunters, and can see the truth in their statements.

I have told you before about the dark undercurrents that run beneath the surface of the Dutch Hunting Community. There are many wolves who wear the demeanor of a sheep when they are seeking an advantage to ingratiate themselves with others in the flock.

The real wolf will come out and draw his gun on his partner when he thinks he is not getting all the information he desires. He will call and threaten old "friends" when they publically disagree with them, calling them names and threatening them. Mr. Wolf may visit an old "friend" and end up staying for two weeks. Upon being told the visit needs to come to an end, das wolf may yell foul names at their patient "friend" and jump into their camper and speed away.......leaving a girlfriend behind, standing in the dust. :o

Hang around enough years, and you will see it all. As I have told you before, don't believe anything anyone tells you, including me, until you confirm it for yourself. Sometimes these stories come from people who were not present and only heard them from others. Some come directly from those folks who were personally involved.

I have done my best to open the doors to those kinds of people for you, shortcutting the usual years that it takes to make a connection where they will trust you enough to relate these kinds of "inside" stories.

Our relationship has been very public. Watch out for those "wedges" to appear.
They are not always so obvious as your "friend's" gun suddenly appearing in your face.

I could have sent you an email with this message, but there are a number of good folks who seem to have a friendly connection with me. I just want them to be aware that if those wedges show up one day, there are the teeth of a rabid wolf waiting behind them. The bait will look very attractive, and.....even flattering, but people like Roy and Beth can explain what is really going on.

Our best to you and Connie,



cactusjumper said:

Good to hear that Connie had a good time and that you made it home safely. She's a real lady and was a pleasure to have in camp. We look forward to having her join us again next year.

knew all about your hike with Jim and Mr. Washington. As I said, I didn't look at DUSA all that hard for your mentioning the Rendezvous. I was told that you had mentioned it there but did not see the post.

As for my "jab" not being "provoked or necessary", I must respectfully disagree with you. After being told about the email accusing me of cheating your friend out of some money on a business deal, when I have never even met him, I felt plenty "provoked".

There are certain human tl'iish's (snakes) in this world who make it a habit of trying to advance themselves by telling lies about folks, trying to created wedges between friends so they can step into the void.

In a number of cases, it's simply a devise to get to the notes and research of older Dutch Hunters when they take their last breath. I was told about this nasty little habit by a number of well respected Dutch Hunters, and can see the truth in their statements.

I have told you before about the dark undercurrents that run beneath the surface of the Dutch Hunting Community. There are many wolves who wear the demeanor of a sheep when they are seeking an advantage to ingratiate themselves with others in the flock.

The real wolf will come out and draw his gun on his partner when he thinks he is not getting all the information he desires. He will call and threaten old "friends" when they publically disagree with them, calling them names and threatening them. Mr. Wolf may visit an old "friend" and end up staying for two weeks. Upon being told the visit needs to come to an end, das wolf may yell foul names at their patient "friend" and jump into their camper and speed away.......leaving a girlfriend behind, standing in the dust. :o

Hang around enough years, and you will see it all. As I have told you before, don't believe anything anyone tells you, including me, until you confirm it for yourself. Sometimes these stories come from people who were not present and only heard them from others. Some come directly from those folks who were personally involved.

I have done my best to open the doors to those kinds of people for you, shortcutting the usual years that it takes to make a connection where they will trust you enough to relate these kinds of "inside" stories.

Our relationship has been very public. Watch out for those "wedges" to appear.
They are not always so obvious as your "friend's" gun suddenly appearing in your face.

I could have sent you an email with this message, but there are a number of good folks who seem to have a friendly connection with me. I just want them to be aware that if those wedges show up one day, there are the teeth of a rabid wolf waiting behind them. The bait will look very attractive, and.....even flattering, but people like Roy and Beth can explain what is really going on.

Our best to you and Connie,


I hope I'm able to hang around long enough to see it all to be honest :)

Anyways - nuff said.




Really glad you and Connie had a good time. It was an excellent Rendezvous.
You both are more than welcome to pay us a visit here in Havasu any time you are able. Believe you would have a good time perusing my library.

Take care,




Once again, I didn't seem to find much time for taking pictures this year. I would appreciate those who did, sending me some, and or posting them here.

You can email them to me here:


Many thanks,



Once again,the Rendezvous weekend has passed and will be added to the ongoing history of the Superstition Mountains.I'm happy that I was able to attend this,my second such gathering of fellow enthusiasts.Being able to meet and become acqainted with so many of those that help to keep the legends alive,through their books and posted writings,has been a highlight of both trips where I was able to schedule my vacation time to include the rendezvous.I finally had a chance to sample some of Joe's stew and garlic toast,and although I didn't have much time to swap tales and theories with anyone,I did have the chance to shake the hands of many more that I had not previously been introduced to in person.The presence of well known folks such as Tom Kollenborn,Jack San Felice,Greg Davis and Bob Corbin,Clay Worst in the past and perhaps Jim Hatt and Jesse Feldman in the future have and will serve to keep the topics of conversation both interesting and diverse.Randy and Wayne have done an astounding job of organizing the event and the generosity of Greg Davis and the Don's Club are very much appreciated as well.Jack's presentation Saturday evening was both informative and entertaining,and the audience was very well behaved IMHO. :hello2:
I only regret that I had only a few hours to spend each evening,having planned full days of hiking/exploring for my entire stay.One such day,spent with Jim,Paul,George and our two canine outriders was another highlight of this trip.The tips and tidbits shared by Jim,as well as the stories told were fascinating.I wish that I could have spent more time in conversation with some of the other people that I met this year...Loke,Ellie Baba,Javaone and Roy and Beth...just to name a few.Perhaps I will be able to spend more time in camp at the next Rendezvous,if the call of those mountains has faded a bit by then.I hope that will be able to make it next October.



  • Jack\'s Presentation.webp
    Jack\'s Presentation.webp
    17.5 KB · Views: 830
  • George..Paul..Jim.webp
    63.5 KB · Views: 842

The history of those involved in the search for the Lost Dutchman could probably be summarized much like this.
I received this from a neighbour while I was attending the get together.
The annual Rendezvous,the topic itself,and the camaraderie that it generates,should not be used as a soapbox IMO.

Fable of the porcupine:
It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions even though they gave off heat to each other.
After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. This way they learned to live with the little wounds that were caused by the close relationship with their companion, but the most important part of it, was the heat that came from the others.
This way they were able to survive.
Moral of the story: The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but the best is when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities.



  • 1972 Mooney M20 wreckage.webp
    1972 Mooney M20 wreckage.webp
    77.1 KB · Views: 841
  • Rendezvous 2010.webp
    Rendezvous 2010.webp
    48.7 KB · Views: 826

cactusjumper said:
Once again, I didn't seem to find much time for taking pictures this year. I would appreciate those who did … posting them here.


It would be rather difficult to post the many photos I took, but here are a few that I have downsized to fit the posting requirements. I have my camera set for max resolution. At 15 mega pixels it takes photos 66 inches wide x 44 inches high with sizes between 5 and 9.5 megs each. It sure makes for great detail.

Cubfan has the floor.webp
Paul ‘cubfan64’ has the floor

Greg Joe Roger Bob n Rick.webp
four of Rick’s audience left to right is Greg Joe Roger n Bob

breakfast club.webp
the breakfast club

Bob n Roger listen to Beth.webp
Bob and Roger listen to Beth ‘Mrs. Oro’

it matches the stones.webp
See how this Ariel photo matches the stones? Can you see the face with the sombrero?

Bucky lovin Joe\'s attention.webp
See how Tom’s dog Bucky is just lovin’ Joe’s attention?

Jack San Felice on JD Walker.webp
Jack San Felice gave a very good presentation about JD Walker, an American/Arizona hero.

conversation after the presentation.webp
Was this a side lecture that I missed?

Javaone is a happy man.webp
Jerry ‘Javaone’ looks like he enjoyed Jack San Felice’s talk on JD Walker.

Connie and Paul cubfan.webp
Connie and Paul ‘cubfan64’

Beth and Roy Oroblanco chat.webp
Beth and Roy Decker ‘Oroblanco’ chat about Jack’s presentation.

Connie and Carolyn with the top of Miners Needle in the background


Sorry I missed adding the photo for number 12 in that last post.
Connie and Carolyn with the top of Miners Needle in the background.webp
Connie and Carolyn with the top of Miners Needle in the background


i am very sorry i could not make the rendezous this year .. it looks like a great event .. even with joe there :wink:


dont worry i will play by the rules next year .. i will leave my gun locked in the car ...

i dont need a gun to shot down any theorys i feel foolish .. i will be straight forward and state the fact .. i dont beleive i will need any more samples .. lol

it is good to see the faces of so many i do feel i have had the chace to have question me ...lol

maybe if i come to the rendezous next year you will under stand who and what i am first hand .. i am nothing like i am here on the web .. for so long i have tryed to keep what i know hidden .. it has gone to far ..

so next year if i am still live ...i will be there .. not ready to fight .. but ready to correct the wrongs that have come about people judgeing me that have never met me ...

i am respectful person and feel i can stop the rendezous in its tracks with what i know ...

put in as many pictures as you some of us had no choice and could not make the rendezous .. even if some think we side step the event .. thats just not true at all.. in fact i was very depressed i mist the event

in fact it cost over $800 to delay my expedition 5 .. my brothers death and my brother Ron being sick left me little choice at the time ..

for years i have set back wondering how to share the data i have with out makeing the greedy smile .. ...

after seeing some of the pictures i dont know if there is not enough good people there to try to under stand what and why i reactted the way i have ..

stories around the camp fire looks fun ... but i dont really like fiction much ...

ya i do come up with a lot of smoke and mirrors .. but i do have a good i will explain next year .. so you all under stand even if joe speaks so much about giveing leeway . he puts ignore where he him self fail to under stand the reasoning behind ones actions ..

thats OK .. i dont need a dagger that points nrth in my research .. sorry joe .. i cant agree with your theory .. maybe you can explain it if your can get your jaw to work after i show you what i really do know ...lol

more photos...please ! :coffee2:


i see the real brains behind the research ,, i am talking about the women folk ..lol

sorry guys you cant step out behind a tree to take a leak with out there smile first ...lol

my girlfriend hates the outdoor life and only goes out side a few times a week to walk the dog .. .. and thats if she has no one else to do it at the time ...

ya i know .. not anything like me .. but she has a golden heart and thats what melts the hardest treasure hunter ..lol

if you want know anything worth knowing ask the women folk .. dont knock it till you try it ...

they can most of the time pick out the bs 'ers in the first story ..

i am faceing some very hard times ahead and .. i dont know what is going to happend yet ...

i wish you all well ..


i got bad news to day . my brothers heart condition is a lot worse then even he knew .. he would have never made it to AZ let alone hike anywhere in mts.. he most likely would not have made it out of the state ...

i am glad i did not forse the issue at the time and i chose to delay the expedition it most likely saved his life at the time ...

as i said .. maybe next year ... very depressed .latter


If everyone will email me their pictures of the Rendezvous, I will put them all together in a CD and mail them out to those who want one. At this point, I think we should nominate Ken as official Rendezvous photographer. :notworthy:

It's more than possible that someone else could do a better job, so don't be bashfull.......

Take care,



Obviously I haven't any pictures - but I would just l-o-v-e to have that cd ...
I have plenty of computing power and cd/dvd burners - I'd be more than happy to lend a hand in the 'production' if need be.



cactusjumper said:
If everyone will email me their pictures of the Rendezvous, I will put them all together in a CD and mail them out to those who want one. At this point, I think we should nominate Ken as official Rendezvous photographer. :notworthy:

It's more than possible that someone else could do a better job, so don't be bashfull.......

Take care,


Ken does a fantastic job of wandering around taking all sorts of candid shots - I don't know how he has the time to even talk to anyone while he's there!! It doesn't hurt at all that he has a fantastic camera :)



I appreciate the offer. If it gets to be more than I can handle, I will be happy to accept your offer.

In any case, you will get a CD.


Take care,



Jack Carlson and Dick Walp were, as always, a welcome addition the the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.


Not many places in the Superstitions that Jack has not visited. Dick was around at the same time as Chuck Aylor, and was a good friend of his. He helped Chuck build his cabin in the mountains. Want to hear some good stories, sit down with Dick for awhile.

For those who may not know them, Jack is on the right side of the picture.

Still waiting for some pictures to show up........


Take care,



Congratulations Joe, Sure wish I could have been a part of it. Quite a gathering of Dutch Hunter's with the same belief of the mine's existence, yet all with different ideas regarding it's location. A whole lot of savvy under one tent. Thanks to everyone for sharing their photos. Homar P. Olivarez



Thank you for your kind words about the Rendezvous. The original idea was just as you have stated. Bring some of the best minds and experience in Dutch Hunting to one place and let them share as much as they want to with others.

It's a great place for a newbie to get his feet wet.

Hope to see you at the Rendezvous one day.

Take care,


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