Cubfan64 said:
Blindbowman said:
Joe .. can you list me as a guest speaker ...the morning of the first day
i will bit no one sleeps the next 3 nights .. i will translate the stones correctly .......!
all i need is a set of stones to use why i am talking .. and smelling salts to help those that need it ...and you will need it ..
i know for a fact i am the only human to have solved these stones from the day they were made till now ...Fact!
i would like clay worst to be there, if he could if not thank you, and i will not be there if i can not give the translation signed to clay worst ,when i am done speaking
the next 3 days will be the biggest party you have ever seen ..
i am willing to stand up and translate the stones and change history, the Tayopa stones are one of the greatest works of art not only in the last 460 years, but ever in the history of the human race one else knows how to brake the code ...I have ...
say you dont want to see a real genius translate the stones .. if you think i am crazy you can have a great LOL ...whats a party with out its jester right !
Ahhh of course, a caveat that nobody can promise - how convenient. Clay has a lot of things on his plate - both personal and professional, so there's no way to guarantee he will be there, but you already know that I'm sure.
Joe has you on ignore, but I'll be sure to pass your message along to him although he doesn't run the Rendezvous. If you need props like a set of the stone map copies, I suggest you bring them along yourself or just have a bunch of high resolution photos - the burden of proof is in your hands, not anyone elses, so bring along anything you need yourself like everyone else does.
I except .. i can do that .. thank you for helping Cup ..
have you ever want to see a real genius brake the stones down and show everyone what their real meaning is ...

you want to get even, dont you .. dont you want to see me make a fool of my self ..
now you know you do .. so why not .. help make it happen if your right . pay back feels great .. and if your wrong . you will get see & meet one of the greatest human minds to ever live and walk this planet ...
i except your help willing ...thank you
PS if clay worst dose not show up .. i will walk away the legend of the LDM . he is the only person i felt real tried . for the right reasons ...
maybe his old mule shoe will hang on my wall some day ...LOL
clay: if you get to read this ..
you really do want to be there ... i will show you why your old mule shoe was so importain ...