Blindbowman said:
Oroblanco said:
Quote from: Blindbowman on Today at 03:58:11 PM
"You can take it to the rendezvous"

i will not be going to the rendezvous ,, this year or any other year for that matter ..

Huh? Why not? Wouldn't you like to meet some of our friends from here, and hear the experts? Just curious, I do understand about other things needing our time and attention.
cup and mike is why ...

"experts" you are kidding right ...lol

clay worst is the expert i have seen yet .. joe would be a close second

Oh please BB ::) I'm flattered that I concern you enough that you wouldn't attend the Rendezvous because Mike and I might be there - I had no idea we were that influencial

All differences are put aside during those 3 days, so feel free to join in the fun and interesting conversation. I'm sure everyone would be spellbound by an hour of your talk, and the floor is always open at the nightly campfire chats - come on along and give it your best shot.

It's a curious thing how you twist things around in your head, afterall, if there's ANYONE who SHOULD hold a grudge against anyone, it would be me against you.

You do recall the conversations we had over PM where we talked about your area of interest and you explicitly directed me to an area of the mountains to visit during one of my hikes don't you? And of course you recall the ridicule and "joke" that you announced to everyone here on Tnet about how you sent me out to see something that wasn't there? I think you even added a little later how you sent me there knowing that in the area was some type of amazingly powerful man eating mountain lion and you were hoping my presence would act as "bait?"

I've saved every conversation we've had, so if you'd like, I'll be more than happy to post a reminder of how I showed you respect and was treated in a less than respectful manner back.

Feel free to come join the Rendezvous, you have nothing to worry about from me - I have no intention of meeting you.


Blindbowman said:
Joe .. can you list me as a guest speaker ...the morning of the first day

i will bit no one sleeps the next 3 nights .. i will translate the stones correctly .......!

all i need is a set of stones to use why i am talking .. and smelling salts to help those that need it ...and you will need it ..

i know for a fact i am the only human to have solved these stones from the day they were made till now ...Fact!

i would like clay worst to be there, if he could if not thank you, and i will not be there if i can not give the translation signed to clay worst ,when i am done speaking

the next 3 days will be the biggest party you have ever seen ..

i am willing to stand up and translate the stones and change history, the Tayopa stones are one of the greatest works of art not only in the last 460 years, but ever in the history of the human race ...no one else knows how to brake the code ...I have ...

say you dont want to see a real genius translate the stones .. if you think i am crazy you can have a great LOL ...whats a party with out its jester right !

Ahhh of course, a caveat that nobody can promise - how convenient. Clay has a lot of things on his plate - both personal and professional, so there's no way to guarantee he will be there, but you already know that I'm sure.

Joe has you on ignore, but I'll be sure to pass your message along to him although he doesn't run the Rendezvous. If you need props like a set of the stone map copies, I suggest you bring them along yourself or just have a bunch of high resolution photos - the burden of proof is in your hands, not anyone elses, so bring along anything you need yourself like everyone else does.


Blindbowman said:
Cubfan64 said:
Blindbowman said:
Joe .. can you list me as a guest speaker ...the morning of the first day

i will bit no one sleeps the next 3 nights .. i will translate the stones correctly .......!

all i need is a set of stones to use why i am talking .. and smelling salts to help those that need it ...and you will need it ..

i know for a fact i am the only human to have solved these stones from the day they were made till now ...Fact!

i would like clay worst to be there, if he could if not thank you, and i will not be there if i can not give the translation signed to clay worst ,when i am done speaking

the next 3 days will be the biggest party you have ever seen ..

i am willing to stand up and translate the stones and change history, the Tayopa stones are one of the greatest works of art not only in the last 460 years, but ever in the history of the human race ...no one else knows how to brake the code ...I have ...

say you dont want to see a real genius translate the stones .. if you think i am crazy you can have a great LOL ...whats a party with out its jester right !

Ahhh of course, a caveat that nobody can promise - how convenient. Clay has a lot of things on his plate - both personal and professional, so there's no way to guarantee he will be there, but you already know that I'm sure.

Joe has you on ignore, but I'll be sure to pass your message along to him although he doesn't run the Rendezvous. If you need props like a set of the stone map copies, I suggest you bring them along yourself or just have a bunch of high resolution photos - the burden of proof is in your hands, not anyone elses, so bring along anything you need yourself like everyone else does.

I except .. i can do that .. thank you for helping Cup ..

have you ever want to see a real genius brake the stones down and show everyone what their real meaning is ...???????

you want to get even, dont you .. dont you want to see me make a fool of my self ..???

now you know you do .. so why not .. help make it happen if your right . pay back feels great .. and if your wrong . you will get see & meet one of the greatest human minds to ever live and walk this planet ...

i except your help willing ...thank you

PS if clay worst dose not show up .. i will walk away ...in the legend of the LDM . he is the only person i felt real tried . for the right reasons ...

maybe his old mule shoe will hang on my wall some day ...LOL

clay: if you get to read this ..

you really do want to be there ... i will show you why your old mule shoe was so importain ...

I take no pleasure in "getting even" with anyone, in fact in the 46 years I've been alive, I can honestly say I don't recall a single time where I ever went out of my way to "get even" with anyone over anything - I consider it a foolish waste of my valuable time. I was born and raised not to enjoy "pay back," so I couldn't tell you what it feels like.

You obviously didn't understand my earlier post when I suggested that nobody can guarantee Clay Worst's presence - even Clay himself. Last year he was expected to be there, but something personal came up at the last minute and he wasn't able to make it. Do you have even the SLIGHTEST IDEA how many people contact and/or try to contact Clay on a regular basis and bother him in real life to give him a "once in a lifetime" opportunity???

Do you know what Clay's thoughts are on the Stone Maps?



What you say is true. Even though I started the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous, I have not had anything to do with organizing it since the second event. There was too much crazy talk by Joe haters for the event to proceed to what it has become today. I knew that too many people would be turned off by that talk and made the decision to bow out. I did not want to see that happen.

The event is open to anyone who wants to attend. Who speaks, formally, is decided by Wayne, Greg Davis and Randy. Anyone who wants to get up and give a spiel is welcome, and the offer for that time is always available and offered.

Beyond that, informal talks take place all over camp. I have never seen anyone asked to leave such a gathering, and doubt it has or will happen. At meal time, our camp is set up for shade, cooking, chairs, tables and our trailer is available for the ladies to use if they wish.

The formal evening gatherings/talks, are set up in the Big Ramada. The large firepit in the center creates a nice atmosphere. If bb, or anyone else wants to speak, that's where it will happen.

If anyone has battery operated camp lights, please bring them and we can set them up around the perimeter. I would not really want to hear a generator running at that time. Electricity will be available at my trailer, if needed.

For those who have not attended before, you are in for an LDM treat. The collective knowledge that gathers there is as good as it gets. It's a friendly, family type event.

I don't remember who won the first edition book which Tom Kollenborn donated last year, but he has offered to donate something even nicer this year.

Looking forward to seeing you guys this year.

Take care,




The Rendezvous is three weeks away. Friday, Oct. 22nd. will be the first day of the event. It will last until Sunday, Oct. 24th.

Once again, Carolyn and I will have homemade stew and Garlic Toast, while Roger, from Texas, will bring Salad for Friday evening. We will bring enough to feed around 30 people, and it will be first come first served until we run out. If you are going to arrive late, you may want to bring your own dinner.

Saturday morning we will have homemade Italian Sausage Gravy and homemade biscuts for breakfast. It will be first come first served until we run out. I expect we will have enough for 30 people.

I will have a pretty good sized gas BBQ set up, and everyone is welcome to use it at any time. Our trailer restroom will be available for the ladies. We set up a comfortable campsite, but you should bring your own camp chairs.

Saturday Night has always been steak night, but you will need to bring your own. Anything else you want to cook on the grill is fine. We will have some water on ice, but extra of both will be appreciated.

I have been told that Clay Worst will be in camp again this year. As always, he will be a welcome addition. There are other old timers who have told me they will be there as well.

Camp lanterns and a little firewood will be needed.

Hope to see a lot of new faces this year.

Take care,




There is plenty of room for camping at the Don's Camp, Both for tents and RVs. There is no water available, so bring your own. There are no hookups of any kind, so any rigs must be self contained.
More and more families are attending each year. Friendly dogs (Non-aggressive) have attended in the past and are more than welcome.

If you have any questions relating to the legends and history of the Superstitions, this is the place to ask them. Beyond that, many of the people who come to the Rendezvous are knowledgable about other treasure legends around the country and beyond......like Roy and Beth.

Greg Davis, who is one of the most knowledgeable of them all, has never missed a Rendezvous.

Thanks to Wayne, Randy and Greg, the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous is becoming a "must be there" event for treasure hunters and specifically Dutch Hunters, getting bigger and better each year. Don't be left out.

See you there,

Joe Ribaudo


Looking forward to it.

I have a banquet table I can bring if you think it would help. I'll try to bring some extra chairs and ice too.



Ice is something we can always use, and an extra table would come in handy.

Look forward to meeting you.

Take care,



Two week 'til the Rendezvous........Get yer stories polished up and yer ears cleaned out. It's gonna be a barn burner. :lurk:

Take care,



BB you posted-->you will get see & meet one of the greatest human minds to ever live and walk this planet ...
Geeze thanks BB, blushing, but I probably am 'not' the greatest, but quite close. However, while I Am in Tucson at the moment, I may have to leave before the LDM FREE pressure cooker, chow session.

Bert and I have to be in Hermosillo at that time. She is the legal administrator for two different Canadian mining co's and they have a series of critical meetings scheduled for those dates snifffff.

Ever heard of a rain check Joe Y los Oros? Joe, I like my steak medium well done, no blood dripping when I cut it. Find out from Oro how he makes his egg shell coffee.

However, you 'will' experience me sooner or later BB, lucky you.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
BB you posted-->you will get see & meet one of the greatest human minds to ever live and walk this planet ...
Geeze thanks BB, blushing, but I probably am 'not' the greatest, but quite close. However, while I Am in Tucson at the moment, I may have to leave before the LDM FREE pressure cooker, chow session.

Bert and I have to be in Hermosillo at that time. She is the legal administrator for two different Canadian mining co's and they have a series of critical meetings scheduled for those dates snifffff.

Ever heard of a rain check Joe Y los Oros? Joe, I like my steak medium well done, no blood dripping when I cut it.
However, you 'will' experience me sooner or later BB, lucky you.

Don Jose de La Mancha

i guess when we do get to talk .. i can tell you what those numbers really mean.....


This will be my first time at the Don's camp rendevous. I live in Mesa, Apache Jct area but have never made it out to one before. Would someone please post directions to the Don's camp, I know how to find it but some others I know who are coming arenot sure and its easy to miss the turn into the Don's area. I'm not very good at giving directions. Anything other than a lantern, ice or firewood that someone could bring ?

Will Johnson
Apache Junction



The gate for the Don's Camp will be open Friday morning for early arrivals. There is plenty of room to set up your camp, close to others or a bit farther away if you're so inclined.

There is plenty of shade, bring your own chairs. We will have extra cold water and a few extra chairs, along with tables set up by our trailer. Once again, the gas barbecue will be available to anyone who needs it. We will have Mom's stew, garlic toast and Roger's salad for those who come in Friday night. Should have enough for 30 people, but those who have reserved their dinner will be served first.

I should be able to feed a like number Saturday morning, same deal on who gets to eat.

Hope to see more wives and kids this year, as it's a good family outing. .

East on 60 to Peralta Rd. Left on paved......it turns into hard packed dirt. There will be signs at the Don's Camp entrance,(it's a left turn) but if you get to Peralta Trailhead, you have gone too far. Once you turn off Peralta Rd.
come in a little ways and look to your right. The gate to the camp will be uphill from you.


Closer map:


You will need to bring drinks, lunchs, breakfast for Sunday Morning and Dinner for Saturday night. I would suggest you have something for Friday night as well as Saturday morning, as I will only have a limited amount of food. When I run out, you're on your own.

The numbers got a little out of hand last year. I had enough for twenty people, but folks were coming out of the woodwork. I can cook for a lot of people, but we may have to go to advance tickets for meals, and a small charge next year. :dontknow:

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo


Thanks cactusjumper for the directions and map! And for the invite for dinner-breakfast. Sounds great !
I don't need much room to camp so anywhere is good for me. I'll bring some extras for anyone else who might need. Looking forward to a good time.



I believe these are the coordinates for the gate at the Don's Camp:

N 33° 23.603 W 111° 21.172

I will try to have a sign up......

See you there,

Take care,



WELCOME TO TREASURENET wwjohnson! :thumbsup:

Don Jose' you will be missed; business before pleasure but - this will not get you out of meeting us sooner or later however! As for the steaks, I used to tell them that it was done if it was at the point where maybe the Vet could still fix it, but now it is OK if it is still pink! :tongue3: The way our budget is looking, Beth and I may be having the somewhat less costly Tube Steak rather than a Porterhouse or T-bone, but done over the fire it will still taste good.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather have Beth's infamous Sock Coffee? ;D



Allo BETH & roy, mi compañeros: Will forgive you, if, you load Joes famous stew with tons of an aphrodisac, and supply the sock coffee, this would make the junta very memorable, no???

Don Jose de La Mancha


cactusjumper said:

I believe these are the coordinates for the gate at the Don's Camp:

N 33° 23.603 W 111° 21.172

I will try to have a sign up......

See you there,

Take care,


A participant log or "guestbook" might not be a bad idea.Might be able to backdate many of the folks to the beginning of the rendezvous as well.Every ten years,maybe a "yearbook" with photos,etc would be a saleable item worth the effort.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Allo BETH & roy, mi compañeros: Will forgive you, if, you load Joes famous stew with tons of an aphrodisac, and supply the sock coffee, this would make the junta very memorable, no???

Don Jose de La Mancha

Yours will have a liberal topping of saltpeter Don Jose. ;D
Bad enough that the guys have to keep an eye on their mules,without them havin to worry about their wimmen too.



Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Allo BETH & roy, mi compañeros: Will forgive you, if, you load Joes famous stew with tons of an aphrodisac, and supply the sock coffee, this would make the junta very memorable, no???

Don Jose de La Mancha

Aphrodisiac? What is that? Some kind of a spice? :laughing7: :tongue3: I fear that such a spice added to Joe's stew might lead to a Dutch-hunters love-fest! :o ;D

Have you considered that idea of organizing a Tayopa hunters rendezvous? Until then however we can sure meet somewhere at your convenience - may be a rather small rendezvous but we will make up for lack of numbers by extra volume and kicking up extra dust. :thumbsup:

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