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I am green with envy over all yall going there - wish I were with you ... but next year for certain!!
Now - yall have a good time - hear!



I will be there Friday morning. Look forward to seeing you and the family.

For those who are traveling, please take care. For those who can't make it this year, we will be thinking of our missing friends.

Take care,



Hi All,

For those that can not make it I have attached a photograph for you viewing pleasure. Gone are the 100 degree days. We will drink a toast for the "Burro Man" and we will truly miss your participation.

We will set aside 5 seconds every day to say we wish you were here. If I did not live so close to these soups I would not be able to make it either...but, I am not, so lets plan on getting together next year God willing.

Ellie Baba


Hi All,

Rendezvous is awesome! Joe can cook and Bob Schoose can spin a yarn. He explained how one can be heading sourth which is somewhere between north and south. Beth laughed until she cried and we we didn't leave until 01:30 AM. Will Get better pics later and by the way Roger with Search and Rescue updated us with more information about the three missing men, still missing, a few traces, more later.

Ellie B


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Geeze, what a rough, tough, looking group of adventurers. Now identify each please.

( sheesh, chairs, campfires, lamps, soft beds, super chow, complete with sock coffee, 'and' not a single 'lie detector' in sight. snicker, Paradise.)

Snifffff, maybe next year?

Don Jose de La Mancha


Hello to All,

I wanted say thanks to Joe and his lovely wife for being a gracious host/hostess at his camp site - providing great food, a place to gather, and the opportunity to meet many fellow hikers/searchers in the area. It was great to be able to put the names to faces. Everyone was friendly and made it easy to be a part of the many conversations.

Being able to meet legends such as Bob Corbin, Tom Kollenborn, Jack San Felice, Greg Davis, Bob Schoose, the list just goes on and on, made the Rendezvous even that much more memorable.

You can count me in next year.

Thanks Again

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This was one of the best Dutch Hunter Rendezvous' yet. Good crowd and the stories were flying fast and furious. There were more wives and children than ever before.

We had trouble with our trailer and arrived late Thursday afternoon. Bob Corbin, Tom and Sharon Kollenborn (with Bucky ), Paul and his wife Connie from New Hampshire and Roy and Beth Decker from South Dakota all arrived for a nice spaghetti dinner, which went off without a hitch.

Unexpected early arrivals were Rick Gwynn from Apache Junction and Bill Fincham and his son from Wichita, KS. Tom brought along Bob Cooper, Commander of Superstition Search and Rescue and one of the members of his team. We had plenty to feed them all, with leftovers besides.

I have bugged Tom for years about making the Rendezvous and he must have decided that the only way to get me to shut up was to come out. In any case, the Rendezvous reaped the benefits.

I tried to get around to everyone, but there were so many people that I'm sure I may have unintentionally ignored some. For those who took pictures at the Rendezvous, I would appreciate it if you would email them to me. I just didn't seem to have enough time to do my talking.......and picture taking.


Thanks in advance.

You all made the Rendezvous a great gathering. I will post more later.

Take care,



Forgot to mention........Tom Kollenborn donated a leather bound copy of his latest book for the guys to raffle off. Only 25 copies were leather bound, and this one was his last. It was numbered 25 and Tom signed it along with a nice inscription.

Those books were selling for $150, so the donation was very nice indeed. The inscription, without a personal name, made the book even more valuable. It was won by our friend Ralph Johnson. Ralph had purchased seven steaks and donated six of them for those who did not bring anything. He refused payment and Tom and Sharon Kollenborn had dinner on him. It was fitting that he win that book.

Wayne made an offer for me to buy the book as soon as Ralph won it, for three hundred dollars, which he refused out of hand. When I saw who won it, I knew it wouldn't be sold. That book will be worth more in future years.

Take care,



To all,

I second the thanks to Joe and Carolyn for providing great food, and a place to sit for eating and conversing with former AZ Atty Gen Bob Corbin and Tom Kollenborn, teacher/author/journalist/lecturer, both legendary Dutch hunters for many years and Jack San Felice for an eye opener with his talk on JD Walker, an Arizona hero. Thanks also to Greg Davis, Board Member/Director of Library, Research Acquisitions and Archives of the Superstition Mountain Historical Society, for his invaluable input about Superstition Mountain lore and by virtue of his leadership in the ‘Dons of Arizona’, permission to hold the Renezvous at the Don’s Base Camp, Bob Schoose for his support and participation. Rick Gwynn showed us a ton of pictures taken throughout the Superstitions and is pretty convincing about locations he photographed.

Many thanks to the organizers Randy and Wayne and all the participants that made the Rendezvous another huge success. Randy made a supreme effort as he suffered an accident at work just two weeks prior and was sporting a walking boot. Wayne’s son Trevor turned out to be a real trooper and accompanied his dad on a rather tough hike Saturday. Welcome to the adventure Trevor.

Jerry ‘Javaone’ talks about how everyone was so friendly in his post (all of which I whole-heartedly agree, with some of his statements added here as well). Well let me tell you that he was the first to extend a hand when I arrived, and helped me set up my own campsite. I, too, had the opportunity to meet many folks that post on this website. I thought that since Roy ‘Oroblanco’ and his wife Beth ‘Mrs Oro’ Decker moved to South Dakota we would not be hearing from them in person, but there they were. It turns out that Beth has become friends with Jessie’s mom and showed us the topo map he used to plan his trip last November in search of the Lost Dutchman’s Mine, or his cached treasure. It was great to finally meet many fellow Dutch treasure seekers and to add faces to the list of names. I took several hundred pictures but not all Rendezvous participants are identified as yet.

Thank you wives, and I mean all of you, for attending as it has encouraged my own wife, Nancy to do so next year. Paul ‘Cubfan64’ brought his wife Connie for the first time. Hope to see her with him again next year. Tom Kollenborn was accompanied by his wife Sharon both days. And, speaking of wives, Greg Davis made available the remaining copies of the ‘2008- volume 26’ edition of the Superstition Mountain Journal which was dedicated to Bob Corbin’s wife Helen. Her book on “The Curse Of The Dutchman’s Gold” was the seed that got me interested in this legend in the fall of 2000. It was lying on the cart of books being returned to the shelves in a local library when I noticed it and started reading. I was bitten.

Tom also brought Bob Cooper, Commander of Superstition Search and Rescue and one of the members of his team Roger (Barrienza)?. Saturday, Roger brought us up to date on Jessie and the last three hikers who went missing in July. We were shown photos of computer screens (because he didn’t have use of a printer) that they used when they came in July. I have to give them credit in one respect, their plan was to go in at 2:00 a.m., not during the heat of the day as we were lead to believe by the media, and that one of them had marked their intended trail on an earlier visit in Feb.

I strongly advise those who missed this Rendezvous to plan on attending the next one in 2011.

I was sad to have missed meeting ‘Cptbil’ from Corpus Christi and the ‘blindbowman’ or ‘BB’ from upstate NY as I was looking forward to seeing them both in person. I’d like to hear either one or both of these two guys give a talk at the next Rendezvous. I’m sure they both could tell us some interesting stories.

Another tid-bit of information from Beth… if you buy recent copies of the area Topo maps from the forest service you may want to buy the accompanying overlays that show trails, mines, etc. Be sure to ask for them to pick and choose from.

Ken ‘dustcap’ Chichester

P.S. Sorry if I missed some of you in my post but I realized how long it was getting and decided to leave some room for others to post also.
Helen Corbin.webp
Helen Corbin
1931 - 2008


Sorry I couldn't make it this year. I was at work all weekend. I hate having priorities and being responsible. HAHAHA



HIO ELLE: I noitced that in picture # 2 as usual Beth and roy are at it, but as you can see in #3 she obviouly won - naturally. You say randy is hobbling around? Hmm, k he is out for Tayopa, kain't have no beat cripples up there just scarfing the chow. course they do say that he IS a good cook ---------Whatcha think Beth?

Don Jose de La M-ancha


Hi Ken,

It was really good to see you again at this year's Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous. We felt it was a big success and having Tom Kollenborn attend sure didn't hurt any. I have been bugging him for five years now, and It finally paid off.

As for having bb give a talk at a future event, I would not lobby for that, but would sure listen as long as I could. Since I no longer have any patience with his.........posts, I doubt I could listen to him talk for more than a short time.

No one who wanted to speak at the Rendezvous, as far as I know, has ever been denied the time. This was the first year someone in my camp was ever put on "ignore" and Bob Corbin and myself were both guilty of that. It was purely a defensive thing, as there was no ending to his monolog. I fear that would be the case with bb as well. It was like he had been to bbU. ::)

Hope all is well at home and you enjoyed your weekend.

Take care,



Looked in on DUSA earlier today to see if there was anything posted about the Rendezvous. Did not look that hard, but didn't see anything at all. Since a number of people who post over there attended the Rendezvous, I can't imagine why no one advertised the event or mentioned the great turnout of Dutch Hunters.

A number of people who wrote what they believed on that site found themselves banned, including Roy, Beth and myself.......just to name a few. Others simply received a phone call telling them not to post on a particular subject, and calling them a few choice names. Now that's MODERATED! :D

Each year the Rendezvous get's bigger and better. People are coming from all over the U.S. It's truly a Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.

Take care,



Have to add my heartfelt thanks to Randy, Wayne, Greg, and everyone involved with putting on the rendevous. How much better could it be than setting around camp talking to Tom Kollenborn, Bob Corbin, Greg Davis, and Joe Ribaudo just to name a few. Also enjoyed talking to Roy and Beth, truly two gracious individuals. Also thanks to Jack Carlson for putting up with me on that wonderful hike to the mines. That was a once in a lifetime experience, hiking with Jack Carlson. Also like to say hello to Vonn, (I think hes part mountain goat). I throughly enjoyed every moment of the rendevous and have to give special thanks to Joe and Carolyn, two of the most gracious people ive ever met. Also to Tom Kollenborn for donating his book, which I was lucky enough to win, it will be treasured. All in all it was truly a great time. Cant wait to do it again. Thanks to everyone. Ralph Johnson



We appreciate your overly kind words, but it is Carolyn and I who thank you. It was, once again, a pleasure to have you in camp, and your generosity in bringing six more steaks than you needed, was appreciated by those who did not bring steaks.

I can assure you that Jack enjoyed every minute of your hike. I second everything you said in your post about our friends who joined us. Can't wait for some armchair Dutch Hunters from Great Britain to make the event. Believe that will happen one day.

Carolyn and I look forward to seeing you again next year.

Take care,



Hi Joe, if I'm the one from GB you mentioned I'll definitely try and get there, as i hope to try some of Roys coffee on my way south,
but I'm not a Dutch hunter, although i do follow the posts having read about the LDM while i was still at school and that was a long time ago, i have different things to look for south of the border,



BB, I've been following a few threads on here for the last eighteen months, in that time i have seen you call almost everyone who has questioned you names and belittling them and calling them fools,
and from what i have seen most of the personal attacks have been started by you, you appear to be able to give it but not take it,
I'm also a few hours in front due to the time difference, so i also see many of the attacks you make on Joe and others over the months early on and then delete the posts before they have been on any length of time, including the one you wrote this morning, before your latest post,

you say you will make him wish he had acted his age, so how do you propose to do that,
from what i have seen you are the one who has acted like a child with your statements, you've posted plenty of theories but not the slightest amount of proof, only your word, and most of your theories can be torn apart by a ten year old, i could write a list of things you have claimed which can be seen as wrong at the slightest amount of research,
but as soon as anyone asks or points out where it is wrong you start the name calling or you shout greed, which is just your excuse not to post proof,
as has been said nobodies asking for X marks the spot just something to prove you are correct,




I would say you have bb pegged. Unfortunately he is so far into his game, that I believe he no longer knows where the dividing line between the game and reality begins or ends.

"...you say you will make him wish he had acted his age, so how do you propose to do that..."

I assume you are quoting bb here, and it's not the first time he has made such childishly clumsy threats. As there are still folks here who read his posts and do their best to reply, we can only hope that those conversations will keep him, somewhat, focused on the real world.

I have no ill feelings towards him, in fact I wish him well.

Thank you for your post,



Hi Joe

yes it was a quote from BB's post i should have made that clearer, and also i have him totally pegged,



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