Are the Treasures you are hunting valid?
Well, if you take into account real history and documented timelines, then the logical answer is NO. Other that the annoying pilfering and looting of Indochina and Southeast Asia, there is absolute zero documentation that the Japanese were in control of, or amassed large quantities of gold bars. It is historically proven that gold reserves were sent to neutral and/or friendly countries for safekeeping.
" Of course there are some documentation on these stolen war war 2 booties....UNFORTUNATELY IT WAS SENT TO JAPANESE EMPEROR ONLY...meaning ordinary reasearcher or treasure hunter like us
Do you think the Japs are crazy to document their loot and IT WILL BE SHOWN OR AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC...DEFINITELY NOT...IT WAS THEIR LOOT REMEMBER

....use your common sense..."
There has only been 152,000 metric tons of gold processed to date. All the gold that has ever been refined throughout history could be placed in a cube measuring 65.5 feet (20 meters) on a side. It is safe to say that 30% of the world’s resources of gold are not buried in the Philippines.
"How about the gold recovered since ancient time.....Ex: remember China alone have several CENTURIES OF ANCIENT TREASURES/ARTIFSACTS/GOLD ETC....some of theose golden artifacts were remelted into gold is NOT PART OF DOCUMENTED MINED GOLD IN 20TH CENTURY !!"
Are the Treasures you are hunting really “treasure” to begin with?
Simply put, NO. You are actually searching for stolen goods. There is no statue of limitations when it comes to recovering stolen property. The property is returned to the rightful owner(s). It is not abandoned property. There may or may not be a reward or some other means of compensation awarded. Recovering stolen items and selling it on the black market is illegal. Stolen items hid or concealed for later retrieval is not “treasure”.
Of course it is.....any valuables items you recovered in buried sites is CONSIDERED TO BE TREASURES...
ex: STOLEN GOODS from different countries wether it is in ancient times or these pilferage/war loot of Genghis Khan, Alezander the great, Conquestadores,Mongols, Nazi or japanese war booties...IS CONSIDERED TREASURES....
Location, Location, Location
Is it feasible to build elaborate tunnels hundreds of feet below ground to hide tons of gold? Again, the answer is NO. Refined gold (24KT) was selling for $35 per ounce at that time. To spend days, weeks or months digging these elaborate tunnels was not worth the time or the loss of life to hide such a small sum of money.
" I HAVE ALREADY PROVEN HERE...THAT THE JAPS HAD ADVANCE PARTY AS EARLY AS 1915....TO START THEIR ELABORATE TUNNELING...disguised as legitimate road construction, mining and other preparation for WW2."
Support. All in favor say AYE
"Despite all the treasure hunters, their maps, oral testimony and sophisticated metal detectors, nobody has found a thing," says Ambeth Ocampo, chairman of the Philippine government's National Historical Institute.