ericwt said:
I was actually wanting to learn on this post. It seems there is more bickering, arguing and bragging going on than actual information.

I understand the scepticism because other people have been scammed, killed or both when dealing with Philippine treasure.

I just wish there was more information on the treasure symbols of this area.

I do not know whether Yam treasure is real or not. I do know the Philippines has tons of gold there and that the history is such that there is treasure there.

Perhaps a Pro Yam thread and a Con Yam thread. Kind of like pro and con of dowsing. With the same rules that in pro you can not scoff.

Just an idea. But the state of this thread is such that there is more ranting than information.

There is another Thread by SWR

Unfortunally it keeps Spilling over to here Because Gboy
Gets More attention.

Have No fear,
IF It dosn't get back on topic
to My Satisfaction soon,
I will be Deleting most of the Last 5 Pages
of Accusations.


not Blaming Jim,

Just trying to State the Obvious.

You have Never been told you are Not welcome to post wherever.



for the Record, You ask some Great questions here.
and Provide some good Info.
I don't want to see that stop.

But I still do not like when they erupt into
arguments & Accusations.

I just don't know what the Solution is without Offending Someone.


Just a piece of my thoughts;
Treasure hunters who has a treasure hits does not brag nor advertise of their find. They become tight lipped on the matter because of so many reasons. I've got friends who were successful on their treasure expedition and just recently, another one had a small hit along the northern part of luzon, along the coastal town of cagayan.....
I for one believe on those treasures but I am not just lucky enough to be able to extract one for so many reasons ( no need to elaborate).
Each treasure hunters here in the Philippines has it's own way or approach in finding the hidden treasures like the use of maps (whether it's authentic or not), living pointers (whether they are credible or not), markers, history, use of all sorts of treasure equipment, phychics, etc. But the main ingredient for a successful expedition is that, you should be LUCKY enough for a hit. You may have everything for your usuage in an expedition but if you don't have luck, your'e a failure......
Good luck to everybody on this forum on your hunting activities!!!



yeah, agree with you mr. badz, but want to consider good luck to heavenly blessing for me. so you are from cagayan? been there. a place i believe where every square kilometer lives a gold or treasure hunting syndicate. legit and scammers combined actually but not together.

should swr a wholehearted yam-a-sh-ita treasure skeptic, maybe a victim once he was like most of us eh? dig your own gold, that's th life here in the PI really needed be, or else fools will get you on with their foolishness.



1) "I have to ask, when do the hits dry out? How many more years can Filipino treasure hunters keep finding gold bars?"
There are still hundreds of Japs treasure sites (big & small) out there waitng to be recovered....thats why we are the ENVY of most coin/treas hunters....like you.

2) " Does Yamashi.ta’s Treasure somehow replenish itself? "
It would be difficult to replenish them all, simply bcoz the technology/budget in recovering it (specially the big ones), is NOT yet available to ordinary local treasure hunters.

3) "If Marcos has already found thousands of gold bars, and the CIA/USA has extracted thousands of gold bars and all the Filipino treasure hunters who have had ‘hits’ and have extracted gold bars…when does it stop? "
Again therer are still hundreds of sites to be recovered.....It will ONLY be stop...if all ordinary treasure hunters had the technology and budget of mining companies, that way, all treasures will be recovered. However, since most treasure sites are still well kept secret by most ordinary treasure hunters who can't afford/no tech to recover it....it will never be stop.

"Again you have posted a picture of a natural geological anomaly, not a work from any human, including any Japanese " Simply rotate the heart (?) vertically and to the upper left and you will easily see where it fits into the soon to be another heart rock "

Hello....the chisel mark of the boulder in shaping into heart shape was still OBVIOUS...the hole in the middle of the boulder is PRETTY OBVIOUS....now you see it as GEOLOGICAL/NATURAL?......wowaweee...Do you have some eye cataract or something that you can no longer distinguish....a man made carving from natural?

Its true that these thread is already becoming entertaining....sometime I have to do it to make these thread and Yam TH more exciting.
I will post another Japs treasure marker for entertainment or intrigue...


This picture was taken in a former Japs jungle base camp along the river. The treasure marker in these area are 2 faces....was amazingly carved in the cliffwall est to be 60-70 feet high.
I even considered these carving as Phil or Yam TH version of MT. RUSHMORE.... ;D

1) est. 10 feet, SMILING FACE carving (half face partially covered by vegetation)
2) est. 3 feet, SMALL FACE carving (partially covered by vegetation)

This area is a potential Japs treasure sites bcoz of its OBVIOUS JAPS ROCK CARVING. The target big vol. treasure site is inside these mountain, however we expect smaller treasure sites (like heart boulder) scattered in sorrounding areas.

Note: the local natives is seen bathing in the river

He,he,he...am excited for the the ALIBIS of SWR and Realde....am sure they will tell its another geological rock formation.... ;D


  • gboy5.webp
    64.5 KB · Views: 1,143

Now I believe Gboy is a legit yama-sh-ita treasure hunter. ;D

SWR: the search for the hidden yama-shi-ta treasure will stop only when all is recovered.


(By SWR: TreasureNet is not the only internet forum/message board where this scenario plays out. If you take a few hours, and really research this subject, there are literally hundreds of Filipino treasure hunters finding gold in the Philippines.) a hundred are just but some of the few i guess... but some are true and others are not.


HIO Gboy you are right. I "will" say that it a natural anomally. The Japanese were very industrious, they continued cutting the same way both above, to the sides, and below the face (?).

Till Eulenspiefel Don Jose de La Mancha


must be a failure to communicate the word "replenish"

1. to make full or complete again, as by supplying what is lacking, used up, etc.: to replenish one's stock of food.
2. to supply (a fire, stove, etc.) with fresh fuel.
3. to fill again or anew.



"HIO Gboy you are right. I "will" say that it a natural anomally. The Japanese were very industrious, they continued cutting the same way both above, to the sides, and below the face (?)."

OH My Gosh....THE SMILING FACE is again a natural anomally to you, not artistically carved by the Japs?....If that is your interpretation....therefore it is INDEED CONFIRMED THAT YOU HAVE EYE SIGHT PROBLEM !! ;D

"Any reason why we have passed over discussing the first altered picture? I would like the courtesy of an explanation, on why somebody would induce altered photographs into this discussion.
I have posted (again) the negative of the photograph Gboy provided."

Another "cross eyed man"....doesn't know how to determine a Japs treasure cave.... He claimed that it was altered picture by showing a negative?...Bwaa, ha,ha,ha.....Try another alibi...maybe it will work....

Am just very excited with my HEART OF VALENCIA and SMILING FACE pictures bcoz ...up to now...SWR, simply can't DENY that it is ORIG JAPS TREEASURE MARKER.....hey why don't you post here the negative again of these pictures... ;D

Jefff of Pa,

"It would be difficult to replenish them all, simply bcoz the technology/budget in recovering it (specially the big ones), is NOT yet available to ordinary local treasure hunters."

What I actually mean from the word "replenish" is "recovered"...I MISTYPE my word...sorry am only a FILIPINO....english is only secondary language to us....sometimes I post incorrect grammar or word.

It should have been type as"
It would be difficult to RECOVER them all, simply bcoz the technology/budget in recovering it (specially the big ones), is NOT yet available to ordinary local treasure hunters."....
anyway just analyze the whole sentence meaning....


In my personal opinion, there are different kinds of treasure hunters here in the Philippines. There are the legitimate ones and the scammers. With the legitimate ones, I can categorized them as full time hunters and the adventurers. With the full time hunters, there are those who finances their own projects and the others who seek for financiers. And the adventurers, wherein I belong, does treasuring as a challenge, as their past time and foremost, spend on their own expeditions.
We hear and read a lot of this stuff (Y-treasures) and it has become an obsession of people who does believe on it and join the band wagon in search of the truth. Unless, you yourself have a successful expedition will you declare that the "myth" is REAL. As the saying goes, TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE.
We don't know how much treasures has been buried and hidden in the Philippines, nor do we know how much has been recovered already. It's a challenge to uncover the truth, isn't it? and that excites the hunters in going for it no matter how much the expenditures are...
Some hunters has the informations of the whereabouts of these treasures (credible maps and living pointer's accounts) but does not have the capacity to verify nor spend for it. Most hunters here lack the necessary treasure hunting equipments needed to verify credible sites and that's the main reason why this forum was created for hunters to post for an exchange of views and hoping that a member who possesses the capabilities to help credible hunters with credible treasure sites would come in hand.
I, for one has given up hope for a successful expedition because the array of detectors I have does not have the capabilities to locate a treasure.. And in this forum, I met Geo Profiler who is willing to extend a helping hand on me in my quest for a hit...and I thank this forum for it.

You're right. in my province Cagayan and also with the adjacent provinces are full of gold sindicates. I have dealt with a lot of them for 4 months and all I've seen are fake gold bars.


gboy said:

"HIO Gboy you are right. I "will" say that it a natural anomally. The Japanese were very industrious, they continued cutting the same way both above, to the sides, and below the face (?)."

OH My Gosh....THE SMILING FACE is again a natural anomally to you, not artistically carved by the Japanese?....If that is your interpretation....therefore it is INDEED CONFIRMED THAT YOU HAVE EYE SIGHT PROBLEM !! ;D

"Any reason why we have passed over discussing the first altered picture? I would like the courtesy of an explanation, on why somebody would induce altered photographs into this discussion.
I have posted (again) the negative of the photograph Gboy provided."

Another "cross eyed man"....doesn't know how to determine a Japanese treasure cave.... He claimed that it was altered picture by showing a negative?...Bwaa, ha,ha,ha.....Try another alibi...maybe it will work....

Am just very excited with my HEART OF VALENCIA and SMILING FACE pictures bcoz ...up to now...SWR, simply can't DENY that it is ORIG Japanese TREEASURE MARKER.....hey why don't you post here the negative again of these pictures... ;D

Jefff of Pa,

"It would be difficult to replenish them all, simply bcoz the technology/budget in recovering it (specially the big ones), is NOT yet available to ordinary local treasure hunters."

What I actually mean from the word "replenish" is "recovered"...I MISTYPE my word...sorry am only a FILIPINO....english is only secondary language to us....sometimes I post incorrect grammar or word.

It should have been type as"
It would be difficult to RECOVER them all, simply bcoz the technology/budget in recovering it (specially the big ones), is NOT yet available to ordinary local treasure hunters."....
anyway just analyze the whole sentence meaning....

Notice how I quoted This. I hit the QUOTE
I am not picking on you in particulaar GBoy, this is just the
closest one to use at this time.

From now on any post that Quotes others Without
using the Correct way, will be Deleted.

It is easy to Remove the parts you do not wish to Quote.
after hitting the Quote Button.

Either do it this way, or Don't quote at all.

You's are making things Very hard to Follow,
& I won't tolerate it fruther.

Excuses & Wa-Wa-Wa's will be deleted on sight also.



SWR said:
Are the Treasures you are hunting valid?

Well, if you take into account real history and documented timelines, then the logical answer is NO. Other that the annoying pilfering and looting of Indochina and Southeast Asia, there is absolute zero documentation that the Japanese were in control of, or amassed large quantities of gold bars. It is historically proven that gold reserves were sent to neutral and/or friendly countries for safekeeping.

There has only been 152,000 metric tons of gold processed to date. All the gold that has ever been refined throughout history could be placed in a cube measuring 65.5 feet (20 meters) on a side. It is safe to say that 30% of the world’s resources of gold are not buried in the Philippines.

Should you document some deed you do which ffrom the beginning you know it wasn't right? If you were to hide something precious and plan to recover it in the future are you gonna let the world know about it? If gold reserves then are sent to neutral countries for safekeeping, do you think all the golds were shipped immediately after they are processed and documented? Do you think transporting of gold reserves during the time of war is an acceptable idea? During WW2, Japans nearest and safest country to consider if you want to hide something precious is the Philippines only.

152,000 metric tons of processed gold to date. How much do you think then the amount of gold that were lost and undocumented from the time man learned how to mine and use gold as a precious commodity? Approximately, from the 172 japanese treasure sites, there's only 6,000 to 10,000 metric tons of undocumented gold believed to be buried by the japanese. It is safe then to say that there is a great possibility that japanese treasure do exist.

SWR said:
Are the Treasures you are hunting really valid to begin with?

Simply put, NO. You are actually searching for stolen goods. There is no statue of limitations when it comes to recovering stolen property. The property is returned to the rightful owner(s). It is not abandoned property. There may or may not be a reward or some other means of compensation awarded. Recovering stolen items and selling it on the black market is illegal. Stolen items hid or concealed for later retrieval is not valid.

Gold never belongs to anyone, to anybody. All the golds is God's. It's just a matter of belief. Stealing is abominable, alright.

SWR said:
Location, Location, Location

Is it feasible to build elaborate tunnels hundreds of feet below ground to hide tons of gold? Again, the answer is NO. Refined gold (24KT) was selling for $35 per ounce at that time. To spend days, weeks or months digging these elaborate tunnels was not worth the time or the loss of life to hide such a small sum of money.
Feasible or not, not all japanese hidden gold are buried as deep as you mentioned. Some were believed not even buried, some claimed to have found gold being used as a common stool for the entire community in a plaza. Others even claimed that a japanese old man went to a certain site and dug his gold buried only a foot deep. But my question is, how can you trade gold in the time of war? If you were a soldier (whatever country you represent), if you found an ingot while underfire, are you gonna shout and tell your enemy(who's firing at you) that you found gold and you want to sell it at $35? It's the current rate, alright, it's war time and you want to sell gold. What are you?

SWR said:
Support. All in favor say AYE

"Despite all the treasure hunters, their maps, oral testimony and sophisticated metal detectors, nobody has found a thing," says Ambeth Ocampo, chairman of the Philippine government's National Historical Institute.

Who is Ambeth Ocampo by the way? Is he not one of the high ranking Philippine Government Officials who are stealing on the Filipino peoples money? I would have honored him if his statement is like this: "Despite all the corrupt practices of government official in the Philippines, their illegal practices, their luxurious lifestyles and highly social and sophisticated overspending of government funds, nobody has proven all government offices practices corruption." These people has found their treasures on the peoples money.

Everybody wants to find his treasure. Only few seem to find it the good way.


Thanks for your response on my post. Discussing a topic on this forum in a civil way will enlighten a lot of Y-hunters in the Philippines. We can all share our views on this Y-treasures and maybe we might be able to uncover the truth of this"myth" of Y-treasures.
I, for one, does not believe on intricate tunnels built for those Y-treasures. Those people who are in possession of those treasures does not have the time and equiptment to construct because they are at war and they were on retreat. But if ever there were treasures or valuable things buried, it would have been done in a simpler way-shallow pits, open caves, under the roof, beneath a stairway and so forth.
I know of people in our place who suddenly got rich because of accidental hits and a result of a treasuring activity. From their account, they were able to retrieve a treasure at 3.5 meters deep during the construction of their 4 story building, while the other one hit it at 6 meters deep.
I haven't seen any of their hits but I will just take their words for it. Anyway, I am witnessing the progress of their lives as proof of it. Still, my policy is to see is to believe!
Furthermore, I don't believe of 100 tons or more of gold buried in a single site but I do believe treasures at a small level like a few bars, a ton or a little bit more, old coins, jewelries, diamonds, artifacts.
While it's true that those treasures are stolen goods, i don't believe that the TH are liable to it's origins. To the TH, it's finder's keepers and keep your mouth shut......maybe this is the reason why that certain Ocampo attested that nobody has found any treasures. It's because of the secrecy of each THs.
Have a nice day!


SWR said:
Are the Treasures you are hunting valid?

Well, if you take into account real history and documented timelines, then the logical answer is NO. Other that the annoying pilfering and looting of Indochina and Southeast Asia, there is absolute zero documentation that the Japanese were in control of, or amassed large quantities of gold bars. It is historically proven that gold reserves were sent to neutral and/or friendly countries for safekeeping.

" Of course there are some documentation on these stolen war war 2 booties....UNFORTUNATELY IT WAS SENT TO JAPANESE EMPEROR ONLY...meaning ordinary reasearcher or treasure hunter like us
Do you think the Japs are crazy to document their loot and IT WILL BE SHOWN OR AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC...DEFINITELY NOT...IT WAS THEIR LOOT REMEMBER???....use your common sense..."

There has only been 152,000 metric tons of gold processed to date. All the gold that has ever been refined throughout history could be placed in a cube measuring 65.5 feet (20 meters) on a side. It is safe to say that 30% of the world’s resources of gold are not buried in the Philippines.

"How about the gold recovered since ancient time.....Ex: remember China alone have several CENTURIES OF ANCIENT TREASURES/ARTIFSACTS/GOLD ETC....some of theose golden artifacts were remelted into gold bars....it is NOT PART OF DOCUMENTED MINED GOLD IN 20TH CENTURY !!"

Are the Treasures you are hunting really “treasure” to begin with?

Simply put, NO. You are actually searching for stolen goods. There is no statue of limitations when it comes to recovering stolen property. The property is returned to the rightful owner(s). It is not abandoned property. There may or may not be a reward or some other means of compensation awarded. Recovering stolen items and selling it on the black market is illegal. Stolen items hid or concealed for later retrieval is not “treasure”.

Of course it is.....any valuables items you recovered in buried sites is CONSIDERED TO BE TREASURES...
ex: STOLEN GOODS from different countries wether it is in ancient times or these century....like pilferage/war loot of Genghis Khan, Alezander the great, Conquestadores,Mongols, Nazi or japanese war booties...IS CONSIDERED TREASURES....

Location, Location, Location

Is it feasible to build elaborate tunnels hundreds of feet below ground to hide tons of gold? Again, the answer is NO. Refined gold (24KT) was selling for $35 per ounce at that time. To spend days, weeks or months digging these elaborate tunnels was not worth the time or the loss of life to hide such a small sum of money.

" I HAVE ALREADY PROVEN HERE...THAT THE JAPS HAD ADVANCE PARTY AS EARLY AS 1915....TO START THEIR ELABORATE TUNNELING...disguised as legitimate road construction, mining and other business......in preparation for WW2."

Support. All in favor say AYE

"Despite all the treasure hunters, their maps, oral testimony and sophisticated metal detectors, nobody has found a thing," says Ambeth Ocampo, chairman of the Philippine government's National Historical Institute.

" Who is Ambeth Ocampo anyway? No treasure hunter in his right mind ,will tell Ambeth or NHI that they recover japs treasure....bcoz he is part of the gov't and they will confiscate it !!
.....Why not qoute or read the court deposition of ....ROGELIO ROXAS....his treasure recovery is fully documented and part of our history already "

Jeff of Pa,
I do tried several times before to use the quote button, bcoz it is easier to quote than to type the whole quoted sentence, but it seems i can't get it right....hoefully this time i was able to use the quote button correctly...maybe needs lot of practise or quotes...


gboy said:
Jeff of Pa,
I do tried several times before to use the quote button, bcoz it is easier to quote than to type the whole quoted sentence, but it seems i can't get it right....hoefully this time i was able to use the quote button correctly...maybe needs lot of practise or quotes...

Just be sure after you hit quote to scroll down below

[ / q u o t e ]

Before Typing your Message & everything should be fine.

Don't erase anything between These brackets [ ] at the top
or bottom .

As you said "Practice" ;D

I'm not going to get upset with you trying :D
everything was just getting to Jumbled.
I don't read Quotes too often just Responses,
and Having to read somones words several posts in a row is
a waste IMO


Let me get this straight???, This guy? Gboy has been begging for money and stuff for 2 years to find gold he knows just where it is, and hasn't gone and actually got any of it yet?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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