"Real history scares the daylights out of you, huh? It is known, beyond a shadow of doubt, these bars of gold are fake and never existed. You seem to be the only one here embracing the illusion they are somehow real."

He, he,he...what do you know about real history, facts or fiction?....You are like Mr. Bush...relying on flawed information and insisted to the world that Saddam had WMD.....in reality after Iraq invasion...THE TRUTH SURFACES that Saddam Hussein had NONE..... ;D
It only mean one thing....that even the US President cannot get the right information....
Therefore you still have very limited WW2 gold bars information...you still need to go the the field, investigate and search for the truth bcoz staying only in your computer and relying in internet, it will not give you the truth.
Look at Mr. Bush...w/o actual research or investigation in Iraq...he easily assume that Saddam had WMD...when his soldiers went to Iraq...it had none....
Thats the difference of researching on internet or armchair TH...than on actual, in the field...IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT YAM TH...GET INTO THE FIELD AND ACTUAL TH, gets mo?

Your gold info is helpful only to standard gold buyers nowadays...however Yam Treasure gold is different bcoz they are bigger...not the usual "gold bullion standard"..
The website of gold bars dimesion and sizes are very small...50 grams, 100 grams, 500 grams...and the max is 1 kilo ONLY.....
Yam TH gold bars are big (in kilos NOT in grams)....1 kg, 6 kg, 8 kg, 12 kg, 25 kg and 75 kilos.....and they have distinctive gold dimension....if a syndicate mold a wrong dimension of their alleged gold bar, it can easily be analyzed even in picture...

" Now Gboy, ain't you gonna show us the STENCIL of your UBS Gold Bar? We can't measure it anyway if we were syndicates. Just for the benefit of the doubt amigo, show it"

I have no plan of exposing it, bcoz so far ONLY our team had the stencil of ORIG UBS 6 kilo gold bar dimension, we are afraid once these stencil dimension is exposed, syndicate may copy it. Nevertheless, some Yam THrs in treasurenet and ming had seen it already....no need to show off...
Anyway....just see the website of greenhorn for a 500 gram UBS gold bar...just imagine it to be 6 kilos...the hallmark looks exactly the same.

Read this carefully Gboy:
"Nobody, even a syndicate or legitimate gold dealer can copy the exact size, dimensions and shape of original 24K gold bar of corresponding weight using different metal; except of course tungsten, having almost identical SG as in gold. A little manipulation in alloying will give you a bar of tungsten similar to a bar of gold having an identical size, weight and dimensions.
This is one of the reasons why gold syndicates cannot pass a piece of metal bar as gold bar, even this bar smell, look, taste as a legit gold bar.
The reason why there are still some takers with this kind of scam is because of --- GREED."

You are wrong in your assumption about gold bar syndicate....THEY DO COPY THE DIMENSION, SHAPE AND SIZES OF ORIG GOLD BAR....HOWEVER THEY CANNOT COPY THE WEIGHT....Haven't you notice most of the fake gold bar pictures had the shape and sizes of orig gold bars but of course mostly they are made of bronze and sometimes lead (tingga)( Therefore they INDEED copied the sizes, dimension and shape)

And if you think they cannot passes to innocent gold buyers...OH...THEY DO !!...unfortunately these gold buyers are not assayers thats why they were victimized. The mere fact that there are several fake gold bar victims...it indeed proves that it passes through...

In my post, What I mean is...ex: if the syndicate had a copy of our actual stencil of orig UBS gold bar....they can easily copied the shape,size and dimension even if it is made of bronze/lead ...and can sell it to ignorant gold buyers...and am afraid they can victimized with it.
Haven't you heard of fake gold bar....made of lead (tingga) plated with gold....I assume they are almost of the same wieght....if the bronze can mislead into orig gold bars, so much more of a heavy lead plated with gold can victimized also...

" Gboy: Does it vaporize the sample? Why do you say it was a Laser Machine?
After using, servicing, and overhauling my Atomic Absorption machines I will never forget the name, Perkins-Elmers., two different models"


I don't know the latest model now, bcoz the model i last used was more than 15 years ago. Am sure there are several latest XRF machines now for metal or element analysis. As far as I can remember, we...install/repair/serviced... almost all semicon companies in M. Manila with XRF eqp'ts...
It doesn't vaporize the sample....the small metal sample remain physically the same...it uses flourescence X-ray and laser. It can detect the element or metal composition in percentage and measures the gold plating thickness.
Ex: if you have a wedding ring or gold nugget....it can determine if the wedding ring is gold plated, thickness, metal composition and percentage...etc.
If you are in mining or treasure hunting...am sure these SFT-XRF eqp't is very helpful in your metal or gold karat analysis requirement .


....WOW :o...its now SFT 9000 XRF series....the last time i used was SFT 2000 XRF series ( and that was our top of the line during that time...1990's) ;D


"A well-known gold mining story started in 1871 in which gold was found in B. Bothong, A. Kabinburi, C. Prachinburi. Governor of the C. Prachinburi, Phra Preecha Kolakan, had mined the deposit by undeground method during 1873-1878 but no production records. Some years later, this area was blocked and leased to several French and British mining companies before the World War II, such as Kabin Gold mine, Gold Fields of Siam, Kabin Syndicate of Siam, Wattana Gold Mines and Societe des Mines De Kabin" SWR

Thank you for that bit of information, but denials of production records don’t mean gold does not exist.

My reference is only a portion of facts that gold exist in Southeast Asia prior to WWII.

Mainland Southeast Asia is divided into the countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, and the small city-state of Singapore at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula; Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, which occupy the eastern portion of the mainland, often are collectively called the Indochinese Peninsula. Malaysia is both mainland and insular, with a western portion on the Malay Peninsula and an eastern part on the island of Borneo. Except for the small sultanate of Brunei (also on Borneo), the remainder of insular Southeast Asia consists of the archipelagic nations of Indonesia and the Philippines.

Now, do these countries produced golds prior to WWII?

Many Asian countries have produced gold from alluvial stream deposits in past centuries, and some have continued to do so. Small volumes of alluvial gold are produced in Myanmar, Cambodia, and Indonesia, and the headwaters of the Yangtze River in the Tibetan border region yield some gold. (Encyclopedia Britannica)

How about the Philippines, which is part of Southeast Asean counties too?

Benguet Corporation, the Philippines' oldest mining company (dating to 1903), mines and processes gold, chromite, copper, and other minerals. Low prices for metals and minerals led Benguet to diversify in the 1980 into such businesses as bottled water distribution, construction, real estate development, ecotourism, trading, reforestation, and trucking and warehousing. The company operates about 10 mining properties throughout the Philippines.

These are some of the bits of informations regarding countries in Southeast Asia that produces gold prior to WWII....

By the way, using of underscored bold fonts are for emphasis, no more no less, unless it is prohibited by the moderator.

As for your screen name, if you wish to be called SWR, so be it.

Are we having a debate? Are we not giving historical facts to one another, to complements our own informations?

Nothing is definite in this world... Except GOD...



"You are wrong in your assumption about gold bar syndicate....THEY DO COPY THE DIMENSION, SHAPE AND SIZES OF ORIG GOLD BAR....HOWEVER THEY CANNOT COPY THE WEIGHT....Haven't you notice most of the fake gold bar pictures had the shape and sizes of orig gold bars but of course mostly they are made of bronze and sometimes lead (tingga)( Therefore they INDEED copied the sizes, dimension and shape)" GBOY

I'm not assuming when I said that they can not copy (or shall I say will not copy) the physical size of an original gold bar. It is a fact. Remember that the genuine gold bar of specific weight is directly proportional to its volume.
In a fake gold bar, copying the original volume of the genuine gold bar will sacrifice its weight, or copying its original weight will sacrifice its volume. That is the reason why syndicates manufactured faked gold bars where sizes and weight are in between...plus 30% in volume and less 40% in weight, wherein to an untrained person, it is acceptable... for the very simple reason....GREED to the glitter of gold... This is the first type of fake gold bar...

By the way, when we say "copied the sizes, dimension and shape", it means identical to the genuine....

Now, the second type of fake gold bar, is much more sophisticated than the first one...It has the same physical dimensions and weight as in original gold bar.
This type of fake gold bar can not be detected by an ordinary assayer. To identify this fake gold bar, it needs to pass the destructive test, and through using sophisticated test instruments.
However, this type of fake gold bar is not yet circulating here in the Philippines.....This is the second type of fake gold bar...

Fakers have not yet reached the ISO Standard...He he he..(just joking)



By the way Gboy, regarding to the attached picture of gold bars on your reply #1714 dated Sep 04, 2007, 10:21:43 PM, just out of curiousity, how much each smaller bar weigh? The bigger bar on the left side, with 9.9 and stars markings, what is the approximate weight?




angel_09 said:
By the way, using of underscored bold fonts are for emphasis, no more no less, unless it is prohibited by the moderator.

Not prohibited by me.

I use Bold for emphasis also.

CAPS are said to be Shouting.
Although I used to Use Caps for Everything when I was a Newbie,
till I was told this. SO I Don't Judge Others on this.
Plus I have been known to use Caps for emphasis also.
Notice in this Sentence.

I know I do come off as Shouting at times,
I know I have Offended a few here by over use
of caps when trying to Explain things.
But Personally Never Shout.
In Person or online.
Life is too short ;D


'Your reference only proves the existence of a French mining company, not that bars with "Cambodia" existed.' SWR

What a Shallow Reasoning SWR..... Imagine, A french mining company, mining in Cambodia, but no gold bars with Cambodia existed? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Mining gold in Cambodia till maybe all resources is depleted, And yet no gold bars with Cambodia existed? What a strange logic....
By the way SWR, have you seen an actual gold bar with your own eyes? (actual means not from googgle, yahoo or any other internet site.)

"The countries you listed were mined by others, and did not produce their own bars of gold, with their name(s) on them". SWR

Are you sure SWR? Substantiate your claim SWR.

"The gold mined by locals was sold in raw form. It was not smelted, asseyed and/or transformed into gold bars with the name of the Country on it." SWR

It seems time stops in the past two centuries SWR. Remember, "west" is not the only place who have the knowledge to process gold...and have you lived that long and have seen it, for you to claim that it was not transformed into gold bars?... Remember, gold processing also evolves.

"Yamashi.ta did not loot thousands of tons of gold from the Philippines, and then bury it. Not relevant to this discussion." SWR

Ah, you are a bit correct with your assumption there SWR, because Japan came late prior to the occupation of Americans. Very few gold were found when the Japanese arrived in the Philippines. Where dit it go? Check your history SWR.

"Again, not relevant to this discussion. The discussion is about the Japanese looting several Asian countries, burying thousands of tons of gold on the Phillippines. The gold bars are fake, they are not replicas or copies...as, there never was originals to copy from." SWR

Japanese occupied Philippines for a certain period of time SWR, and as I have mentioned earlier, a lesser amount of gold was left prior to their occuption, are you telling me that they spared Philippines in taking what was left, while other Asian countries were looted? What a Shallow Reasoning SWR.
By the way, when I say few or lesser, I mean not a few ounces but a few metric tons.
Again SWR have you seen an actual gold bar? Not from internet...

"Thank you" SWR

You're welcome

"Yes, we are having a debate. You claim it is possible these fake bars of gold are real, and I am using Real History to show you it is not possible." SWR

A debate? So be it.... What real history? You have'nt showed anything yet, except some excerpt from internet. As far as I understood, when real history is spoken, site was visited by the claimant. Have you visited the Philippines SWR? Do you know the different clashing point in the whole country? Have you entered a manmade tunnel, where a few gold bars were found inside? (here in the Philippines) Have you entered a japanese hospital 10 feet above the ground where walls are made of natural aggregates and concrete? Have you seen a manmade tunnel with rails with the strech of 20 kms? Have you seem prison bars at the depth of 100 feet and run parallel to the ground? Have you seen an actual bullet used by Japanese and allied alike? Do you know what type of granule powder they used at that time? This is only a "dot" area compared to the whole island of Philippines, and this is what I called real history because I have seen it with my own eyes...Not a "real history" in googgles...
Have I seen a real gold bar? Oh yes!!! Have I seen a fake gold bar? Oh yes!!!
Have you seen a fake gold bar? I doubt....more so with real...




1) " By the way Gboy, regarding to the attached picture of gold bars on your reply #1714 dated Sep 04, 2007, 10:21:43 PM, just out of curiousity, how much each smaller bar weigh? The bigger bar on the left side, with 9.9 and stars markings, what is the approximate weight? "

The gold bars picture was given to me few years ago by the gold broker namely Robert(his name Bert was on the picture) Bert used to be an ordinary/poor gold negotiator/broker....now he is living in a mansion, tour 4 times around the world and had a gold broker office in Hongkong. He is known in gold community bcoz he is the only elite few who succeed in gold negotiation or selling Yamashita gold abroad. Cliff had seen him personaly.
I had NO idea of the exact weight of the bars...I assumed based on the pictures that the small bars maybe 6 kilos or 8 kilos and the bigger bars is 75 kilos (4"x4"x16").

2) "In a fake gold bar, copying the original volume of the genuine gold bar will sacrifice its weight, or copying its original weight will sacrifice its volume. That is the reason why syndicates manufactured faked gold bars where sizes and weight are in between...plus 30% in volume and less 40% in weight, wherein to an untrained person, it is acceptable"

Gold syndicate are good nowadays...they can copy a fake gold that had almost the same weight and volume of orig gold bar....
In comparison:
a) The appearance looks the same (gold plated).
b) The dimension/volume looks the same (can be molded and reshape from orig gold bar)...
c) The weight is almost the same (lead is as heavy as gold)...

Therefore the fake gold bar...can have the same appearance, dimension and weight just like the orig gold bar. W/o physical assay, these fake gold bars can easily attract specially to untrained eye or ignorant buyer.
Ex: If you show these fake gold bar made of gold plated lead....to your ignorant neighbor, do you think they will have doubt that it is fake?...i don't think so....unless they are expert gold buyer.

If your US President Bush can have inaccurate information about world history/events....definitely an ordinary Coin Hunter like you can also get INACCURATE INFORMATION re WW2 treasures...SPECIALLY BCOZ YOU HAVE NO FIELD RESEARCH OF WW2 YAM TREASURE EXPERIENCE....
If you are an archeologist, researcher, scientist or treasure hunter....YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLAIM FOR TRUTH ON YOUR RESEARCH OF YAM TREASURE TOPIC...UNLESS YOU HAVE ACTUAL FIELD YAM. TREAS. EXPERIENCE....bcoz reading books and internet. will NOT give you factual results. Having field YTH experience is JUST a basic research requirement....to make your claims believable.... .INTIENDES?

Just like what your teacher said in school...ACTUAL FIELD EXPERIENCE IS DIFFERENT FROM THEORY,BOOKS OR INTERNET... ;D...
You Yam TH RESEARCH IS incomplete THEREFORE never insist your incomplete resolution to us....NEVER...


SWR: show us what a french-indochina gold bar look like. are you suggesting that the kings and emperors of the countries of vietnam, laos and cambodia agree that the french union decide that all processed gold from their mines be hallmarked french?

GBOY: where is the stencil of your UBS gold bar? isn't it nice to compare with the UBS gold bar on the link posted by greenhorn? c'mon amigo, let the show begin! And how about focusing on one of your site and we'll try to comment on it by the details you provide, hard eh? I agree with swr, Bush has nothing to do with your claimed treasure caves... If only you were as determined like Bush to find Saddams WMD, then you could also have found out that there are no gold hidden by yama-shi-ta...or the other... you could have at least found one... ingot! all i ask is show show show show... where are the proofs to this claims... 2.5 years and maybe this time you can show us what a treasure cave look like...


"To imply the French mining companies would simply put CAMBODIA on their product, and omit their own logo is absurd." SWR

The burden of proof is on your side; that the word Cambodia is not written on the gold mined in Cambodia Indochina.

"The remainder of your post contains too much gibberish and is too rhetorical for me to even attempt making intelligent replies. It is painfully obvious that you only want to argue pointless issues. Your lame effort to belittle me (shallow reasoning) only substantiates the refusal of an exchange of ideas, or historical facts." SWR

"Are we having a debate? Are we not giving historical facts to one another, to complements our own informations?" Angel_09 (« Reply #1758 on: Sep 10, 2007, 09:56:22 PM »)

"Yes, we are having a debate.........." SWR
(« Reply #1761 on: Yesterday at 04:09:08 AM »)

The truth hurts, it really really hurts....



"Gold syndicate are good nowadays...they can copy a fake gold that had almost the same weight and volume of orig gold bar....
In comparison:
a) The appearance looks the same (gold plated).
b) The dimension/volume looks the same (can be molded and reshape from orig gold bar)...
c) The weight is almost the same (lead is as heavy as gold)...

Therefore the fake gold bar...can have the same appearance, dimension and weight just like the orig gold bar.........." GBOY


I do not want to discourage you with your analysis, but things must be fully clarified carefully not only to you but to all THers here in this forum.

Following is a simple conversion and application to support the argument that gold can not be copied exactly (weight and dimensions) using different types of metal except one.


Gold is 19.32g/ cm3 heavy
and Lead is 11.3g/cm3 heavy


Gold is 1.7 heavier than lead

Lead is .5848 lighter than gold.

Let us compare the two metals having the same weight:

500 grams of lead is 44.247 cm3


500 grams of gold is 25.8799 cm3

In here, you will notice that gold and lead with the same weight have different volumes; lead having bigger volume than gold (18.3671 cm3 to be exact)

Now, let us compare the two metals having the same volume:

44.247 cm3 of lead is 500 grams


44.247 cm3 of gold 854.85 grams

in here, you will notice that gold and lead with the same volume have different weight; lead having lesser weight than gold, and gold having a heavier weight than lead (354.85 grams to be exact.)

Hope this simple comparison will help everybody.



;Dlol SWR ;DI Think this one is original now.because it come with a CARRYING Case and specialLy ITS"MADE IN JAPAN"WITH MITSUBISHI MARK ;D ;D ;D WOW A family touches the world's largest gold ingot displayed at a museum at the Toi Gold Mine, in the town of Toi, Shizuoka prefecture, 30 July 2000. The 200-kilogram gold ingot, measuring 40.5cm x 19.5cm x 16cm, was recognized 28 July as the world's largest gold ingot by the Guinness World Record. AFP PHOTO


  • goldbar-biggest-bg.webp
    23.5 KB · Views: 908
  • 250kg001.webp
    19.3 KB · Views: 851

“It is not my responsibility to prove a non-existent Government produced a non-existent product.” SWR

Government produced? HE..HE..HE.. What a wild speculation…..
It is really hard to prove something that you don’t know…

“Please provide us with the assay documentation of these fake bars.” SWR

It is not my responsibility to provide an assay documentation of genuine and fake gold bars to those who have not seen an actual gold bar.

“Furthermore, had the bars been produced in Cambodia by Cambodians,”SWR

I thought you have said that the French is mining the Cambodian gold? Which is which, Cambodians or French?

“ it is highly doubtful English fonts would have been used. Oops.” SWR

Ah English….will the international community dealing with gold understand the intricacies of Indochina’s vernacular ?
Show me a bar that is not written in western vernacular…



I doubt SWR will recognize that bar to be original. I have asked him before if he have seen with his own eyes an orginal gold bar, and he told me I'm giberring....so he didn't answer yes or no.

And look carefully, it has English font.

Nobody can fool SWR by showing a mere picture. It might be a Government produced fake product.

Better provide "them" with the assay documentation of that bar.



"Angel_09...I would love this debate to volley back and forth for several more pages, but at the risk of sounding rude...your replies are not coherent, nor do they align with the meaning of the text presented. You have split my sentences up in an effort to spin the meaning, and have used a pretext of unintelligent commentaries instead of answers." SWR

I didn't split your sentences to spin the meaning. How can I spin it where those sentences spoke for themselves?

In debate, as my American professor has tought me, two or more speakers are presenting their argument intent in persuading one another. A debater learns to be thorough and accurate; learn to analyze and distinguish the vital and unimportant. he learns the need to proving his statements, supporting every statements with valid evidence and reasonings. Learn to demand the same sort of proof for the statement of others. Must know how to present ideas in a clear and effective manner.
According to him the essential point in any debating situation is convincing the readers that my side of proposition must be desirable.

In a debate, neither participants can conclude who is right or wrong....It is the moderator or the audience who will decide.

"I can only be left with the opinion that you are somehow involved or related to the fake bars of gold because of these actions." SWR

What a wild opinion. As the saying goes, "if you can't win the argument, accuse him".

Poor little Angel_09


Another thing, I did not started this debate....

I have presented my proof, you have presented your words....



That is too bad, why not retrace back where you have started?



'Your Professor must have been Professor Google. Here is your “speech”, almost verbatim. I've taken a few moments and highlighted in red the parts you borrowed." swr

Sorry, he is not professor Googles, his name is Harrison Boyd Summers.

And do you know why I choose him as my professor? Because he is the one who knows how to profess. Not like the others who wants to teach but using only empty words.

By the way, is professor Googles your professor? He;s not mine....



By the way, lucky I copied it Verbatim, if not, you will have hard time tracing it...oh I'm sorry, you know googles preety well, you recommend it always.

At least I have given you some insight about debate, with the help of my "professor" Harrison Boyd Summers, of course...

Try to read it more and it will improve everything....




Some people are not worth debating with. Most people have eyes yet some never see the truth. Most people have the mind to understand but really refuse to understand. We have name to them. Stuborn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. In short, they are not worth your time.



Most people have the mind to understand but some really refuse to understand

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