SWR said:
jeff of pa said:
When there is a Way to accurately Test
what is in a Picture.

Please post the Formula.


"I Think" "I Believe" "My Guess" they are fake is fine

"They Are Fake because A treasure Hunter...."

"They Are fake because they are in or from ....."

Will not Fly.

How about matching pictures of known fake bars of gold, gathered from newspaper articles, police reports and the like?

Go for it.

As long as only Fakes look like that.

and as Long as you don't Lump a whole group
of people to it, just because of the actions of
a con artist.

The Phillippeans is a Beautiful Country
with alot of Beautiful & Very Nice People.

And Treasure Hunters are Great People Who Deserve Respect also.


Treasure hunters,

" I have yet to see/hear/read about any "real" bars of gold coming out of the Philippines, other than commercial brands, sold by reputable dealers.

Of course, for treasure hunters its a big NO-NO to show or exposed a "Real gold bars" to anybody simply bcoz we are in a third world country. If you have a gold bar and exposed it to anybody....your nice neighbor or relatives will suddenly turn into envious evil and may try to steal the gold from you or probably kill you,its an automatic death warrant.... thats why having a gold bar is well kept secret....its like walking in slum area with wearing lots of jewelries...a big no-no.

However, in rich country, having gold bars or wearing expensives jewelries...will not even attract attention of your neighbors....bcoz their neighbors are also rich.
Its the same in Belgeum...wearing or having lots of diamonds is ordinary...in the Phil. if you recover lots of diamonds...its a death warrant...same with gold.
And thats the reason , when TH in Phil. recovers real gold bars it is well kept secret... as simple as that...



"those who have gold bars still living in the slum is just plain silly"

YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN...there are NO PEOPLE living in slums with gold bars....
Only some of the ignorant & poor natives ( accidentally found treasure), who live in hinterland , who have gold bars are still living in poverty...simply bcoz they are too far in the cities and doesn't know the value of gold bar...most of them haven't even go to school or even grade one. Thats why, you would be lucky if you are the one that the native seller first offered his gold bar for a few dollars....

The reason why most TH who recovers gold bars or AU holders (natives)... SELDOM show their orig gold bars is bcoz its an automatic death warrant for the holder specially in impoverished country like ours...intiendes !!

The real au holder will sell it little by little (maybe per kilo or grams)....it is only the con artist that is brave enough to sell several pcs. fake gold bars....


gboy said:

"those who have gold bars still living in the slum is just plain silly"

YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN...there are NO PEOPLE living in slums with gold bars....
Only some of the ignorant & poor natives ( accidentally found treasure), who live in hinterland , who have gold bars are still living in poverty...simply bcoz they are too far in the cities and doesn't know the value of gold bar...most of them haven't even go to school or even grade one. Thats why, you would be lucky if you are the one that the native seller first offered his gold bar for a few dollars....


I find this quite an exageration. Statements like these tends to create wrong impressions on our fellow countrymen. In full sincerity, I think (based on my experience), your conclusion of "poor natives who accidentally found treasures is not true anymore" these days. Please tone down on your impressions as this is not true anymore in year 2007. Maybe, a hundred years or so, it was true. I have always endeavoured to be frank in my posts in this forum and have my personal reasons for joining.

I am happy that I learned a lot too, though it did not prove very helpful. I am no longer telling anyone my personal opinion regarding the "existense of Y-treasures in the Philippines". I shall post my conclusion when I have the solid proof someday. That will be after I continue my "work" in future years.

God bless!


The reason why most TH who recovers gold bars or AU holders (natives)... SELDOM show their orig gold bars is bcoz its an automatic death warrant for the holder specially in impoverished country like ours...intiendes !!

The real au holder will sell it little by little (maybe per kilo or grams)....it is only the con artist that is brave enough to sell several pcs. fake gold bars....



"I find this quite an exageration. Statements like these tends to create wrong impressions on our fellow countrymen. In full sincerity, I think (based on my experience), your conclusion of "poor natives who accidentally found treasures is not true anymore" these days. Please tone down on your impressions as this is not true anymore in year 2007. Maybe, a hundred years or so, it was true. I have always endeavoured to be frank in my posts in this forum and have my personal reasons for joining. "

I'm sorry to tell you YOU ARE WRONG !!....In 2002, I personally experienced myself being offered by a Dumagat native in Sierra Madre 6 pcs. 6 kilo gold bar for $100/pc during our mountaineering sorties...unfortunately during that time our money is just enough for our fare back home...after a month I went back to Sierra when I was able to produce $600 to buy for the 6 pcs, 6kg bars....unfortunately the 6 pcs gold bars was already sold to a local councilor in the barrio....from a nipa hut, the local councilor now had a beautiful bungalow and vehicles !!

It is a well known fact that some poor farmers in Sierra Madre who instantly became rich ..there are only 2 reason for their sudden wealth...from gold or logging....
How can you explain an ordinary tenant farmer (hand to mouth existence) suddenly became millionaire?...aber?....miracles from heaven or from gold ?....This is a proven fact...only if you investigate...

I understand you didn't have the knowledge that some poor natives had accidentally found gold simply bcoz....YOU ARE JUST AN ARMCHAIR TREASURE HUNTER just staying maybe in a city....you DID NOT yet explore or research the most interior areas in the jungles and remote barrios THATS WHY YOU LACK THIS KIND OF TREASURE OR GOLD INFO...

If you go to Ming the mechanic, Yamashita treasure forum... 2 groups had admitted that they already found treasure caves WITH THE HELP OF POOR DUMAGAT NATIVES...group of Reich Boussier (they found Mt. Billionaire) and Margie (treasure cave)...and they are already hauling now...


we have been encountering lots of fake gold bars sold by sindicates or con-artists recently in the gold trading! this particular bar is covered with asphalt size 6x2x1 but weigh only 2.75 kgs. it's made of nickel, i think and coated with "gold" coloring?


  • another gold bar.webp
    another gold bar.webp
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=gboy In 2002, I personally experienced myself being offered by a Dumagat native in Sierra Madre 6 pcs. 6 kilo gold bar for $100/pc during our mountaineering sorties...unfortunately during that time our money is just enough for our fare back home...after a month I went back to Sierra when I was able to produce $600 to buy for the 6 pcs, 6kg bars....unfortunately the 6 pcs gold bars was already sold to a local councilor in the barrio....from a nipa hut, the local councilor now had a beautiful bungalow and vehicles !!

Buenas Dias mi amigo gboy: You constantly amaze me with your logistics and reasoning. Sometimes I -----. Sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha



" Gboy...you bring stories of unbelievable riches and wealth being found, with no documentation to its validity. Your fellow Countrymen, such as Jonesindy and others do not back up any of your claims. When are you going to present your fellow respected members of TreasureNet with something? "

OOOPS SORRY, YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN....how come everytime you make comments about me....you are always wrong...huh? he.he.he....

NO DOCUMENTATION....who me? ::)...are you joking or what?...we have 250 pages of treasure files....... full of documentation, bank act records, Import/Export Companies used by old folks/Marcos., 21 japs treasure maps, several orig treasure sites pictures, pictures of CIA Frank B. Higdon and Mr. Bustader together with our old folks...several gold bars pictures, pictures of several actual X mark carved on rocks/boulders, rock boulders, etc...and other proof of japs treasure existence....

For your information.....I am the ONLY TH who have the MAP of the actual UNDERGROUND STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF CONCRETE FORTRESS (100 FEET DEEP)...that detailed the traps, tunnel structures, boulders, sand, water, posion traps...and the treasure chamber...
Meaning I have the STANDARD UNDERGROUND CONCRETE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF BURIED BIG VOLUME TREASURES CHAMBER....These design were used by several japs generals or commanders in burying big volume treasures...

Boy Lara and Goldlilly..had seen personally my CONFIDENTIAL and very comprehensive treasure files/research....thats why it make me famous in Treasurenet and Ming... ;D

And I have NO INTENTION of showing or exposing my SECRET AND CONFIDENTIAL JAPS TREASURE FILES...to a NOBODY like you SWR...intiendes?


"Buenas Dias mi amigo gboy: You constantly amaze me with your logistics and reasoning." .

Your admiration for me is quite FLATTERING... :o....he,he,he...by the way, another guy will be added to my fan base...SWR... ;D...


This forum must serve it's purpose. Why don't just be open minded about the issues my friends huh? Well yeah, I'm from PI (my name say so), and yes there are lots of conmens around but its not only here in the PI that we encounter such kind of people. Lately, thousands of Filipinos were victims of an internet based investment scam and our local police traced the scamming syndicate to have originated from Utah, USA... going back to TH... yes, some of the thunters resort to forums like these to fund raise or to get back support from mining companies for equipments needed for their operation... so, why not, as a well funded international treasure hunter, our sites does intimidate you? Some of us here are not so sure with their sites, so with you, whereever in the world you do digging, nobody is sure about his treasure cache. This is like a game of roulette, you put one bullet but still can't be sure if you'll end up dead or alive.


SWR, will retake the pic of the fake bar and maybe I have to remove some of its asphalt covering to show the inner portion .......

jeff of PI, you're right when you said that there's no sure treasure site of us hunters, detected by all sorts of detecting equipment (except for ground penetrating radar system) or based on "maps" or living pointers until we open it to find out what's beneath the ground.
Detecting equipment, maps and living pointers are just a starting basis to start an operation but with so many ground anomalies, our detecting equipment are incapable to operate efficiently



According to my informant...you tried buy/sell in Cagayan and herded blindfolded into alleged au holder and was shown fake gold bars....according to my informant, you were shown an orig gold bar and later on switch to fake? How much had you been swindled?

If thats the real scenario...I don't believe scam artist can afford to produce an orig 6 kilo gold bar worth ($100K) and later switch to fake...Usually GOLD SCAMMER used a gold plated bronze bar...and its the fault of the buyer assayer if he failed to scrutinized properly the fake gold bar.

By the way, After being victimize...most of the time... gold victims, concucted some alibis so that they will not look stupid and laughing stock for being ignorant in buying fake gold bars.



Gboy, to us experienced treasure hunters just can't be fooled by those scammers or holders of fake gold bars. By just looking at it and by holding it is enough for us to differentiate a real bar from the fake ones.
Here is the story: I was contacted by a hunter friend from Pangasinan to verify the bars being offered to him in Camalaniugan, Cagayan. I met the "holders" in Aparri and after a lenghty talk, I was able to persuade them to show me 1 pc of bar somewhere in the boundary of camalaniugan and Buguey. We were not blind folded as reported to you. I scrutinized the "gold bar" (the 1st picture I've posted a few weeks way back in this forum) and it was a faked one. Point blank I told those people that it's fake and we left the area.
In the 2nd encounter, I was not the one who got involved and negotiated with other group in the same area. my friends from Isabela, whom I've related the incident got interested and negotiated with them. In short they were gypped of P6,000.00.
In the 3rd encounter, another group of friends of mine again made contact with another group from Aparri. They were showed 24 pcs of 6.2 kgs bars and 4 pcs 74.6 kgs inside a banca. There was no cash involve in the movement of 10 pcs 6x2x1 bars and I pc of 74.6kg as per agreed upon but things didn't worked out as negotiated. When my friends got hold of 1 bar, they ran away hahahaha. But unfortunately, it was a fake one again (the latest picture I've posted).
Through their inexperience in the trading, they failed and incurred losses though minimal



For your info...Yamas-hita Treasure Hunting is NOT a cheap undertaking...an ordinary filipino treasure hunting team like us can't afford it...thats why...WE ARE INVOLVE OF RAISING A FUND...
Our Treasure Funder right now are NOT complaining about our treasure activities...and why the heck are you...a nobody...is complaining ?????

Whats your problem if our team was able to befriends LOTS of people here and help us financially in our legitimate treasure projects...

We are using the BUDGET of our FUNDER (former treasure hunters who work abroad)...AND WHY THE HECK ARE YOU ENVIOUS ABOUT OUR TEAM RECEIVING FUNDS FORM OUR FUNDER? Isn't it obvious that you are JUST ENVIOUS, we get funds for our Japs treasure sites...while you are just drooling bcoz NOBODY seems to notice you in your beach combing activities? ;D

And so your treasure hunter friend from pangasinan...whom i suspect to be BRIAN....give you a syndicate gold holders in Camalaniugan, Buguey....he,he,he...I have been in that area.....there are lots of gold bar syndicate...usually the meeting place is in the corner or boundary of camalanuigan and Buguey....
Modus operandi....if they can't get money form you thru buy/sell fake gold bars...usually they will carnap the vehicle of the gold buyer....


SWR said:
It is obvious to me, that over the life span of this thread you have failed in locating any treasure, let alone shed any light on the Yamashi.ta legend.

Well...I forgot about that time you found tons of gold, but lost it when you went out for rice. ::)


Wowzers... thats priceless. Best thing I've ever seen u post SWR. Thanks.


I know Brian personally but it wasn't him who asked me to meet those "holders". He's a Fil-Am friend of mine who also got involved in treasuring here in Luzon.
Thanks for your advise on those modus oparandi



1) "Well...I forgot about that time you found tons of gold, but lost it when you went out for rice"
You don't have to forget it...in fact there are still LOTS of problems and challenges that Japs treasure hunter have encountered...read Ming the mechanic, yamashita treasure forum...
AND THAT WHAT MAKE YAMASHI-TA TREASURE... EXCITING...just like Indiana Jones movies...LOTS of villains, challenges and problems....he,he,he...this is treasure hunting man...THIS IS THE GAME FOR THE BIG BOYS ONLY...not for beach combers and faint hearted like you...oks? ;D

2)"You continue to mention funds and/or funding with every post"
Your wrong again (10x)....NOT ON EVERY POST....maybe one in every 10 or 20 post...oks?

3) "With the average Filipino income of $3 a day, overhead should be at a minimum"
Indeed, you don't know anything about Yamashi-ta treasure hunting projects expenditures....ITS NOT CHEAP UNDERTAKING....geo instruments, backhoe rentals, diggers, workers, vehicles, boring eqp't, food, logistics (for buried treasures)...and vehicles, pumpboat, guides, porters, camping/climbing gears (for jungle treasure sites)

4)"Soliciting for financial aid is not within the scope of this thread"
You maybe correct (at last)....but we only solicit funds from our fellow FILIPINO TREASURE HUNTER working abroad...



1) "you continue to mention funds and/or funding with every post"
Its inevitable NOT to mention about funds...bcoz 90% of problems in Yamashita treasure hunting is about funds (logistics, geo eqp't...etc)...Its understandable that you may not understand it, simply bcoz you are just ordinary beach comber with NO experience in looking for REAL TREASURE HOARD...thats why you don't have an idea what kind of logistics it needs...

2)" Soliciting for financial aid is not within the scope of this thread"
You maybe correct (at last)...however it is the MODERATOR that should banned me if it is stricly prohibited...NOT you....is it clear?
Therefore whatever I do here...IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS...it is only the moderator that I will follow if I he think I go behind the line....is it clear enough? >:(


There is another thread started by a blogger in Cagayan de Oro, or nearby that popped up last time I was in this site. May I kindly ask the moderator to guide me to that thread again? there seem to be more interesting items there for me.

reading this thread would surely add more skeptics to the Y-treasure as I was before joining in. Something is wrong somewhere based on Gboy's posts. I hope I don't get your ire, this time Gboy. In all sincererity, there is that Y-mistery that I really wanted to know, but educated as we are, it is a big world out there...and there is no limit to the kind of ideas that every human being is allowed intertain. I surely like the lattitude of freedom allowed in this space....



jonesindy said:
There is another thread started by a blogger in Cagayan de Oro, or nearby that popped up last time I was in this site. May I kindly ask the moderator to guide me to that thread again? there seem to be more interesting items there for me.

reading this thread would surely add more skeptics to the Y-treasure as I was before joining in. Something is wrong somewhere based on Gboy's posts. I hope I don't get your ire, this time Gboy. In all sincererity, there is that Y-mistery that I really wanted to know, but educated as we are, it is a big world out there...and there is no limit to the kind of ideas that every human being is allowed intertain. I surely like the lattitude of freedom allowed in this space....


are you taking about Gary's Thread ?


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