
You do not know the real story !!....as far as we are concerened...whether its Essex Lara himself...or HIS MEN....the fact is that the... 50 TONS IS GONE....according to our asset...its was taken by the "men of Essex Lara"....ONLY Essex Lara and HIS MEN knows these treasure site , we pinpointed it to them !!!...So who else to blame? Elvis presley ?
If you are trying to cover up your fellow provincemate...its up to you...as far as we know...the TREASURE IS GONE...and we believe they are the traitors...PERIOD.
We are glad we were not able to pinpoint them the TOKYO 2 tunnel wherein...20,000 pcs 75 kilos have been stored....initially hauled in 1984, 2,000 pcs and was given to marcos...the tunnel was temporarily closed and remaining 20,000+ pcs...is still there... SECRET !!!


How I wish I can have my own treasure too!!!

It's really hard so I just hvae to enjoy my job first and make THunting a hobby.


Diving Doc,
We are not interested in joining the GLT group, simply bcoz our treasure research is MORE comprehensive, extensive and we have more than 100+ treasure sites, complete with hundreds pictures, treasure sites, rock markers/symbols,21 treasure maps...etc.
Our old folks have recovered japs treasure in the martial law days and are GIVEN (few hundred tons only) to the BOSS (Pres. Marcos)...In fact, our team now (2nd generation treasure hunters) have recovered 3 treasure sites already unfortunately we were confiscated/ambush by bad guys...We have live pointer/treasure partners also who experienced to enter INSIDE treasure chambers already in 1980's and now these chambers are already closed/barred down...
Despite those unfortunate events....we still continue pursuing these ultimate dream...even though we lack budget and equipment...
However...If GLT wishes...they are the ones who will join our team...not us...


Diving Doc,
Our natives assets had spottted underwater treasure sites in Sierra Madre coastline...some treasure sites are:...Golden Budha chained at 30 feet deep underwater cavern....underwater cavern entrance toward treasure chamber....2 metal box (2feet by 4 feet size) tied with chain,besides are scattered white metal bars......3 feet by 4 feet concrete "treasure" vault chained in underwater infront of waterfalls..... 3 feet by 4 feet stainless box at 50 feet deep snarled by fish net......and etc.
These are just sample of our suspected underwater treasure sites that are feasible to get by small team (we have shipwrecks and submarines sites also)...
Since you mention that you are "diving doc"...i assumed you are a diver.....I appeal or ask you, some of your "extra or second hand" diving gears, to be used in our underwater treasure sites... hauling....
Our old folks treasure share during Marcos time has been sequestered by succeeding gov't and as second generation treasure hunter, our own treasure sites has been confiscated recently....but still we keep on trying to locate treasure.... MAYBE you can help us by donating some of your diving gears equipment....Mabuhay !!! :-*


i registered in this forum few days ago, hoping to find a faster solution to a puzzle on hand. may be once and for all somebody has to tell the truth. i am in the last phase of a recovery project. i too, did not believe in the yamashita story until i meet a living person who has all the proof. the reality is, anything of value has a corresponding price. quite frankly my motivation for joining in is to find a partner that will help me finish the task...i have documented operations since 3rd week onwards....am based in manila, and the site is my private property...


Ocean7 said:
it was quite interesting and revealed some fascinating bits of information about this so-called treasure.
Of note were the following:

a) there is an industry in the Philippines selling bogus maps of supposed treasure cache sites

b) there is a industry selling fake gold bars to TH'ers

c) the American who claimed to have seen a map with 172 sites was a con-man with a known record for gold-related cons

d) F. Marcos created and perpetrated the myth surrounding all the gold supposed found to "cover" the fact that he was taking gold from Central Bank in Philippines. Over 7 tons of gold are unaccounted for by the their Central Bank. F. Marcos was a very sly crook!

e) a whole industry is supported by TH'ers going there and hiring out local help to dig holes all over the place. It feeds the tourist industry and BOGUS TH'er investment industry. That is why the government over there does not try to discredit this whole story.

f) many natives actually believe they have real maps and spend many wasted hours looking for bogus treasure.

g) one group of TH'ers spent almost 1 million dollars using the supposed map showing 172 cache sites from the Am. con-artist who claimed to have personally been involved in uncovering some of the sites for Marcos. They dug nothing but dry holes and lots of dirt. Two natives (hired out) were killed by a cave-in on one dig.

h) it is generally believed by experts that a treasure once existed and has been recovered.

i) occasionally, salted finds would appear in the news, and generate renewed zeal and interest in digging those millions in gold supposedly left behind by the Japanese.

Draw your own conclusions!? ;)



I may be able to help you...give some few suggestions and comments in your current diggings....
1) Why you dig?
2) What is the alleged treasure story/history?
3) What are the proof and basis of your diggings?
4) How deep do you expect for the target treasure?
5) Whats your basis for such depth estimate?
6) Why you have not recover yet?
7) What are the treasure/geophysical equipments you used?
8) Have you tested the accuracy of these equipments?
9) Do you know how to understand and differentiate an ordinary rock from japs treasure rock markers?


jonesindy - I've drawn my conclusion and it hasn't changed. Several of these con-artists have contacted me directly regarding gold and paper money found in Philippines. I'm finally done rolling on the floor laughing but PT Barnum was right about a 'sucker born every minute'.


got 3 replies for my first post, but am still familiarizing with the "how to's" of this site. will try sending photo to ocean 7...


a) you can't send me a photo from this site
b) save your effort because I'm not interested.

The great thing about con-artists is they can produce maps, pics, and golden bars.
In most cases, bars are just lead spray painted gold. Some are even lead bars dipped in gold. But with computer software, graphics, and the necessary subject matter - I'd imagine suckers will be relieved of their money for some time to come. There's nothing you can show me either in net-print or net pictures that will sway my mind.

You must also understand that the con's have quite a few handles on any given site and have discussions with themselves, and give the appearance of multiple people producing so-called tangible evidence to their "marks". They chum the waters with lots of B.S.

It's kinda like the movie "The Sting" with Robert Redford and Paul Newman.
They setup a whole betting establishment with customers, tellers, managers, walkers,
a race caller etc. for their "mark". Everyone in this betting parlor is part of the con except the "mark". think in those terms and you'll realize how they use websites, forums, BB, etc to troll for suckers. I've given fair warning to the wise but know you can't protect a fool from himself. Enough on this subject.


Treasure hunters,

Its unfortunate that Ocean 7....is one of those victims by these gold scambugs... he,he,he...finding japs treasure in the Phil. is NOT WALK IN THE PARK....that is precisely what the japs wanted...to make these treasure sites a breeding ground for gold scambugs so that treasure hunters will be discouraged to dig up the japs buried treasure sites....
A mere mention of GOLD...is enough would be dreamers, con-artist, scambugs ... compete with the legitimate treasure hunters....its understandasble that Japs treasure is BREEDING GROUND for gold scambugs...simply bcoz these Japs treasure is CURSE... these huge treasure was TAINTED WITH BLOOD....AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE DIED WITH IT DURING WW2....
History will tell...that for every great treasure....several counrties were destroyed, pillaged and thousand have been killed....for GOLD.....
And for those....in the LOSING END....you suffer the consequence of being bankrupt and loser...

And for those who have the BALLS/GUTS to withstand the storm... It takes decades of constant exploration, research, perseverance, patience and lots of prayers to SUCCEED......MEANING THIS JAPS TREASURE HUNTING...IS EXCLUSIVELY A GAME FOR THE ...BIG BOYS ONLY.....for those pretenders/losers...step aside,go back to your dilapidated coin or trash hunting, bcoz this is not your game......OK?


O-HI-O Gboy: out of curiosity what have you personally recovered in these years that you have been posting that can be proven, not just your word, but proof?

Frankly, you are in no position to ridicule coin hunters. While their finds are small, but important to them, they at least, "are recovering something". YOU have "nothing to show" for all of this time.

I say more power to the relic & coinshooter, they are the backbone of this hobby and industry. Without them, these instruments would never have been developed.


p.s. I sincerely doubt that the japanese ever had the slightest idea of a series of gold scams developing over their gold deposits (?) as a cover.

Tropical Tramp Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha


Gboy - I am way to smart to be scammed by anyone regarding "lost treasure" - far less some metal midgets from the Net. We'll leave it to the wise to decide who they wish to believe.

as i said, "The great thing about con-artists is they can produce maps, pics, and golden bars. In most cases, bars are just lead spray painted gold. Some are even lead bars dipped in gold. But with computer software, graphics, and the necessary subject matter - I'd imagine suckers will be relieved of their money for some time to come. There's nothing you can show me either in net-print or net pictures that will sway my mind."

RealdeTayopa - you 100% correct and show good insight by your post. :)



C'mon man....you always underestimate our treasure hunting team....you always asking for our treasure find...and if i accept your challenge...what can you do about it?...nothing anyway...
If you browse your previous attacks on me last year....I WITSTAND YOUR SCRUTINY, with flying colors...thats why i become popular....he,he,he...

Its true we are not yet rich...but its not necessarily we do not have treasure project ....PRODUCE AN UNDERWATER CAMERA,DIVING GEAR AND PUMPBOAT...I WILL SHOW YOU A 2 FEET GOLDEN BUDHA CHAINED INTO UNDERWATER CAVERN ....I WILL SHOW YOU ALSO IN OTHER UNDERWATER SITE....2 CHAINED METAL BOX!!.....or if you have no guts to go to our treasure site...send somebody else who have the guts to see it....and if we were be able to show you these traesure objects?...what now? are you willing to left your balls behind?

Remember...natives are penniless....but they constantly visit their treasure chambers and come down from the mountains and bartering their gold bars with goods once a year (how do you call these natives.. rich or poor?)....meaning having treasure is NOT synonymous of being rich....and being poor is NOT synonymous of having without finds...ONLY GODS KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US...

I am TOO SMART also to NOTICE who are the usual victims of these scams...bcoz these are the ones who are VERY2 NOISY regarding gold scams, they always keep posting warnings to everybody...but are just ashamed to admit it....he,he,he... sounds familiar ?


Dear P.I. treasure hunter, it was proving to me ,that all you guys are good, so i want to ask all of about this site that i am exp. right now so far we are in a10-12 ft.deep, and we found these manmade rock,or concrete around 6ft.x8ft.,and still buried to a green mud we manage to dig around 4 ft. of it's height,but we know that still a long way to go before we can find the exact height: the site is in the ocean side of small island , we can only operate during low tide,and because,and because we broke the water trap we have to run the pump(3 pump)every 1/2 an hour the reason i excavate this site there's was an eye witness, during the war two brother have witness some Japs. soldier carring something to the island: few years back 4 different group of T.H. dug all over the place ,and found nothing: early this year a tourist Jap. rent a pump boat went to the island ,and try to buy it , make story short those are my reason to dig:now let me explain what i did we found this buried concrete covered about 3 ft. tick ,after that we removeaound 3 ft. of sand mix with rocks,and sotne, after thatwe encounter around 5-6 ft. of black mud sticky, and oily,after that we remove a layer of rocks ,and after that we encounter another mud these time it's green color ,and after removing 3ft. of green mud we hit the top of these man made rock, or concrete 6x8 ft. and that's what we are at these moment : unfortunately due to my lack of knowledge,and exp. i have to stop for now, be cause the rock has a weird looking on top of it: all that has knowledge and exp. about this i need your help (please) thanks Ed


Hi Gentlemen,

Sometimes, man should learn how to practice words of wisdom....
Say for example, if you can't get it, leave it. As simple as that.

there is no such thing as 'easy recovery of treasure' if the knowledge is not enough and the pocket is not full, then it will only be done halfway. And if it is done halfway, then all "ifs" will come out and will "crush" one's dream.

Start with the small ones, and learn from it, and be prepared for the bigger one to come: Financially, physically, emotionally and most of all mentally.




C'mon man....you always underestimate our treasure hunting team....you always asking for our treasure find...and if i accept your challenge...what can you do about it?...nothing anyway..
You are right, just as you have done nothing except to ask for things, much of which has been already been given to you with no results??..
If you browse your previous attacks on me last year....I WITSTAND YOUR SCRUTINY, with flying colors...thats why i become popular....he,he,he..
??? flying colors ? hmmmm all I see is something that has less of a chance to pay off than the Irish sweepstakes first prize, and there is always some one fascinated with exaggerated stories hence our Rambo.
Its true we are not yet rich...
I do not hold this against you, nor your efforts & dreams to become rich, We all should have them, but do not run down the coin & relic hunters. They are the backbone of this business/hobby and many are the very ones that you are asking for help from.
others because of a dream. but its not necessarily we do not have treasure project ...

Projects are available by the thousands, even I have hundreds of them -----so?

Obviously you have seen them yourself?? If so, why didn't you recover them? Incidentally a 2 ' golden Buddha would weigh over 1204 #, why is the chain necessary?
or if you have no guts to go to our treasure site...send somebody else who have the guts to see it....and if we were be able to show you these traesure objects?...what now? are you willing to left your balls behind?
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to anyone any more, my record speaks for itself, your's? Incidentally the military finally wiped out the band of outlaws up at my mine of Tayopa, final count is 30. The military used 400 soldiers, helicopters and two Cessna's, still searching for stragglers..
Remember...natives are penniless....but they constantly visit their treasure chambers and come down from the mountains and bartering their gold bars with goods once a year (how do you call these natives.. rich or poor?)....meaning having treasure is NOT synonymous of being rich....
I would say rich, in that it means that they have all that they want. Out of curiosity, why would they wish to tell /show you where their gold is?
I am TOO SMART also to NOTICE who are the usual victims of these scams...bcoz these are the ones who are VERY2 NOISY regarding gold scams, they always keep posting warnings to everybody...but are just ashamed to admit it....he,he,he... sounds familiar ?
Hmm this sounds as if you approve? does this mean ----??
Frankly I don't really care if you make a million or not, just don't keep running down others for their successes, large or small. They are doing better than you by far since "you are asking them" to help you ??

Tropical Tramp



"You don't have to prove anything bcoz your record proves to itself?"
My dear old man....don't ever ever try to compare your alleged treasure accomplishment to me...you are 50 YEARS OLDER THAN ME....bcoz if you compare your alleged treasure accomplishement in your younger days (same at my age).... he,he,he...your way way beyond my accomplishment...OKEY?

Regarding the coins that your comparing with your friends that have recovered a few? We got a sackful of silver coins (spnish-american 1900s) recovered in shipwrecks in cagayan....its useless bcoz its more expensive to transport than to gain profit out of this coins....Does your coin hunter friends recover sackfull of coins also?(i don't think so)...if so...can they ignore it away, just like we did?....he,he,he....we only wanted PRECIOUS GOLD BARS...not old dilapidated 1900 century coins...your favorite pasttimes....thats what i mean......

Asking for something...oh no !.....you challenge me to produce treasure...thats why you have to spend for it (not me)...and see it for yourself....

The 2 feet G. Budha is indeed heavy....Why still chained? he,he,he ASK THE JAPS WHY THEY CHAINED IT...(...so that NOBODY CAN TAKE IT EASILY.... understand?)
Why can't we recover it?....BCOZ IT IS HEAVY AND CHAINED....isn't it?...do i have to repeat it to you again?...hello...hello...

Why the natives would wish to tell/where there gold is?.....bcoz we befriended them....our only hindrance for hauling ...is the politician..military...and NPA...sorrounding the area....he,he,he...are you drooling now with our projects?

Its true....most of the gold buyers are gullible and greedy (specially CIA gold/gold cartel buyers)....AND I WISH THEM TO BE VICTIMIZE by these gold scams.....thats why CIA/gold cartel are carefull regarding these gold transactions...bcoz they themselves are victimized by these scammers....ha,ha,ha,...
CIA/gold cartel confiscate Marcos gold worth billions of dollars and was never returned to Filipino people...but slowly these gold scammers...are fighting back and victimizing them also...ha,ha,ha,...THIEVES ARE ANGRY WITH FELLOW THIEVES...


rotflmao pmp... hey doc ever think about writing comedy routines? very funny!


diving doc said:
Maybe you would have better luck if you found another forum.


Please DON'T Tell or even Suggest our Members go Elswhere

this Thread was Very Civil for a Long time now.

and for the Record GBoy has been a member here since
July 05, 2004, 04:32:57 AM
We have never received any Proof he is Not who he says.


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