Hi Everyone,
Summer is fast approaching, so now getting ready for another hunt? Where I am now is still winter, so hybernating and keeping warm in front of the PC are what I do most of the time. Before I finally become very busy in Spring, I have two weeks left to do the rest of researching and preparing for yet another material: DRAWINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF ACTUAL EXCAVATIONS IN YTH. If you have been digging, been involved or witnessed an actual excavation (or witnessed one in WWII) and are ready to prepare a simple outline of the excavations, I NEED YOU.
I have received numerous stories lately (about 8 crisp ones) either by email or phone, and some have agreed to share stories of their excavation, signs and symbols met, items found in the pits, etc. and could share drawings of their operations. I think this is what many TH people need, a more detailed structure of others' operations that could provide ideas in dealing with their own cases.
DO YOU HAVE TO TELL WHETHER YOU'VE FOUND THE MAIN TREASURE? BY GEORGE, NOOOO! and DON'T! Tell the story open-ended,please. Don't state your exact location, just say whether the location is in Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao.
Contributors will get a FREE copy of the finished compilation, postage provided for.
1.Tell a brief story of your motivations, symbols(with or without drawings, description only OK)
2.Create a simple drawing or illustration of the pits and tunnels including depth/size, etc.
3.Duration of operation (number of months, years)
4.Budget ,Number of Workers, Equipment
5. Danger and Accidents met, safety concerns
6. Significant items/symbols found beneath while digging and messages/scripts written
7. Current conditions, advice to other T Hunters
Send by email/email attachment or fax (notify me first) at
Let's do this. Many Fil. members here need this compilation. No one else will start making an organized compilation except us. I grew up in a TH town (from age 6) actually playing with TH dug up soil and rolling down on hills of bulldozed gravel piled up in TH-ing. I have an Igorot blood (grandfather), Ilocano/Spanish (grandmother) and Bicol /Visayan blood (my father) so am really concerned with everyone's project. So if you are proud to be Filipino, I encourage you to help.
Whatever is deep down there, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW, for it is our very own land.