"You don't have to prove anything bcoz your record proves to itself?"
My dear old man....don't ever ever try to compare your alleged treasure accomplishment to me...you are 50 YEARS OLDER THAN ME....bcoz if you compare your alleged treasure accomplishement in your younger days (same at my age).... he,he,he...your way way beyond my accomplishment...OKEY?
Am referring to right now Gboy, sorry. The younger days were for pure adventure, of which I have received my share, still having them. Now working on treasures and history. My present treasure hunting is keeping me eating, you?
Incidentally, at your age, I had just finished freeing your Phillippines.
We got a sackful of silver coins (spnish-american 1900s) recovered in shipwrecks in cagayan....its useless bcoz its more expensive to transport than to gain profit out of this coins..
Hm a sack full of 8 Reales kept me eatng and exploring for a while, so why do you say that this is useless.
A small sack of say 2 cu ft. "ful"l of ,820 silver coins would run at least #1200 of silver, that is not worth anything? go back and get it, at present prices it would amount to around $180,000+ US. = 2.500,000 $ US in a bank drawing 7% interet sheehs..This would finance your expedition, no?.
.we only wanted PRECIOUS GOLD BARS...not old dilapidated 1900 century coins...your favorite pasttimes....thats what i mean.....
As I mentioned, those old dilapidated silver coins kept me eating and digging up more treasures. I didn't have to ask for kiddie stuff on the net for help, you are now going on 2+ years and?. what have you done with the materiel already donated to you?
Asking for something...oh no !.....you challenge me to produce treasure...thats why you have to spend for it (not me)...and see it for yourself....
See what?
The 2 feet G. Budha is indeed heavy....Why still chained? he,he,he ASK THE JAPS WHY THEY CHAINED IT...(...so that NOBODY CAN TAKE IT EASILY.... understand?)
Why can't we recover it?....BCOZ IT IS HEAVY AND CHAINED....isn't it?...do i have to repeat it to you again?...hello...hello...
Sheehs cutting the chain is the "easy" part, any school kiddie can do that

?? And if you were there, why didn't you get it? As you said once, you can rig up a hoist of some kind.
Why the natives would wish to tell/where there gold is?.....bcoz we befriended them....our only hindrance for hauling ...is the politician..military...and NPA...sorrounding the area....he,he,he...are you drooling now with our projects?
Nope I am not drooling, since I personally have beaten those problems myself, and have REAL programs. I am still working on the latest.. If they actually exist, there are plenty of the "coin hunters" in here that would gladly do that, in fact would have done it years ago if they were in the Philippines as you are, not just cryng. Our Marc, Doc, Dig, and so many other wonderful gals and guys could easily and willingly have done it, if they had the opportunity that you claim to have.
Why do you think that you have to remove a large amount at once? $1,000,000 in a bank drawing high (7%) interest = $70,000 per year. That is equal to approx, a #10 / 3.7 kilo small bar of gold which can easiiy be slipped by whatever or whoever may be there.

true....most of the gold buyers are gullible and greedy (specially CIA gold/gold cartel buyers)....AND I WISH THEM TO BE VICTIMIZE by these gold scams.....thats why CIA/gold cartel are carefull regarding these gold transactions...bcoz they themselves are victimized by these scammers....ha,ha,ha,...
I presume that your are kidding, If the CIA or any other gov't function were involved, they woud have some of the best specialists at their disposal, no scam artist would stand a chance.
CIA/gold cartel confiscate Marcos gold worth billions of dollars and was never returned to Filipino people..
Hmm why the Philippine people? As I understand, it was stolen from others ?.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~but slowly these gold scammers...are fighting back and victimizing them also...ha,ha,ha,...THIEVES ARE ANGRY WITH FELLOW THIEVES...
Hm A fascinating thought has occured to me sigh.
What I am getting to, is stop running down other treasure hunters, no matter how big or small their projects may be, it does not make you bigger, but only smaller.
Tropical Tramp