prof boy lara, i have a prospect in cattaran, solana. if you have access to this area pls contact me. the site is near a creek with 5 old mango trees and 1 duhat. pls check these names of landowners: salvador basilio or basiyo ( sounds like that) ador or adora makapili or makapiri. is there a family of catalino or catarino in the area? ty

hello kaloy,,, Gattaran yan sinasabi mo...oo mayron yan area na yan pati yun pamilya... mga catulin, capili at salvador family..yun area is Catayauan, Gattaran..dating Japanese encampment area...may creek din dun mga mangga mahirap na hanapin na....


you mention that your family comes from calbayog. my family comes from borongan...as you know, the eastern part of samar. i was wondering if you have any knowledge of japanese activity in samar during the war. were they active in the eastern part of it? when i was in grade six i went up to the mountains with an uncle and i saw a strange formation--a well made of bricks, approximately four feet in diameter but it was shaped like a cross. i asked my uncle what it was and he said that it was something the japanese built during the war. does this symbolize some kind of treasure cache? please advise.

boylara said:
hello kaloy,,, Gattaran yan sinasabi mo...oo mayron yan area na yan pati yun pamilya... mga catulin, capili at salvador family..yun area is Catayauan, Gattaran..dating Japanese encampment area...may creek din dun mga mangga mahirap na hanapin na....

boylara Please translate this post before You make another On treasurenet.

Remember this is an open Forum for all Members & Guests.
Most members here Only speak english.

If This is a private message for Kaloy

Please PM Him & Delete Your Post.

Thank you !

I really enjoy this thread on the expedition...

Call me lazy, but I just don't want to undertake study of Tagalog to review it.

As Jeff declared, few of us would have any problem with a discreet PM, conducted that way, or even exchanging Email addresses so proprietors of the Tnet board would not be liable for something they could not even understand.

It sure would be great to see something recovered in the PI, and posted here!

hello kaloy,,, Gattaran yan sinasabi mo...oo mayron yan area na yan pati yun pamilya... mga catulin, capili at salvador family..yun area is Catayauan, Gattaran..dating Japanese encampment area...may creek din dun mga mangga mahirap na hanapin na....

Kaloy, Gattaran is the area your looking for...There's a place here called Gattaran, the families you mentioned are catulin, capili and salvador, exact location is Catayuan, Gattaran, a former japanese encampment area. theres a creek but about the manggos hard to find...

ok understood...:-)

visit this site www.yamashitatreasures.com http://www.yamashitatreasures.com

hello every one, i would like to ask every one's opinion/comment and, suggestion, what ever? now i'm about to unearth a treasure vault/or box ,and people working on it i start hearing some they are not satisfy with ther share,and start showing some arm/guns. my question is what is the best proceedure or thing to do (I DON'T WANT VIOLENCE) glad to hear from you guys edong i forgot to menton this is a remote area ,and probably a some of these people what they call npa that's why they have guns,and informing authority/law enforcement ,because of there greed not a good idea thanks anyway edong

Wackenhut ? or Ze ? ....it's Xe they want to be called now...

Either one should be sufficient.

Good luck!

Howdy all,
I'm new to the site but have been following this post for several weeks with great interest. I lived at Clark Field northwest of Manila in the years of 65-68. You'd have to spend some time in this country to understand how corrupt and usually a free-for-all the Military and any so called "Law Enforcement" operates. There is an actual Government in the country with an Army- Navy- and Air Force.....but they operate near big cities and specific areas. Then you have the NPA (New Peoples Army which is the muscle of the CPA Communist People Army) which is a sort of Renegade Vigilante self supported group. Then you have local Constabularies (spelling?) which are like Old West Sheriffs used to be here in the states. Whoever shows up with the most Commandos and Weapons...wins. The actual Government trumps the NPA. The NPA trumps the Local Sheriff. And when none of them are around....your on your own. I ask my Pinoy Posters here....isn't this still how it works???
Marcos took over power while I was there and he definitely was in control. He also definitely came into major MAJOR, unexplainable wealth. Then as others have posted he wouldn't play ball with the U.S. Politicians and was Kidnapped "By the U.S. and taken to Hawaii.
If someone like these Philippino posters on here actually were onto finding one of the remaining Japanese Caches.... and any
one of the three Forces I mentioned learned about it .......they would be in grave danger.
I have thought about going back there to Clark and Baguio myself just to enjoy re menicing. But really would fear going alone or wandering into the bush and back barrios.....too far. If any of the P.I. people on this board live near Angeles City or Pampanga
let me know. Maybe you can be my guide and hopefully keep me out of trouble.
TiredIron 8)
Parker, Colorado

He also definitely came into major MAJOR, unexplainable wealth.

Corrupt dictators in third world countries always have the major wealth. Whether it's Africa, Asia, or where-ever.

The peasants go without while the dictator drains the country's coffers. The GDP of even a poor country is still alot for one person.

Unfortunately it's the way it always was and will be. Nothing unexplainable about it.


i would like to say something about this yama---treasure.I have witnessed it myself when a Batallion of soldiers and some Japanese unearthed treasures in Uddiawan Falls in Solano Nueva Vizcaya,about 1 hour away from Ifugao province where the late Gen Yama--- surrendered.I was in first year high school then.The place was heavily guarded and you know no matter what they do,there is always a leak and it was rumored that these treasures were shared by Marcos and these Japanese men who pointed where it is.Another one is just a small one about a size of a hollow block, 2 pieces which was placed under a mini water dam in our hometown.Unfortunately,greed sets in and the person who has a jeep by then took off.This person is now living in Stockton,California and believe it or not,he is a minister.I do believe that there are treasures buried somewhere,and I wish all the luck to all treasure hunters.

"Unfortunately,greed sets in and the person who has a jeep by then took off.This person is now living in Stockton,California and believe it or not, he is a minister....." Verdian

There is nothing puzzling about it. He is also human being that can be tempted. Isn't it Judas who is an apostle of Christ done the same thing? ...With greater impact in the whole world...So anybody who holds to a title of ANY person, can't find comfort in his self.


I am just wondering if anyone can help me with this. We were building our farm house and while digging for the foundation and septic tank found these things instead:

1. The first picture is a cement tablet we found 4 feet underground. Can anyone tell me the meaning of the engraving? The second thing we found was a triangular stone with a lot of holes that seems to be man made. the holes were done smoothly.

We also found shells which was like glued together. Any idea what this is? We also found a clam shell, initially a small one and followed by a huge one which was about 30 kilos in weight.

Can anyone tell me what these stones/shell means. Would greatly appreciate this.



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Hello SWR,

Thanks for the comment. We found this tablet about four feet underground and in our farm. When we bought this farm, it was just nothing but bushes and shrubs. No improvements what so ever. Well anyway, here are other pictures. I had to resize so can upload these.

The first 3 similar pictures are 3 shells which seems to have been glued together. It is heavy for their size. We found this 5 feet underground. The next one is a a triangle stone(?) which was different from all the stones that we have unearthed. If you notice the holes, it seems that they are very smooth and the stone is not natural of the area.

Let me know your thoughts.



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10flyboy20 said:
Hello SWR,

Thanks for the comment. We found this tablet about four feet underground and in our farm. When we bought this farm, it was just nothing but bushes and shrubs. No improvements what so ever. Well anyway, here are other pictures. I had to resize so can upload these.

The first 3 similar pictures are 3 shells which seems to have been glued together. It is heavy for their size. We found this 5 feet underground. The next one is a a triangle stone(?) which was different from all the stones that we have unearthed. If you notice the holes, it seems that they are very smooth and the stone is not natural of the area.

Let me know your thoughts.

If you know a bit of Biblical history especially the great deluge at the time of Noah, that is if you believe the Bible, you may not be amazed by what you unearthed. We even saw big shells like the size of a ball at 90 feet. Just a thought though...

Re: 2005 EXPEDITION: YAMASH-I-T-A ( [url=http://forum.treasurenet.com/words]--deleted--[/url]) TREAS

Zobex said:
The "Flag Pole" is symbolic not exactly a flag pole. The mountain itself is the flagpole as it stands up over his command but there may be a flag pole on it. Japanese did fly flags over the highest point as symbolic marker to their conquest. Such as the US flag being raised on Iwo Jima. I have a "death list", Samurai sword and battle flag that belonged to a Japanese Major from Iwo Jima. The list is a hand written ledger of living and dead men in his command in the battle. There are strike marks across the names as they were killed or wounded beyond combat. Each squad carried a flag and the individual who carried that flag is marked as such on the list. The Major's battle flag is punched with .30 cal and .50 cal holes, shrapp metal tears and finally a big splosh of blood.

A smaller scale such deposit was found on Negros. It was a Spanish Colonial vault built into the side of a mountain that the Japanese had captured and rebuilt with more steel and cement. Inside was some 500mt stacked into a pyramid. On top was positioned a full set of swords, the swords were not combat swords but symbolic. The blades were chisel cut and gold inlaid, the handles mounts with precious stones. When I saw the swords in 1998 I tried to buy out but the owners were at that time already being hounded by Jap nationals. The owners and I were playing cat and mouse with the Japanese while I was trying to generate the cash to buy. Ramos security hy-jacked the entire tunnel. Soon the sword owner and I found members of his family as dead bodies so he ditched the swords on Panay and soon after he was found dead. I am still tracking the swords as they are still on Panay.

The point being, you must think in Shinto. The flag pole is the mountain.

The Jap in the yellow box on the picture of Yamashta is the old man in the moniker in my TN identity. This was Yamashta's food taster. He was a friend of mine and died in 2001, Metro Manila.


I agree with you zobex, the jap.s are not that fool to give easily that volume og G. It could just be a base reference.


boylara said:
SWR, i just search the net and type iron stone china...well there where plates that was created aroun 1890 to 1920. That means, those plates that we dug, are pre-war artifacts and might be related to treasure hunting as markers... Next time, research, the only difference between us and the majority who post here is that we have an actual experience in treasure hunting, not just ready storys or books...

Go boylara..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings to all THers,

We had uncovered this piece of metal along with 3tons of nickel babbit. This metal waits 92kg with a marking of pt800, ss 667. Assay result says it contains 26% platinum. Any ideas on how much this metal cost?


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