Which are not factual, your posting or my answers?

If you refer to my posting, it is not commentary, those are answers to your unfounded claims…and question.

If it is your posting, we just fall to the same category, you can not also provide proof that Y.M. does not really exist….

Quote from: angel_09 on Yesterday at 09:31:56 PM
Gentlemen, these photos were posted to stir your imaginations....these were unearthed 60 + feet below the ground...Are these manmade objects or natural?

These objects were taken 5 years ago.....

Nice rocks. How do you suppose these rocks are related to the Yamashi.ta myth/legend?

How ABOUT this? Does it not fall to the same category? Is this a commentary also? (Nice rocks.) And question?

Buenas Dias Senor Real de,
(Hora de Pilipinas: las dies Y Nueve)

What you have said is true and I accept it, and what we are today is the end result of " divide and conquer" techniques. Anyway, past is past and lets bygone be bygone....Onward to Treasure hunting amigo.....


Don Jose,

You are an exception indeed. You were a WW2 vet who fought in my home province of Cebu. For that alone you will always have my respect and so much more.

But what burns my hide is for some people, to 'lecture' us about destroying so-called artifacts in caves as if he himself cares about my heritage. That's the only reason why I posted the Balangiga massacre episode and the artifacts hauled off as war booty. The Americans don't care about our heritage, or preservation of our natural resources. True, archaeological artifacts should be preserved for future generations. But preservations like those cost a lot. Responsible THunting should be practiced by all in the field.

But in a site, like caves, where the most valuable thing to be found could just be guano, then all gloves are off. Caves are difficult to work with, dangerous even. And that's precisely the reason why so much was stashed inside these caves. I posted several moons ago about our excavations in a cave where we were able to recover several personal effects and dogtags. We were lucky because the boys we had were carefully instructed about the things that were valuable and they were meticulous indeed.

Anyway, next time around someone starts lecturing again, I'd say look himself up in the mirror first. He might end up with his foot in his mouth. That's called foot-in-mouth disease. Hahaha


Dred747, angel09,
Again you are falling into trap of running post that would end of with personal insults and thats what is wanted to happen. As i have been warned before...just ignore or stop replying to him....that way he will be bored to death... ;D
Its just a waste of time debating with him. Let all his questions, if not answered be his problem. Am sure he may not be able to sleep just waiting for your replies... ;D

After reading all this thread, it amazes me how the Japanese army had so much time to carve out so many rocks/markers, faces on the sides of cliffs, dig 300 foot holes, slice sharp cuts in cliffs, pour concrete platforms and blocks in pits, create elaborate caves, etc. And some in remote areas that are apparently hard to access even today.
Oh believe me they have the time bcoz it was well planned. And BTW...conquering and invading Asian countries is more difficult than those carving or tunnel making.


greenapple said:
valente said:
Now, that is the beauty of this thread!

Here's a believer of the YamT, who's trying to convince that it's a fact while looking for a benevolent financier...and here's a non-believer who replies based on history and some other "legit" sources!

Legend/myth, fact or fiction, and yet all the others are learning! (that's me and at the same time amused)...

Don't worry guys, there's always Jeff who will surely moderate.
my friend are you filipino or not?how can you like a person whose only job is to damage the credibility of yamth by calling us stupid/syndicates?can you please tell us who is looking for a financier?can you show us your so called "legitimate" sources?please my friend if you don't feel like giving moral support to your fellow kababayan then don't add insult.

Regardless of race, I believe this thread is focus on the YamTreasure Legend. Even if I am a Filipino I will never "morally support" if the postings are ridiculous, and neither would I insult a "kababayan". I have a Filipino blood but more on Portuguese.

It may help you answer your own question as to who is looking for a financier by going back to the previous postings (you may start on page 1), it may also help you a lot if you read in between the lines especially ".....based on history and some other "legit" sources!".

Misunderstanding a sentence can have an erroneous conclusion.

I am only comparing the believers and the non-believers of the legend. I am not here to insist that the legend is true neither my
postings here are considered as a non-believer (like SWR?).

I have already one very small hit for the record but it was more on during the American regime (1898 to 1900s silver peso coinage, some
small california gold coins, and some Spanish reales)... now I am interested in the yam legend which the believers in this thread and the
other threads of the same category promise "tons and tons of gold". I am also interested in reading books, Seagraves,etc.... movies too
.... Indiana Jones, National Treasures, etc ..... fairy tales too, Snow White and the 7 dwarves (plenty of precious stones) ... and lastly, epic stories too like Jason and the Argonauts, remember the golden fleece?

Let us all enjoy this thread!

My friends,

One needs to take a close look at how the Japanese think and do things. We should never underestimate what they are capable of. That was the fatal mistake the Americans did in WW2 - underestimate them, thus the Pearl Harbor attack.

Tunneling is part of the training that each Japanese soldier was taught. One only need to watch the movie "Letters from Iwo Jima" to see how they used tunneling to their advantage. And from 1942 to 1945, they had enough time to bury what they plundered. They had planned for a short war, a negotiated peace and retaining the Philippines was on the agenda. So they buried what they could not ship out in a place they thought they could retain after the war.

An amusing story about how the Japanese fooled most of us along these lines is their offer, after war's end, to dredge the Pasig River of all the debris that accumulated because of the war. Of course, who turns down such an offer especially if its for free. So here comes the Japanese crew dredging the Pasig and lo and behold they salvage barge after barge after barge of manganese and nickel ore that they intentionally scuttled during the heat of the war. Those eventually ended up in Japan to feed their steel mills esp when the US ordered US$5 billion worth of war materiel for use in the Korean war. Do you remember Mitsubishi-branded jeeps?

And they're still at it. Offering to 'finance' big ticket projects like highways that lead to nowhere, huge ports that service bancas, rice productivity centers in towns where there's no rice being produced, etc.

So the Japanese came, killed, raped and pillaged my country. And even after they surrendered they were allowed to screw us some more. But not anymore. This time Japanese plunder will stay in our hands, in our country, in our land!


Sorry, but there was no photos taken at that time (1982, 1989 n 1992).


Hi Jonesindy,

The construction of my project is somehow different from yours. This one is a conical aggregate that stands forty feet high, with body diameter of five (5) meters tapering to the apex. The lower portion, which form as the base is square and sitting squarely to a square hole with depth of 8 feet. In between this conical structure and the square hole, is the green substance that I have posted in this forum. This substance covers the entire surface of this conical aggregate structure down to the base.
This whole conical structure is covered by similar concrete, where in between, is this “substance” that serves as “divider”(?) or “deterent”(?) which is probably expired at the time of the excavation.
Small scratches to the skin caused by these concrete particles during chipping produces puss and became inflammed, (redness and swelling)..
I suggest you to be careful with chemicals...

This is the beauty and the excitement of T. Hunting, we can see and found things that are not written in the books.


Hi Angel_09, Zobex, Dred, gentlemen TH,

Angel I knew and saw exactly a similar site that you have described, and it still exist today, so called "lawa" because it has become a lake in a mountaintop. Most of the tall structure is still there. the old folks nearby whom I interviewed have interesting stories that I would not mention here.

Anyway, I consider myself still as a non-believer in this legend, until i finish the work. If I run in a fit of "lunacy", I might just post here the pictures which caused me to spend more than $68,000 the past 10 years!

I wish we will end up with less debates in this forum.

God bless gentlemen!


these rocks/markers are not treasures, they are designed for a purpose, well like what I have said, No one will admit or brag about his recoveries. SWR, if you want for proof....no one will show you, REASONS.... SECURITY AND LIFE.....i think you know that there are treasures but you don't admit it coz you like those people wo wait and see then believe..Well TH especially Pinoys will nver brag their recovery...hahahahahahaha,,,are you not aware that some of those who are posting in this forum have recovered treasure already...:-)

Me too, most of my post here is either edited ro remove..I think the moderator is controlling what ever info posted here..what happened to the SPINDLE FORUM might happen here.

Men ;
If yous stay on subject & in English your posts will stay. :wink:

angel_09 said:

If you are still in contact with the family, I suggest to take some piece of "concrete" for analysis if it contains traces of "processed" bonding materials, such as cement.

Another thing, you mentioned that "one of the son of the land owner accidentally found the sucker deposit (regalo) after a night of heavy rain." For me this is a very significant finding, then how come they are still waiting for the manila based financiers when they have found the supposedly "gift"? Why they are still called poor?

This "gift" if utilized and spent properly, will alleviate their living standard 2 to 3 steps higher, unless of course....it was used for things that was not "tasted" before...or maybe they were "goofed" by other people?

The picture shows the digging was done in haste, and no plan was prepared for a deeper investigation. I do not wish to say that it was done by group who thinks that retrieving treasure is like harvesting rootcrops, but the way the pictures shows, it was.

Pardon for my line of comments.
sorry for my late reply,yes i can contact the poor family anytime for they are only in the neighbouring province,but i'm not really interested to finance this project knowing theirs was a former major japs camp,im not yet ready to finance big projects.i'm still more on prospecting using my useless garrett2500 with eagle eye(what a waste of money).
yes i mentioned about one of the son got the regalo,and this is their story:
one morning after a night of heavy rain,one of their farmboy(a caolo tribesman)told this son that he saw a small cement from the slope of a very small hill that was washed out by heavy downpour,and funny he told the son that he sat on top of that cement to relieve his stomach(tumae).to make the story short the son broke that cement alone without telling his father and other siblings,he was very lucky because inside the cement was several pcs of gold bars.fuelled by greed he and his wife brought the items to davao city and left it to the care of his brother in law,
the big trouble came when time came for him to collect the items because his brother in law is not giving him back the items.in short he was so upset and died after just a few months later,he died much much earleir than his father.
cardiac arrest was the cause,and belive me he was buried just a hundred meters away from where he recovered the items and some parts of the cement that he broke was used to ornate his burial (i saw it).poor people they are still poor becaus of greediness.

yes they are still waiting for the manila based financiers to come back and continue this unfinished project,but i don't think they are coming back.

in the first place can you tell us who is posting ridiculously here?we the real yam treasure hunters,who digs,explores saw and enjoying the adventure or that guy in Okefenokee swamp sitting in front of his computer thinking he knows everything about treasure hunting?

for your info,we never started this,we never called names here and we never insulted anyone here and we respect each person here especially those people that shows respect to us also.just remember that even a cat can be ferocious when threatened.

about "who is looking for a financier",i think you should understand that not all pilipino have the capability to finance their projects,so its only natural and normal for them to look for a financier,its just that simple!
now its your turn to check if they are real or not.
i hope you won't jump into a conclusion the next time you saw someone looking for a financeir.



So as the story goes on, the situation falls to the second category; they were "goofed" by their own son...with another twist: The goofer was "goofed" by his brother in-law.
Well, that is what we called "life" and no one can predict what will happen next or what will be the turn of events...
Regarding that site, you've made a good decision in not touching it...you will just be throwing money to the drain. Unless you have 10 M, excellent, knowledgeable and trusted group, then I may say you may have a change to finish that site.
Your detector is not really bad as you may think...That detector is not designed for Philippines. Garrett is excellent for beach combing and not so deep objects. But here in P.I., based on my Experience, no detector will meet the demand and requirements of hidden treasure here. (Of course with the exceptions of those what we called "wash-out" give aways).

I will give you an example:

If you have paper money worth 500 millions and bad guys think you stack it in your house, the first thing you will do is to make sure the perimeter of your land is properly secured and guarded.
The next you will do is to ensure that your gate is properly locked and if possible with alarms.
The door to your house, of course will be very sturdy (MAHOGANY OR ANY HARDWOOD) with primary metal door.

So if any intruders would like to take your money, they will have to pass your perimeter, your gate, and your double doors; but....they can't still find your money...they still need to find the right door to the right room and open it, in which you may put an alarm or deadly deterrent!...
Say, they were lucky to find the right room and open your door, still the money is not there, they still have look for the hiding place, maybe in the false cabinet, where if they found it, still it is not there...because it may be inside the metal safe that was covered by the false cabinet. Assuming they found the safe, they still have to study and open it, and most possibly, it is equip with triggering device to make even with the raiders.
Say, they overcome all these obstacles, and they have opened the safe, alas, the money is still not there, there they found the instructions on how to withdraw the money from Swiss bank....This maybe funny, but it is a direct analogy regarding treasures here in P.I.
The intricacies of their techniques are beyond to the capabilities of metal detectors nowadays.....

So if we're only ordinary hunters using cheap detectors we are far, far away in recovering "big volume " using those toys.

But don't you get depress, treasures here in P.I. is not only Japanese.. There are also Spanish and Chinese...

Just want you to smile...... ;D


Angel09 It is a pleasure to read your posts as your kindness shows through.
Please tell your dear friend who is dissatisfied with the Garrett metal detector
that a new breed of deep seeking detectors that are unaffected by those pesky
minerals in the ground. For the Philipine Islands I recommend the P I .

Buenas dias Caballeros Y Damas Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

Several things bother me on Yama type of treasures. While I have no doubt that individuals buried quite a bit of loot, I still doubt certain things.

For one, this fascination with "out of the way natural thingies", leaves me wondering. Most Japanese from a lowly squad leader to the Generals knew simple compas triangulation tech. They simply took bearings on three different objects which were not likely to be moved or destroyed. With this data "anyone" could return and quickly find the almost exact same spot, say to within a few ft a thousand years from now.

There was / is no need to cut figures, marks, etc in different rocks or other things. This only tells the world that something is buried somewhere nearby. A thing definitely not needed for secrecy.

So will someone please explain to me why there are supposedly carvings etc. apparently everywhere according to the pictures in here?

Almost all of the pictures that I have seen in here are works of Nature, I post my interpretation of this data so that you can concentrate of something else to save precious time, money, and resources, not to be a kill joy or to depreciate it.

I am actually all for you gentlemen, and wish you success, but when I see you concentrating on something that is worthless, I feel that I owe it to you to put my two cents in.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Zobex said:
jeff of pa said:
Men ;
If yous stay on subject & in English your posts will stay. :wink:

Moderator Jeff, I hope you don't think that all Filipinos are a bunch of little stupid brown skin people. Justed in the United States Armed Forces, there are so many contract employees that without them the USN would, and this is the explanation by the USN to me in person, out of their own naval bases in San Diego, if they were cut off the Navy would not be able to function. The single largest group of contract employees in Iraq, involved in YOUR war, are Filipinos.

Just a friendly word of advise and to your benifite of this web site, if you piss them off enough they may just tear down the TN server a couple of times to get Marc's attention and drive in that point. That would not be of any benifite to any of us not to mention the work of re-installing the installation.

Zobex :coffee2:

Zobex, I have been nothing but supportive with You & Everyone here.
One More attack, Threat, Or whatever this is
& I Guarantee You Will Be gone.
& That goes for the rest here too.
and yous can Thank ZOBEX For it

SWR said:
Zobex said:
jeff of pa said:
Men ;
If yous stay on subject & in English your posts will stay. :wink:

Moderator Jeff, I hope you don't think that all Filipinos are a bunch of little stupid brown skin people. Justed in the United States Armed Forces, there are so many contract employees that without them the USN would, and this is the explanation by the USN to me in person, out of their own naval bases in San Diego, if they were cut off the Navy would not be able to function. The single largest group of contract employees in Iraq, involved in YOUR war, are Filipinos.

Just a friendly word of advise and to your benifite of this web site, if you piss them off enough they may just tear down the TN server a couple of times to get Marc's attention and drive in that point. That would not be of any benifite to any of us not to mention the work of re-installing the installation.

Zobex :coffee2:

This type of intimidation tactic will only add fuel to the fire. Piss off Marc and he may just delete this thread :o

IF I don't see some serious apologies & Retractions Soon
I may just delete & Ban all Discussion on this subject !

In fact you have No posts Left in this thread from this year

How's that for Censorship ?

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