$20 bill found and returned


Silver Member
Feb 21, 2013
New England, Somewhere Metal Detecting in the Wood
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Teknetics T2 SE (DST)
Spare Teknetics T2 SE (backup)
15" T2 coil
Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202
Fisher F2
Fisher F-Point
Primary Interest:
I was walking, and saw a $20 bill fall out of a persons pocket. I quickly grabbed it, and went up to the person and gave it right back. I overheard a person next to me tell their friend, "I would have kept it". Anyway, even though $20 is not a lot of money, it could certainly help pay for gas, or a decent dinner, and is worth giving back.

P.S. Later that night I was at the Supermarket, and found an 1880's-1890's good luck token in the Coinstar reject tray.What I was thinking when I found the token was, "What comes around goes around".


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Upvote 23
Wow, that's a cool story, I always like reading about people that do the right thing, and as others have already stated, the reward and good feeling of doing something good for someone else feels far better than having the extra money! Nothing compares to that to me. I love all the stories everyone else shared too! What might be just 20 extra bucks to us could be someone else's last few dollars for food or medicine. Thanks for posting it and for all the replies your post generated!

I went to a Petco the other day for some dog food and was cut off from a young women in a jeep who decided to take up 2 parking spaces instead of one,so I pulled into another one.While she was getting out of her car I noticed that her wallet fell on the ground,under her jeep.I could have kept it and drove away ,but I decided to pick it up and give it to her,When I went inside to give it back,she turned and very loudly told me "to get away",I tried to explain,but she pulls out her mace,so I backed off.One of the clerks came over and ask me what was the problem,I told him that I was just trying to give her her wallet back(it had over $600 in it).I waited untill she got up to pay and when she couldn't find her wallet ,I threw it on the register and said here you dropped this in the parking lot and walked ed out to my car and drove away.

Dayumn people like that make me mad. Well i guess the world obviously revolves around her. What a wench! U did good even though she was really rude and ungrateful.

Karma is not random. You did the right thing.

Coin man, great job. My dad always told me "honesty is the best policy". This is a common phrase I now pass on to my kids. Karma brother.

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