🥇 BANNER 1859D GOLD $1 Woop!


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Feb 3, 2005
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Here ya go, Quindy and Judie. :)
So yesterday after the storms, my buddies and I went out for a hunt. Seems summer is finally coming to an end and we're ready! The temps were perfect and the soil was as soft as sweet potato pie. Tin foil, nails and 22 shells...make sure and dig 'em. ;) About an hour into our hunt and after digging many of the previous mentioned, I got another low reading on my MXT with a loud tone. Four inches down under the roots of a cedar tree. I dig the hole and see a tiny gold looking, round something or other. My first thought was play money? Nah, not here. Then how about a foreign coin of some sort? Nah..I don't think so. I turn it over and see 1 Dollar. What! No way. I jump up and run to where my buddies are. We look it over, see the date and we all are in shock as to what it is. Oh happy day! That coin waited 155 years for me to find it. I have to wonder who lost such a beautiful coin. Wonder if there's another? lol
D ain't for Denver. ;) Only 4,952 minted and I got one! Woop! I'ma happy gal. :)



Upvote 94
Depending on the condition it could worth up to 21,000 dollars.

lol..thanks ya'll! :)
Mark, I think Christy was just as excited that I found it as I was. Might just put the pink team just tad in the lead over the blue team this relic season....for a day or two. ;) OH...and be on the lookout for a hunt in Pensacola next spring.
I've been back to the site, but no luck in finding another. I did however find a button that made me happy. One of my hunting buddies had found a great Cadet coat button there from Auburn University..which technically wasn't called Auburn University at the time the button was made and worn. I was green with envy over it as I am an Auburn kind'a gal. We laughed about it as she is a University of Alabama kind'a gal, and I had years previously found a University of Alabama Cadet button at another site. Anywho, I found a cuff button to match it, so I was happy with that.
Isn't this a great hobby...
Thanks again ya'll for the sweet comments. Have a great week.
Nana :hello:

4 :thumbsup: from chug and Red HH and Great Luck on that Find!!

Thanks ya'll! :) We went back Tuesday, but not a lot of keepers to mention. We did however learn from the neighbor that the owner of the property had years before used a geiger counter there. lol Yes, it was hard to hold back that smile when they said that! :laughing7: A day late and a dollar short again? Maybe a day late, but not a dollar short this time. ;) I am grateful for the opportunity to have hunted there.
Thanks again,
Nana :)

I vote for double banner on this one!!


Wow! These D coins are few and far between. Most people don't realize there was once a gold rush in Georgia. What a super find and a great piece of history. Thanks for sharing it with all of us and a big congratulations

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Not even close

Check recent auctions here

Gold Dollar, 1859-D MS - PCGS Auction Prices

More than likely between 1k-8k. Depending on grade. Ms62 is around 11k. Which is about as good as it gets

Not taking anything away from the find. Just wanted to make sure the right info was out there


Actually Charlie says it's worth absolutely nothing. $0 Cause Nana won't sell it. hahahahaha :BangHead:

Whooo Wooo! Can we get a close up of that baby!

yes definitely a find of a lifetime.more close up pic's please.how about one next to a penny or dime to show size relation.thats is SWEEEEEEET.now we all NEED to know keep it or sell it ?i cant take the suspense.

Thanks, ya'll. :) I have put up more close up pics here along the way. Maybe I should figure out how to put them on the first post. :P I did take another for size reference....AND I just noticed that I used the metric side of the tape. :X But everyone knows what a Q-tip and a dime looks like, eh? ;) This coin is TINY!
Thanks again...it's relic season...busy, busy, busy.


what mode were u in,add how did it read...thanks

Congratulations beautiful coin!!!!

She's a Type III..... Back in the day there were three types... Type I, Type II, Type III.... Beautiful score!!!.... Found a Type I (1853) in Coulterville California this year. She cleaned up nice as well.

The Pirate

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