ah, I see I made banner now

Ok, from now on, all you guys must address me as "Oh mighty One"
sagittarius98, thanx for the tip. I'll go check that today. I've dug about 100 reales by now and ...... long ago ..... stopped looking any of them up. Very few ever had much value. This may be changing in the day & age of ebay (which brings collectors/buyers/sellers together from around the world). But in the old days, it just seemed that since there were so few collectors of reales, and so many different mints and years, that there just wasn't demand for them. Heck, a buddy of mine even found one that ...... after looking it up in the Krause book, determined that it was from a particular mint that wasn't even supposed to have made that particular denomination that particular year. He therefore took it in to a coin store for appraisal here. The guy didn't even want it. He explained to my friend that such poor mint records took place in Mexico and south america in the earlier years, that it wasn't that unusual for odd-balls dates, mints, off-strike errors, etc... to come up. And there simply is no demand.
But heck, can you imagine how much money you'd be in, if you found a mercury dime or buffalo nickel, from a year or mint that "wasn't supposed to be"? You'd be rich!

That's because America (and Canada etc...), as affluent countries, have tended to push up the value of their old coins. Since there's much more collectors.