1829 British Gold Sovereign found


Gold Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Golden Thread
Salinas, CA
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Explorer II, Compass 77b, Tesoro shadow X2
Got out with a friend for a road trip in CA. We hit some spots we are researching: Old traveller stops, ghost-townsy type sites. One particular spot turned out to be a pleasant surprise. We got 2 seated half dimes ('59 and '60) an '84s seated dime, an 1849 Mexican half reale, a 1906 IH, and ....... my 13th gold coin: An 1829 British Gold Sovereign. It's about the size of a US $5 gold piece.


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"I am surprised to hear that you find the numbers you do in the "early",sites,as we do dig them with frequency!"

Kuger, there definately seems to be a difference in the relics you find in CA's gold rush sites, verses relics I'm accustomed to over here along the coast. For example: we RARELY find those heavy tongue buckle things. (I've found only a few), yet you find them in gold rush sites, right? And same for large cents: very rare in CA, yet when they DO get found, they seem to come a bit more frequently in gold rush locations.

So this could explain why you find those ring-candle holders in sites as late as 1870: a simple difference in relics from one part of the state, verses the other? I dunno. For whatever reason, I've never (so far as I remember) found those candle things in stage stop/oldtown demolitions, etc... (ie: late 1860s onwards). For me, thus far, they've only turned up in mission era sites, or extremely early post-statehood sites. Could just be random chance dumb-luck so far. Naturally there's nothing to have stopped someone from having a 20 or 30 yr. old candle-holder still in use.

You know what the eliptical thing is on the left side of the ring, right? It's the part that was stuck into a slot on the wall. I've found a few of them where the cradle for the candle to sit on, was still intact. But mostly the dish part for where the candle sat, is always broken off.

Who knows? All I know is, is that we're going back soon :read2:

Yep, what amazes me is that it's your 13th lol. Congrats on all of that though. Sounds like a great time.

:headbang: go gold.!!!!!!!!

GOLD! nothing like it. Congratulations! :thumbsup:

Tom_in_CA said:
Hey book-fisher, what a coincidence. What type site did you find your gold sovereign at? What year is yours?

If you look below the picture of my sovereign, and below SEND PM, it says Made The Banner. Click on 1825 George IV Gold Sovereign, and you'll get the whole story from the original post from (coincidentally) March, 2006.

And a question for all you forumites: Does anyone know of any md'rs finding 13 or more gold coins, as individual numismatic losses? This would be aside from:

a) the fabled story of the Camp Floyd/Johnston's army hunters (who got something on the order of a few dozen gold coins each?) and

b) aside from cache finds (where multiple gold coins could be in the same jar or whatever).

I know of a few hunters in CA that have 6 or 7 gold coins. And I know of a hunter who got something like 20+ gold coins off a single demolition site (a broke open cache/jar). But I know of no one who has got 13 or more gold coins, as individual numismatic finds, aside from the Camp Floyd hunter guys.

How about in Britain or Europe? What kind of gold coin totals have been accomplished there? (again, aside from caches).

Heck.........I know of nobody who's found more than one lost gold coin. The fact that you have found thirteen speaks volumes on your research and detecting abilities. I have always considered you as one of the more knowledgeable posters and your quality finds only reinforce that. Lots to learn from you. Thanks for posting and Congrats.

Very nice coin, and a good year too, "low mintage"
I would expect that you return next trip with number 14. Good luck.

Some info on sovereigns; http://www.goldsovereigns.co.uk/forsaletypecollectionvictoria.php

here's a pic of my George the IV

Sorry about the over size, tried to re-size but it didn't work. Never mind I got it.
And due to the low mintage on this coin I do believe that it deserves a spot on the Banner so I am going to add my vote.
Good luck and good hunting.


  • DSCF1976.webp
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Very nice finds congrats!

Congrats again, Tom! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Beautiful coin and what a tale that coin could tell if only...

BANNER certainly (2 sovereigns in a row...how neat!)

HH Joe

Tom_in_CA said:
And a question for all you forumites: Does anyone know of any md'rs finding 13 or more gold coins, as individual numismatic losses? This would be aside from:

a) the fabled story of the Camp Floyd/Johnston's army hunters (who got something on the order of a few dozen gold coins each?) and

b) aside from cache finds (where multiple gold coins could be in the same jar or whatever).

I know of a few hunters in CA that have 6 or 7 gold coins. And I know of a hunter who got something like 20+ gold coins off a single demolition site (a broke open cache/jar). But I know of no one who has got 13 or more gold coins, as individual numismatic finds, aside from the Camp Floyd hunter guys.

How about in Britain or Europe? What kind of gold coin totals have been accomplished there? (again, aside from caches).

If I counted right, I only have 12 from all different sites.

Wow, that gold coin is certainly drop dead sexy! Congrats!

13th gold coin? holy crap that has to get boring digging gold coins all the time :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: ...... awesome find. congrats!

Great find Tom! I see you're doing very well out your way. I remember you from quite a few years ago on the forums but haven't heard from you in a long time. Good luck in your quest for more gold ..... Bill D. (VA).

I suspect that your success is proprotional to the amount of research that you do. A hardy great finds and equally great research. HHHH

What a great site!! WAY to go!

Nice looking gold coin Tom!
Too bad that seated quarter wasn't in better shape as they only made 80,000 of them. It is a rare coin for sure in any shape.
Good work my friend! :hello2: :hello2:
If you need any help strip mining the spot let me know! :laughing7:
I'd like to see this up on the banner!!!

Larry, keep my in the loop for "certain" demolition sites upcoming, and ..... I can certainly expand the invite pool for you. Although after that last experience of ours, I thought you'd sworn off travelling down south to my environs! haha ;D

Beautiful GOLD coin...Beautiful photos...Beautiful story... :icon_thumleft:

Found in California...1829 date... :icon_thumleft:

Sheesh..what does it take to get on the BANNER? :BangHead:



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