🥇 BANNER 1787 Gold on MV


Full Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Berkshire County
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
MineLabs (Explorer ) , Tesoro (DeLeon ) ,Garrett (AT Pro Gold)
My dad was at the tail end of a 4 day visit to the island and anyone that been here knows the game you have to play with the ferry !!! While on my phone every ten minutes,,, I figured I would do a little detecting on an old colonial cart path that passes thru a field. I was using my Tesoro and often don't dig targets in the 40-59 range . This was a very clean crisp target only 5 inches down. I really thought it was a shiny Lincoln penny until I picked it up. Hope folks enjoy the pics !!!

I've just added a couple more pics , gently cleaned, also showing the edge.

Hi again,, I just added more pics of gold coin beside two silvers I pulled in Vermont and a dime and quarter for size reference. Also , I pulled this button with in ten feet of the coin. It took a (older ) hit on the front ??? not sure what it is ,, looks like a log cabin. Any help ??, love to hear it , thanks


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Upvote 81
Hey, thanks to all that chimed in with enthusiasm. . To answer a couple questions , the coin is about the diameter of a nickel and has an unworn knurled edge. I have three detectors, Tesoro DeLeon, AT pro gold, Minelabs explorer. The Tesoro has scored me over 200 pre 1800 coins from the Vineyard since 2008,, I feel really dialed in with this machine, however spring on the Vineyard is brutal with hot rocks and the Minelabs becomes my work horse. The last two years have been busy with work and little detecting time. Ironically, I have not pulled a big copper in almost two years , besides this gold surprise I've been pulling reales, a few on the Vineyard and some in Vermont ??. All of us that love and truly understand this hobby also understand that finding coins means minimizing the luck factor by knowing as much about your chosen hunting ground as possible. This ancient pathway or cart path ( island term ) was said to be a freeway of its day, although it hard to trace it through this field. I'm looking forward to hitting it again with more than just an hour to give it . I will post anything worthy,,, thanks again for all the great responses !!!!

Can you clarify with all those that asked; Is its a Half-Guinea? Because I think thats the same diameter as a Nickel, but being a US reference & without the coin, I'm only 90% sure??

A Beautiful Old Gold Coin Indeed.
Blessed to dig that one.

Yes, I would say it's a half guinea. I will post a pic of it beside a nickel and also post pic of an early button I found with in 10ft. Not saying they are connected but would love any feed back . I will post pics after work today.... thanks

Freakin Awesome :headbang: Banner

Wow! What an Incredible find! Congrats!

You've got to be kidding me - what an unbelievable find! This should have been banner within 5 minutes of being posted!

You've got to be kidding me - what an unbelievable find! This should have been banner within 5 minutes of being posted!

I've noticed we have to be patient these days. They seem to wait awhile & do 2-3 together, or at least it looks that way.

Great banner find there that's what detecting is all about there my friends!

How many banner votes in total are needed to go to the top 5,10,100 or is that classified

AWESOME, Congrats on the gold and the other saves. BANNER vote

FYI -for any interested on why there aren't many colonial golds found and we seem to do okay in the colonial silver dept.
barrels of Spanish silver were sent here to be used as everyday coinage - gold was not
most gold came in the pockets of settlers of commuters from other countries
silver was found in the early colonies & Canada - gold was not
if you wanted any thing made of gold over here - jewelry mostly - gold coins were used
and the probably has been more colonial gold jewelry found than the coins
side note(it is said that some of the first US coins were made from silver ware donated by Martha Washington - to make the dimse)

Crusader, thanks on the button info,,, I have a couple jars of early dug bottons but have never really gotten into them as far as types and ages. I'll be back in the coin yielding field this week and post anything worthy,,, thanks again !!

Casper, thanks for the gold/silver history,,, I have to say I love pulling early silver and often think of gold . This is my first gold of this period and from reading the responses and info provided I'm realizing how few there may be out there ??
Sadly, I'm also realizing in past hunts over the years I may have chosen to not dig a few targets with very simular VDI readings ?? I may be back in some past hunted fields with a dig all approach! !

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That's the once in a lifetime find.
Congrats on a great dig.

WOW! Great stuff! With a gold coin, few are going to comment on the button, but I will. It's a William Henry Harrison Campaign Button from the 1840 election. Do some searching along those lines and I bet you'll be able to match the backmark and design. They're great buttons to find, not at all common.



Incredible coin. Your button might be a Harrison campaign button. Great digs.

Those are some great finds. We were happy with the large coppers we had found while there. Might have to make a return trip.....Excellent saves!!!

Casper, thanks for the gold/silver history,,, I have to say I love pulling early silver and often think of gold . This is my first gold of this period and from reading the responses and info provided I'm realizing how few there may be out there ??
Sadly, I'm also realizing in past hunts over the years I may have chosen to not dig a few targets with very simular VDI readings ?? I may be back in some past hunted fields with a dig all approach! !
My VDIs are different on my land machine - but I try and dig it all whether land or sea - continued good luck :thumbsup:

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