🥇 BANNER 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!


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Mar 13, 2008
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Pittsfield Ma.
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1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Went exploring for new spots on Sunday with my brother-in law, DigginitRTB. You would never know this place was there, only 20-30 yds. off the main trail we walk on. We found a stone wall running approx. 100 yds. long along the side of the main trail and thought it was part of a close by foundation. Thought we would check it out anyway and Rich said he thought he found what was a cellar hole. Called me over and sure enough it was. Found a nice button, a trigger guard to an old musket, and this King George III 1783 copper. Couple things are different on this one. The "S" in GEORGIVS is backwards,(almost looks like a "2"), the 3 in the date is slightly seperated from the rest of the date, and the dot after "REX" is below the bust. The shirt or breast of King George is also different from the dies I've looked at. More or less looks like a series of 6 crescent moons. sorry the scans don't look that good but there is alot of detail left on this coin. Also, the back shield is tipped more than the other die varieties I've looked at. :icon_scratch: Can someone help with ID on this one? :icon_study: Thanks HOGGE Saw 2 other posts from Sunday with King George coppers. Musta been the day for these! UPDATE: In recent days this coin has been positively ID'd as a CFT 25-83A one of ONLY 3,(mine being the third), known to exist. I would first like to thank Iron Patch, and Don in SJ, for without their time and help this would NOT have been possible.This site is AWESOME! And would also like to acknowledge the help of PBK and Jeff of PA with the help on my British Belt Tip. Through Don's knowledge and contacts in the Colonial Collectors world, a DEFINITE, POSITIVE, ID on this coin was possible. Byron Weston of PSU, and Gary Trudgen of "The Colonial Coin Collectors Club" have ID'd this coin and want to do a write up for the C4 Newsletter and Colonial Newsletter on this discovery. I WILL be attending the C4 Convention in Boston the week of Nov. 14-17 with the Ryder 7 Vermont, the British Cartridge Box Belt Tip, the 25-83A, and other CFT coppers found this yr. Tony Carlotto will be contacted to take some better pics and do weight and measurements for them for the newsletter. From what these guys are telling me, over the past couple of days with numerous EMails, the example I have is in better condition than the second known example. They want to compare weight, diameter, and die rotation to the other examples. This whole run of LUCK I've had in the last month has been like a dream. There are several people these guys want me to see, and talk to when I attend the C4. I can't wait! THIS COIN IS IN BETTER CONDITION THAN THE SCAN SHOWS! I HATE MY SCANNER! Anyways, Good Luck to all, and many Thanks to ALL who helped me!


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Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

Don in SJ said:
For those of us who really know, your coin is a top notch find and is one of the top finds of the year, despite the ignorance of the vast majority. That is one reason I did not push another coin for banner that most likely will exceed your Ringo coin in value, and it was found and posted in the same time frame. (IP knows which one I am talking about)

The values posted by those who find jewelry is not what the piece will fetch selling it outright or even at auction and yet, because it is pretty, the comments abound. The history of our older coins is priceless and the fact that some, despite not being the prettiest coin in the world makes finding them all the more great. There are not too many ground found coppers that can demand such amounts, since corrosion is almost always present to some degree, but when rarity is there, and I mean true rarity, not supply and demand rarity like a 1916D Mercury Dime (264 thousand minted) then the praise should be given for such finds.

I have a colonial I found earlier last year that even most of the colonial collectors missed for what it was, and now it is going to be in a CNL article along with the few others known to exist(1 or 3 or more), so those coins are out there and posting on forums like this will expose them to the world which is good. Who knows how many rare old coppers are sitting in someone's finds pile for those who never really clean them off enough to look at closely. Many rare coins are out there and are being found each month by detectorists so always check your finds carefully...

As far as the lack of interest on this find, sometimes a key word in the initial title is important, sometimes the photographs have to be just right and sometimes I have not a clue why some posts get zillions of hits and others that seem to me more of substance get almost ignored.
But, as long as we know a few who do reply that know what they are talking about, well, that is what really matters, not a couple dozen , "great coin" replies from just about anybody..........


Well said. :)

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

I think this coin is totally awesome,to find something of only having 3 known and you digging one of them is just extreme.This is a best of the best.

Congrats,Nova Treasure

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
Iron Patch said:
I can't believe the lack of interest in this find! A couple gold rings and the replies fly yet a coin potentially worth thousands not only doesn't make it on the banner, but few people even seem to care! :D (is it because it's not pretty and shiny?????) I bet that would change a little had they dug it. :wink: :thumbsup: Definitely one of the top finds on the T-net this year, maybe the best.

If it is IRON PATCH Certified ... It is as good as GOLD ... :thumbsup: (or maybe Iron) ;D ... LOL


~ Nick ~
I have held this coin in my own hand!!
And yes it is BEYOND BANNER for sure!!!!!
Congrats again Hogge :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

P.S. Some people just don't get it :icon_scratch:

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

WOW!! :o :o i musta been sleeping to miss this post! thats the find of a lifetime! congrats!!

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

hogge said:
Iron Patch sent me the second example from a Stacks auction in January 08 which sold for $10,900+ realized. With buyers premium around $12,000. This particular one was, in fact, a ground found piece. The example I have, is clearly, a better example, and possibly, the best example known of the 3 to exist. I haven't, as of yet, seen the other piece. Tell me what you all think. Hogge
its in very good shape for that old of a coin.

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

dunno how i missed seeing this one :icon_scratch:perhaps it was before i got here...i think anything that rare and valuable should have gotten Banner right out of the gate......did you post it with the above title ...perhaps you didn't have an "eye catching" title and folks just passed it by...was it posted under "today's finds"....if it was posted under "coins" it may not have reached everyone as not all members read the "coins " forum....why can't we vote on it now....it truly needs to be on the Banner :thumbsup:

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

Awesome find ! It's things like this post that get's me out there in the freezing cold choppin ice for a pouch full of trash,cuz ya never know ! :thumbsup:

Re: 1783 Ringo 25-83A * 1 of 3 Known. Possibly "The Finest" example

Well, after some of the previous comments here, I can't NOT post ;D
Having read the details of this find, from the knowledgeable members here, I can't understand why this isn't on the Banner - I will be nominating it as soon as I finish typing this.
However, I can understand that members, like myself, can be reluctant to post a message on an item or a subject about which they have no, or little knowledge.
Also, in the case of this coin it is very difficult to make out any detail and we do love our pics here, so a depiction of what the coin actually once looked like, I am sure will have excited more attention.
It certainly has to be the find of a lifetime.
Magnificent find hogge :notworthy: :headbang: :occasion18: :hello2:


25-83A Going to "Stacks Americana Auction" on January 15-16 2009

Attended the C4 Convention in Boston today with my brother in law, Rich. Met alot of great people, had a couple of attractive offers, but we both decided to consign to Stacks for their Americana Auction in January. Conversations with Mr. Mcawley and Mr. Grellman, Richard August, David Palmer, Tony Carlotto, Syd Martin-(current owner of "The Ringo" 25-83A"), Ray Williams, "Copper Clem", and several others, helped us in our decision. We both liked what Frank Van Valen from Stacks had to say, and after talking to the others, decided to go this route. Some photos were taken of our discovery by a Mr. Howe of the C4 team and hopefully will be published in the newsletter. There was quite a bit of interest in our coin, as you can imagine. Everyone we met were helpful, courteous, and very friendly. A tremendous experience, with every type of coin you can imagine. Another very young man with quite a few of Mike Ringos' coins in his case said, "You'll see my paddle go up on that one!" Now that alot of collectors know it's out there we'll just have to see what it will bring. Good Luck to ALL and HH ! Hogge


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Re: 25-83A Going to "Stacks Americana Auction" on January 15-16 2009

congrats once again Hogge hope it brings record biddings!

Re: 25-83A Going to "Stacks Americana Auction" on January 15-16 2009

I don't think I could sell it but good luck.

Re: 25-83A Going to "Stacks Americana Auction" on January 15-16 2009

How is this coin not on the BANNER?

Re: 25-83A Going to "Stacks Americana Auction" on January 15-16 2009

Nice Coin
was this a recent find of Yours ?

Where is the Story of the Find ?

where, when, etc ?


Re: Update: PICS 1783 Ringo 25-83A "Stacks Americana Auction" Jan.15-16 2009

Now it's up to Stacks Auctions and whomever wants it the most! :thumbsup:

Re: Update: PICS 1783 Ringo 25-83A "Stacks Americana Auction" Jan.15-16 2009

I say we CLEAR THE BANNER to make room and put this up there 8 times.

But if that's a little too over the top than how about, just maybe... ONCE!!!! ;D

...and we do accept your apology for overlooking it the first three times. :D :D :D

(looks like I've seen my first and last banner find) :-X

Yeah, lots of coffee. :coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup:

Re: Update: PICS 1783 Ringo 25-83A "Stacks Americana Auction" Jan.15-16 2009

Iron Patch said:
I say we CLEAR THE BANNER to make room and put this up there 8 times.

But if that's a little too over the top than how about, just maybe... ONCE!!!! ;D

...and we do accept your apology for overlooking it the first three times. :D :D :D

(looks like I've seen my first and last banner find) :-X

Yeah, lots of coffee. :coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup:

Agreed!!! Banner for sure!

Re: Update: 25-83A going to "Stacks Americana Auction" Jan.15-16 2009

Maybe the mods are waiting for the coin to be hammered down at TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS before they put it up top.

Re: Update: 25-83A going to "Stacks Americana Auction" Jan.15-16 2009

Wow, that is a gorgious coin - congrats!!! I hope you get max money for it, congrats again!!!

It should of been up on the banner a long time ago!!!! >:(

Re: 25-83A Going to "Stacks Americana Auction" on January 15-16 2009

jeff of pa said:
Nice Coin
was this a recent find of Yours ?

Where is the Story of the Find ?

where, when, etc ?

I know several who have stated on the original and followup posts that it is a banner find, I know I have also, besides clicking the nominated for banner button with reason why, this coin might easily eclipse the half disme that was posted here for value, depending how the auction goes.


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Congrat's on an Awesome Coin Hogge and another Banner Find!!! :thumbsup: Best Of Luck at the Auction as well.....Beautiful Dig!!

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