🥇 BANNER 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!


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1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Went exploring for new spots on Sunday with my brother-in law, DigginitRTB. You would never know this place was there, only 20-30 yds. off the main trail we walk on. We found a stone wall running approx. 100 yds. long along the side of the main trail and thought it was part of a close by foundation. Thought we would check it out anyway and Rich said he thought he found what was a cellar hole. Called me over and sure enough it was. Found a nice button, a trigger guard to an old musket, and this King George III 1783 copper. Couple things are different on this one. The "S" in GEORGIVS is backwards,(almost looks like a "2"), the 3 in the date is slightly seperated from the rest of the date, and the dot after "REX" is below the bust. The shirt or breast of King George is also different from the dies I've looked at. More or less looks like a series of 6 crescent moons. sorry the scans don't look that good but there is alot of detail left on this coin. Also, the back shield is tipped more than the other die varieties I've looked at. :icon_scratch: Can someone help with ID on this one? :icon_study: Thanks HOGGE Saw 2 other posts from Sunday with King George coppers. Musta been the day for these! UPDATE: In recent days this coin has been positively ID'd as a CFT 25-83A one of ONLY 3,(mine being the third), known to exist. I would first like to thank Iron Patch, and Don in SJ, for without their time and help this would NOT have been possible.This site is AWESOME! And would also like to acknowledge the help of PBK and Jeff of PA with the help on my British Belt Tip. Through Don's knowledge and contacts in the Colonial Collectors world, a DEFINITE, POSITIVE, ID on this coin was possible. Byron Weston of PSU, and Gary Trudgen of "The Colonial Coin Collectors Club" have ID'd this coin and want to do a write up for the C4 Newsletter and Colonial Newsletter on this discovery. I WILL be attending the C4 Convention in Boston the week of Nov. 14-17 with the Ryder 7 Vermont, the British Cartridge Box Belt Tip, the 25-83A, and other CFT coppers found this yr. Tony Carlotto will be contacted to take some better pics and do weight and measurements for them for the newsletter. From what these guys are telling me, over the past couple of days with numerous EMails, the example I have is in better condition than the second known example. They want to compare weight, diameter, and die rotation to the other examples. This whole run of LUCK I've had in the last month has been like a dream. There are several people these guys want me to see, and talk to when I attend the C4. I can't wait! THIS COIN IS IN BETTER CONDITION THAN THE SCAN SHOWS! I HATE MY SCANNER! Anyways, Good Luck to all, and many Thanks to ALL who helped me!


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Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

hogge said:
creeper71 said:
N.J.THer said:
I hope it breaks records....Good luck.

I second that.. hope it goes into the hundred thousands
Hey guys, I'll settle for , and be happy with, $8,000

For sure.

If condition is looked at as equal there's still two things to remember.

A third coin is not as rare as the second.

You need two very high bidders to get a very high price.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
hogge said:
creeper71 said:
N.J.THer said:
I hope it breaks records....Good luck.

I second that.. hope it goes into the hundred thousands
Hey guys, I'll settle for , and be happy with, $8,000

Yep I'd be Doin' the Suave ... ;D
Go Hoggie! :blob10:.....Go Hoggie!!! :blob10:.....It's my birthday!!!! :blob10:......It's my birthday!!!!!! :blob1: :occasion18: :headbang: :wav: :smileinbox: :occasion13: Best SUAVE" I can think of right now! Maybe think of somethin' special after the auction.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Iron Patch said:
hogge said:
creeper71 said:
N.J.THer said:
I hope it breaks records....Good luck.

I second that.. hope it goes into the hundred thousands
Hey guys, I'll settle for , and be happy with, $8,000

For sure.

If condition is looked at as equal there's still two things to remember.

A third coin is not as rare as the second.

You need two very high bidders to get a very high price.
One thing that was also mentioned was... The "Ringo" 25-83A was Mike's coin. And there was also some sentimental value there. I got to meet Mike 4 yrs. ago at the C4 when we went with another coin. He shared a table with Dan Freidus whom I saw it this yrs. C4. He remembered me from the other coin we brought. We have to be realistic, but ya never know! The offers I received while there, weren't too far off from what we are shooting for. Some new collector or someone that sees the coin as being a cornerstone of his own collection may want it. This is why we are hoping for a bidding war. It's a chance but from what we saw and heard in the room, there was alot of excitement. A once unattainable coin for some is now available to someone who wants one. In my own gut, In my lifetime, there will probably be either none, or maybe 1 more found. But someone may find a pouch full tomarrow. This is another reason we decided to sell right away. Nice point brought up by IP. The obverse of ours is, hands down better. Our reverse is not, but our date and shield are eye catching and complete as you examine it in your hands. These points will be made in the Auction description. Mike's coin, even though a ground find, has some pitting but overall both surfaces are smooth. Weighing apples to apples as to overall condition, not being bias, I think our coin has an edge. Will it bring more $$$$? I am hopeful, but seriously doubt it.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

The decision to sell now is a wise one, the probability of another one or two being found is now greater than it was years ago. Why? Because of us metal detectorists!

The reason you stated is the reason I decided to sell a few of my relics years ago, especially the one button (USTE) which was and still is the only known one to exist. I feared a coat full of them would be found before I sold mine, then the price would have soared, the wrong direction. :'(

The Batty 3826B 1784(assumed date) KGIII I found over a year ago, was only the second known at the time, now I believe there are now possibly 4 known. :( I have seen a photo of one of the new ones and it is in rather bad shape, worst than mine so that is good. :)


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Sorry but my limited knowledge doesn't allow me to say much about your coin. I do think it is very cool from a historical standpoint and I think you have done what many of us hope to do some day and that is to find something truly historic in nature. The fact that your find has a high monetary value as well is also totally cool.

I do not think I will EVER find a Colonial Copper in the state of Missouri. I can hope for it, but I don't see it happening.

This find is truly an outstanding find and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing it with us and I am glad it made the banner. :thumbsup:

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Congrats on a lifetime find, let us know how it goes at the auction.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Holy #@%$#@#%&%^$#
Unbelievable and so fine, and let me say this, that is one nice hunk of COPPER!!!!!! (red metal)
and yes, everyone on this site can be extremely helpful, encouraging, and at the same time a friend. (Camaraderie at its highest)
Congrats on a stupendous piece of history and Banner( laughed at some of the humor provided. Nick is to much lol)
Rebel Man

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

I may have missed this information but is there a date for the auction and will there be a website link that we can watch how the coin is doing? I hope you make a small mint.


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

N.J.THer said:
I may have missed this information but is there a date for the auction and will there be a website link that we can watch how the coin is doing? I hope you make a small mint.

Auction Date is Jan. 15-16 2009. I know you can get results after they are posted on the Stacks Website. That's about all I know. Hogge

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Sorry to burst in lke this but I did a search and led me here...

I may have one of these 1783 Brit Penny's (or half pennys). I have it in front of me.. it's worn as is expected for a 225 year old copper coin. I've had it since i was little and I remember the coin dealer in a small local town telling me it was a 1783 and he offered 8 bux. I declined. I did see the date with a powered viewer once but it's almost impossible with the naked eye. Any suggestions on how to have it professionally appraised? I'n no expert at all but this one I have looks like a real 'minted' one and not a counterfeit based on the steady edge.

I attached pics I made with my scanner. Lousy scanner too


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Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Dear Detecting Santa,

I've been a good digger all year. I only used bad words three times. Two times were when I got hurt, and the other time was when I didn't find the button. I really don't care if you bring anyone else good stuff just please leave that old crusty 1783 reverse S halfpenny in my stocking.

I. Patch

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

slamminmofo said:
Sorry to burst in lke this but I did a search and led me here...

I may have one of these 1783 Brit Penny's (or half pennys). I have it in front of me.. it's worn as is expected for a 225 year old copper coin. I've had it since i was little and I remember the coin dealer in a small local town telling me it was a 1783 and he offered 8 bux. I declined. I did see the date with a powered viewer once but it's almost impossible with the naked eye. Any suggestions on how to have it professionally appraised? I'n no expert at all but this one I have looks like a real 'minted' one and not a counterfeit based on the steady edge.

I attached pics I made with my scanner. Lousy scanner too

It's definitely a George III halfpenny, either 1806 or 1807, the only years made that way.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Thanks for pushing this post back to the top! Hogge! :thumbsup: ;D

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

No problem SHERM :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Iron Patch said:
Dear Detecting Santa,

I've been a good digger all year. I only used bad words three times. Two times were when I got hurt, and the other time was when I didn't find the button. I really don't care if you bring anyone else good stuff just please leave that old crusty 1783 reverse S halfpenny in my stocking.

I. Patch
You had some excellent finds this year. Are you going to sell the Loyalist Button? That thing is awesome my friend. If it was for sale, what do you think it would bring? Hoping to get the Stacks Americana Sale catalog this week. Do you think I should post the pic and description on T-Net when I get it?

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

CONGRATS and wow :o definitly one of the top banner finds though all are very nice

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

I'm a little confused by the post......Is it a counterfeit or a genuine coin?

In either case, great find!

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