🥇 BANNER 1732 8 reale pillar dollar from the 1733 fleet !!

Blak bart

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Jun 6, 2016
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This piece was stuck to some rusted iron conglomerate but rang in at 31 on the nox. I was blown away when I saw the date of 1732 !! The absolute holy grail of milled 8 reales....the very first ones 1732 !! Very very very hard to come by.20200614_111354.webp I've been trying to find one of these for a long time and searching for them is one of my favorite past times.....if you look at my avatar you'll see a mint condition 1733 pillar dollar....another very rare and desirable year for these coins !! These coins were salvaged from the wrecks of the 1733 plate fleet disaster here in the keys. They were brought ashore to the survivor camps in the spanish salvage effort. This one was in about knee deep water with other olive jar shards rusted iron and even some shipwreck wood !!20200614_145307.webp I'm going slow with 10 foil boiling water and baking soda. Sadly this coin is badly beaten but surprisingly theres enough detail to see the date.....Unbelievable !!20200614_111749.webp20200614_163624.webp20200614_163648.webp
It started about 3 weeks ago with a cobb 8 that I got in a large clump of spikes and other rusted conglomerate the coin was in super rough condition and I had no idea it was in side this clump until I broke it apart a few days later. I had no machine at the time and it was pure luck.....but I swore to go back as soon as I got the Eqx back from warranty !! Man did this spot not disappoint !! Olive jar shards iron conglomerate and even some small ballast stone !!20200614_171632.webp20200614_171716.webp20200614_171830.webp
All the stuff in this pic came from the last few hunts.... the spanish stuff comes from one spot and the rest comes from a beach side wreckers camp from the mid 1800 -1920. I love seeing the sail grommets.....when I find them in large numbers it usually means a survivors camp from some wreck or another !! Check out this killer buckle I found yesterday too....its cloisonne and might have been a double buckle....not sure of age on that but I love it.....any other time that would have been my find of the day !!20200613_195513.webp20200613_195453.webp
Heres some shipwreck wood and a beautiful piece of pottery with a whole island scene on it20200614_171604.webp
I cant believe I got a 1732 pillar dollar.....never thought I'd scratch it off the bucket list !!
Good luck and happy hunting folks !!! WOOOO HOOO !!


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Upvote 0
A banner vote for sure! That's worthy of a banner if ever I saw one. Terrific find. Congratulations Blak Bart. Stay the course, there's more out there. :occasion14:
Thank you colonelDan....its taken me 4-5 years to find my second pillar dollar. The first was my avatar and it's a 1733 !! You are right though...theres more out there !! Good luck dan and I hope to see more from the Seminole war lake spot !! Incredible history your recovering there !!

Well I see you started a thread for this one... I was wondering if you were gonna or not.... glad ya did...

Not everyone on TreasureNet is hip to posts in the Random Chat Thread first.... and this needed some attention outside the RCT...


Is as I stated there... worthy of a banner :)

Thank you ARC....You know that everyone over there on the RCT ship is like family to me and I enjoy Sharing with you guys and just chit chatting a whole lot...you guys have had my back and supported me since I got to T-NET...thanks my friend I really appreciate it !!

Makes sense, keys beaches are not your typical sandy beach

Steve that's another big factor....I love those ugly rocky shore lines. I tend to avoid the deep sand and grass beds and hunt over shallow sand and rock with fans and soft corals....at least I can recover something in this bottom quickly without having to dig 2 feet for deep beer cans. Recovery times are quicker and I can cover more bottom. So I'm religous with the sat imaging....always searching for changing bottom conditions. When the bottom changes over a couple months and we go from deep sand and grass to the scrubby hard pan bottom I'm all over it. The sand shifts seasonally and can cover good spots in a short time with 2-3 feet of new sand just as quick as it uncovers. I need a storm...just not a cat 4 + !! Steve I want to come up and sift for the emeralds soon. I'll PM you when I come up !!

BB, thanks for the link.
Great read on Key West History.
Read near every paper.
IK 1733 Fleet Wreck

Im glad to see you found that Banner I would need a bag of diapers if I found something that awesome Great job hopoe you find many more. The piece with the Island design is banner also......Tommy

Thank you ARC....You know that everyone over there on the RCT ship is like family to me and I enjoy Sharing with you guys and just chit chatting a whole lot...you guys have had my back and supported me since I got to T-NET...thanks my friend I really appreciate it !!

The Random Chat Thread was made for "chit"... and some "chatting".

Np Tnet brotheren... anytime.

BB, thanks for the link.
Great read on Key West History.
Read near every paper.
IK 1733 Fleet Wreck

Deep1... thank you my friend for pointing out that link !! This story gets overshadowed by all the attention on the treasure coast with the 1715 fleet..... but the 1733 fleet disaster is just as incredible !! Then theres the first part of the story with the history of modern treasure salvage and art McKee !! It all began down here in my backyard....the keys. Give it a read folks it's good stuff !! Happy hunting Deep1 !!

Im glad to see you found that Banner I would need a bag of diapers if I found something that awesome Great job hopoe you find many more. The piece with the Island design is banner also......Tommy

Thank you tommy...its freakin incredible man !! And ya I love that piece of pottery....still trying to figure it out .... might be a piece of wedgewood with some far east scene ?? There is alot to compare to and so far no exact matches. Could be a child's teapot...its small.20200603_074805.webp20200404_204021.webp delft? Spode? Wedgewood? I don't know so it's hard for me to date !! Happy hunting tommy !!

Way to go, BB! Glad you are ticking off your bucket list items.
Only in florida...Florida son !! Gotta luv it !! Thank you sir and happy hunting !!

That is looking very nice Bart :notworthy:
All the items you found on that hunt are winners. :icon_thumright:

I bet Irma is feeling neglected :tongue3:

Thanks simon....so we have a "OM" mint mark wich is mexico...and a "F" assayer mark Wich is "Felipe Reyes de angleo"....the assayer at the mint when this coin was minted.20200617_090924.webp20200617_091109.webp
I might have spelled the assayer name wrong...I'll check.

Those finds are incredible, that coin is Bannerific!!!! Congrats!

Yes BANNER! Those are wonderful finds. (And I thought I had a good find in a 1942 Coke bottle found while lobstering!) Keep going Blak Bart. We are living large through your finds right now.

Awesome recovery Bart! I'll vote banner for sure! Congrats!

Wow! What a treasure hunt you are on! It would be hard to pull me away from that spot. Great job and big congratulations. Keep sharing please.

Those finds are incredible, that coin is Bannerific!!!! Congrats!

Thanks scooper dave....I've had a great start to 2020....crossing my fingers for the rest of the year !! Good luck and happy hunting !!

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