Piece of Bahamian 8!! Pirate pillar dollar !!

Blak bart

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Jun 6, 2016
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Huh...where to start ?
Ok...here we go. ....I work on a fishing boat, and every year we go to the Bahamas blue marlin fishing....I travel all over the islands as a fishing mate on a beautiful 55 foot sport fish !! So when im not fishing im swinging the detector on some of the most remote beaches on the planet. So much maritime history has been ground up on the rocky shorelines, and deserted beaches that it blows ones mind. This year I got out about 6-8 times on 2 separate islands....I have great permissions here and grew up part time in the bahamas, and part time in the fl.keys, so know some history and have a few spots worked out pretty good. This year was no different and I managed a badly beaten but still cool 8 reale....I believe it's a pillars and globes, Mexican mint ?76?....1766...was my guess. There was also a beautiful floral pattern gold gilt button, and an awsome commerative medal from the "British empire exhibition" 1924....a real gem of a collector piece ! Some of these finds come from a shipwreck camp, and stories of a solid gold baby spoon being found spured me to search for it....there was a nice chamber stick candle holder at the site, and I think I'm in the right spot !! A plated spoon, hinges of different types, black glass rum and onion bottle parts, a silver cameo ring, small cuff button with stone, British/bahamian copper pennies and half pennies, ships spikes, and lead sheathing with bronze nails, etc.etc.etc!! Let me post some pics, and I'll try and edit some there's alot to show and tell !! And the fishing was great too !! Wooo hooo !!

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Empire_Exhibition fascinating reading !!

Rough shape, but cool as sh.t !! 176? Something spanish pillars and globes 8 reale, piece of eight, pillar dollar, etc.etc.etc
My pirate pillar dollar.....no reasonable explanation as to why, and how these coins got on this remote bahamian beach !!

Pirate captains gold gilt jacket button !!

Cuff button with paste stone...pirate button 🤣😂☠️

Chamber stick, decorative hinge,lead sheathing with copper nails still intact, spike.
I'll post more pics on the next post.

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Yeah, get a bezel made for it so you don't have to drill it.

Ya you guys are right....I was tempted, but it would be nicer with a bezel....I've mounted plenty before so I know how to get it done. I think I have someone who will do it for free....I gave her a treasure coin to mount for free.....so she owes me !!

WTG! Bart. Another addition to the collection, even though it has seen a many storm.
Cool buttons the one with the stone is really a nice one, different for sure.

@FLORIDA KEYS PIRATE what's been shakin bro !! Your back.....was wondering what's been happening with you.....I had some great bahama trips !! Hoping to do some serious hunting....my friend finally got his permits in February!!

WTG! Bart. Another addition to the collection, even though it has seen a many storm.
Cool buttons the one with the stone is really a nice one, different for sure.
Thanks pepper she's beat up, but comes from the same cache as my gold Portuguese avatar coin. I'm figuring 10 feet or less.....its been an incredible cache of coins wit cut pieces, Portuguese gold, spanish pillardollars, and spanish portrait coins !! These caches on beaches with high surf yield there coins slowly, but steadily......the easy coins that lay flat are picked up or buried deep. The coins that are under light sand are trapped in beach rock, and tummbeld into holes and crevices.....extraction took 10+minutes, and several different tools including a Hatchet to break rock, and fracture stones. After a few blows the soft beach rock can start to be removed. The surf packs the stones on top of the coins in cracks and crevices and the signals are faint if the coins are on edge.....many coins remain and are on edge !!

As usual!
That exactly what my bahamian treasurehunting friends said !! Just trying to impress my way onto there boat.....will treasure hunt for a bunk rack and meals !! Only the third group I know who got permits. Finally my friends have an active permit.....it took 2 years !!

Thanks pepper she's beat up, but comes from the same cache as my gold Portuguese avatar coin. I'm figuring 10 feet or less.....its been an incredible cache of coins wit cut pieces, Portuguese gold, spanish pillardollars, and spanish portrait coins !! These caches on beaches with high surf yield there coins slowly, but steadily......the easy coins that lay flat are picked up or buried deep. The coins that are under light sand are trapped in beach rock, and tummbeld into holes and crevices.....extraction took 10+minutes, and several different tools including a Hatchet to break rock, and fracture stones. After a few blows the soft beach rock can start to be removed. The surf packs the stones on top of the coins in cracks and crevices and the signals are faint if the coins are on edge.....many coins remain and are on edge !!
I often dream of winning a power ball like lottery.
Then I'd build/buy a sorting plant, excavator and just sit at the sorting table end, and play with what is screened out.
I have often been on sites so iron infested that it would do it justice to sift them out.

It's just easier for me to show video from insta gram than it is for me to make a YouTube video.....if your uncomfortable with viewing video like that I understand. But it's a good video with the stones playing !!

Well !!....it ain't all fishing for me, and I bring the metaldetector with me everywhere!! I had some great adventures in the islands, and had great finds everywhere I went. As the treasure cleans up and comes together I'll make some post with details about some very interesting finds !! Here's a look at some of the finds !! Spanish silver 8 reale, gold gilt floral patt. Jacket button, silver cameo ring, west indies Atlantic group commerative medal,pirate onion and rum bottle bottoms, shipwreck spikes and lead lining, etc.etc.etc.....more to come....it was short but sweet treasurehunting in the bahamas.
#spanishtreasure #treasurecoins
#treasurehunter #8reales #pillardollar #piratetreasure #equinox700 #beachlife #beachcombing #metaldetectingfinds #metaldetecting #minelab #buriedtreasure

I clicked on it and the got the brief Instagram logo by META then a blank screen.

I guess it didn't work...oh well.

This commerative medal was a neat find, and dates to 1924.....I found a survivors camp site, or possibly a sailors camp ashore. Everything dates to 1925 as the oldest datable objects. A gold baby spoon wascfound close buy, and im sure this spot has been redidiscoverd now. I shall return here for sure. This medal dates to the British empire exhibition, and I think this was similar to our worlds fair for comparison!! It only went on for a few months a year in 1924, and 1925 !! There were permanent buildings built that represented britans holdings across the world.....from Bombay, to the bahamas as is represented on this medal 🏅.
The fine script on the banner is the official motto of the Bahamas 🇧🇸
For me this is a home run piece.....purley bahamian, with the expelled pirate motto, and only made for a few months in 1924, and 25.....this is a copper coin, and in 1925 it was aluminum. Wembley stadium was built for this British empire exhibition!!

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