Arizona Ed said:
To all of you that has spent time and money looking and researching
the 17 tons of gold...I wood like to see all the research and all the information put in one package for someone to try find it.
it should be shared to all that has spent time and money looking.
at 75 years young i am to dam old to do much looking.
let some of the younger bucks spend there time.....I will be glad to
show some one of the area where we found the airplane and other signs.
I will be in that area in mid september..
I would like to here from Mike (Goulln) to see what he thinks
Hey Ed,
I think your idea would be stupendous! There is only one problem..................the people who would be involved.
See, I tried that same line of thinking regarding the Virgen de Guadalupe Mine at Tumacacori. 150,000 cubic feet of mine tailings don't lie. Between all the people who have spent all those years researching that place, a couple of you post here, but most of you just lurk

(and you know who you are!)

Just like Peerless says, some of those old THers would rather go to their graves than let on everything they know.
EVEN if you could get everybody in agreement, I'll bet dollars to donuts that the folks with REAL information, would only let out enough to get answers they don't have yet. I doubt seriously that you could ever get EVERYBODY who has spent any appreciable time researching ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH ANY TREASURE to completely open up. It's a sad fact, but a true fact!
A lot of what can be classed as believable in a story, may depend where you here it from. Take for example the Victorio Peak Story. Read this version of the story first:
That is the government's official story as to what happened regarding the Victorio Peak Treasure Story. When you read that story, did ytou see any annotations? Any documented references? No. What you read (especially regarding Doc Noss) were "stories" about him that weren't sourced or referenced in any way that could be checked for veracity.
Now, read this version of the same story:
As soon as I saw the name of the magazine, I shuddered. SCIENTOLOGY! OMG! I almost didn't read it. I decided that I would read it any way, as there is a marked lack of any REAL stories regarding that treasure. The more I read, the more I realized, that although the owner of the magazine puts me off, that doesn't negate the story. It did contain a lot of the things I look for in an Investigative Story. It has names. It has references. The reporter actually went and lived in the area for (I think it was) nine months while researching it. Talking to the locals who knew the Noss Family, and also getting the stories straight from the horse's mouth (so to speak).
As much as I dislike Scientology, I have to give the story more weight than the Government Version.
Just because it hasn't been recovered yet, IN NO WAY means that it doesn't exist. I think, most historians and archaeologists made your same statement to Heinrich Schleimann, when he told them he thought Troy was a real place, and not Greek Fable.