17 Tons of gold in New Mexico

What I am about to delieniate, is not the Mexican Gold
However, it is a story about the area.

I am in contact with a man, who went to high school with a guy,,,,

Who found a cave in HART CANYON.

They Guy removed a Gold Mask, and a sandel.

The feds found out, wanted the mask, asked if anything else came out,
and the Kid said he had a sandle,,,, the feds saw the sandle and went NUTS.

The Feds hassled the Guy so much that his parents sent him to college off in Florida, to ghet him away from the harrassment, the feds attempted to imtimadate him,,,, and it worked.

On an earlier trip into the canyon, in a nearby cave, the same kid and my buddy found large URNS, with Hyroglyphic type symbols and figures painted on them.

The key to whom it was that made these deposits is in the SANDLE.

As most already know, the indigenous of that area did not wear SANDLES,

But Hebrews and Phoenicians did wear them.


There is a REAL HEAT on within the federal government to keep that secret

from being parlayed into the Public Domain.

Some of you know of me, I am the son of a famous treasure hunter mentioned in Magazines, T.V., and books such as 100 tons of Gold.

Some may know of me through my post at other forums and sites on the Net.

Certainly, i have given information out concerning treasure, symbols, and locales that are factual, as well as inside information on Victorio Peak and other treasure sites.

In the 4 corners area, are sveral treasure deposits, from several different entities, such as Aztec, King Solomons Men, as well as the 17 tons.

Note, that there is a way to overlap varied colored lenses in a certain way, and you can read or as some may say, see, the vapors that mercury gives off, that is how some recoverys are made, every bar in that area, carries a certain amount of residual mercury in it, the vapors seep up out of the ground,

The overlapping of various lenses will allow for the viewer to see the vapors as one may see heat vapors on the highway during a heatwave.

This technology is on this Countrys Government ( Nasa) satillites.

Large deposits are now spotted from the big eye in the sky.

Even Oil Deposits.

Hart Canyon, is a key source of wealth

It has a Aztec Deposit ( more then one)

as well as a Ophir deposit, tapped by King Solomons men 3100 years ago.

You may note that I at various times give direct locales of sites

I am not a treasure hunter, I have myown treasure here where I am.

However, I do not believe in Greed, I do not support secrets, I share what I know, openly in a forum so all can read these.

Poeple who keep information to themselves, serve themselves

and thats fine for them

I, on the other hand, give what I know to help others.
thats the way I like life to be and so I do it.

Out of respect for the Finder of the two Hart Canyon caches, I believe it best that I give him and the others a chance to recover their find before I release exact locale on it.

At any rate, Hart Canyons deposits are NOT the Mexican Gold of 17 tons.


Rog how right you are on the sandal man,the way I heard it was he was out hiking and found the mask/sandal and yup it was from the middle east B.C. time(she told to, walk like an egyptian),the feds really harassed this poor kid and like you said he moved far far away.
As far as not sharing I tell what I know, and out of respect for others info I keep it to my self and thats how it should be,if the actual finders want to show and tell well I leave that up to them

Hi Mesa

Yeah, he's in Florida

actually, it was a professor that showed him the cave

The Sandle was indeed one of the men of King Solomon

If you have reviewed other post of mine, then you are already aware
of Ophir and the Gold stored here before King Solomons time.

I was taken to Victorio Peak as a child of 6 years, we watched from on high
back in 1961

Here is what we saw

The G.I.'s had a daisey chain , they were passing bars to each other
Up to a front end loader and tossing them into the bucket

the frontend loader was taking them down the paek and dropping them into DUMPTRUCKS.

The key word is dumptrucks

Only true witness's that were there at that time KNOW about the dumptrucks

People can make claims
but the true witness's KNOW about the dumptrucks where no-one else does.


Yup Rog I believe you,it's been proven that the Israelites,Phoenicians,and some folks from Ethiopia have been here way before any one else,but the powers that be do not want to rewrite the history books.


They tortured me back in 1999
I escaped from them, made it two blocks away to the federal building, where
the F.B.I. met me, arrested two of the kidnappers who tortured me
then let them go and helpped them to cover it up.

The kidnappers turned out to be MILITARY INTELIGENCE that a few years later
were busy torturing Iraqi prisoners

same Guys, and same female general involved in both fiascos.

I returned to the Organ Mountains
and found the cave where I removed a goldbar
with ancient Hebraic script and the strikemark of King Solomon on it.

Today the Contents are gone
the Cave is blown away along with other deposits they
tortured the Locale out of me for,
and they stay busy attempting to convince

everyone that has contact with me
that I am a lunatic.

Good old pledge of aliegence to ??????????????? WHAT????

I post on ANCIENT LOST TREASURE FORUM, under my real name of Roger Snow55

almost all of my post are now missing from there.

Makes me giggle to think the truth bothers TPTB so much to have to
attempt to stymie the truth.

My dad was Harvey Snow, the so called Tula Rosa mailman mentioned in
100 tons of gold

He hung out with Thayer Snipes and others
and spent 30 years finding treasure locations
in the southwest.

He showed me Aztec Pottery in the Organ Mountains

pointed out an Aztec deposit
I went to it
and sure enough
it's in there
another Victorio Peak like deposit.

Ther are 3 such deposits that I am aware of

Vicky is now gone of course
but the other two as far as I can see
have not been emptied.

I check on the sites from time to time while I am here
noteting whether or not if anyone has attempted to recover them

There is also the LUE site here on the west side of the Organ mountains

You can see the holes people have dug there

yet, they missed the deposits with
the exception of one of them.

The LUE map is 4 parts as most know
The LUE strikemark must first be found near the sites
for it is key to the geometric layout
for the deposits.

Until last month
I never released the LUE strikemark to anyone
so it has been kept secret for all these centuries.

One item on the LUE

the deposits are buried one ROD deep in most cases


In a double tiered deposit
one must dig down to the second layer
another 16'8"

As above,,,, So below. Is the Old Hermetic saying.

Noteing that these deposits are the creation
of the Esoterics, and keeping in mind
that they used Arcane Knowledge
and symbology, in the makeing of the deposits
helps in a persons research and recovery.

Knights Templar
Had such Knowledge
and One or two of the Grand Masters whom I am descended
down from
were here in the Organ Mountains and the surrounding mountains
seeking Ophir deposits such as Victorio Peak and others.

It is allo Geometry
it is all convoluted and complicated

without the key to unravel the elements used and involved.

The cave I removed the goldbar from was built by these Grand Masters of the Knights Templar

Inside was quite a sight

over 300 bars
most had the hebraic script
and a mass of ancient artefacts that dated to King Solomons Time.

Today, in Soledad Canyon of the Organ Mountains
You can still see the Hebrew and Phoenician Symbols Carved near deposits and mines.

Soledad is but one canyon where this is prevalent

From the flat on both the east and the west side of
the Organ Mountains
You can spot the Carvings made up on the bluffs easily.


Treasure Minder,

I would think that with all you have seen you must have some great photos of gold bars, markers, caches, etc.
that you would love to share...


Hey Rog I think I know you,did you ever know a Lloyd Chandler from my neck of the woods back in the early 80's that would be Prescott,Az?did you used to drive a VW van white,had a Carlsbad Cavern sort of sticker on it, as a matter of fact?maybe Carefree/Cavecreek,maybe before this time?
The Tula Rosa postman was your dad,HighRolls/Cloudcroft,thats where I remember now a couple of miles south of Monty's(the taxidermist amongst other things) place on the left side of the canyon?down below the trout farm ;)maybe Moore's Trading Post up the road a ways from Alamagordo!Now I got it ;)
Oh and about the Sandal Man never heard about it thru the internet was a written letter

Hi Bob and Mesa

Bob, every picture of goldbars and the rest of the Artefacts inside the cave
was stolen by federal agents in the late 80's
they did not wish for me to have evidence to my claim to
a treasure my anscestors had concealed for the following generations to retrieve.

Thus, no photos
Military Inteligence in co-operation with C.I.A. and F.B.I.
and a few other groups
tortured me and stole the goodies.


I have met many people, Lloyd Chandler may have been one of them
However, I almost never ask names , last names even less do I ask.

I drove VW bus's for many years
Owned many different colors

In 1996 thru 1998 I lived near Carefree hiway and 32nd street

Met many people
never knew their names
knew nothing about them

I guess I am not by nature a curious person, when it comes to peoples names and jobs or hobbies.

My Dad was Harvey Snow, until he was Murdered in 1987

I never knew him until 1982
with the exception of one visit he made when i was 5 years old.

His Grandfather: Chris Brooks, was a Grandmaster of the Knights Templar
out of Quitman Georgia, some think Knights of the Golden Circle

KGC is but a cover,,,, it never did exist
but gave a corrupt government a GHOST target to chase, as they are very active seeking the Knights Templar Treasure, as my current scars attest to.

In 1996, the VW bus I drove was a 1970 model, red, with a white top,
coated in Grateful Dead Stickers.

Mesa, remember the X-B.A.T.F. agent over in New River, that the feds took into custody and closed off his property?
They said he had dynamite, yeah he did, and was liscenced to have and use it.

Do you know what they were really after?

On his property, was a peak, a little conical peak
he was mining it.

Know what was there in that peak?
Give ya's a hint, it was of such a magnitude, that the feds ran him off
set up a parameter around his place
Armed Military patrols
Let out the word that they would shoot on sight anybody who attempted to enter the property.

The Goodies were of Ancient Manufacture

It was "NOT ALIEN" to this world.
Not in the sence that some think as.

The feds grabbed me from the 4 brothers gas station on carefree hiway and took me there and into the cave, where I saw what they were after.

They had a purpose in allowing me to witness this.

someday I'll release the why of that.

when folks are prepared to understand and believe the truth of it.

I mentioned that this country has the NASA technology to denote from satillites where specific substances are located beneath the surface.

Ever wonder what happend to all the LOOT Alexander the great collected
did he bury alot of it in modern day Iraq and Pakistan?

Ever wonder what the real reason for our Military to invade these two countries is?

What about Persia? ( Iran)

These are just some questions i illustrate


anyway, I just allude to some incidents I have very close knowledge of

I am not a fed agent

I am just a man that as a child,was born into a legacy
of Knights Templar/King Solomon linage.

Have had knowledge of secrets kept for Eons in time here, since a child

and that condition, caused this Government to
see a large RED TARGET on my back since
at least 4 years of age when they first heard that I was an inheiritor of the legacy.
as greed for gold always will draw targets.

But , all of that is unbelievable to most people outside the small
amount of people who know it.

and it makes it sound as though it is a brag.

Simply, I do not chase the legacy, and that alone should qwell any arguments about a brag, but never does.

When one speaks of mass deposits of gold hidden away
One can expect certain people to succumb to greed
and no matter their position in government or elsewhere
they will undertake to garnish that gold for themselves.and no matter the tactics
it takes for them to get it, they will use any trick in the book even MURDER of children.

Capt. Leonard Fiegie's problems began because of that stance taken by his superiors when he found gold at Victorio Peak
they attempted through MK Ultra brainwashing to
cause him to be committed to a Mental hospital.

The indigenous of the Black Hills, had the same problem
when the Government heard of gold there
they sent their Custer to kill inocent babies and women
in attempt to get the Indians to retaliate, therby breaking a treaty, and giving supposed just cause to wipe them off the face of the earth for the Black Hills Gold.

My own testimony, filled with truth, garnished from they're own TOP/SECRET DOCUMENTS.
along with my inhietence of Knights Templar treasure
should be testament enough.

yet,,,,,,,,, as those who have stolen the treasures over the years
would hope people to believe, it is all just B.S.
I Have taken strangers to sites, shown them the decoding of the symbols
prove the deposits were there
proved that some were removed

But,,,,,,,,, people will believe what they wish and "do",," or not do",, what they will.

I am not being rude in that, just have to tell it just as it is.

There is a long list of Ophir deposit sites that cover a wide range of landmass

One of the riches mines of Ophir is in the Sierra Nevada range

and the Motherlode for this has not been found in recent times.

Many peaks were used as deposit sites
some of which are the following
1. Victorio Peak
2. Picacho Peak ( both the one in las cruces NM, and the One in Arizona)
3. The peak I spoke of near New River Arizona
4. Capitan Mountain NM
5.Robledos NM
6. A peak, near the center of the Organ Mountains NM
7. 3 small peaks, on WhiteSands NM. just south on US 70, from Alamogordo.
8. Dog Canyon, and the second rincon south of the Mouth of Dog Canyon
9. Sacramento Mountains, White Peak
10. Salinas Peak, San Andres, whitesands NM.
11. Superstition Mountains Arizona, a Peak that stands out from all the rest
due to it's seemingly Man made appearence.
12, Bishops Cap and Pyramid Peak, southend of the Organ Mountains NM.

13. The Caverns beneath both the San Andres and the Organ Mountains and Robledos of NM.
14. White Oaks area NM. A set of stone steps that lead to a Cavern the site of an Aztec deposit.

The Origin of these deposits, was made way before King Solomons time
His men just came and took some, same with the Aztecs.
The Aztecs, after the visit of GREED in the persona of Cortez
Felt that their God Quaztcoatle, was pissed at them, and they brought the gold right back to where he had shown them the deposits.
To understand the Ancient lost knowledge was lost ,,,for a reason
by those who sought to never remember their mistakes and allow their
future children to relive them, then you can get close to the truth.

Today, those secrets are being once again brought out of the hideing place

and again, the corruption is Rampant.

All it takes for some to become of defunct consciousness, is the LURE of Mass GOLD.

On the lue TREASURE, add the strikemark to the word LUE, and what do you have as a word?
the 3 initials, added to the strikemark, spell : LURE

The strikemark of the LUE, is a backwards "R".

Hi Roadquest
i read the missive

How knowledgable are you on the symbols/markers/andsuch?

Hart Canyon is the site

Most markers have been removed
or knocked over and wiped out

To seek this out is not an easy picnic of course.

If I state exactly how to find the entrance
then it is out in the public domain

that would not be fair to a friend, nor wise as some forums are monitored by not so friendlies.

On the 17 tons, that is out of my focus
i assume it was recovered way back in the early 40's by the Government, and they kept that info a secret.

On the Aztec of Hart Canyon
It can be found, just I have to go onsite to
find it, as close as I am watched
that would'nt help anyone, but watchers.


Your Welcome quest

Last time I was there
there was more vehicle traffic then one should allow

It is not the buisness of the United States Government
to treasure hunt via my teeth.

Micro Transmitters implanted in my teeth helpped them for a time to track me

That was done by drugging my coffee,

then bringing a dentist in to install
a small straight pin sized micro-transmitter

when the tooth shattered on Bell Ave at a fast food resturant while I set in my Van eating a hardshell Taco in North

they were there in a second

sprayed me with a Narcotic Gas
Took me to the dentist out at the airforce base

Had Him remove it.

Using an Electricians instrument ( Toner) I scanned my mouth
for any frequencys that may have been being emitted.

Clean Machine now.

But just to illustrate how problematic this countrys
agents make life
for the inhieritor of a mass fortune in treasure

I relate this anscedote.

This has been the conditions of my life since 6 years of

So by now I am mostly aware of
most of the tricks in their book.

I fared but a little better then the
84 branch Davidians

David Koresh ( Vernon Howel) was working on the
Seals of Solomon, when he was focused upon.

They then did what they always do to their
They painted his butt black
Through intimadation
of other Branch Davidians
to state that David was a baby Raper.

Can you imagine what my 4200 character profile must read like?

Every Cop and Law Enforcement officer
in Dona Ana County New Mexico
was made aware that I was on my way here
even before I knew I was coming here.


Real nice.

Remeber Capt. Fiegie of Victorio Peak Fame?

Yep, brainwashing, in an attempt to shut down his truthful testimony
of Military Intel stealing the Ophir Gold from
Victorio Peak.

John Fitzgearld Kennedy, because of that theft
was Murdered
His Brother Bobby, same reason

Sirhan Sirhan is the perfect
living example of what happens to a man
when MK Ultra brainwashing
and mind control is used on him.

This countrys Intel agencys, all the way up to

is in on the cover-up
and the theft of treasure.

I state this straight out of their own

So, not many wish to go into an area
with me and retrieve treasure.

with the laws they have passed and they
themselves break
YOU, anyone, can go to a nice federal prison
farm for doing what they do
They take out the compitition

and witness's
anyway they wish.

Quest, in order for anyone to fully understand
it owuld require them
to go through what I and the other treasure
finders have gone through

at the expence of tax payers dollars.



I understand LOST

I understand folks not KNOWING anything about all
i have related

I understand,

You can now claim that you at least heard or read
what you before my post
did not know anything about

I gave that related circumstance here
per your request to obtain from me
KNOWLEDGE of finding treasure

No problem there, for me

I do KNOW about what goes along with finding TREASURE
and to give out the key to finding it
as well giving out the info
on what may occure in the after effect
of finding it

would not be giving you or anyone

should be respected
Not even YOUR government will give you that for your TAX dollars quest

I give it free of charge
as all truth
should be given.

so long quest


Clayton,have you mosied on up to Shiprock ???,hope all is well,send me an email or call me when you get a chance

Update, I did get out to Shiprock. went to search my site area. seem
it had been searched over perty good. I could see where a lot of dirt and
some rock had been moved. Don't know if they found anything. I don't think they
did..smile... I was just checking to see if I could trust some people. I guess I
got my answer. I will post later about checking out my real site.


Thats great Clayton!!! I am sorry that I was not able to make it up there, but I am glad your other site is working out ;)
I hear that there are a lot of "IDIOTS" stomping around up there on the RES. ::) ::) ;D
Seems we all go through that trust bs once in a while, glad that you got it figured out ;D

Your Amigo

Gold to water weight is a little confusing.
12 Troy Oz.s to a Troy pound.
16 water Oz.s to a real Pound.
The translation number is 14.58 Oz.s of water to a Troy pound.
Call it 14.5 Oz.s real for 12 Oz.s of Troy gold.<G>
When you find your gold bars, grind them down into dust and then go fill a claim and "dig out your gold".<G>

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