Model T, My research has lead me to a site, the site was leased by Hougen and some other business men. The site is a 1950s site.
I have always believed that the $20,000,000 cache from the 50s could be unconnected to the so called 17 tons (1933) story.
I have never quite been able to find the link between all the Californians and a Mexican owner named Trabuco.
Every person who can be identified from the 50s reports came from California, even those approached to act as intermediaries were Californians.
Moore Ca
Luckey Ca
Klepper Ca
Clews Ca
Hougen Ca
Nobel Ca
Holmdahl Ca
Stewart Ca
Pilot (Harry) Ca
Pilot (Bud) Ca
Villa Mexico died 1923
Hougens 4 partners were also from California (one was a mexican living in LA owner of several service stations)
The 2 suspected pilots were both from California, One had his business in Holmdahls home town of Van Nuys. He also owned a Ford Tri Motor in the early 30s. The other owned a Stearman with the 450 hp conversion. So one meets the 1933 story spec the other I know played a part at the 50s site.
When the secret service questioned Holmdahl it was in relation to gold believed to have been that of Pancho Villa.
It is a fact that Villa stole gold
It is a fact Holmdahl was one of Villas most trusted Colnels
It is a fact that Holmdahl immediately after the death of Villa in 1923 went in search of his "treasure" and searched for years
It is a fact Holmdahl and Noss were aquainted
It is a fact Holmdahl and Hougen were aquainted along with Clews and Nobel
It is a fact that Bruce Clews acting on Hougens behalf attended a meeting with Moore and Luckey at Moores offices.
It is a fact that Luckey contacted the Treasury and/or the Secret Service
It is a fact that Bernard Klepper had an escrow account in the amount of 20 million held at his bank with an affidavit signed by Hougen claiming he had seen the $20,000,000 worth of gold.
It is a fact that the gold was scheduled to be delivered to the SanFrancisco mint on two occasions and never was delivered.
It is a fact 4 of those mentioned above were issued with subpoenas to attend a grand jury hearing in LA in 1952 and all of those mentioned above were questioned.
It is a fact Hougen and some other SoCal business men leased my site in the 50s and installed a runway.
Now for the 1933 story:
Trabuco ?
Ortega ?
Sepulveda ?
Morado ?
William Elliott ?
So I think if there was a 17 ton cache delivered to the 4 corners area in 1933 it is likely unrelated to the $20,000,000 offered for sale in California, by Californians, to be delivered to a Californian Mint.
Of course should I ever find evidence of a Leon Trabuco that could have had access to that amount of gold I may change my mind as to where it could have originated. But that still will not change the facts that pertain to the story after 1950, because they are all legally documented facts. Whereas everything pre 1950 is at best hearsay.
I am happy to answer any questions anyone has, except for the location of my 1950s site.
