I love seeing prospectors working together to get it done! :icon_thumleft:

Kudos to justbent and Garret, you guys are a great example of how we need to be acting to keep prospecting alive! :notworthy:

Jeff aka Goldenirishman knows I have plans to come out there this fall, either to the gulch y'all are digging in now or maybe Jeff's claim? Hope to meet you too, while I'm there.

Jeff aka Goldenirishman knows I have plans to come out there this fall, either to the gulch y'all are digging in now or maybe Jeff's claim? Hope to meet you too, while I'm there.

Sounds like a plan. I am hoping to get out Saturday. Was going to take the new sluice out but I think I am going to spend a day metal detecting.

The emotional rollercoaster with my brother continues. The Chemo/Radiation all but destroyed his immune system and he’s now in the hospital for the 4th time with Pneumonia with a 103 fever. Saturday a close friend of mine called to say his son was in the hospital with Pneumonia. Monday morning his 22 year old son passed away due to complication of some vial bug attacking his heart. When it goes bad it goes bad. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Holy crap Keith! So sorry to hear that. Keep up the good fight.

Omg. I'm sorry to hear about his son and how he is doing. I'm praying still. I hope you have a good holiday

Sorry to hear about the news. Hope your brother and friends the best. I'll keep my prayers for them.
So I'll give you the good news then. Hopper is in my truck and waiting to be delivered.

The emotional rollercoaster with my brother continues. The Chemo/Radiation all but destroyed his immune system and he’s now in the hospital for the 4th time with Pneumonia with a 103 fever. Saturday a close friend of mine called to say his son was in the hospital with Pneumonia. Monday morning his 22 year old son passed away due to complication of some vial bug attacking his heart. When it goes bad it goes bad. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Keep the faith and stay strong. Things will get better.

My brother back home and now his wife needs to figure out how to keep him locked in his home for the holidays. His immune system was so depleted from the Chemo and Radiation that he needs to stay indoors away from people to give his system a fighting chance to heal. I had to tell him my surgery was cancelled just to keep him from coming to Tucson even though that was a lie.

Garrett let me know what day you will be in Tucson. I should be home from the hospital on Thursday of next week.

Keith sent ya a message for when I'll be heading down. If my plans change as far as day, I'll let ya know.

Have your brother eat a lot of garlic and eat vitamin C like its candy and of course lots of water. When my mom was going through chemo they hooked up an IV of vitamin C. She was able to keep going to work. Plus she was drinking fluoresce tee. I think that helped with energy levels. I had to give her credit to keep pushing and going to work. Workaholic like me. Lol. I kept telling her to let her body rest so she wouldn't get sick.
Your brothers situation is different of course, because of thyroid glands. So force him to take as much as docs allow. If they let him try that tea. It might be helpful as well.

Wow Keith.
That'd be awesome. Here I wasn't expecting anything. Just wanted to do something good for somebody. Then possibly do some prospecting/detecting in a new area.

Garrett I have set four 15 gallon barrels aside for you. Is this enough or do you need more? Also I can put them in my truck FULL if you need water on Saturday. Let me know. I will not be able to help you move them but if your coming down in a truck you can slide them from one truck to the other... I also have lots of 5 gallon buckets if you need some of them. I know Jeff can use some if you are meeting with Jeff.

The blue barrels are going to be part of my recir. system. Have yet to decide how many barrels I will put in the system. The more the better at keeping the water clean.


Garrett I have set four 15 gallon barrels aside for you. Is this enough or do you need more? Also I can put them in my truck FULL if you need water on Saturday. Let me know. I will not be able to help you move them but if your coming down in a truck you can slide them from one truck to the other... I also have lots of 5 gallon buckets if you need some of them. I know Jeff can use some if you are meeting with Jeff.

The blue barrels are going to be part of my recir. system. Have yet to decide how many barrels I will put in the system. The more the better at keeping the water clean.

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=913974"/>

Keith, I read the post where you talked about your siphon system between water container but can not find it now. You gotta link? Thanks. I may give it a try on our recirc system.

Stan here you go,

We use 3" cheap white irrigation pipe from HD but it really depends on the GPH of the pump as you may need larger diameter pipe. If your using three tanks you will need 4 elbows and 4 pipes. I would not make the pipes so long that your picking up the crap from the bottom of the tanks. Try to keep the suction end of the pipe about midway of the depth of the water in each tank. You will be pulling water away from the floaties and away from the bottom. Remember its better to oversize the pipes than be undersized. Once you shut your pump down the siphon pipes will balance the water within the tanks then stop flowing between tanks until you start your pump up again. To plug the 3" pipe to start the siphon use a rubber ball from the pet store. Once you have the pipe submerged completely under water plug one end of the pipe. Quickly place the pipe over the two tanks keeping the open end submerged under water as seen in the drawing and remove the ball, the flow of water will begin between the two tanks until the water level is balance. If you maintain the water level above the pipes you will never lose suction even when you shut the pump off, but it all depends on the system being completely air tight. When gluing the fittings together use plenty of primer and PVC glue to get a 100 percent bond.

Tripple Tank.webp

Got my last valve that I had been searching for along time. I had ordered one from HD but they sent me the same one I could buy off the shelve even though the picture was like below. So today I happen to be in HD and checked the bins the same bins I had checked a number of times. Somebody must have returned the valve I had bought as it was discolored. So my valve header is complete other than painting it of which I will do maybe in my down time. Going to get some help with disassembling the entire trommel and send the frame out to be powered coated a desert color so it blends in to the terrain of Arizona. JustBent has given me a hopper that's about 24" square that I will mod to fit the trommel. From there all that's left is the dump chute of which will be a rolled piece of aluminum angle and trim flush to the top rail. Because I am using Gold Hog Mats I am not just relying on the water flowing from the hopper and spray bar. The mats need to have lots of fast moving water so that they clean themselves while retaining gold. I will use the spray header currently installed on the sluice along with the water from the hopper and spray bar. My 8000GPH pump may not be enough and I may need to go with a gas powered pump. This pump will deliver 166 gallons per minute. I am hoping my electric pump will handle the flow so that we can keep the generator in the truck and use a 10-3 extension cord I have to keep the noise down near the trommel. I also re-plumbed the pump so that I have a direct flow to the spigot and trommel with a bypass to allow water to flow back into the tank if needed when the valves are turned off to the trommel. I don't want to over amp the pump by closing off valves. On the bottom of that 90 degree elbow with be another smaller valve.

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Thanks Keith. Appreciate the info. Best of luck with your shoulder deal coming up in a couple of days. I am going in for a scan of my replaced knee tomorrow in hopes of finding the cause of the constant pain. Then going to Seattle for the holidays on Wed. Hate to leave this sunshine and warm temps but "A man has got to do what a man's told to do" I don't think that's the exact wording John Wayne used...............:laughing7: Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Garrett I have set four 15 gallon barrels aside for you. Is this enough or do you need more? Also I can put them in my truck FULL if you need water on Saturday. Let me know. I will not be able to help you move them but if your coming down in a truck you can slide them from one truck to the other... I also have lots of 5 gallon buckets if you need some of them. I know Jeff can use some if you are meeting with Jeff. The blue barrels are going to be part of my recir. system. Have yet to decide how many barrels I will put in the system. The more the better at keeping the water clean. <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=913974"/>

That'd be great Keith. That would be enough for the day. My backhoe son-in-law won't be coming. So who knows how much dirt I'll run. As much as I can. Then of course leaving time for detecting possibly. Just getting out there and exploring with kids is a plus. Especially with my oldest. Don't get to do much with him. Plus he likes to dig to. Panning not so much.
So anyway, we'll hook up Saturday. Jeff won't be able to come out. It would've been nice to meet him too. I sent ya an email. I'll call ya Friday at some point. I know your wife wants to get some wine. So if there's a certain time we need to meet up. Let me know and I'll be there.

Stan here you go, We use 3" cheap white irrigation pipe from HD but it really depends on the GPH of the pump as you may need larger diameter pipe. If your using three tanks you will need 4 elbows and 4 pipes. I would not make the pipes so long that your picking up the crap from the bottom of the tanks. Try to keep the suction end of the pipe about midway of the depth of the water in each tank. You will be pulling water away from the floaties and away from the bottom. Remember its better to oversize the pipes than be undersized. Once you shut your pump down the siphon pipes will balance the water within the tanks then stop flowing between tanks until you start your pump up again. To plug the 3" pipe to start the siphon use a rubber ball from the pet store. Once you have the pipe submerged completely under water plug one end of the pipe. Quickly place the pipe over the two tanks keeping the open end submerged under water as seen in the drawing and remove the ball, the flow of water will begin between the two tanks until the water level is balance. If you maintain the water level above the pipes you will never lose suction even when you shut the pump off, but it all depends on the system being completely air tight. When gluing the fittings together use plenty of primer and PVC glue to get a 100 percent bond. <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914061"/> Got my last valve that I had been searching for along time. I had ordered one from HD but they sent me the same one I could buy off the shelve even though the picture was like below. So today I happen to be in HD and checked the bins the same bins I had checked a number of times. Somebody must have returned the valve I had bought as it was discolored. So my valve header is complete other than painting it of which I will do maybe in my down time. Going to get some help with disassembling the entire trommel and send the frame out to be powered coated a desert color so it blends in to the terrain of Arizona. JustBent has given me a hopper that's about 24" square that I will mod to fit the trommel. From there all that's left is the dump chute of which will be a rolled piece of aluminum angle and trim flush to the top rail. Because I am using Gold Hog Mats I am not just relying on the water flowing from the hopper and spray bar. The mats need to have lots of fast moving water so that they clean themselves while retaining gold. I will use the spray header currently installed on the sluice along with the water from the hopper and spray bar. My 8000GPH pump may not be enough and I may need to go with a gas powered pump. This pump will deliver 166 gallons per minute. I am hoping my electric pump will handle the flow so that we can keep the generator in the truck and use a 10-3 extension cord I have to keep the noise down near the trommel. I also re-plumbed the pump so that I have a direct flow to the spigot and trommel with a bypass to allow water to flow back into the tank if needed when the valves are turned off to the trommel. I don't want to over amp the pump by closing off valves. On the bottom of that 90 degree elbow with be another smaller valve.
On my last wash plant I used those plastic HD valves. It didn't take long before they would stick. Really hard to turn the handle, then the handle broke off. I would spend the doe and get a good brass valve. I used a jacuzzi pump. Electric with a lot of volume. I have a roller so when your ready to build your end chute, let me know.

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914091"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914092"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914093"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914094"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914100"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914102"/> <img
Onsrc="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914103"/> <img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=914109"/>
on my l

I don't know what happen there but what I said was:
On my last wash plant I used those white HD valves. Before long they would stick, then the handle broke off. I would spend the doe on good brass valves. I used a jacuzzi pump. Still electric but moves a lot of water. I have a roller so when your ready to build your end chute, let me know.

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