metal detecting

  1. Found my first piece of gold with my metal detector

  2. Found gold and silver jewlery for the first time

  3. Help please-detectors

    I wasn't sure where to ask this question so hope that this forum is ok. I have for a long time though about getting a metal detector for beach combing but my trips to the beach are rare so have been putting it off, however I now need to get one to locate some "buried treasure" and even after...
  4. Handheld GPS & Gridding off a park to hunt??? Anyone done it?

    So I've been thinking for a quite some time now about gridding off a park (on paper) with the help of a handheld GPS unit and Google Earth. Has anyone done this? I'm trying to hunt a huge park but not really overlap where I'm hunting. I'd also like to grid off some smaller parks as well. For a...
  5. Ottawa Digs - new metal detector forum for Ottawa and area.

    Hi everyone, I would like to announce the start of a new metal detector forum for Ottawa and the surrounding area. This forum is in it's infancy but should grow as the word gets out. If you would like to converse with other hobbyists in Ottawa and share your stories please feel free to join...
  6. Have you ever been iffy on digging or about to give up and then you get a great find?

    Have you ever been iffy on digging or about to give up and then you get a great find? I know it's happened to me. Tell us a story of when it happened to you (if it happened to you). Here are times it happened to me. I was in the woods of a school from the 1950s that I mainly detect because it...

    I try not to dig any zinc signals, but today I found something out. I was testing different coins to see what the show up with on my metal detector and discovered that all small cents that are from before 1943 will show up as zinc pennys. It all depends on where you are, so if you are at a 1980s...
  8. What parks are legal to metal detect?

    I've been having a lot of troubles determining which parks are metro and which are local and legal to hunt. I live in Nashville TN, if you know of any parks or have hunted here yourself pm me or leave a comment.
  9. Find for today need help identifying something

    I got a susan b anthony in my backyard 1979 p, the odd thing that in "in God We Trust" the trust is "Trus" I have the image with the loope below can someone help me figure why this is.. Thanks for your help in Advance
  10. No silver for a really long time.

    I started metal detecting in early March 2013 and have gotten one silver dime after a week of metal detecting, None since. I metal detect almost everyday for at least two hours. I just got a Fisher F2 as a upgrade to my Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202 so hopefully my luck will change. Good luck,
  11. Grand cayman

    I am on vacation on the grand cayman and have been searching a few public beaches in the water and out with nothing but a decorative ring and clad to show for it. I know that there are a few of you out there that know their way around down here and I'd appreciate any help I can get.
  12. Any metal detectors in the Charlotte(ish) area???? - can you help? I will pay!

    Hello - I purchased my husband a metal detector (something he has ALWAYS talked about) for Christmas... and he still hasn't gone out to use it yet. He is a little overwhelmed with where to start and where he can go without getting permission, etc. I was hoping that someone here would be...
  13. Revolutionary War half a cannon ball!

    Revolutionary War cannonball shell! I found this sticking out of the ground in the woods. It is a cannonball shell from the Revolutionary War. I had know idea what it was up until today while I was looking up cannon ball pictures on the internet. Also I think it is from the Revolutionary War...
  14. East Fork River Prospectors

    The ranger service thinks it's the prospectors who mess up the river... When is the last time one of those hikers, families or fisherman brought a metal detector to the river? Oh, that's right! They just bring a bunch of trash. Well, I hope the ranger service can keep things clean for them if...
  15. First Silver Coin on the Garrett Ace 350

    Today I found my first silver while metal detecting. I have been detecting in a park near where I live for the past few days and have only found pennies and a clad Texas quarter. But tonight, I found a 1946 Roosevelt dime. I do not own a pinpointer, so I had to use the pinpointing feature on my...
  16. When the weather clears...

    I'm from the center of central Missouri, our town literally has more cows than people lol! Today it is a small settlement with one school that goes from K-8. I look for the school to close with in the next decade as the post office recently did. The one luxury we did have was a soda machine up...
  17. Nickel Zone: Part Cuatro !

    Went back to the nickel zone again today and there was a nice rain just before I arrived ! I think that the added moisture made dimes hit really good got ten total. Got sixteen nickels this time a new record for this site in one trip:blackbeard: The zinc pennies are on the left the coppers...
  18. ❎ SOLD Whites DFX Metal Detector

    I am looking for a Whites DFX metal detector. Please email me at if you have a great deal on one. I have a Garrett AT PRO that I would be willing to trade just let me know.
  19. Empathic old lady sees into my metal detecting heart

    i was detecting at an "old" church (old is 1920s in the Miami area), Saturday. I was working on a silver coin under a root. I could see the rim, but dimly, as I scratched away at the dirt with a twig I'd picked up. Someone stopped by to help, and if she wasn't a metal detectorist, she was an...
  20. New - Treasure Hunting Texas group !

    This group welcomes all treasure hunting enthusiasts who either enjoy hunting for treasure in Texas or who are interested in doing so. treasurehuntingtexas : Treasure Hunting Texas Happy Hunting Texas ! ~Texas Jay
  21. New - Treasure Hunting Texas group !

    This group welcomes all treasure hunting enthusiasts who either enjoy hunting for treasure in Texas or who are interested in doing so. treasurehuntingtexas : Treasure Hunting Texas Happy Hunting Texas ! ~ Texas Jay
  22. First musket ball

    I was in a old school built in the '40s and the field had been hit by metal detectors hard. In the field I got no good signals. I normally do not dig zinc signals but I really had really good feeling about this one. I figured "What the heck, i'll dig it" Then at 6" the object was out of the...
  23. How deep are older coins like silvers and wheats underground

    I have a Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202 Which can only get a consistent coin signal down to 6". In a month I have found $10 or more in clad, 7 wheats, 1 barber dime and a buffalo. The Barber dime, 1 wheat and the buffalo were in the same hole. A weird thing is I have found two surface wheats and one...
  24. Old Fairgrounds and Racetrack in what used to be Perryville, PA (NOW PORT ROYAL, PA)

    Anyone have any information on the old Perryville Fairground in what now is Port Royal, PA? The fairgrounds were there in the early to mid 1800's I believe. I remember seeing a rough drawing of a map of it in a book but cannot find it anywhere. Any information is much appreciated. Thank you!
  25. Great Metal Detecting Site!

    I have only been at this site for three days and have found a 1904 dime, a 1919 nickel,a 1915 D penny, a 1913 penny, a 1956 D penny, and a 1959 penny. Here is a link to pics of the 1904 Dime, 1919 nickel., and 1915D penny...
  26. OLD & VACANT Property Metal Detecting Tool

    THIS IS FOR DETECTORISTS IN THE USA I don't want to step on any toes by posting a link on this forum (got warned in the past), but I will tell you that there is an EXCELLENT search tool if you google: "Steve's Old, Vacant Property Metal Detecting Tool" The page should come up #1 or #2 on a...
  27. How long does it take to find a wheat penny metal detecting

    I metal detected for half a hour and found 1959 D penny at a 1950s school. I am metal detecting again today maybe at a school that was made in about 1810 that is still around. Yes, 1810 not 1910. or maybe a school made in 1900. I was wondering how long does it take to find a wheat. I have metal...
  28. Meteor Find While Metal Detecting?

    Hi so me and a friend were metal detecting out in a field when i cam across this rock it was going crazy it rang up from a 88 to a 163 on my metal detector.... He had found a ring so we split ring for him weird rock for me.. i have no idea what it is though it is flat but its made of layers...
  29. Any 1 in Tampa FL??1

    Hey guys, just moved back to Tampa and have gotten back to detecting. I am looking to hit the beaches, if any one is in the Tampa area and wants a hunting partner let me know. Thanks!:hello2::hello2:
  30. You Tube Channels

    Just a general question. What is your favorite treasure hunting, metal detecting channel(s) you subscribe to on You Tube? No points off for self-promotion! Rick
  31. McPherson, Lindsborg, Salina...MDing allowed?

    Visiting some family in McPherson soon. I believe I read online that MDing is not permitted in McPherson parks. Where can I hunt nearby? Lindsborg or Salina parks okay to hunt? I can't seem to fnd anything online regarding these two cities. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  32. Old Gold Necklace and Pendant

    I recently bought some more farm ground right next to my place that had an old house that was build around 1900 and was moved in the late 50s. I had to cut alot of trees and brush finaly got livestock on it and able to detect it now. I scored my best find ever when I was getting a high low...
  33. rectangle Virginia state seal belt plate- Civil war brass relic

    Pretty proud of this find considering I just started a few weeks ago. Is it as rare as it seems to be on-line? I can't find a lot of information on these and would appreciate any help I can get! It's brass, rectangular, it's in pretty great shape, found on private family property that we've...
  34. ✅ SOLVED What is this? Brass Eagle button, E Pluribus Unum, Made in England- What war?

    Found this relic hunting today on land that has been in my family since early 1800s. I can't find anything on-line like it and was just wondering what war it was from? Year? Value? It's in GREAT condition. It's brass, slightly larger than a quarter, has "Made in England" on the back and has...
  35. My best pocket spill so far

    Got out for a couple hours before dark and found these. It was fun pulling one out and rechecking only to find there was more in the hole : ) HH OMWP
  36. New to metal detecting! Enterprise, Alabama

    I've been interested in metal detecting for a very long time but I finally got around to getting into it. Thanks to my brother, who bought a detector and prompted me to get one. When I was younger and living in Georgia I hunted arrowheads and other Cherokee Indian artifacts. Sadly, my arrowheads...
  37. Noob in Petersburg virginia - Tri-city area - just trying to learn

    Hey all. New to the hobby and around the Petersburg Virginia area. Seen a few posts about meeting up around the tr-cities, but theyre pretty old. Let me know uif youre around my area and want to talk diggin. thanks.
  38. Coming to a park near you!

    I guess it's okay to dump trash, but Cook County, IL bans detectorists! If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!
  39. Coin Probe

    As you can see here this will pop coins out of the nectar holes:icon_thumright: :headbang:
  40. 💵 FOR SALE Nautical Engineering & Mining Organization [NEMO] Large Sea Sifter!

    Nautical Engineering & Mining Organization [NEMO] Large Sea Sifter! PVC pipe with Stainless Steel mesh with reinforced Stainless Steel wire and grab handles to sift the sand away from your treasure! Includes a teather to attach to your wrist or belt...
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