metal detecting

  1. 💵 FOR SALE Nautical Engineering & Mining Organization [NEMO] Large Sea Sifter!

    Nautical Engineering & Mining Organization [NEMO] Large Sea Sifter! PVC pipe with Stainless Steel mesh with reinforced Stainless Steel wire and grab handles to sift the sand away from your treasure! Includes a teather to attach to your wrist or belt...
  2. MY FIRST WALKING HALF!! WOOHOO!! With a Rosie watching over Lady Liberty.

  3. NW Indiana guy looking to find a Metal detecting partner..

    :hello: Hello...... I'm just wondering if anyone from Northern Indiana wants a detecting partner, I have an ACE 250 with a DD & Sniper coil...not the best at ALL but its better than all my Bounty I am willing to drive a few miles , but I need to make a day of it, since gas prices...
  4. ❎ SOLD Whites Spectra V3 in like new condition

    Up for sale is a slightly used Whites Spectra V3 Metal Detector... It was built in 2009... I am selling this machine for a friend that can no longer use it... He is telling me that it has very little hours on it... May be less than 60...It will come with the original box, Double D Coil...
  5. ❎ SOLD Whites Surfmaster PI W / Duel Field 12 inch coil like new

    Whites Surfmaster PI W / Duel Field 12 inch coil Up for Sale is a used Whites Surfmaster PI Underwater Metal Detector I am selling this metal detector for a friend, he is no longer able to use it....It is in perfect working order. He told me that it came from the factory this past Summer 2012...
  6. Q: Can i turn a old MD into a PinPointer?

    so i got a bounty hunter lone star upgrade from my crappy old famous trails one. i cant just throw away the old one, its too much cool technology. with my new MD, i've noticed its hard to pinpoint my finds. my other metal detector has audio that has three continuous tones while my new one has...
  7. Gold prospecting in South Carolina

    Hey fellow prospectors and treasure hunters. I started this thread to see what people had to say about gold still in South Carolina. I aq'uired a small tract of land in Smyrna, York County. Land has been untouched since the California rush (except the little old lady that lived there since...
  8. The Detecting Lifestyle Weekly Radio Broadcast show.

    A new Radio Broadcast show called "The Detecting Lifestyle" will start on 3 Jan 13 and will be broadcasting weekly. Our first live broadcast will be on Thursday 03 Jan 13 and then on Tuesday every week thereafter. All details can be found at: The Detecting Lifestyle
  9. New NC Club Website!!!!!

    Hello All, I just wanted to give all of you in NC area a chance to check our new club website. :icon_thumright::icon_thumright::icon_thumright: We would love to have any of you in our area come and join our group. We have monthly meetings as well as group hunts. Home Page HH
  10. Newbie - Looking to buy personal Mining Equipment

    I live in a area that has a decent amount of dry washes with specks of gold in the wash. I am looking to purchase equipment that allows me to pan for the gold in the washes (I will be bringing my own water in large containers with my ATV). I found this lot of gold mining equipment on a...

    Hello friends! Well two days ago, my dad told me about dowsing. I had never really heard about it, just about people finding water with sticks. So I started looking into it. I seen people dowsing photos of areas, and it really intrigued me. I believed! Which I believe is very important. So...
  12. Diamond Hunting

    Can a MD be used to find diamonds? David
  13. 2nd Time Hunting...Caught Smokey The Bear...

    So I went out for a second hunt this afternoon and had some more very minor success. I found another Quarter (clad 2000), and six pennies (various dates, including my FIRST WHEATIE 1944). It's crazy how deep those coins are (maybe 4–5 inches and only 12 years old) I also found a locket that...
  14. Need help identifying approximate age & type of axe head

    Hey there! Recently found this axe head in yard of old farmhouse in Ohio. Used electrolysis to remove a lot of sediment and rocks attached. Any idea of the period? It weighs 4 lbs. Thanks!
  15. Quarters Quarters and more Quarters!

    Me and Dale32 took our MDs out to a disclosed location yesterday. It started out average, a few dimes, pennies, quarters. Then out of no where we hit the jackpot. In about 15 minutes we found a total of 98 quarters! Can't wait to go back. Why do you think there were than many quarters there? Any...
  16. FANTASTIC Company GREAT Trade for me!!!

    Hello All, I have been o here for a while and have done some trading and buying form members and other far I am absolutley pleased with Treasure Mountain Detectors. Ed called me to go over the trade we had set up. :headbang: He is really a pleaseure to talk to....knows...
  17. Three silver weekend

    Found my first standing liberty quarter but the date is gone, I also found my second Washington silver a '42 and it's in great shape. Today I found a '42 Australian sixpence and three intact .50cal rounds. Had a great time and wish all my trips went this well. HH OMWP
  18. funny things people have shouted at you

    What is the craziest or funniest thing anyone has ever told you while detecting? Once in chicago a kid (like 7 years old, i'm 13) said hey you aint gonna find nothin here. I just smiled and said sure. 15 min later I found a 14k gold earring!
  19. what is the best sluice box for finding gold fast and easy???

    i have some sluice boxes ive been checking out. i want to buy one soon. i was interested in the bazooka gold trap sluice, the keene A52 sluice box, the yellow jacket, and the le trap sluice. i want to know which one will find me the most gold and last longest. thank you so much.
  20. Silver ring plus 2 gold earlier today = 3 ring day!

    Great day today! Having a blessed streak. It's going to be an awesome weekend! Also attached recent bracelet find and other rings from a few month back. woo hoo
  21. What does everyone use to dig?

    Hi, I normally use a sturdy Bowie knife to dig my targets. I was wondering what everyone else used and if anyone had any suggestions.
  22. mxt question

    I detected a 150 year old church the other day. I am a little new with the mxt. The old church only had the foundation left and all around the church were hot rocks everywhere. The mxt was just going crazy . I ground balanced on normal soil like i always do. Should i ground balance it on those...
  23. Need help decidied which detector to buy

    Hi All, I live in south Florida (Boca Raton) and recently got into metal detecting. I got a Bounty Hunter Lone Star from Bass Pros Outdoor World. This is what i want to accomplish, detecting on the beach and in the water up to say 5' deep. What detector do you recommend for the salt water...
  24. Headphones

    I'm going to the beach and am planning to get some headphones for my MD to not disturb people trying to have fun an all. My budget is very tight because of the short notice, so I need something $30 or under. I don't want such low quality that is breaks after a couple of trips but it needs to do...
  25. My first 7 months best finds

    Hi all im new to treasurenet and this is my first post so i was just going to share my best finds for my first 7 months of metal detecting . I started with a old Garrett A.D.S groundhog until i found enough clad and a gold ring to pay for a F2.This shows all my good finds with the F2 minus a...
  26. WANTED: A mentor to show me the ropes of MDing in Utah!

    I'm looking for someone experienced in the art of metal detecting that can take me under their wing and show me the basics. I do not have a detector yet, because I don't know where to look for quality machines and I'm a poor married student. I would be willing to help with hunts in Utah Valley...
  27. MD Facebook site for Michiganders...

    Log In | Facebook Dedicated to metal detecting in the Kalamazoo, MI area. Feel free to join and participate regardless of where you live!
  28. New to the Hobby

    I just got my new Fisher F2 and I am loving it. I have already found about 50 cents in clad and a hotwheels car. Not valuable but fun to dig. I have been detecting around an old baseball field and also a picnic area at my church. Any suggestions on where to dig? :dontknow:I want silver!
  29. I love my new Pro Mag!

    So as a ritual over the years I like to hit up schools in the summer that are open to the public when school is out. I find that many of the sand and wood chip tot lots can produce a lot of clad, real and fake jeiwelery and millions of nails, paper clips and junk. I found myself bending over and...
  30. NFHRR first episode

    first video we are doing as we research different counties there will be different episodes,etc. we also will do short hunt/finds videos as well...enjoy, comment, like, subscribe...TY Silver is out here somewhere!!
  31. D.U.G. (Discovered Under Ground) Featuring AT Pro/AT Gold

    Fellow Garrett user, It had not crossed my mind to post down here about our new blog site called D.U.G. (Discovered Under Ground). We have been using the Garrett AT Pro and AT Gold with the full range of coils 5x8, 8.5x11 DD's and the 9x12 concentric since Febuary and have had some great...
  32. Fun Finding Nails and More

    Who does not like finding nails, well me for one, but today I found nails that just made me smile. 8-) After a lot of research on this early 1900's property I decided to go check it out. Unfortunately it seems it is private property. Although only protected by a single cable fence and not a No...
  33. 1920 House and a shootout??

    Hi all. I'm new here and have been reading a lot and learning a lot from all of you. I recently purchased a property in DeKalb County, Indiana that has a house on it that was built in 1920. I took a break from renovations on the property and took my MD out to see what I might find. The dang...
  34. Two really good weeks and one really bad day

    In the last couple of weeks I've found over 60 coins, one Swiss 1/2 Franc, two necklaces (one is silver and the other may be silver), a pocket knife, and several pieces of costume jewelry. Yesterday I used low discrimination, I used high discrimination, I dug deep targets, and I dug shallow...
  35. Map Help

    Hi Everyone, My fiancé and I are new metal detector users. We have been searching beaches, parks and woods around our area. We have found some cool items (as well as mostly junk) so far including axe heads, relatively recent coins and old tools. However, we wanted to look at old maps and see...
  36. 1 hole = 19 bullets

    Decided to hit a new spot today and just as I got started a couple guys pulled up and asked if I ever find anything with my md. I had just found a '42 nickel and told them about finding change and silver jewelry and coins. A minute later I found a small caliber bullet and told them the one thing...
  37. Western Australian Nor West Coastal Treasure hunt.

    Mywife & I just completed a 3 week 3661 kilometres (almost 2275 miles)Western Australian coastal camping trip from Gosnells to Exmouth (Home of theWorld Heritage listed Ningaloo Reef and Whale Sharks) and back. Although I didnot discover shipwreck treasure, by the end of the trip I had 177...
  38. Looking for honest opinions of our website.

    I have been in business for three years but have only had the site up for 9 months and I am looking for honest opinions of my website. Need opinions on what can be improved and what everyone thinks of the overall look and feel. Thanks in advance:). The website name is: (Deleted)
  39. detecting clubs in colorado

    Hi, I live in colorado and just started detecting. I'm looking for a club that group hunts a lot because i want to learn and improve my detecting skills. Thanks, Jackson
  40. Metal Detecting & Fishing

    I love to metal detect sled riding hills in the spring. I go out just after the snow has melted and the ground is not frozen. I have found rings money, coins, sun glasses, shoes, hats, gloves and more on these slopes. I also love to fish and I found a slick way to get worms. Tip: Next time you...
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