
  1. places to find gold...?

    Hey there everyone, just a quick question. I have been sluicing and panning and digging up what seems like the whole river( and tributaries) that is supposed to be the best gold bearing river in northern california but to no avail...I know I have my sluice box setup properly and have tried many...

    Hey guys just a question...attached is a video of my new sluice box, this is the very first time that i had ever used one and I set it up per the instructions but after a few 5 gallon buckets worth of gold. The river Im in is one of the cleanest rivers in the us and is known for...
  3. My First Gold Find (That Almost Wasnt)!!

    My First Gold Find (That Almost Wasn't)!! About two weeks ago I found my first gold after 2.5 years of off and on MDing. I didn't realize it was gold because it broke several times while I was trying to get it out of the hole and I assumed it was just some cheap jewelry. Well, yesterday I...
  4. so much gold, so little time?

    hey guys, just another quick one. Say hypothetically I went panning and sluicing(30" sluice) and a really rich mineral river, every weekend for about 5 hours a day and each time you go out you get a few small flakes but the rest fine gold. How long do you think it would take to get 4 to 5 ounces...

    hey guys, I just purchased a royal brand 30"x 7"wide sluice box and was curious if anyone else out there have ever used one and if so what are your thoughts on the quality and how much gold it traps if setup correctly...Thus far I have only been panning and have only seen a couply of really tiny...
  6. Lost Pharohas Cave Treasure
