
  1. ✅ SOLVED Help Identifying Markings on Civil War Button Back

    A few weeks back I found this button back, 8 inches deep, in Cartersville, Ga in an area I've previously hunted and have found countless other Civil War relics. After cleaning it up and trying to make out the letters, I can confidently say on the outer edge it is marked "Scovilles & Co" Below...
  2. ✅ SOLVED What’s the story behind this button (a guy holding a spear? Blowing some horn?)lol

    What’s the symbols on this shiny metal button? Sry for some reason it duplicated my post So I just edited this with another button
  3. What’s this little red button with a crown?

    It looks like that’s a shield under the crown? I think it feels like plastic even though the outside looks like metal
  4. Whats this button?

    What’s the name of that weapon called? These have nothing on the back
  5. First flat button & other relics!

    Headed back to the cellar hole today, the house was used during the civil war as a headquarters/ fort. I’ve pulled bullets, eagle buttons, and other items from here. The signals are becoming few and far between. Very hard to find anything worth digging so I’ve started digging every tone no...
  6. First flat button & other relics!

    Headed back to the cellar hole today, the house was used during the civil war as a headquarters/ fort. I’ve pulled bullets, eagle buttons, and other items from here. The signals are becoming few and far between. Very hard to find anything worth digging so I’ve started digging every tone no...
  7. Unique American Rev War era naval button. Comparable found!

    I have a one of a kind crudely-made naval button that likely dates to the Revolutionary War Period. Because there were no comparables to establish provenance, the button has remained in the 'oddities' box. Until now. 'My' button came from South Carolina. A comparable has been dug at Savannah...
  8. My recent button finds !!!

    I found a Stippled I Confederate Coat Button back marked Manchester, and a very large flat / dandy button with no markings.
  9. "WF" Button

    I love finding pieces with fancy initials on them. I found this button at the location of an old church in northern Illinois. Do you think it might be Wells-Fargo? A bit far for Wake Forest, and a bit too old for Will Ferrell! Ha. How does one go about discovering the long-gone companies stamped...
  10. Pewter button of some sort?

    Found at a site where I have found coins and relics ranging from 1820s to 1860s. It feels and looks like a pewter button, and it looks like it had some kind of iron shank. I'm not 100% sure if it is even a button, does anyone know what, how old it is, or have any other information? Thanks.
  11. Navy button?!? Early-mid 1800s house site find

    I only went out for an hour and a half this morning but I found what looks to be a two-piece navy button! My guess is 1840s-60s but I don't know anything about buttons so I'll wait for the experts to chime in. I found a similar one here: Shiloh Civil War Relics*Catalog but there are a few...
  12. old button from 19th century farm?

    Found this old button on my families property. I know that it has been a farm since the at least the mid 1800s. would love to know if anybody has some info on this button. I did not see any number/words or identifying marks on the back. Also if anybody has any good resources for looking up old...
  13. Possible Military Button

    I found this button in a field in Luxembourg (Western Europe.) It is made out of copper or some sort of copper alloy. It is very worn and corroded but I can make out what I believe is an eagle on the button. It reminds me of early US military buttons but could also be a French Napoleonic...
  14. Looking for More Information: button, buckle, gun plate?, pewter thing

    Hello All, These are recent finds from the past few weeks and were all found in the same basic neighborhood of what appear to be colonial farms here in Southeastern CT. We are looking to get some opinions on what we think we see and some identifications. First, we have this pewter button...
  15. Vintage Firefighter Button!!!

    Today I found a Winnipeg Fire Department button!!! The company that made it, M.C. Lilley & co, was started in the 1870's. The company was started in Columbus, Ohio. Im so excited!!! The only thing that bothers me is I cant get a date on this button. If anyone can help or has info i'd appreciate...
  16. ✅ SOLVED Button

    Please give me your best guess on this button
  17. 6 Star Button - Need Help Identifying?

    I hope everyone is having a pleasant Saturday. A friend of mine found this button detecting and we haven't had much luck identifying it. I seen an older post from 2013 of someone finding one similar, but no answers on that thread. Can anyone identify this one? You'd be doing us a service...
  18. Button without a back right?

    what kind of button do you call this? And what time period is it from? It’s probably an easy ID for someone. But this is only my second button I’ve ever dug. I’m sure during my incubation period I’ll have some pretty easy things to ID. But I promise I only need you guys to do it once. I have...
  19. Need Help identifying this Old Button

    Can anyone help me identify this old button? I found it metal detecting about 12" deep. It is made by M.C. Lilley & Co. Columbus Ohio. I cannot find one that looks like it anywhere on the internet. I would like to know what year it is from or what it might be off of. Thanks in advance for any help.
  20. Found Another Token At The Old Farm Site

    I went back to the farm site in the woods where I found the token last week. I found another token about 30 feet away from where I found the other one. This One is a Bull Durham tobacco token. I also found a very old looking brass button which I don't know anything of the age. The UMC Co...
  21. This is tiny button right?

    Pretty sure this is a tiny button. Can anyone help me date it? Or has anyone seen a similar one? Or is it even a button. Thanks
  22. I’ve been trying to ID this for years...

    found this a few years ago appears to be military. I think it’s a crown above two crossing swords and shield. I believe it to be made of pewter so i was think rev war possible??? I’m not even sure how they would wear this. Any help is appreciated thanks!!
  23. CIVIL WAR TRASH PIT (Continued)

    Today my girlfriend and I went to dig our trusty trash pit that keeps on giving. No bottles today but we found a few small trinkets! One cleaner bullet, one bone four hole button, one tent grommet, one strange tooth or antler tip, and two unknown items. One Of the unknowns seems to be made of...

    Happy Holy Crap Wednesday Everyone! $700.00 Button! Hello everyone! My name is Gavin and I'm 15. I live in Southeastern Pennsylvania and have recently made an astonishing discovery! As of today, February 26th, 2020, my best metal detecting trip has was today! I was out in an area where I...
  25. First Button Find with my Simplex+ *snicker*

    Button, Button, Who's got the Button?? It really is the first Button I have found with my Simplex+. Found it straight up midnight. I know, I know, you thought it was a CW Button didn't ya? Cheers. -DH-
  26. Sporting designs button

    My boy and I went out and got cooled off yesterday and found some modern junk, a wheatie and this. The internet hasn’t been a great resource on information, but this thing leads me to believe it could be old. It’s family owned, so it sure has some sentimental value. That’s exactly what I was...
  27. What type of button is this from what period? plz help

    what period is this button from? plz help pretty big button could it be off some sort of armoury?
  28. What is this Please help me ID?

  29. Stone Button Identify??

  30. Need help for button identification from Turkey

    Hi everyone, A friend of mine sent an image of a military button. It was obviously a US button. But this little thing has a very interesting story: it was found near a Turkish city named Afyonkarahisar. Now, this is the area where the last major battle of Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922 took...
  31. Civil war eagle button (artillery)

    Found a bucket lister today at an abandoned home site, located on the front lines of the battle of franklin! The home sits directly on the center line where the union and confederates met. It rang up a 65-75 ( The iron back made it sound scratchy/ undesirable) I wasn’t going to dig it, but I’m...
  32. What is this button made of?

    Hi guys, I didn't know where else to ask this question, but my mother in law was throwing out her parents' old clothes and said i could keep the buttons. I was cleaning them up a bit and found one that smelled faintly like a smelly old fish for a little while after i washed it with warm water...
  33. ✅ SOLVED Sporting Button Date/History Help

    Good morning! I was wondering if any of you button experts could help me with this one. I've seen a bunch of stag buttons online but can't pinpoint when this dates back to. I believe it say "Floyd & Co" on the back but I'm not totally sure. Thanks in advance!!
  34. Found a neat little button at an 1875 house.

    I found this button today, along with a 3 wheaties. I searched for about an hour and a half and was hoping for silver but this is pretty neat too. I dug this and the first two wheaties pretty quickly all in the same area. This was not a super great hunt, but I am curious to learn about the...
  35. Found a button metal detecting - looking to ID the age/origin

    I found this while metal detecting in a dried creek bed in Ottawa County in Michigan. Any idea of the age and if this is military? Looks like a crown, maybe some crossed rifles... or hockey sticks... we are not too far from Canada ;)
  36. Old Flat Button... please help ID or date.

    I found this last week... last hunt with my Quicksilver before I got an ACE 300 from my family for my birthday. The picture below is brightened up a bit so you can better see the details, The graph paper is about 5 squares to an inch, but I'll attach a better picture with a penny or something...
  37. Flat one piece button

    I have some decent pics of a button I found today. Hoping someone recognizes the backmark.
  38. What A REVOLUTIONARY find - Button - Please Help

    Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I had a chance to do some detecting today at a very early house site. The site is on 1872 and 1883 maps. There were not many maps made of the aria but I know the house is atleast 1850s or older! The house is mostly gone exept for a perimiter wall and a bunch of...
  39. Couple buttons found in a Minneapolis park where I've found coins from 1875-1945

    Found these three buttons and can't seem to find them online. Any ideas?
  40. Some of my recent finds

    Hi all, I am new here. this is my first post. Only been Detecting for a few months. Here are some of my recent finds. The 64th Button was found in PA by my 15 yr old son at an old homesite built in 1861. ( Don't know how to tell if it is authentic but I think it is) The twist Monkey wrench was...
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