
  1. Button ID Please

    Can someone help me identify several buttons please? This first button has a Roman helmet with sword on the front and on the back it says "A. D. et CII" Thanks
  2. ✅ SOLVED Button or Pin? How old?

    Found this the other day and am unsure if its a button or a pin and have no clue how old it may be. It has a circumference of 1.5 inches
  3. Help ID this cast pewter button please.......

    Found on the Georgia / S. Carolina line near the Savannah river. No markings on the reverse.
  4. ✅ SOLVED Railroad button? & old hardware from what?

    Found these things today near an old foundation here in Oklahoma......the foundation is near the old Midland Valley Railroad tracks. Could the button be a uniform button from a railroad worker---it has three 5-pointed stars on it? and the old iron hardware from a stove maybe? Here's some...
  5. Picture: Large Button or leather ornamentation hardware?

    Hi All - First time post ; ) We've picked up two of these in different locations here in New Hampshire (about 5 miles apart). Both sites could have artifacts from the early 1700's to early 20th century. Not sure what this is - we were thinking a 'button' perhaps affixed with a large not? Or...
  6. ✅ SOLVED Button help.

    I found this flat button the other day at a mid 1700's site. I was hoping when cleaned it was a GW button but there are no visible markings on it. Can anyone tell me what type it is and how old? Thanks.
  7. Mount Beacon NY Revoloutionary War Cave

    North and South Mount Beacon rise to 1,531 and 1,635 feet elevation. It is the highest point between the Catskills and the Atlantic Ocean. The Indians used the mountain as a signal site. North Beacon was chosen by George Washington during the American Revolution to have a rectangular pyramid...
  8. Button, Buckle, Decoration? Large heavy brass button ID

    Hi folks - I just found this site, and am already enjoying it very much. My father was a "picker" and amassed a lot of interesting things, so I have a few items I could use help with, and I am also happy to help out if I can. This "button" appears to be filled with lead or solder on the...
  9. Large Livery Button with Griffin (Need an ID Please)

    This was found in a wheat stubble field (man that stuff is tough to detect in!) in Somerset while detecting with my friend Geoff the Chef. He spotted the griffin and said it was a livery button. I'm not sure if you can see the griffin in these scans...let me know and I will try to outline it...
  10. Found my first flat button today! I need help with the ID!!!!

    Hello everyone, today, 7-29-12, I found my first flat button in Vermont. I looked at the makers mark and couldn't find anything online about it, I hope someone on here could help me out? I would also like to know the date. Thanks.
  11. Ace 250: Best Finds of 1st Year of Hunting in Maryland

    I started late in 2011 and here are my proudest finds. WW 1 (approx) button found in 1920's backyard Silver ring found in front of stands at high school baseball field Silver heart pendant (1g) in front of old high school in Baltimore in same hole as "Erma & Bill" hearts. Apollo coin found in...
  12. Medical Button, better picture, please help

    Anyone know what time period? Found behind 1920's house in MD with Ace 250. About the size of a quarter. Thanks!
  13. Medical Button found in Maryland

    The button in my profile picture is the one I am talking about. Cant seem to pinpoint the era it is from. Any info appreciated. About the size of a quarter. Found with Ace 250.
  14. A button..but what style and age?

    I found this pewter colored button approx 6 inches deep today.It came out of the ground as clean as you see it here,the hoop is broken in the back,but it is attached to the button with a conical holder? It was found on property belonging to a farm house built in 1760,close tot he spot i pulled a...
  15. My best finds from historic Atlanta, Idaho.

    These are some of my best finds from Atlanta, ID. We have a cabin in this historic mining mountain town that was founded in 1864. My family and I have found these items while digging a septic tank on our property, on an old garbage site and with a White's metal detector. If you recognize any of...
  16. a flat button?

    I believe this is a flat button,based on the unfortunately broken shank on the back.it is in such bad shape due to i believe the fact it was found in a farm field that for years has used fertilizer.The house and property date back to 1750.any ideas on if it really is a flat button? it is very...
  17. War of 1812 Massachusetts Button!!

    Hey everyone. Couple weeks ago I went detecting at my neighbor's house that was built in 1695. I decided to stay in a trashy area and clean it out in hopes of finding a few goodies inbetween all the trash. Well, that plan worked out great! I found an old token, toy car, pocket knife, and then...
  18. 3 button day! can you make out anything on this one?

    Went back to the spot on the river where I found the 1808 Artillery button ID'ed here Thursday. Found 3 more one piece buttons today. One plain, one marked ''plated'' and this ugly thing. no backmark, because there is no back. I know this isnt much to work with, but am hopiing that someone will...
  19. ✅ SOLVED Just found this button. Can anyone ID?

    Still smells like dirt. Can anyone tell me what this is? I saw simmilar ones posted but they had more canon balls. No matter what, it is my favorite button already. The city is expanding the parking for the boat launch and has moved tons of material. So far I got 3 barber dimes, 2 indians (my...
  20. Early Indiana Site 1800 - 1850

    Some recent finds from an early site I've been hunting for nearly a year. HH, ~Indiana Digger~
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