
  1. Cleaning Gilt Button with Lemon!

    I wanted to share this with you all on here because I was blown away by the result of cleaning this early 1800s button with a lemon rind. I had found this button last November and just now got around to cleaning some of my gilt finds. I could tell this one had a bit of gilt still on it when you...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button help

    Any info on this button. It's brass about the size of a nickel found in central Georgia .
  3. button from a old site, data?

    any info on this would be great, a date ect, from a old home site in fl. fl must have been very poor back in the day i seem to never ever find coins ever lots of iron and relics. but no coins! also has anyone ever used pastmaps.com/ ? it dont seem to be spot on with how it paste the map...
  4. 1859 Fat Cent IHP and 19th c. button

    1859 Fat Cent IHP and 19th c. button

    The first ever mint year of the Indian Head Penny, the 1859 series fat cent. The button is likely from the same time period.
  5. ✅ SOLVED Civil war. Button identification?

    Found in Missouri. Im assuming it's a civil war era button but I'm unable to identify the state. I thought it was a Maryland or new jersey button but the design is all wrong. Any help appreciated.
  6. Came back from DigStock with a ‘blob’. Started cleaning it and it has some writing on it. Been told it’s a bale seal. Trying to identify it.

    Had fun digging. The weather was beautiful. Found some buttons and one IHP 1880.
  7. Field Of Dreams! 1 trash, all treasure, Large, half and cut cents

    Good Morning! its me again! I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming after last nights quick 1.5 hour hunt. 2023 was a slow year of detecting. when I say slow, I mean with finds. my buddy and I would go out almost every weekend and detect. but the end of 2023 has been very generous...
  8. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Help with Horstmann brass button

    Hi all, new to the site and hoping to get some ID help. I did browse through a bit and saw that there seem to be some members with a lot of knowledge about Horstmann buttons. From the backmark I am assuming this one is circa 1890s based on my reading but I am more curious to know if anyone...
  9. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED I've found an eagle button and need help identifying it.

    Been trying to identify it and really want to be able to figure out what it is/when it's from. I'm scared to clean it to much but this is what I found.... a Flat Eagle button with a shield (I'm pretty sure lol). THANK YOU for all the help. Found in Virgina, if that helps.
  10. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help with Trigger Guard, Blank coin?& button back

    these are some more finds from my 1800's abandoned town site. Where i have found civil war military relics the soldier brought home and so much more. I'm fairly certain #1 is a trigger guard, but from what? Rifle or pistol? could this be a military issue weapon someone brought home to go...
  11. First Hunt, SILVER SCORE

    First hunt this year!! Haven't been detecting for a long time. So pumped that my first night out was a success!! Any guess on age for this vintage looking silver ring? And what about this button? Please comment if you have info. Thanks!
  12. 5/27/23 Button Find in VA

    My husband found this button in our cow field today in VA! I can’t find much info on it, but finally saw it says “Solidite Paris” on the back. The front says “H.G Fledderman” and something else like “Dalto” ? I can’t read it well. Any info or history on timeframe of this or where it would’ve...
  13. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Help identifying button.

    Found on an early 1800s site in New York. I tried Google lens but found nothing. There is nothing written on the other side.
  14. Flat Button “Best Quality”

    So happy to find this website today. This is my first post here so if I need to add other pics, please let me know. I found this outside my house today. I’d love to find out approximate age for this button. Our house was built in 1900 and we have been finding some cool things over the last 6...
  15. Irish Volunteers lead pewter button

    Hello everyone, Found this button a few years back. I’ve had a few button group look at it and it’s apparently the only example found in the US, another example was found in Europe. It reads “Irish Volunteers” Any idea what it’s worth? And is it really that rare?
  16. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Silver makers mark info needed

    Does anyone recognize this silver maker’s mark?
  17. Silver button w/ a makers mark!

    Found these today, anyone have information on the silver cuff button? Can’t seem to find the maker mark Mystery solved! The button is from the Kingdom of Sardinia, 800/1000 Silver used from 1824-1872
  18. Looking for info

    I’m very new into this and found what I believe to be a button. Any ideas as to age?
  19. Wet, Windy and Wild!

    Delayed start to the day as heavy rain in the morning, but never daunted we decided to drive over to the field of dreams and see how it went. Well, what can I say, this is the same field as last week, but we went up into a corner near the pond, that we hadn’t really done, the stubble is...
  20. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button? id help

    I'm thinking this is an old snap button with maybe part of the old leather coat still between the 2 pieces??? Approx 1/2 inch in diameter. Could anyone help me with what I have here and give me a date/use/name? Thanks as always! -Chase
  21. One detecting day weekend 🫤

    Heavy rain on and off yesterday so got up early today to make sure we got some fresh air, the rain held off so we actually got a whole day in! Went back to the fields adjacent to last week on top of the hill. Got the usual mix, of buttons, 3 lead weights, some buckles, musket balls, and 2...
  22. Sun, swinging and signals….

    What a perfect day today was, last day of our holiday and it could not of been nicer. We went back to yesterday’s stubble field …. not sure what you will make of todays mixed bag, but I loved every second of it! beautiful crotal bell, complete, lovely button, including one with an anchor on...
  23. An amazing start to 2023 😆

    At last the rain stopped and although cold and windy we headed out to some stubble fields… and are we glad we did! Lots of pottery across the field so hopes were high…. Yep 2 hammered for me… think one is a Charles 1 (1641 ) the other not sure… seems to have shields on both sides… nice lead...
  24. Todays results….

    Today dawned bright and sunny, so detecting was on! We went back to the same field as last time, as himself needed to take delivery of his new headphones (the previous ones didn’t fit 😂) and this field is about 5 mins from his house! A musket ball, lead weight, lots of buttons, a buckle, 2...
  25. A Foggy & soggy Sunday

    After a busy couple of days socialising we took a much needed waltz down to the river bank. The heavy fog didn’t lift all day, so we felt strangely cocooned from reality, with just the Rooks yelling in the trees and the beeps from the machines to accompany us! This is the same area we did last...
  26. A slow Sunday!

    so today we headed to a new field, the view was pretty, but we got bored of digging shot gun cases… so after a couple hours wandering about, we called it quits and headed back to yesterdays super field. We did ok considering only a couple of hours and we had been over it yesterday! got some...
  27. Button find… looking for some history on it!

    Button with a heraldic crest. A medieval tower, and an armor helmet. I can only find one on eBay for sale, but can’t find any information and history.
  28. Button (front)

    Button (front)

    Button with a heraldic crest. A medieval tower, and an armor helmet.
  29. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Mystery button

    Please help with identification I found this yesterday while beach detecting. I already posted about this, but here are some new photos after cleaning
  30. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Old mystery button

    Found this today while metal detecting, I can't find anything about it. Any help would be appreciated
  31. Today’s treasure 😍

    Back to the ridge and furrow field today! It was very damp, but the addiction is real so we persevered! So glad we did, we got musket balls, buttons, pot legs, spindle whorl, thimble, buckle, and patterned lead…! Plus the unidentified bits! 🤔 Oh yes and I got myself a lovely little hammered 😆...
  32. A digging day off, is a day well spent 😆 x

    Today we went back to the Ridge and furrow fields, just outside the village. Absolutely beautiful day spent digging the beeps😆.. Musket balls, buttons, a beautiful First World War badge, a 1848 four pence, with a hole thru, buckles, a gorgeous bridle boss (?), Roman nail (?) large piece of...
  33. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button help

    Hi all, Dug this button on a quick morning hunt before work. I have found reales, and a paris exposition uniform button there before. Is this an alpaca? Or a deer?
  34. My First Roman 😎

    a wet start to the day did not deter us.. we set off across the old deer park… very slow start which always mean i dig the iron targets to see what they might be… really old horse shoe… and Roman nails… so we kept at it… sure enough the musket balls, our lead thingys started popping, along with...
  35. Button ID help

    Hoping someone here can identify this button. Apparently it was important enough to someone that they attached a chain to it. Looks like it could be a harp. Found in New York.
  36. Today’s haul 😆

    We took our Deus’s out to the field where I found my first hammered, it was a beautiful clear cold day with an evil wind… but we were to excited to be put off! Woolly hat on we set off… well.. just look what we found! 20 musket balls, 9 of our special little lead things, some other bullets...
  37. 33C0FF19-9A3D-4298-BD68-1B7B927AAF93.jpeg


    U.S Military officers button
  38. 262A610B-572C-498A-BEB1-61681DBE5E95.jpeg


  39. Deus Day 1 😎

    At last we”ve gone to the dark side nd hung up our little yellow Garretts nd brought the Deus 😎… With some trepidation we set off and soon hit our stride.. my first Deus dig produced a little musket ball! Nice! Lots of buttons, lead weights, buckles, bits of lead, other bits of metal,(?) a...
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