Still waiting for cooler weather... today would be perfect, but my guide/landowner is tied up with a bass fishing tournament.
$200 entry fee and a $20,000 bass boat prize at stake, has his attention right now!
He isn’t the owner of the ghost town, but is my first contact, to get on that property.
I have been doing a very new and different type of research, than I am used to. Using google maps to trace the railroad right of way... tracks were pulled up, almost a century ago. It gets tricky, but a short drive to the GPS cords give me good information, by just checking my compass and dropping a pin on my map, has led me to the town where my little sister has lived for almost a decade.
She has been trying to help, with a little success. We looked behind all of the oldest area in town with no real signs.
An old map located a street ( just a few blocks from her house) named
“Depot street “ and a short drive yielded the actual depot, that has been well maintained by the city!
View attachment 1758747
The history of the tracks from that point on has been recorded thoroughly, due to a high number of train and early automobiles, fitted to tracks, wrecks and derailments.
If we find just old pocket spill, it will be satisfying.
Oh, who am I kidding? That will be the beginning of another obsession!!!
Hopefully we will get started within a few weeks...
Thanks for asking.