Ever Had An Entity Invade Your Proximity?


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Feb 23, 2011
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It's not a trick question, just curious if ya'll would share.
I read about how, some of our civil war TH's and/or others, sometimes seem to encounter........ ? ,
voices, sightings, I dunno..... "things".

Ever had that "something", whisper in your ear, catch your known sight, touch you, smells, and/or.........?
No judgments, be it good, bad, or indifferent.
Just a chance to perhaps share or learn...... Thanks all.

Not me, Mrs Bandit. When we still lived in NH I had bought a Civil War vintage wicker wheelchair. I had enough background on it and did my own research to be fairly sure it was from that era. One indication is that the manufacturers went to rubber tired, steel spoked wheels right after 1865. This had wood spoked wheels. She swears that one night when she got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom she saw a Civil War soldier in uniform sitting in the chair. It freaked her out enough that she made me sell it... Here's the chair.


  • Wicker Wheelchair.webp
    Wicker Wheelchair.webp
    116.4 KB · Views: 160
Menger Hotel, San Antonio. I am not a believer, but one day I was in the Menger which is an old cowboy hotel from the 1800's. The old entrance(far right doors) open into the old lobby. If you look up there are galleries running in a circle with a stained glass ceiling. I was on the second floor gallery and I approached an old woman who was knitting. Gray hair, old looking clothes, glasses. She was sitting in one of the provided chairs. I looked at her and she gruffly said good morning. I said good morning, turned to look up at the stained glass and about 2-3 seconds later turned toward her. She was gone. The old retired manager (who does other duties) told me later she was a ghost that he and others had seen before. Beats me. She didn't have time to get up and get to a hallway when I saw her. Still don't believe, but quien sabe? I used to take my college classes on a walking tour of downtown San Antonio and they couldn't wait to explore the Menger after I told them that story. Supposed to be lots of ghosts in the Menger. The land was about 50-75 yards or so from where the Tennessee defenders manned their defenses. If you're ever in town, it's free and fun. Some of my students talked to some of the housekeepers(usually young latinas). Many of them would not go into certain rooms or especially not into the basement. I still don't believe...

8-)Though when young I was told to believe none of what I hear, and only half of what I see.
I only believe what lines up with what I think I believe... I believe that, and so far that's mostly what I think I have experienced...
Still always open to new experiences, I figure I will, probably within my supposed belief limits.
Then as usual, will study to determine the source...
But I have been very surprised before. :laughing7: :cross:

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Thank you all for your replies.
Oroblanco, I will hafta take some time to get through the 30 something pages on the other thread and thank you for directing us there. Also say "hello" to the Mrs, I think the world of her and you.

I, at times, have had to question my sanity and/or power of the mind, when audible things come in to my proximity.
I'm kinda sure the explosions and gunshot blasts, that at times, go off right next to my head or within a few feet of me are just latent symptoms of PTDS/PTSD (however they arrange them letters). Those seem to happen at times of great stress and/or anxiety.

As too, the few times I have heard audible voices, directly speaking to me, (through my mind?, in real life/time?). On those occasions, if anyone had of been with me, I would have turned and asked them, "did you just hear what I heard"?
I even inquired of one of the voices once, "AM I CRAZY, or did I just hear what I thought I heard"? and the voice REPEATS back to me, what it originally told me. Like I said, it leaves one(me) questioning their(my) sanity.

I finally just asked the ALL, please don't talk to me no more! LOL! So for now...... no more.
I quit inquiring and seeking, cause, well, it's just a little too weird.

I know there are others/things/entities out there. Or, is it really just from within our own minds?
I tend to think not, in that, they are different, I can't exactly pinpoint how, I just know they are.
SEE! Doesn't that sound like a crazy person? Dang brain antennae! LOL!
Trust me, ignorance is bliss!

I was at a 1675 battlefield,king philips war, thats near me.I didnt hear anything or see anything,it just felt creepy being there.kind of like sensing something that you couldnt figure out.

In High School we were playing with a Ouiji Board at a senior party. The question was asked about who would we marry. (I'm a guy)

It came to my turn and it spelled out Fred. Everyone had a big laugh and I took a ribbing about it for the rest of the semester.

Years later while in the Navy I met and married a gal and had a daughter. One of my old H.S. friends reminded me of the Ouiji Board prediction and it was kinda creepy and startling at the same time, my wife's name was Freda...

Been afraid of the Ouiji Board ever since. Won't touch one to this day.

Thank you all for your replies.
Oroblanco, I will hafta take some time to get through the 30 something pages on the other thread and thank you for directing us there. Also say "hello" to the Mrs, I think the world of her and you.

I, at times, have had to question my sanity and/or power of the mind, when audible things come in to my proximity.
I'm kinda sure the explosions and gunshot blasts, that at times, go off right next to my head or within a few feet of me are just latent symptoms of PTDS/PTSD (however they arrange them letters). Those seem to happen at times of great stress and/or anxiety.

As too, the few times I have heard audible voices, directly speaking to me, (through my mind?, in real life/time?). On those occasions, if anyone had of been with me, I would have turned and asked them, "did you just hear what I heard"?
I even inquired of one of the voices once, "AM I CRAZY, or did I just hear what I thought I heard"? and the voice REPEATS back to me, what it originally told me. Like I said, it leaves one(me) questioning their(my) sanity.

I finally just asked the ALL, please don't talk to me no more! LOL! So for now...... no more.
I quit inquiring and seeking, cause, well, it's just a little too weird.

I know there are others/things/entities out there. Or, is it really just from within our own minds?
I tend to think not, in that, they are different, I can't exactly pinpoint how, I just know they are.
SEE! Doesn't that sound like a crazy person? Dang brain antennae! LOL!
Trust me, ignorance is bliss!

I hope you know that we count you as a friend too amigo - and I hear you. Such "paranormal" things can make one question our own sanity.

A somewhat famous UFO researcher proposed that for many people, having lived through a great trauma or terrible stress, seemed to have made them "sensitive" to this other world of spirits. I don't know if that is true or not, but based on anecdotal evidence it does appear to be true. Something (perhaps, and underline perhaps) in the human makeup, that having to go through the great trauma or stress, heightens the sensitivity. At the other end of the spectrum, many of us become 'numb' to so much, we can not hear birds singing from having taught ourselves to tune out the noise and racket of modern civilization. It makes sense to me anyway.

I can also relate to hearing voices - and am also sure that it was not just me that heard it; the most recent example was a few years ago, had gone to bed and heard someone call out my name (Roy) loud and clear, coming from outside. As I was still awake, I noticed that our dogs also heard it and went charging out to see who or whom it was, as did I (after grabbing a flashlight of course) only to find no one out there. Could it have been someone playing a prank? Possibly, but if you could see where we were living at the time (Beth was not at home at the time) it would be most unlikely, the nearest neighbor being three miles as the crow flies, and it is well off the beaten track with no good places for anyone to hide. This particular spot also had several other incidents as well, including one that I will share (may have told it before, if so my apologies) as I have never heard of one quite like it.

While we were living at this place I am referring to, all of our Huskies passed away, though we still had one dog, a German shorthaired pointer. Beth had gone to stay with her sister whom was going through chemo and I was kind of "holding the fort". One night after I had gone to bed, had about drifted off but not quite and I felt my dog climb onto the bunk with me, and curl up against my leg as he always did. Without thinking I put my hand down to pat him, a habit of course, and I felt the soft Husky fur. It took a moment for me to realize that this was not possible, as my Husky was dead and buried months before.

I sat up and flipped on the light, nothing. The pointer dog was laying on the floor at the other end of the room, and she looked up at me as if to say what is your problem kid? But I felt that warm furry dog, even the rhythm of it breathing and soft thumping of it wagging its tail, and nothing was there. We had a doggie door that makes a sound when any dog or even the wind should disturb it, and it had not made a sound nor was it moving. So did I imagine that little episode, or are there such things as ghost DOGS? Did I just imagine the whole thing?

I should add here that there was one other possibility; we had had a young female coyote that came to live with our dogs for several months. The coyote ran and played with our Huskies, ate with them, slept with them, etc. If we took a walk to check the fences, the coyote would trot right along with the dogs and us, always keeping an eye out for a jackrabbit. The coyote would not let you touch it however, and if you tried to pet it, it would cringe away from your hand, but not run away. The coyote left one day about sunset, I guess because she could hear some other coyotes calling at the time from another ridge, and we only saw her one more time after that. But I doubt that it would have climbed onto the bunk with me, much less allow me to pet it, and it would have made a sound coming through the doggie door, and in going back out fast as it only took me a second to turn on the light. So I am pretty certain it was not the coyote on my bunk.

GIB hoo boy Ouija boards. I don't think they are something we should play with, whether they are calling on some info in our own minds or some kind of spiritual contact. Just think of what it is, if it really is contacting a spirit, you are letting this spirit have control over part of your body, which can not be a good thing.

Red James Cash - I can sure understand and agree on that - is that battlefield in Rhode Island? I went to a battlefield in R.I. where the last fort of king Philip was burned to the ground, with the Indian defenders still inside, and wow what a creepy, sad place, even depressing. I have gotten much the same feeling at several other battle grounds like Custer's last stand, which is a place of bright sun, open country, yet still it has the strangest feeling of tragedy. I have wondered why our paranormal researchers have not spent more time investigating such old battlefields, which very often have a haunting feeling just being there.

Anyway please do continue, did not mean to derail the topic just noticed that we are discussing much the same kinds of things in several different threads, hope we can all get together in one as it is fascinating.

I do believe animals can come to us in dreams, maybe other ways, too.
I was very close to my neighbors Rhodesian Ridgeback, Hamlet. He was a horse of a dog.
My neighbor was single at the time with a teenage daughter, because he worked and the daughter went to school, I would come over every evening, make supper, eat with them, clean the kitchen, relax, watch a little tv, then he and Hamlet would walk me back home around the corner.

One night, just having fallen asleep, there's someone(thing) at my bedroom window. Startled awake(in the dream?), I pull the curtain back and there is Hamlet!
I said, "Hamlet, what are you doing here"?
Hamlet said, with his big ole jowls flopping, "I's justs comes to sees yous"!
I laughed, opened the window, Hamlet jumped inside, layed down with me, we watched tv and drifted off to sleep.
That was like 25 yrs ago and I still remember it, like it was last night. I loved that dog so much, he was such a good spirit.

eta: GIB, I'm with oroblanco on them boards. I believe there is a reason we are told not to mess with "familiar spirits", maybe simply because, we have a limited understanding on this plane. There are some real nasty buggers out there.........

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eta: GIB, I'm with oroblanco on them boards. I believe there is a reason we are told not to mess with "familiar spirits", maybe simply because, we have a limited understanding on this plane. There are some real nasty buggers out there.........

Having had some experience with this, ain't no way I'll even knowingly be in the same room with an Ouiji board! Got enough of them things trying to cross into our lives as it is. I won't be inviting any in, just want to get rid of the ones here already - the bad ones that is.

I've had a UFO hover less than 100' above me.
It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.

I've never had any ghostly encounters though.

A few times on here I've posted about my encounters. Can't sleep right now and it's nearly 1:00 AM, so I'll tell ya'll another story.

My Dad's brother, Uncle Kermit. He was one big bad dude, killed a man with a sledge hammer in the 1930's, got out of the trouble, Silver Star in WWII Europe. He was a very quiet fellow, I lived with his family for about 6 months when I was 4 years old. Kermit ran a saw mill in the mountains of Southwest, Va, and passed away about a decade ago. When I was a child, other members of my family (Mom's side) said that Kermit was going to work at his mill one morning with a couple other fellows, and met himself on the path to the mill. The other fellows saw it too. Kermit turned around and went home. That day the saw broke loose from the shaft and went through the spot where Kermit would always stand.

This was only a vague memory from childhood.

But, over 50 years later I got to spend some time with my cousin, Kermit's daughter. And she told me the same story.

These are my stories

There are a few places . I know of two both back in the dark mountains where the sun does not shine. I have been caught there at dusk. Very funny feeling. I do not believe in ghost either.But something about these places have a very strong presence just a strong feeling of something from the past that lingers.

Another time…

I was bow hunting early season once and my buddy called me on the radio back then in the mtns we did not have cell service and used Motorola's and ear buds he was on the mountain opposite me. He asked if someone was playing tricks and said someone had run strings of white Christmas lights in the woods. Of course I laughed as he was in the middle of no mans land out in the sticks. He was shook up and when he climbed down they were gone. He was not happy and thought someone was playing a joke on him. I thought he was nuts (sorry Kenney).Well fast forward about say 10 years…….

I was in my stand towards dusk same mountain range he had hunted and was getting tired of balancing my bow with an arrow on rest on my front rail. Nothing moved during that evening hunt. As if the woods were void of what is usually the last hoorah for all the forest creatures. I looked in front of me and saw straight lines of lights in several places I actually thought some one was there and against all hunting skills I know I yelled out hello, several times and waved my arms to see if some one was there. I was in a tree climber say 25 feet high so began the arduous task of securing equipment and climbing down as darkness fell and took hold as I reached the bottom.I clicked on my petzl head lamp. I could still see the lights lit up in long rows like strands kind like runways..Small lights say maybe 50 per line. I walked toward them and then like nothing they were gone.
I thought about this for some time and my best guess it was some type of light refraction from a setting west sun. I did not get the willy's from this like the two other places I know of.
I also live on a battlefield where men fought and died. But it is at peace and comfortable.
Happy Hunting,

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Another story....

In '95 I spent 8 hours in the hospital at my best friend Rich Brown's passing - not a good experience, pancreatic cancer. When he did pass, his body surged upward, and then he was gone from us.

One of our other old friends was late arriving, Rich was already gone. John was pretty hurt, so we went out and sat in the hospital courtyard and talked.

As we were walking back in heading towards the elevator, there was an elderly lady there. The door opened, she stepped in, and we arrived just as the doors closed and John hit the up button.

The door immediately re-opened, and we stepped in.

Doors closed and we're going up. John says "Where's that lady?"

I said, "Oh, you saw her too."

John up till then was an atheist, did not believe in anything except money.

This was in St. Joseph's Hospital in Sterling Heights, MI

It shook John up pretty thoroughly. Changed his way of thinking. Me? Just another example...

My first real one - 1958, age 9

My mother and father divorced when I was 5, and Mom was a very lost soul. At age 4 she had been institutionalized - which is why I had lived with my father's brother Kermit for that time.

Mom dragged my older (two years) brother and I from place to place trying to survive. And then we landed at my grandmother's house - the one I own now and where Mom stays.

My brother and I were sleeping on a cot at the top of the stairs, with him on the outside and me against the wall.

Very early in the morning my brother woke me up crying - he was scared, have never even in our lives today witnessed him that frightened.

He said he'd awoken to something standing over him. He said it bent down, looked him in the face, then stood back up, turned and walked down the stairs.

My brother woke me up and scared the willies out of me. And we laid there in silence for what seemed forever - and then we heard noises from the floor below. That frightened us even more.

And then we smelled coffee, someone was up, so we went down stairs.

Mom was at the kitchen table with her back to the wall trying to drink coffee. I remember her hands shaking. I also remember the clock on the wall and time 2:45 AM.

Mom had been sleeping on a cot in what is now the bathroom - no door, just a curtain. Mom said she couldn't sleep, and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The footsteps hit the landing and turned walking towards her door. She thought it was her mother, and said "Mom, what are you doing up?".

At that point the entity stepped through the curtain. Mom said "Jesus save me", and it moaned and disappeared.

At daylight Mom got us out of there, and none of us spent the night in that house again for over 30 years. To date, neither Mom or my brother will talk about the entity or what it looked like except in generalities. Both felt it wanted their souls.

I purchased the farm from my grandmother in 1979 to keep it in the family. In June of 2000 my ex divorced me for another man, and I moved to the farm to heal - I was one hurting dude, my emotions were pretty fragile, and I was weak of spirit.

So, the thing came back, after my soul. I contacted the medium who said the entity is a fallen angel (which equals poltergeist or demon - many names for this sort of entity).

It came for me 5 times that I know of. Each time it was 2:30 AM (remember the clock over Mom's head). And each time I felt in danger of losing my soul. Each time I protected myself in prayer.

This entity feeds off the weak in spirit, those who are hurting.

There's certainly more to this story, but morning is passing and I have a day to begin.

The entity is still there, as evidenced by an e-mail from Mom on Monday. Mom is moving into a nursing home, I'm retiring - but to the farm?

Maybe this land has been in my family for too long already......

I do not watch supernatural movies, have never seen the "Exorcist" and never will. I feel like that invites unwanted things in.

If there is no God, then why would prayer work?

If there is no God, why would there be entities like this preying upon us?

I know that I believe, have to believe, and my belief has protected me all through my life.

My first real one - 1958, age 9

My mother and father divorced when I was 5, and Mom was a very lost soul. At age 4 she had been institutionalized - which is why I had lived with my father's brother Kermit for that time.

Mom dragged my older (two years) brother and I from place to place trying to survive. And then we landed at my grandmother's house - the one I own now and where Mom stays.

My brother and I were sleeping on a cot at the top of the stairs, with him on the outside and me against the wall.

Very early in the morning my brother woke me up crying - he was scared, have never even in our lives today witnessed him that frightened.

He said he'd awoken to something standing over him. He said it bent down, looked him in the face, then stood back up, turned and walked down the stairs.

My brother woke me up and scared the willies out of me. And we laid there in silence for what seemed forever - and then we heard noises from the floor below. That frightened us even more.

And then we smelled coffee, someone was up, so we went down stairs.

Mom was at the kitchen table with her back to the wall trying to drink coffee. I remember her hands shaking. I also remember the clock on the wall and time 2:45 AM.

Mom had been sleeping on a cot in what is now the bathroom - no door, just a curtain. Mom said she couldn't sleep, and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The footsteps hit the landing and turned walking towards her door. She thought it was her mother, and said "Mom, what are you doing up?".

At that point the entity stepped through the curtain. Mom said "Jesus save me", and it moaned and disappeared.

At daylight Mom got us out of there, and none of us spent the night in that house again for over 30 years. To date, neither Mom or my brother will talk about the entity or what it looked like except in generalities. Both felt it wanted their souls.

I purchased the farm from my grandmother in 1979 to keep it in the family. In June of 2000 my ex divorced me for another man, and I moved to the farm to heal - I was one hurting dude, my emotions were pretty fragile, and I was weak of spirit.

So, the thing came back, after my soul. I contacted the medium who said the entity is a fallen angel (which equals poltergeist or demon - many names for this sort of entity).

It came for me 5 times that I know of. Each time it was 2:30 AM (remember the clock over Mom's head). And each time I felt in danger of losing my soul. Each time I protected myself in prayer.

This entity feeds off the weak in spirit, those who are hurting.

There's certainly more to this story, but morning is passing and I have a day to begin.

The entity is still there, as evidenced by an e-mail from Mom on Monday. Mom is moving into a nursing home, I'm retiring - but to the farm?

Maybe this land has been in my family for too long already......

I do not watch supernatural movies, have never seen the "Exorcist" and never will. I feel like that invites unwanted things in.

If there is no God, then why would prayer work?

If there is no God, why would there be entities like this preying upon us?

I know that I believe, have to believe, and my belief has protected me all through my life.

SMUDGE whole house (EVERY room); hang up ROYAL SAGE in EVERY room; see "taken where I work" THREAD...

My first real one - 1958, age 9

My mother and father divorced when I was 5, and Mom was a very lost soul. At age 4 she had been institutionalized - which is why I had lived with my father's brother Kermit for that time.

Mom dragged my older (two years) brother and I from place to place trying to survive. And then we landed at my grandmother's house - the one I own now and where Mom stays.

My brother and I were sleeping on a cot at the top of the stairs, with him on the outside and me against the wall.

Very early in the morning my brother woke me up crying - he was scared, have never even in our lives today witnessed him that frightened.

He said he'd awoken to something standing over him. He said it bent down, looked him in the face, then stood back up, turned and walked down the stairs.

My brother woke me up and scared the willies out of me. And we laid there in silence for what seemed forever - and then we heard noises from the floor below. That frightened us even more.

And then we smelled coffee, someone was up, so we went down stairs.

Mom was at the kitchen table with her back to the wall trying to drink coffee. I remember her hands shaking. I also remember the clock on the wall and time 2:45 AM.

Mom had been sleeping on a cot in what is now the bathroom - no door, just a curtain. Mom said she couldn't sleep, and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The footsteps hit the landing and turned walking towards her door. She thought it was her mother, and said "Mom, what are you doing up?".

At that point the entity stepped through the curtain. Mom said "Jesus save me", and it moaned and disappeared.

At daylight Mom got us out of there, and none of us spent the night in that house again for over 30 years. To date, neither Mom or my brother will talk about the entity or what it looked like except in generalities. Both felt it wanted their souls.

I purchased the farm from my grandmother in 1979 to keep it in the family. In June of 2000 my ex divorced me for another man, and I moved to the farm to heal - I was one hurting dude, my emotions were pretty fragile, and I was weak of spirit.

So, the thing came back, after my soul. I contacted the medium who said the entity is a fallen angel (which equals poltergeist or demon - many names for this sort of entity).

It came for me 5 times that I know of. Each time it was 2:30 AM (remember the clock over Mom's head). And each time I felt in danger of losing my soul. Each time I protected myself in prayer.

This entity feeds off the weak in spirit, those who are hurting.

There's certainly more to this story, but morning is passing and I have a day to begin.

The entity is still there, as evidenced by an e-mail from Mom on Monday. Mom is moving into a nursing home, I'm retiring - but to the farm?

Maybe this land has been in my family for too long already......

I do not watch supernatural movies, have never seen the "Exorcist" and never will. I feel like that invites unwanted things in.

If there is no God, then why would prayer work?

If there is no God, why would there be entities like this preying upon us?

I know that I believe, have to believe, and my belief has protected me all through my life.

Do not turn this thread in to religion.

My first real one - 1958, age 9

My mother and father divorced when I was 5, and Mom was a very lost soul. At age 4 she had been institutionalized - which is why I had lived with my father's brother Kermit for that time.

Mom dragged my older (two years) brother and I from place to place trying to survive. And then we landed at my grandmother's house - the one I own now and where Mom stays.

My brother and I were sleeping on a cot at the top of the stairs, with him on the outside and me against the wall.

Very early in the morning my brother woke me up crying - he was scared, have never even in our lives today witnessed him that frightened.

He said he'd awoken to something standing over him. He said it bent down, looked him in the face, then stood back up, turned and walked down the stairs.

My brother woke me up and scared the willies out of me. And we laid there in silence for what seemed forever - and then we heard noises from the floor below. That frightened us even more.

And then we smelled coffee, someone was up, so we went down stairs.

Mom was at the kitchen table with her back to the wall trying to drink coffee. I remember her hands shaking. I also remember the clock on the wall and time 2:45 AM.

Mom had been sleeping on a cot in what is now the bathroom - no door, just a curtain. Mom said she couldn't sleep, and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The footsteps hit the landing and turned walking towards her door. She thought it was her mother, and said "Mom, what are you doing up?".

At that point the entity stepped through the curtain. Mom said "Jesus save me", and it moaned and disappeared.

At daylight Mom got us out of there, and none of us spent the night in that house again for over 30 years. To date, neither Mom or my brother will talk about the entity or what it looked like except in generalities. Both felt it wanted their souls.

I purchased the farm from my grandmother in 1979 to keep it in the family. In June of 2000 my ex divorced me for another man, and I moved to the farm to heal - I was one hurting dude, my emotions were pretty fragile, and I was weak of spirit.

So, the thing came back, after my soul. I contacted the medium who said the entity is a fallen angel (which equals poltergeist or demon - many names for this sort of entity).

It came for me 5 times that I know of. Each time it was 2:30 AM (remember the clock over Mom's head). And each time I felt in danger of losing my soul. Each time I protected myself in prayer.

This entity feeds off the weak in spirit, those who are hurting.

There's certainly more to this story, but morning is passing and I have a day to begin.

The entity is still there, as evidenced by an e-mail from Mom on Monday. Mom is moving into a nursing home, I'm retiring - but to the farm?

Maybe this land has been in my family for too long already......

I do not watch supernatural movies, have never seen the "Exorcist" and never will. I feel like that invites unwanted things in.

If there is no God, then why would prayer work?

If there is no God, why would there be entities like this preying upon us?

I know that I believe, have to believe, and my belief has protected me all through my life.

I have, in a weakened state, been harassed pretty tough (bombarded) by
negative thoughts. This was during some trying times of enormous size.

It was a very cold and uncomfortable feeling, and quite a dark experience.

The one worst time, was before important events happened in my life.

The same things that work (positive), while serious treasure hunting,
can break the spirit's goad, revealing real treasure... :fish: :angel12: :angel4: :cross:

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