Thank you all for your replies.
Oroblanco, I will hafta take some time to get through the 30 something pages on the other thread and thank you for directing us there. Also say "hello" to the Mrs, I think the world of her and you.
I, at times, have had to question my sanity and/or power of the mind, when audible things come in to my proximity.
I'm kinda sure the explosions and gunshot blasts, that at times, go off right next to my head or within a few feet of me are just latent symptoms of PTDS/PTSD (however they arrange them letters). Those seem to happen at times of great stress and/or anxiety.
As too, the few times I have heard audible voices, directly speaking to me, (through my mind?, in real life/time?). On those occasions, if anyone had of been with me, I would have turned and asked them, "did you just hear what I heard"?
I even inquired of one of the voices once, "AM I CRAZY, or did I just hear what I thought I heard"? and the voice REPEATS back to me, what it originally told me. Like I said, it leaves one(me) questioning their(my) sanity.
I finally just asked the ALL, please don't talk to me no more! LOL! So for now...... no more.
I quit inquiring and seeking, cause, well, it's just a little too weird.
I know there are others/things/entities out there. Or, is it really just from within our own minds?
I tend to think not, in that, they are different, I can't exactly pinpoint how, I just know they are.
SEE! Doesn't that sound like a crazy person? Dang brain antennae! LOL!
Trust me, ignorance is bliss!
I hope you know that we count you as a friend too amigo - and I hear you. Such "paranormal" things
can make one question our own sanity.
A somewhat famous UFO researcher proposed that for many people, having lived through a great trauma or terrible stress, seemed to have made them "sensitive" to this other world of spirits. I don't know if that is true or not, but based on anecdotal evidence it does appear to be true. Something (perhaps, and underline perhaps) in the human makeup, that having to go through the great trauma or stress, heightens the sensitivity. At the other end of the spectrum, many of us become 'numb' to so much, we can not hear birds singing from having taught ourselves to tune out the noise and racket of modern civilization. It makes sense to me anyway.
I can also relate to hearing voices - and am also sure that it was not just me that heard it; the most recent example was a few years ago, had gone to bed and heard someone call out my name (Roy) loud and clear, coming from outside. As I was still awake, I noticed that our dogs also heard it and went charging out to see who or whom it was, as did I (after grabbing a flashlight of course) only to find no one out there. Could it have been someone playing a prank? Possibly, but if you could see where we were living at the time (Beth was not at home at the time) it would be most unlikely, the nearest neighbor being three miles as the crow flies, and it is well off the beaten track with no good places for anyone to hide. This particular spot also had several other incidents as well, including one that I will share (may have told it before, if so my apologies) as I have never heard of one quite like it.
While we were living at this place I am referring to, all of our Huskies passed away, though we still had one dog, a German shorthaired pointer. Beth had gone to stay with her sister whom was going through chemo and I was kind of "holding the fort". One night after I had gone to bed, had about drifted off but not quite and I felt my dog climb onto the bunk with me, and curl up against my leg as he always did. Without thinking I put my hand down to pat him, a habit of course, and I felt the soft Husky fur. It took a moment for me to realize that this was not possible, as my Husky was dead and buried months before.
I sat up and flipped on the light, nothing. The pointer dog was laying on the floor at the other end of the room, and she looked up at me as if to say what is your problem kid? But I felt that warm furry dog, even the rhythm of it breathing and soft thumping of it wagging its tail, and
nothing was there. We had a doggie door that makes a sound when any dog or even the wind should disturb it, and it had not made a sound nor was it moving. So did I imagine that little episode, or are there such things as ghost DOGS? Did I just imagine the whole thing?
I should add here that there was one other possibility; we had had a young female coyote that came to live with our dogs for several months. The coyote ran and played with our Huskies, ate with them, slept with them, etc. If we took a walk to check the fences, the coyote would trot right along with the dogs and us, always keeping an eye out for a jackrabbit. The coyote would not let you touch it however, and if you tried to pet it, it would cringe away from your hand, but not run away. The coyote left one day about sunset, I guess because she could hear some other coyotes calling at the time from another ridge, and we only saw her one more time after that. But I doubt that it would have climbed onto the bunk with me, much less allow me to pet it, and it would have made a sound coming through the doggie door, and in going back out fast as it only took me a second to turn on the light. So I am pretty certain it was not the coyote on my bunk.
GIB hoo boy Ouija boards. I don't think they are something we should play with, whether they are calling on some info in our own minds or some kind of spiritual contact. Just think of what it is, if it really is contacting a spirit, you are letting this spirit have control over part of your body, which can not be a good thing.
Red James Cash - I can sure understand and agree on that - is that battlefield in Rhode Island? I went to a battlefield in R.I. where the last fort of king Philip was burned to the ground, with the Indian defenders still inside, and wow what a creepy, sad place, even depressing. I have gotten much the same feeling at several other battle grounds like Custer's last stand, which is a place of bright sun, open country, yet still it has the strangest feeling of tragedy. I have wondered why our paranormal researchers have not spent more time investigating such old battlefields, which very often have a haunting feeling just being there.
Anyway please do continue, did not mean to derail the topic just noticed that we are discussing much the same kinds of things in several different threads, hope we can all get together in one as it is fascinating.