IMO , the Perfil mapa , is a reversed view from the Peralta's " Camp plato " looking south . There was another Peralta's miners camp " Campo trabajadores " about half mile to the south . These two camps were close by two different water sources .
From the " Camp plato " you can't see all the details of the Perfil mapa , like the " human Head " , the " Tunel " , the " Caverna con Casa " and the " Agua " , but only the big landmarks like the " S.Cima " , the tip of " El Sombrero " and the deep ravine between them . Going to the ravine and crossing above the hill in front , first you will see the " Agua " with the specific course in the map . Going deeper in the ravine , you will see what seems to be the " Caverna con Casa " to the right and the " Tunel " on the other side to the left . Going through this ravine and beeing at its top , you will see the " Head " ( a big rock on the mountain side ) high to the left , and the wall cliff below and east of the " Head " .
Now , the " Hoyo " is logical you can't see it but only when you will be upon it . The map shows where is the "Hoyo " in regards with the " Head " .
I post a picture with the Perfil mapa reversed and another picture ( is little blurry because is a small part of a bigger picture ) which was took a short distance west from the " Camp plato " . In this picture you can see the " S.Cima " to the left and the deep ravine .