K.G.C. member here to share some history and treasure hunting tips!


Jr. Member
Jun 13, 2016
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Golden Thread
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
Hello Treasurenet,

My family has been involved in the Knights of the Golden Circle since at least the 1850's, and very little records were kept of the history of our organization. I am here to provide knowledge that has been passed down through my family, that may be difficult to find on the internet.

The K.G.C. was founded in the 1830's by George Bickley and five others (who's names are lost to History) in southern Ohio, in support of South Carolina's secession movement. The original intent was for the Southern US (all areas below the Mason-Dixon line, including the southern parts of midwestern and western states) to form an independent country, conquer Mexico, central America, and the Carribean, and form a "cotton empire" surrounding Havana.

Throughout the 1840's and 50's, the K.G.C. got members elected to state-level government positions throughout the South and even in parts of the north, and pushed secession as a possibility. Most K.G.C. members were Democrats, although a small number were moderate Whigs. Contrary to popular belief, President Franklin Pierce (D-NH) was NOT a member, although President James Buchanan (D-PA) was.

In 1860, the K.G.C. formed an army and planned to invade Mexico, but the War for Southern Independence broke out and the members instead enlisted in the Confederate army. By that point, the main goal of the organization had evolved from establishing a "cotton empire" to merely gaining independence for the Southern states. President Jefferson Davis and many in government positions of the Confederate States were members, as were General Nathan Bedford Forrest and a handful of other Confederate officers. Alexander Stephens, a former Whig and friend of Abraham Lincoln, was likely only made Vice President of the Democrat-dominated Confederacy because of his membership in the K.G.C.

At the end of the war, the K.G.C. ordered the assassination of Lincoln, Johnson, and Seward. The goal was to decapitate the Yankee government, in order to create enough confusion and distraction in the north for the Confederacy to re-organize and continue the war. The plan backfired after only Lincoln was successfully assassinated, which allowed for the Radical Republican congress to take control in the North, pass the 14th and 15th amendments, and institute a strict reconstruction policy. Booth, Surratt, and the rest of the conspirators as well as those who aided in their attempted escape, were K.G.C. members (With the exception of Mary Surratt, as women were not granted membership at that time).

Following the war, General Nathan Bedford Forrest organized the first era Ku Klux Klan as a militant arm of the K.G.C. to drive carpetbaggers and Republicans out of the South, with a plan to overthrow the military governments put in place over most of the South, in order to make a second war a possibility. The Klan quickly turned to racial violence, as most Southern Republicans were newly-freed slaves, and was officially disbanded in 1869, although some branches continued to operate until it was outlawed in 1872. K.G.C. members refused to take the reconstruction oath and lived out their lives unable to vote.

During the reconstruction era and lasting well into the early 1900's, the K.G.C. robbed carpetbagger-owned businesses, railroad cars, and and banks in order to finance a second war for Southern Independence. The most notorious of these robbers were the James-Younger gang. This is the source of the K.G.C. treasures that can be found throughout the South and West. Most K.G.C. activity during this time occurred in Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee, the three ex-Confederate states that were not put under military rule. Kansas, Arkansas, West Virginia, Maryland, Nebraska, the Indian Territory, Texas, and California also saw a lot of robbings by the K.G.C., and Castles (branches) were organized throughout these states, as well as a few in the deep south. The K.G.C. had a lot of influence in the Missouri state government throughout the 1870's and 1880's, at least two governors during this time were members, as well as a number of state legislators. K.G.C. members were also elected to the state legislature of Arkansas.

Sometime in the early 1880's, the K.G.C. founded the Order of American Knights (O.A.K.) as a less secretive branch organization, secretly governed by the K.G.C.

In 1915, O.A.K. member William J. Simmons founded the Second era Ku Klux Klan. This is where the history gets murky, as very few records were kept. The K.G.C. was not disbanded in 1916, as many online sources state.
In 1922, the K.G.C. and O.A.K. merged with the KKK, and remained as KKK branches until the late 1960's. In 1968, the K.G.C. became an independent organization, although it remained affiliated with the KKK. When David Duke founded the fourth era (sometimes incorrectly referred to as the third era) Ku Klux Klan in 1975, the K.G.C. severed ties with the newly "Nazified" organization, and established itself as a Southern Nationalist group, similar to the modern League of the South. The names of important officials in the K.G.C. are kept secret. The organization is headed by an Imperal Commander, the leader for each state or region is called a Grand Commander, and the leader of each Castle (local branch) is called a Captain. There are branches in 49 of the 50 states, although most of them are in the South and lower Midwest.

In 1997, the K.G.C. renewed ties with certain KKK groups, and re-established itself as a "Pro-Southern, Pro-White" group. a sister organization in Europe called the Knights of Thule (K.O.T.) was founded to promote nationalism and "pro-white" causes, and has branches in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Poland, and Italy. Today, the K.G.C. works with the K.O.T, the KKK, and the LoS. One KKK group (which shall remain unnamed) is a branch of the K.G.C. and closely models the first-era (pre-racist) KKK. Other political activism organizations (which shall also remain unnamed) also have ties to the K.G.C. The ultimate goal of the K.G.C. is southern independence. We currently have state legislators (who shall remain unnamed) serving in Arkansas and Mississippi. The K.G.C. makes political endorsements for various offices, partakes in political activism, and runs candidates for state-level office throughout the South. Currently, we do not rob carpetbagger-owned businesses or partake in any illegal activity, but we do seek to uncover the treasures that were hidden during the reconstruction era.

From what our researchers have gathered, most of the treasures were hidden in caves or buried in wooden areas, mostly throughout the Ozark region and the central part of Missouri. Symbols can be found carved into cave walls and trees, prominent ones include the initials of members who buried them (J.J. for Jesse James, etc.), the letters "K.G.C", and crude Confederate flags (a box with an "X" in it, or a star in the middle). It is estimated that as much as $5,000,000 face value was hidden, much of it in gold coins and larger silver (dollars and halves), as well as yankee paper money. It was buried in jars, metal cans, and small wooden boxes with markings. The Saddle Ridge hoard, found in California, was probably K.G.C. treasure. Stashes of Confederate money were also hidden, likely with the hope that the South would rise again and it would be legal tender.

Thus far I have found one small hoard, containing an 1877S double eagle, an 1863 Confederate $5 bill, 2 Seated liberty quarters (one with a letter "F" counterstamped into it), a seated liberty half-dollar, 3 morgan dollars (the latest being dated 1880), a very worn 2 cent coin, and a few Indian head pennies. It was in a deteriorated metal can, near a rock with a crude Confederate flag scratched into it in Southwestern Missouri. (I had permission to search on the property, this is important for those of you who seek to find K.G.C. treasures.)

Good luck to all, and Deo Vindice.

Wow...just WOW. Thank you for sharing this info!

Very interesting! We are glad you are here and will have many questions for you I'm sure!

YEP! Does the FBI know about the various organizations you mentioned... WHITE Power, eh...?

As far as I know, the FBI does not even acknowledge the existence of the K.G.C., although we don't actively try to hide that we exist. We are very cautious and our recruitment methods make FBI infiltration unlikely, and would make it difficult for an infiltrator to bring down the organization as a whole. Most members of the K.G.C. aren't even told the names of their superiors (aside from their Captain) or much more information than what I provided in my previous post.

We are not a "White Power" or skinhead organization, and we distance ourselves from most of these types of groups, with the exception of about 3 or 4 "Traditionalist" Ku Klux Klan groups that are based on the first era KKK. However, a recent notice from the Imperial Commander says that we have to "get along" with all White Nationalist organizations, despite our very different goals. (We do not seek to form a "White Nation" and we staunchly oppose National Socialism/Fascism). We do only accept white members, and we acknowledge that White Genocide is happening and needs to be stopped. I am not here to discuss politics though, just to share some little known history and help in locating treasures.

Hello Treasurenet,

My family has been involved in the Knights of the Golden Circle since at least the 1850's, and very little records were kept of the history of our organization. I am here to provide knowledge that has been passed down through my family, that may be difficult to find on the internet.

The K.G.C. was founded in the 1830's by George Bickley and five others (who's names are lost to History) in southern Ohio, in support of South Carolina's secession movement. The original intent was for the Southern US (all areas below the Mason-Dixon line, including the southern parts of midwestern and western states) to form an independent country, conquer Mexico, central America, and the Carribean, and form a "cotton empire" surrounding Havana.

Throughout the 1840's and 50's, the K.G.C. got members elected to state-level government positions throughout the South and even in parts of the north, and pushed secession as a possibility. Most K.G.C. members were Democrats, although a small number were moderate Whigs. Contrary to popular belief, President Franklin Pierce (D-NH) was NOT a member, although President James Buchanan (D-PA) was.

In 1860, the K.G.C. formed an army and planned to invade Mexico, but the War for Southern Independence broke out and the members instead enlisted in the Confederate army. By that point, the main goal of the organization had evolved from establishing a "cotton empire" to merely gaining independence for the Southern states. President Jefferson Davis and many in government positions of the Confederate States were members, as were General Nathan Bedford Forrest and a handful of other Confederate officers. Alexander Stephens, a former Whig and friend of Abraham Lincoln, was likely only made Vice President of the Democrat-dominated Confederacy because of his membership in the K.G.C.

At the end of the war, the K.G.C. ordered the assassination of Lincoln, Johnson, and Seward. The goal was to decapitate the Yankee government, in order to create enough confusion and distraction in the north for the Confederacy to re-organize and continue the war. The plan backfired after only Lincoln was successfully assassinated, which allowed for the Radical Republican congress to take control in the North, pass the 14th and 15th amendments, and institute a strict reconstruction policy. Booth, Surratt, and the rest of the conspirators as well as those who aided in their attempted escape, were K.G.C. members (With the exception of Mary Surratt, as women were not granted membership at that time).

Following the war, General Nathan Bedford Forrest organized the first era Ku Klux Klan as a militant arm of the K.G.C. to drive carpetbaggers and Republicans out of the South, with a plan to overthrow the military governments put in place over most of the South, in order to make a second war a possibility. The Klan quickly turned to racial violence, as most Southern Republicans were newly-freed slaves, and was officially disbanded in 1869, although some branches continued to operate until it was outlawed in 1872. K.G.C. members refused to take the reconstruction oath and lived out their lives unable to vote.

During the reconstruction era and lasting well into the early 1900's, the K.G.C. robbed carpetbagger-owned businesses, railroad cars, and and banks in order to finance a second war for Southern Independence. The most notorious of these robbers were the James-Younger gang. This is the source of the K.G.C. treasures that can be found throughout the South and West. Most K.G.C. activity during this time occurred in Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee, the three ex-Confederate states that were not put under military rule. Kansas, Arkansas, West Virginia, Maryland, Nebraska, the Indian Territory, Texas, and California also saw a lot of robbings by the K.G.C., and Castles (branches) were organized throughout these states, as well as a few in the deep south. The K.G.C. had a lot of influence in the Missouri state government throughout the 1870's and 1880's, at least two governors during this time were members, as well as a number of state legislators. K.G.C. members were also elected to the state legislature of Arkansas.

Sometime in the early 1880's, the K.G.C. founded the Order of American Knights (O.A.K.) as a less secretive branch organization, secretly governed by the K.G.C.

In 1915, O.A.K. member William J. Simmons founded the Second era Ku Klux Klan. This is where the history gets murky, as very few records were kept. The K.G.C. was not disbanded in 1916, as many online sources state.
In 1922, the K.G.C. and O.A.K. merged with the KKK, and remained as KKK branches until the late 1960's. In 1968, the K.G.C. became an independent organization, although it remained affiliated with the KKK. When David Duke founded the fourth era (sometimes incorrectly referred to as the third era) Ku Klux Klan in 1975, the K.G.C. severed ties with the newly "Nazified" organization, and established itself as a Southern Nationalist group, similar to the modern League of the South. The names of important officials in the K.G.C. are kept secret. The organization is headed by an Imperal Commander, the leader for each state or region is called a Grand Commander, and the leader of each Castle (local branch) is called a Captain. There are branches in 49 of the 50 states, although most of them are in the South and lower Midwest.

In 1997, the K.G.C. renewed ties with certain KKK groups, and re-established itself as a "Pro-Southern, Pro-White" group. a sister organization in Europe called the Knights of Thule (K.O.T.) was founded to promote nationalism and "pro-white" causes, and has branches in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Poland, and Italy. Today, the K.G.C. works with the K.O.T, the KKK, and the LoS. One KKK group (which shall remain unnamed) is a branch of the K.G.C. and closely models the first-era (pre-racist) KKK. Other political activism organizations (which shall also remain unnamed) also have ties to the K.G.C. The ultimate goal of the K.G.C. is southern independence. We currently have state legislators (who shall remain unnamed) serving in Arkansas and Mississippi. The K.G.C. makes political endorsements for various offices, partakes in political activism, and runs candidates for state-level office throughout the South. Currently, we do not rob carpetbagger-owned businesses or partake in any illegal activity, but we do seek to uncover the treasures that were hidden during the reconstruction era.

From what our researchers have gathered, most of the treasures were hidden in caves or buried in wooden areas, mostly throughout the Ozark region and the central part of Missouri. Symbols can be found carved into cave walls and trees, prominent ones include the initials of members who buried them (J.J. for Jesse James, etc.), the letters "K.G.C", and crude Confederate flags (a box with an "X" in it, or a star in the middle). It is estimated that as much as $5,000,000 face value was hidden, much of it in gold coins and larger silver (dollars and halves), as well as yankee paper money. It was buried in jars, metal cans, and small wooden boxes with markings. The Saddle Ridge hoard, found in California, was probably K.G.C. treasure. Stashes of Confederate money were also hidden, likely with the hope that the South would rise again and it would be legal tender.

Thus far I have found one small hoard, containing an 1877S double eagle, an 1863 Confederate $5 bill, 2 Seated liberty quarters (one with a letter "F" counterstamped into it), a seated liberty half-dollar, 3 morgan dollars (the latest being dated 1880), a very worn 2 cent coin, and a few Indian head pennies. It was in a deteriorated metal can, near a rock with a crude Confederate flag scratched into it in Southwestern Missouri. (I had permission to search on the property, this is important for those of you who seek to find K.G.C. treasures.)

Good luck to all, and Deo Vindice.

Since about all of the information you have posted is common knowledge found on the Internet and KGC sites how do we know you are any different from any other poster. I see no new information and no new knowledge of the KGC. Surely there is something you can tell us that sets you off from all the rest? The $5,000,000 you posted is nothing compared to what the KGC put away-----surely you have more information or you are not sharing--------or your information is coming from the Internet.

Since about all of the information you have posted is common knowledge found on the Internet and KGC sites how do we know you are any different from any other poster. I see no new information and no new knowledge of the KGC. Surely there is something you can tell us that sets you off from all the rest? The $5,000,000 you posted is nothing compared to what the KGC put away-----surely you have more information or you are not sharing--------or your information is coming from the Internet.

There is much that I am not allowed to share and probably a lot that I don't know.

Every internet source that I have read claims that the K.G.C. was disbanded in either 1916 or 1922, the only mention of a post-1920's K.G.C. that I have found on the internet claimed that a new organization by the same name was founded by white supremacists in 2014, which is not true.

The $5,000,000 is a rough estimate of the face value of the coins put away, not including bullion and paper money. That's also just what was recorded, I would assume that much treasure was buried without record, and many of our records were destroyed.

Welcome aboard, I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to more :icon_thumleft:

There is much that I am not allowed to share and probably a lot that I don't know.

Every internet source that I have read claims that the K.G.C. was disbanded in either 1916 or 1922, the only mention of a post-1920's K.G.C. that I have found on the internet claimed that a new organization by the same name was founded by white supremacists in 2014, which is not true.

The $5,000,000 is a rough estimate of the face value of the coins put away, not including bullion and paper money. That's also just what was recorded, I would assume that much treasure was buried without record, and many of our records were destroyed.

What exactly is the role of the Knight's Templar in the KGC. I do know they still exist. The treasures that I have knowledge of are more numerous and worth a site more than you posted. Maybe they are Knight's Templar instead of KGC. They have several of the KGC call signs and one of them was used by Frank and Jesse James with their names and KGC written out and in symbol form. Several of those symbols are on these treasures.

Interesting read, thank you!

What exactly is the role of the Knight's Templar in the KGC. I do know they still exist. The treasures that I have knowledge of are more numerous and worth a site more than you posted. Maybe they are Knight's Templar instead of KGC. They have several of the KGC call signs and one of them was used by Frank and Jesse James with their names and KGC written out and in symbol form. Several of those symbols are on these treasures.

I do know that the Knights Templar, as well as the Sons of Liberty and the Freemasons, had ties to the K.G.C. in the beginning, but if there is still any connection (which I doubt), it is not something that I have any knowledge of. The main reason that I doubt any connection are that the Knights Templar are (or at least historically were) alligned with the Catholic church, whereas the K.G.C. is a strictly Protestant organization. However, both organizations are most likely still connected to Freemasonry, many K.G.C. members (such as John Wilkes Booth) are Masons, and I believe that many of the large Castles are organized through Masonic lodges. From what I've gatherd, the only way to become a Knights Templar is through the Freemasons. I find this confusing, because the Freemasons are definitely not Catholic (the Catholic church says that they are incompatible), yet the only way to get into the Catholic Knights Templar is through "incompatible" Freemasonry. This leads me to believe that maybe the KT are no longer Catholic, which would open the door to a potential K.G.C. connection. I have no idea what goes on higher up, I'm a Captain, meaning I'm in charge of a Castle covering roughly 1/4 of Missouri, so the workings of the Grand Commanders, Imperial Commander, and Imperial Council are almost as much of a mystery to me as they are to you. I do know that the inner circle of the Imperial Council is comprised of six men, three of which I know of: The Imperial Commander of the K.G.C., the Imperial Wizard of a particular KKK organization, and the leader of a certain Conservative Political organization. The other three are unknown to me, as is much of the outer circle. I think it is a definite possibility that two of those other three men include a representative of the Freemasons and a representative from the Knights Templar.

As for the large treasures, I know of one that was definitely K.G.C. and most likely was a contributing factor in both Kennedy's assassination and the separation of the K.G.C. from the KKK in 1968.

I don't remember all the details off the top of my head, but the K.G.C. hid several million dollars worth of gold bars in a cave in New Mexico. The land that it was hidden on was annexed as part of a military base after the hoard was discovered by a treasure hunter. In 1963, Kennedy and Vice President Johnson went to visit it, and a short time later, Kennedy was assassinated (Johnson likely had a part in this, and the treasure was a large part of his motive). During Johnson's Presidency, he installed a landing strip on his ranch in Texas, and people who lived nearby reported that there were constantly cargo planes coming in from and heading to the west. When the treasure hunter was again allowed to visit the cave in the late 1960's, the gold was gone. Most likely, Lyndon Johnson stole the K.G.C.'s gold.

As the story goes, the K.G.C. separated from the KKK in 1968 largely because they wanted to steal back the treasure and possibly assassinate Lyndon Johnson, but the KKK had been infiltrated by the FBI and it wouldn't be safe to plot something like that with informants everywhere.

HA! FBI & HS are reading this, as we "speak"...

The K.G.C. currently participates in no illegal activities, if the gov't is reading this, we'll just get thrown onto the same "potential domestic terror group" list with the KKK and the Tea Party.

Great post. Thanks for sharing.

What exactly is the role of the Knight's Templar in the KGC. I do know they still exist. The treasures that I have knowledge of are more numerous and worth a site more than you posted. Maybe they are Knight's Templar instead of KGC. They have several of the KGC call signs and one of them was used by Frank and Jesse James with their names and KGC written out and in symbol form. Several of those symbols are on these treasures.

Franklin, would you be kind enough to post a couple of the symbols that you speak of?, That is, if it does not place you in danger.
Many thanks,
elh:coffee2::coffee2: Time for me to have another cup.:icon_thumright:

I do know that the Knights Templar, as well as the Sons of Liberty and the Freemasons, had ties to the K.G.C. in the beginning, but if there is still any connection (which I doubt), it is not something that I have any knowledge of. The main reason that I doubt any connection are that the Knights Templar are (or at least historically were) alligned with the Catholic church, whereas the K.G.C. is a strictly Protestant organization. However, both organizations are most likely still connected to Freemasonry, many K.G.C. members (such as John Wilkes Booth) are Masons, and I believe that many of the large Castles are organized through Masonic lodges. From what I've gatherd, the only way to become a Knights Templar is through the Freemasons. I find this confusing, because the Freemasons are definitely not Catholic (the Catholic church says that they are incompatible), yet the only way to get into the Catholic Knights Templar is through "incompatible" Freemasonry. This leads me to believe that maybe the KT are no longer Catholic, which would open the door to a potential K.G.C. connection. I have no idea what goes on higher up, I'm a Captain, meaning I'm in charge of a Castle covering roughly 1/4 of Missouri, so the workings of the Grand Commanders, Imperial Commander, and Imperial Council are almost as much of a mystery to me as they are to you. I do know that the inner circle of the Imperial Council is comprised of six men, three of which I know of: The Imperial Commander of the K.G.C., the Imperial Wizard of a particular KKK organization, and the leader of a certain Conservative Political organization. The other three are unknown to me, as is much of the outer circle. I think it is a definite possibility that two of those other three men include a representative of the Freemasons and a representative from the Knights Templar.

As for the large treasures, I know of one that was definitely K.G.C. and most likely was a contributing factor in both Kennedy's assassination and the separation of the K.G.C. from the KKK in 1968.

I don't remember all the details off the top of my head, but the K.G.C. hid several million dollars worth of gold bars in a cave in New Mexico. The land that it was hidden on was annexed as part of a military base after the hoard was discovered by a treasure hunter. In 1963, Kennedy and Vice President Johnson went to visit it, and a short time later, Kennedy was assassinated (Johnson likely had a part in this, and the treasure was a large part of his motive). During Johnson's Presidency, he installed a landing strip on his ranch in Texas, and people who lived nearby reported that there were constantly cargo planes coming in from and heading to the west. When the treasure hunter was again allowed to visit the cave in the late 1960's, the gold was gone. Most likely, Lyndon Johnson stole the K.G.C.'s gold.

As the story goes, the K.G.C. separated from the KKK in 1968 largely because they wanted to steal back the treasure and possibly assassinate Lyndon Johnson, but the KKK had been infiltrated by the FBI and it wouldn't be safe to plot something like that with informants everywhere.

I know for a fact the Knight's Templar are not Catholic. The Vatican Church owed so much to the Knight's Templar that the Pope tried to have them all killed off, they went north to France, then to England, later Greenland and then to what we know now as America with aid from the Vikings. Over 150 years before Christoper Columbus. Columbus also used Templar maps to get him to this continent.

The treasure you are talking about is Victorio Peaks and yes Presdient Johnson got over $18 Billion in gold bars from there and had them flown to his ranch in Texas. If nominated I will not run if elected I will not serve.

I know for a fact the Knight's Templar are not Catholic. The Vatican Church owed so much to the Knight's Templar that the Pope tried to have them all killed off, they went north to France, then to England, later Greenland and then to what we know now as America with aid from the Vikings. Over 150 years before Christoper Columbus. Columbus also used Templar maps to get him to this continent.

The treasure you are talking about is Victorio Peaks and yes Presdient Johnson got over $18 Billion in gold bars from there and had them flown to his ranch in Texas. If nominated I will not run if elected I will not serve.

$18,000,000,000 / 35$/oz / 14.58 oz/lb / 2,000 lb/ton = more than 17,000 tons of gold. At, say, 20 tons payload in a C-130, that's more than 800 flights to the ranch. I don't think so.

$18,000,000,000 / 35$/oz / 14.58 oz/lb / 2,000 lb/ton = more than 17,000 tons of gold. At, say, 20 tons payload in a C-130, that's more than 800 flights to the ranch. I don't think so.

Have you not read about the army truck convoys that carried Patton's Treasure out of East Germany. How many trucks and how much they could carry. No body said all of it was carried out by C-130;s. If you read other post on this forum by knowledgeable people that were in the know that were on President Johnson's Honor Guard. You should read before posting and yes 800 flights is a little out of order. There is a list on this forum of how many bars and their value. There was a bunch of extra weight also since the gold bars contained only 60 percent gold. The $18 Billion figure was at todays price of $1200. an ounce. So you could deduct about 280 of those trips. But still there were convoys also. Plus it was taken out over a span of time not all at once. This was when they kept the Doc Noss family away from the Victorio Peaks.

Have you not read about the army truck convoys that carried Patton's Treasure out of East Germany. How many trucks and how much they could carry. No body said all of it was carried out by C-130;s. If you read other post on this forum by knowledgeable people that were in the know that were on President Johnson's Honor Guard. You should read before posting and yes 800 flights is a little out of order. There is a list on this forum of how many bars and their value. There was a bunch of extra weight also since the gold bars contained only 60 percent gold. The $18 Billion figure was at todays price of $1200. an ounce. So you could deduct about 280 of those trips. But still there were convoys also. Plus it was taken out over a span of time not all at once. This was when they kept the Doc Noss family away from the Victorio Peaks.

Thanks for clarifying the amount back to 1960s values. At least now we're within the realm of possible, if not radical possibilities when we reduce the amount of gold by 97%.

Interesting you should mention the post war German gold theft by the US. It's my contention that the US, after the notorious scammer Noss's death, used his VP ruse as "insurance" to cover movement of the war gold. If ever called to the carpet about gold bullion "found at Victorio Peak", the government could claim that they seized the "Spanish treasure trove" that just happened to be "discovered" on the military reservation. That made Noss and his misled family useful tools years after Doc was killed for trying to scam one too many investors. I've argued my Noss theories at length in the VP threads.

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