CSA Pres Jefferson Davis and his cabinet with the remaining Confederate treasury(boxes,barrels,and crates of gold and silver coin,bullion,and jewerlry donated to the CAUSE by southern women) arrived by train in Danville,Va,April 3,1865.CSA cabinet members included-Masons Sec of State Judah P Benjamin,Sec of War John C Breckinridge,Sec of the Navy Stephen Russell Mallory,Post Master General John Henninger Reagan,and Davis's nephew,John Taylor Wood

avis's personal private secretary,Burton Norvell Harrison,was a member of SKULL & BONES.Most had ties to the KGC.While in Danville,Benjamin gave CSA Major E S Hutter his personal copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS,which was used as a Confederate code book.
April 10,Davis and company took a train to Charlotte,NC,and on the 12th,to Chester,SC.Everything was loaded onto a wagon,and transported to Abbeville,SC,and stayed at WHITEHALL, the Marshall family plantation.It was here that the plan to escape through Florida was made.
One wagon loaded with part of the CSA treasury was sent to the Plantation of Dionysius Chennault in Washington ,Ga,May 3.It was raided by unknown attackers,and it is claimed $250,000 was taken in that raid.
Davis's baggage and portion of the treasury departed in a sturdily built ambulance and 2 heavy wagons to Yulee's Florida plantation,COTTONWOOD,in Archer,Florida.Jefferson Davis's in laws,CSA Capt Watson Van Benthuysen,W S Van Benthuysen,J D Van Benthuysen were guards,along with M H Clark,Fred Emory,W E Dickerson,and J W Scott-they reached Cottonwood on May 22,but Davis,along with John Taylor Wood,and Strphen MALLORY were captured,May 10,at Irwinville,Ga.
Wood,was able to bribe a Union guard with $40 in gold coin,and went on to meet Benjamin and Breckinridge at an agreed location in Florida.
"The thirteen millions of treasure with which Jeff Davis was to corrupt our armies and buy his escape,dwindled down to the contents of a hand valise"-US Gen William T Sherman
But Sherman was not aware that part of the remaining CSA treasury was still in transit to Florida.